Show IniPLEMENTS j F1R l nNG 1 AND MACHINERY AT r CLAWSON l I I e I EIYT V E R Y SSORl1MENT 4 COMPLETE EW ST LE L FARM WAGONS C expressly for jlade Jmnyon Roads 1Jtah By a Siit class Manufacturer WAGONS ck BUGGIES SPRIBG Strong and Substantial Light Running 1 Walter A Vnu i MOWERS THE PEERLESS h OWING and REAPING COMBINED MAOHINES the all have Macldnes These ImrJrovement8 combining Latest Strength and Light Draft d jui ability AGENT JOB Ooates Lock Lever Sulky Hay and Grain BAKE Rake for Simplicity and Ease of This Management stands unrivalled A Child can work it and look at this Rake before Be sure purchasing Ertels Portable Economy HAY PRESSES 1 Can Bale Hay in the Field or at tho Stack Uh equal facility MORRSUN PLOWS J FULL 1UtE ON Sulky Plow Waking Plows Double Shovel Plows Single Shovel Plows Scotch Harrows Five and Seven Tooth Cultivators Full Line of the Celebrated PliANT JRI GOODEe Consisting of Shed Drills Horse Hoes Firefly Hoes Wheel Hoes LAWN MOWERS A full Line of the Very Best Wire Lawn Rakes Daisy Rakes RAILROAD SUPPLIES S WESTERN WHEEL SCRAPERS Moves Eleven Cnbic Feet Earth at One Load Cable Chain Steel Bottom Scrapers The Stuser Patent Steel Scraper Portable Blacksmith Forges Railroad Wheelbarrows Howes Portable Army Scales Just what is needed in Railroading AZ R9 Blastill POW Br anQ Toy FU u B THE DODGE NO 20 IRON EEM RAILROAD PLOW Sf A full Line Points Land SAles and Mould Boards in Stock This Plow for Railroad purposes pur-poses is unrivalled It has stood the test for years AGENT FOR BLYMERS GOODS Have in Stock a Splendid Cane Lice of Victor MounTfl51S Cooks Evaporators Mounted Church BellE School > house Bells Farm Bells Fire Alarm Bells I I Agent for Fiourin ant saw Mil Machinery l St amiiEn nes LEFFEL I TURBINE WHEELS Several Sizes in tock H 1 B 1 ULAV80N i l 1 Agent for HOWES BABCQCK CO Eureka Smut Machines Eureka Brush Machines Eureka Flour Packers Agent for HOWES Improved SCALES e In Stock Hay Scales Platform scales assorted sizes Portable Army Scales assorted sizes Improved Counter Scales Express Scales Butchers Scales Sest Scales in the Maset SPECDAL TIES WAGON SPRINGS For farm purposes WAGON TIMBER full Line Cauldron Kettes Farmers Boilers BARB FENCE WIRE Steel Wire POTATO Shovels AMERICUS CIDER MILLS WINE PRESSES Etc Etc G JT Have a Full Line of Illustrated Calalogues and can get anything wanted H B CLAWSON o my24 my24DUNNE DANIEL DUNNE Brass Iron FouAder1 CASTINGS Of all kinds for Mining Milling Smelting Smelt-ing Etc STOVE GRATES AND GENERAL REPAIRS On short notice Cast aM transit Iron Fancin > > BLACJSSMITHING Of all kinds FACTORY One Block West of White Hoooo anions Block South Townosnd House SALT LAKE OITY P OBo d71 MORRIS MS BUILDERS andCONTRACTORS Manufacturers of FIRE BRIOK FIRE CLAY and PLASTER PARIS Of the Best Quality also ARTIFICIAL i STONE For Building Purposes Equal to Any Kind of Building atone for Hardness and Durability Dura-bility besides Tvhick Is Much Cheaper SEWER AND WATER PIPES SIDEWALKS SIDE-WALKS CELLAR FLOORS ETC Special attention is invited to our system of SUB IRRIGATION FOR ORCHARDS AND SMALL FRUITS Saving fully threefourths the water and labor ordinarily used A Specialty made of FURNACE BUILDING jet DAVID JAMES MOBNSBD PLn IBERJ TINNE Steam and Gaa Fitter i WATER PIPES LAID ON SHORT NOTICE A large amount of Plumbers Goods kept in Stock including Iron and Lead Pipe Hose Iron and Brass Fittings Marble Ware and Sheet Lead Sole Agent for Utah Territory for the Popular Fire on the Hearth Parlor School Room and Lecture Hall Stoves also Fire on the Hearth Grate Heaters and Mantles These justly celebrated Stoves are patronized and highly recommended by the Faculty of the Deseret University for Public School Rooms and by the Medical Fraternity generally as the best Heating and Ventilating Stove ever invented in-vented For Partienlars and Prices enqaire at Office and Workshops West Temple Street Opposite City Market P 0 Box 306 FOR SAlE One Thirty five Horse Power Boiler And OneJiffr 1 Horse Power Boiler Very Cheap at HAYNES SONS One block east of Depot on South Temple Street I Boilers New and Workmanship Guaranteed I v27 C TUTTJS tV PILLS E < 1 < INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE SYMPTOMS OF A i TORPiD LiVER Loss of appetiteN auses bowels costive Pain in theHeadwith a dull sensation in the back part Pain under the shoulder blade lullneaa after eating with a disinclination disin-clination to exertion of body or mind Irritability of temper Low spirits LOBS of memory with a feeling of having neglected neg-lected some duty weariness Dizziness Muttering of the Heart Dots before thee the-e es Yellow Skin Headache Restlessness Restless-ness at night highly colored Urine IF THESE WASHINGS ARE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTTS PILLS are especially adapted to such casesono dose effects such change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer They Increase the Appetite and cause the body to Toke on Flesh thus the system is nonrlabedand bythelrTonlcAcllonon the Digestive Organs KesrulwStoola are produced pro-duced Price 25 cents 35 31 urray St NY lulls HAIR DYE GRAY HAIR WHISKERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by a ingle application of this DYK It imparts a natural color acts Instantaneously Sold Druggists or sent by express on receipt of 51 Office 35 Murray St New York Of Dr TUTTS SUMTI of Valuable Information and VlCtefal Receipt will be mailed FREE on applitaUoo PERUVIAN BITTERS CINCHONA SUSRA The COUNT GINCHON was the SPANISH VICEROY in 1630 The COUNTESS his wife was proetratod by an intermiltent fever from which she was freed by the use of the native remedy the PERUVIAN BARK or as ife was called in the language of the country Quinquina Grateful for ber recovery on her return to Europe in 1632 she introduced the remedy in Spain here it was known under various names until Linn u9 called it CINCHONA in honor of the lady who had brought them that WHICH WAS MORE PRECIOUS THAN THE GOLD OF THE INCAS To this day niter a lapse of two hundred and fifty yeare poience baa given UP nothing to tike itl place It effectually cures A MORBID MOR-BID APPETITE FOR STIMULANTS by restoring the natural tone of the stomach It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever and destroys both alike The powerful tonic virtue of the CINCHONA w preserved in the PERUVIAN BITTERS which are effective against malarial fever today as they were in the days of the old Spanish Viceroys We guarantee the ingredients of these Bitters to be ABSOLUTELY PURE and of the best known quality A trial will satisfy you that this is the BEST BITTER IN THE WORLD The goof of the podding is in the eating and we willingly abide the test FOR SALE BY Wll 1ERDlr CO a 214216 Front Street SAN FRANCISCO And by all Druggists and Wine Merchants SALTLIKE CITY BDEEII1 MANUFACTURERS OP Lager BeeF d Our e en61ve premises are now complete com-plete for the manufacture of Lager Beer With the best facilities for making storing our stock we are prepared tc supply BOTTLED OR KEG BEER That cannot be excelled if equaled SATISFACTION GUABAJTEEED KEYSEB i 8 MQRIT7 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE NOTICE all persons having claim against the estate of John Coulam deceased de-ceased are required to present the same vouchers within tel with the necessary months from the 19th day of June 1881 to the undersigned administratrix of salt deceased at her residence on South Tern pie between Seventh and Eighth Eas Streets ANN COULAM Administratrix of the estate of Job Coulam deceased je9 E N FRESHMAN BBC Advertising Agents 136 W Fourth St GINCIKNA1 Are ct1otb d to receive advertisements f this paper stimote fur vexed fee upon applie silo Bsnd tan DS fors actisere Lanz I 1 L CC n 41i7L l = smamdiHinr tmrn natasti i r 1 1 7 PI AUERBACH DRO t Oar New Three Story Building 5 feet in depth 7 is crammed full of New Goods from 1 Top Floor to Basement 0 WHOLESALE AND REf AIL BUYER r t i Of Goode represented in our various Departments can do better to2 f buy of us than to send East 4 OUR SILK AND FOREIGN DRESS GOODS OEPARTMENT Replete with Novelty i of good value mostlyjour own EurcptBD importation tt WHITE GOODS TABLE LltyEN AND DOMESTIC DEPMNT Contains New and Serviceable Gocde at popular prices H CARPET ANDrHOUSE FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Just opened with Beet Makes and Newest Styles Prices Low 1 HOSIERY LACE AND BUCHING DEPARTMENT Ia constantly replenished with European Novelties F fi r CORSETS AND LADIES MUSLIN AND GAUZE UNDEIg I WEAR DEPARTMENT Offers many Bargains in desirable goods i itDRESS TRIMMING AND DRESS BUTTON DEPARTMENT t I la filled with 5fel and Jet Fringes Ptsoampnteries Tassels Etc U CLOAK DOLMAN AND SUIT DEPAPTMEMT Is unsurpsssed for FIt S yip ani Workmnnahip of Garments I L LADIES AND GENTS BOO T AND SHOE DEPARTMENT d Is filled with Burts and otber leading makers goods 1 H GENTS AND BOYS AND CHILDRENS CLOTHIN6 DEPARTMENT a Stocked with Garments of Latent Styles and Beat Quality l tt GENTS AND BOYS HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT Stetsons celebrated Hats Imported Gents Maul U 1 and ilackiniw Hats a Specialty GENTS AND BOYS 1 FURBISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Finest Monarch White Shirta New Britain Underwear Etc a MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE ONLY No Trouble to Show Goods Mail Orders Promptly Filled and Honorable Treatment Guaranteed We are Never Undersold EST A BLISHEJD 1SG4 4 tri tr-i G i fr r z i l I COLUMBUSJ SCRAPER This Scraper is made of solid plate of Steel pressed into proper shape IT IS THE BEST SORAPER MADE Railroad Contractors and Graders can lear prices by applying to ti r JOHN W LO WELL AGENr I SALT LAKE OGDEN AND DILLON i SEARS LIDDLE s Wholesale and Retail Dealers inGRAIN in-GRAIN FLOUR FEED CRASS GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS t l GROCERIES s ETC s 24 26 FIRST SOUTH STREET lS ii |