Show Grccnlmclicrs St Louis 4The national union greenback labor convention met at neon Hugo Pryor of Ohio called it to order Twenty states are represented repre-sented by 250 delegates Lafayette Chesley of New Hampshire is chairman chair-man Recess Upon reassembling the committee on credentials not being ready speeches were made Hugo Pryor stated that this wing of the party has nearly 10000 clubs in working order and 2000000 greenback voters in the country The committee on creden tials reported 212 delegates present Brick Pomeroy addressed the conven tion and produced a sensation by bringing out a finely executed oil painting of the American flag with a greenback printed across it and pierced by a bayonet He narrated the history of the greenback party and after alluding to the progress and growth of greenbackerp tendered his resignation as secretary cf the Duly Thanks were voted to Denis Kearney Pomeroy and Pryor and ta Representative Repre-sentative Weaver and other greenback Congressmen Ralph E Host was elected president Geo W Brewster Iowa secretary Hoyt made a bitter speech against other political parties attacked President Hayes An abor tive effort was made to adjourn and unite with the Chicago greenback labor convention on June 9th T |