Show j 1 LJ TEL G1RAPHIJC 1 S NEW YORK Bull Run Kusscll llotb r Tiebborne Claimant Turned VI Duke Sutherland Han Had JBooueb ot Biff Stories and Revolvers General News New York 220n Thursday a World correspondent interviewed Bull Run Russell who said I want first of all to contradict a story which hue been telegraphed far and wide that we found r man in California who was the original Sir Roger Tach born 8 Ihe fact ia that Gen Barnes went down with us by rail for a visit to tbe horse farm of General Stanford and during the trip the genera J told me that he had met a man Who had made frt long statement in which ho claimed tha > be was the real Tichborne heir Extracts from the statement which was a very remarkable one were read but they were not at all conclusive conclu-sive The man had remained quiet all through the excitement of the trial in Englhnd simply as be said because he hadtaken a vow that he would remain silent lor f thirty years That looks ab sure if it wa his intention to be revenged re-venged on anybody the very poorest way was to pretend to be dead It lakes a live person to do the worrying and the livelier the better it strikes me Then the French used by this California Tich borne is not such bS Sit JRoger would have uced The investigation I made convinced me that the man was an impostor im-postor or thftthia wounds received as a Eoldier in your army during the last war had effected his mind and he was not responsible for what he did or said It struck me as very sirange that while the trial was in progress and perjury was being committed right and left he did not utter a sound I did not see the man but a pho tograph of him did not meet the idea I had made of the real sir Roger It is tot true that I sent any papers to England but Gen Barnes I sad he would give me a copy of the statement state-ment made by the man for me to read on my way over Whether 1 shall ever print a line of it I dont know It is more than likely I shall not I heard of the telegraphic story yesterday when in Pittsburg and I sent a letter to the Pittskurg Dispatch telling them that Buli Run Kuscell as they styled me had not filled the part the telegraphic story gave him The Duke of Sutherland who was present said We had abundant opportunity oppor-tunity of teeing much of your mining country taking in Denver and Lead ville and such places on our way Immigration Im-migration eeems to be very large but there is an abundance of room yet Almost Al-most everywhere we went we met Eng lishmen and Scotchmen and they seem to be doing well On the western border wo saw many Chinese and though the feeling is very strong in some quarters against them thoy seem to be a very ne ceesary element in that conglKraerate population I dont see how it would be possible to get along without them We shall not do much more railroad sight seeirtfi but will take a look at the water ing places I should like very much to come back to America and go up into Oregon and see the country there I heard so much of it that my curiosity was very much excited Now you ask me what struck me as most novel in my American experience well thn inter viewer He was everywhere improving as we came nearer to New York In one case out west the interviewer con fessed that be regarded interest first and truth afterwards but he wa an excep tion It is not so here and I cannot say that I complain of being Interviewed It is not one of the American novelties however that I would like to see intro duced into England You may keep that at home with your revolvers and your big stories We heard enough of both of thef latter on our travels New York 22 Coopers Union was crowded last night with working men sympathizing with the strike of brewery men Sixty trades unions were repre tented Victor Drury chairman stated the employing brewers made a pool amounting to 80000 or 9J000 to influence influ-ence malt dealers in tbe west to Boycott brewers who send beer to New York The resolutions adopted by the meeting declare that inasmuch as the boss brewers have proved legardles to all considerations and inapproachable by every argument that Boycotting is the duty of every honorable hon-orable citizen as the ony means left to force them to respect the rights of work nOm n tt W H Vanderbilt yesterday drove his road team Small Hopes and Lvsan der to a top wagon a mile at the Gen tiemens Driving Park Fleetwood in 224 of which the first hair mile was trotted in 110 Mr Vanderbilt con fidently expects to beat his record or 2 23 which he made some few years ago with Lady Mac and Small j w uuv UU1BJ1 Hop ° fc J with the above team within the next month as thev are improving daily Tribunes Washington The conditon I of the republican party In North Carolina is i scarcely less complicated than that of the party in Virginia The temperance movement engineered in the legislature of the state by democrats at the instance of exSenator Merrimsn has already bad the effect to split the republican state committees into two factions and is likely to divide the party in the state unless the Administration tt shall interfere to prevent the extraordinary position of some of its officials as republican committeemen appear organizing a whisky party |