Show TELEGRAPHIC Not Cheerful New York 4Tbe Eotning PtJt Judge Folgers letter of acceptance is no cheerful or inspiring document It could not well ba under existing circumstances The man who feels himself obliged to make Ba elaborate apology to the people for being a candidate and who virtually asked them for a suspension of judgmental judgment-al to the conscientiousness of his conduct accepting the nomination cannot be expected to be quite free from a certain depression of spirits when speaking to the public The Simesad Tribune as well as the Post continue opposed to the candidacy of Folger and predict his overwhelming defeat His letter ofacceptance while it is thought in bad taste in many quarters and sure to lose him votes is often praised as patriotic and statesmanlike Special dupatche s from varicus quarters of the state show new and important defections among republican voters and I politicians Commercial Advertiser Nothing can be here said that would add to the strength of Mr Folgers statement His frankness to the republican party speaks for itself The duty of republicans is plainelect their ticket and elect it for the reasons that have been so forcibly stated in the letter of acceptance There can be no turning back or aside The field is before the republicans and they will be untrue to themselves and their great party if they do not win it Evening Telegram Folger is probably prob-ably wrong in his estimate of the damage dam-age which the party would have incurred by the rightful declination of this nom ination He is evidently wrong in imagining im-agining that his party can be benefitted by i his assenting to the confirmation of an acknowledged wrong Mail and Express liAs might have been expected of so brave a man ho faces without fear and handles without gloves the convention frauds Brooklyn Union Argus The letter in which Folger accepts the republican nomination for governor is a manly honest and plain spoken declaration of his position in relation to the republican party to the convention by which ho vas nominated and to the principle em bodied in the platform of the convention Republicans and all who desire economical econo-mical honest and vigorous administration tion find in Judge JFolgers letter many easons to make them satisfied with his nomination and promote his election Brooklyn limes Judge Folger has accepted The column or more which he devotes an apology for not declining is a sorry and discouraging prelude to his statement of principles The ac companying letter of declination from Mr Hepburn puts an additional plaintive train into this sad dirge ovpr stalwart methods and mismanagement and the trial policy of the administration that will live in history as having marked a rule and ruin era on the records of the repub ican party |