Show TELEGRAPHIC ttARFIELDS GRIST It is Gronnd Before the Assembled MulutQdB and Served Oat to the Million The Inaugural Address ad What it Contains Timely Topics Touched Upon by the New President The JVlRScra to be Protected and EducatedGold and Nil vcr the Countrys Currency Tile Monroe Doctrine Affirmed A Reference to the Mormons Home Civil Service SnccestlOBB Economy in the Administration I Administra-tion or Government Etc Etc Etc Washington 5Following U Ibo text of the inaugural address fellowCitizens We stand today upon the eminence which overlooks a hundred years of national na-tional life a century crowded with perils but crowded with triumphs of liberty lib-erty and love Before continuing the onward march let us pause on this height for a moment to strengthen our faith and renew our hope by a glance at the pathway aloug which our people hare traveled It Is now three days more than a hundred years since tne adoption of the first written Const tution of the United States the articles of confederation con-federation and popujar union The new republic had not conquered a place in the family of nations ihe decisive oal lot of war for independence whose centennial cen-tennial anniversary will be gratefully celebrated at Yorktown baa not been might The coiouuU were struggling not only against the armies of Ureat Britain but against too seated opinions of mankind for the world aid not believe be-lieve toe supreme authority of government govern-ment could ba safely entrusted to the guardianship of the people themelves V e cannot overestimate no fervent love of Jioerty the intelligent courage and the Looiinoa sense vrita which our lathers made the grest experiment of selfgov ernment When they frond in a short time that the confederacy of states ws too weak to meet the necessities of the vigorous and expanding republic they boldly set it aside and in its stead tttablfebed a national union founded directly upon the will or the people endowed en-dowed with future power of self preservation pre-servation and with ample authority for the accomplishment of its great object Under this Constitution tnob unilariyj of freedom have been enlarged the fun datmn of ord r and pea e b en strength oed and the growth in all the better elements of mtiunal life have vindicated the wisdom of its founders and given new hope to ueir descendant Under this Constitution our people long ago made tuemselv safe against danger lioin without and secured for the manners and fleg equality of rights on all seas Under this Cunstitu ion tw ntylUe states have been added to the Union with constitutions titutions and laws l framed and enforced en-forced by their own citizens to secjro the manifold blessings of local and telfgwvernnieut The jurisdiction juris-diction of this Constitution now covers an area fifty times greater than that ot the original states and a population twenty times greater than that ut 1C30 The supreme tiialot the Constitution came at last under the tremendous pressure pres-sure of the civil war Wu ourcelves era witnessess that the Union emerged from the blood and fire of that confl ct purified and made stronger and now at the close of this tne first ceitury of its gr wth with the inspirations of its history in their hearts our people have lately reviewed the couditien cf the nation passed judgment judg-ment upon the conduct and opinions of the political patties and have registered their will concerning tbe future administration adminis-tration of the government To interpret inter-pret and execute the will in accordance with the Constitution is the paramount duty of the executive Even from this brief review it is manifest that the nation is resolutely facing to the front resolved to employ its best energies in the davel opmentoi the great possibilities of the future sacredly preserving whatever has been gained to liberty and good government govern-ment during its existence Our people are delighted to leave behind them all those bitter controversies over things which have been ir evocibly settled end the further discussion of which can only stir up strife and delay the coward march The supremacy of the ation and its laws should be no longer tbe tub jectof debate Teat discussion which for haIfa century threatened exietenceof the Union and was closed at list in the high court of war by a decision from which there is no appeal The Constitution Constitu-tion and hews made thereunder shall continue con-tinue to be th supreme law of the land binding like upon state and the people Ibis decree dues not disturb the autonomy of the states nor interfere with any of their necessary rules of local self government govern-ment but it does fix and establish the permanent supremacy of tbe Union lha will of the nation speaking with the voice of battle and through the amended Constitution has fructified the great pro gres of 1476 by proclaiming liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants inhab-itants th rcof Iho elotalion of the negro race from slavery to the full rights if citizenship is the mot important political change ne have known inee the ndiption of tne Constitution in 1787 No thoughtful man can fail to appreciate its beneficent cheat upon institutions and people It has freed us from the perpetual per-petual dancer of war and desolation It has added immensely to the moral and industrial forces of our people It has liberated tbe master as well as the slave from a relation which signally wronged and enleeblei the body It bus turrenleied to their own guidance ship the manhood of mre than 600 tOO people and bas opened to each one of them a field of car a and usefulness It has given new itispirati to the power of self help in both races by making labor more honorably done and more necessary to chctner The influence this force will grow greater and betr rijher fiuiis with coming years Ho doubt the great change has caued serious turbnce to our cuuthern c tnmunity Th s is to Da deplored though it wai unfortunate that those who resisted tbe change thould remember re-member that und r < mrinititutions there was no midnight fight for the negro race between slavery and equal citzenship There can be no permanent disfrancbisc ment in the United States freedom can never yield lUfullnes of blessings as lung as the law or it adrn ni = trni in places the smallest obftnee in i the pth wy of any vioation f the nghts of citizens Tbe emancip td race has 1 ready made remarkable prog ess With unquestioning devut oa tu the United States with a Pit nee and gentleness not born of fear th y hare followed the times as jGoJ gae them to see the light They are rapidly making material foundations foi rff supparfj widening the circle of inteHhence and i > gmning to enjoy the tie si > that gather around the industrious Tcey deserve the generous encouraged ni of all good men and so far as my authority can extend < they shall ecjoy the full and equal protection pro-tection of tbe Constitution aid laws The m Utr of tae enjoyment cf equal Tight is sill in question A frank statement of the irEue may aid in its i solution It u all Jed that in many communities negro citz n hip is practical I practi-cal y denied and the Irvedom of tbe ballot bal-lot in so far a the t uth of thin allege liun is cone moo is admitted It j > said that in many places honest government is impossible thmass of tbeneero s ef i tho United States are allowed vote Toesearo gravejillegation So far as 4 J L d the latter is true the only palliation that ceo be offered for opposing freedom of the ballot is local bad government This is a geat evil and ought to be prevented pre-vented but to violate the freedom < and sanctity of suffrage is more than an ev 1 it is crime which if resUted in will destroy government Suicide is not a remedy If in other lands it be high treason to compass the death of the King it should bo counted no less a crime hereto here-to strangle our sovereign power and still its voice It has ben said that unsettle questions have no pity for the repose of the nation It should be said with the utraot emphasis that this question of suffrage will never give repose or safety to the states or the nation until each within its own jurisdiction makes and keeps the ballot free and pure by the strong sineions of law But the danger which arises iron ignorance i in the vote cannot be denied It covers a fild far wider than that 01 negro suffrage and the present conditi at that race It is a danger that lurk and hides in the corners and fountains of power in every state We have no standard by whi h to measure tbe disaster that might be brought up m us by ignorKDce if ci iz ns when j used t < rruption and fraud in the tuff ge The generation wno muke and unmake conslltuiol I end upon whose will hang the destiny of our government can transmit their supreme RUhority to no successor savo the com IIa generation of voter who am to save the sovereign sover-eign power If that generation comes to its inheritance blinded by ignorance ignor-ance and corrupted by vice the tall of tho republic will be car sin The census baa aireaJy sounded the alarm in the appallingfigure whlqh i mark bow dangerously dan-gerously high the tide ofilILerey arisen among our voters and their children child-ren To tbo south the question is of supreme importance But the respond ulity for the existence of slavery did note not-e t upon the south abs e The nation itself Is responsible for this extension of ht auilraee and is under special obiiga lons to aid in removing the illiteracy which it has added to the rating populn iou For the north and south alike there is but one remedy all tee constitutional consti-tutional power of the nation of states anaall the volunteer forces of the people bould ba summoned to meet this danger hy the saving influence of uni yerl education cation I is the high privilege and Herod duty of those now to educat heir successors and fit them by intel 5 gtnce and virtue lor Iho inheritance which awaits them In tbis beneficial work sections and races should he f rotten r-otten and partisanship should be unknown un-known Let our people find a new mean i g in tho divine oracle which declares that a little child hal lead them for our little children will soon control the dstinies or the republic My countrymen we do not now differ in ourjudgment concerning the contro orsies of the Pst generation and fifty years hence our children will not ba divided in their opinions concerning our controversies They will surely bless their fathers and their fathers 0 tbat the Union was preserved that avery was overthrown and that both races were mido equal before the law Wb may hasten or may retard but we cannot prevent the reconciliation Is it not possible for ui now to make it truce with time by anticipating and accepting its inevitable verdict Enterpries of the highest imuortance to our morals and material wellbeing invite us au 1 oiler < ample scope for thu employment of cur bst powers Let all our p ople leaving their battlefield of dead issue move forward for-ward and in tbe strength of liberty and restored union win the grander victories of pace The prosperity which now po veils is without I parallel in our history his-tory Fruitful seasons have d no much to secure it but they h ye not done all The preservation if public credit and the resumption of specie pi > ments so suc cesfuiiy attained by the Administration of 1 my prude < es or his enab d our Ie pI M t secure the blessing which tbe sea eons brought By the experience < f I commercial nations in all agee it has been found that gold anl silver afford the only safe foundation for I monetary system Confusion has recently been created by variations in the relative I value of the two metals but I confidently con-fidently believe thut arrangements can be made between the lending com mercial nations which will secure tho ederal Ue of both metals Congres ahouid provide that the compulsory coin a e of diver now quired by law may not disturb our m notary system by riving o ther metal out circulation I asiblesuch adjustment should be made that the purchasing power of every coined dollar will be exactly equal to its debt payment of the world Th ccief duty of the national government in connection nection wi h the currency of tho country is I to coin and declare its value Grave doubt have been entertained whether Congress is authorized by the Constitu tion to make any form of paper money legal tender At present the issue of i United States notes has been sustained by the necessities of tbe huur but such paper > should depend tr its value and currency upon its convenience m use and its prompt redemption in coin at the will of the holder and not upon its com misoiy circulation Theo notes arc not if money but promises to pay money tee holders demand it The promise should be kept The refunding or the national debt at a lower rate of interest should be accomplirhtid without compel ing the withdrawal of national banknotes notes and thu disturbing bisinesi of the country I venture t > refer to the position I have occupied on financial questions during my long service in Con grees and to lay that time and experi ince have strengthened the opinions I have so often expressed on these iUb j ects The finances of govenmnt shill sisfier no detriment Jve may he pus slblo for my administration to prevent The interests of agriculture deserve more attention from government than they have yet received The farms of the United States afford homes and em iioymeiil for more than onehalf the people and furnish much the larger part orall our export As gover imont lights our coasts for the protection of mariners and the benefit of commerce 60 it i should give to tillers of the soil the lights of > r clical science and experience Our manufacturers are rapidly making us ipdutrially independent opening to capital aid labor new and fiuble fields of e oy men t This eady and healthy growth should still be maintained main-tained Our facilities for transportation should be > promoted by the continued improvement improve-ment of our harbors and greit interior waterways and by the increase of our tonnage on the ocean Tho development of the worlds commerce com-merce has mid an argent demnd for shortening the sot voyage arouid ClIp Horn by const ucting chip caral or railways across the isthmus which nited the two cont nente Various plans to this end have been suggested and will need consideration but one of then have been sufficiently matured t warrant is in extending Dtcuniary aid The ub jet is one which will immediately engage en-gage the attention of government with this view t the thorough protecti m to merisan interests We wit urge no arrow policy nor seek pecu ar or excusive ex-cusive priviliges in any commercial roots but in the language of my ret esors I bel ere it is t > b the riitbt ar d duy Oft 8 United SUtes I a serb and maintain tuch supervision and authority over any interoceanic canal that connects the south and north as will protect our national interest The Constitution guarantees absolute elgious freedom Congress Lj prohibited from making any law respecting the e ablUhment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof The territories or the United States Bra subject to the direct legislative authori y of Congress and hence the general government is eapifsible for any vi Istion attIre Con lition in any ol them I is therefore a reproach t government that in the mol populous of the territories the conftitu iohai gutrin i nut enjoyei by the people and the utbority of oagres is set at raujbt The Moron Church not only offends the moral cones of mankind hr eanctionii g polygamy bat it prevents the administration justice Itm ugh the ordinary instrumentality of lawn law-n my judgment it is the duty 0 f Congress whilo respecting t tho utmost the conscientious con vi tioas and religious scruples of every Citizen to prohibit within its jurisdiction all eriminal practices cspecall of that class which destroy the marital relation and endanger social order Nor Ind endangr oial ur can any eccleiastical organization be safely permuted per-muted to usurp in the smallest degree tbs functions and powers of tho nations government The civil service can never be pUce on a Lis factory basis until iti i > re > ulaU by law for the good of the service itself for the protection ol those who are en trued with tbe appointing power pwer against the waste of time and obstruction to public busirtiS caused by the inordi nato pressure for plice and fur the protection pro-tection of cumont against intrigue atd wung luaU at ihep > op < r time aEk tongress 10 dx the tenure of niinorofficw ot the several cxecu tvo departments j nd prescribe gr unds upon nbichre m > vals hal 1 bo made during the term tor which the incumbe l have been appointed ap-pointed Finally acting always within the authority and limitations of the Constitution Con-stitution invading neither the rights of ctates nor the reserved rghts of the pan pIe it will be the pu pos f my admin irtritticn t inaiiitain uthority and in aI laces wi bin its junsdcium t ei forco bedience t nil laws of the Union in the interests of the JJlr to demand rigid economy in all t e expenditures or government and to require honest and laitbful service of ell executive officer remember g that the offices were created not fr the benefit of tbe incumbents or their supporter but for the service of government And now fellow citizens I am about La assume the great trust which you bite committed t my hands I at peal to yo for that earnest and thoughtful IUP K > rt wnicb makes this government in lact as in law a government of the pe pie I shall greatly rely upon the wisdom wis-dom and patriotism of Congress and of hoen who may share with me the responsibilities ponsibilities bnl duties of the admin s ration aiid above all to promote to wel fare of this gteat people and their government govern-ment I revere tly invoKo the support and blessings of Almighty God |