Show FOil Fait Fo SALE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL IDLEWILD ADDITION The Investors Delight Secure a homeSIte while the prices are low On the east bench at the terminal of the tho Sugar House car line The finest addition In the city Graded streets cement walks walka and shade trees LOTS FROM OO TO EACH BACH n 10 CASH 5 A MONTH Ind lad Bell A N HUMPHRIES UMPHRIES R 78 is West Second Seuth St FOR SALE WHY NOT BUY A HOME 2630 A modern modem brick house near Liberty park Lot feet teet to alley This is a big bargain at m cash and balance 26 5 per month brick house on Lincoln ave water and electric lights in house Lot feet to alley aIle Fruit and I shade trees This place can be had hadon hadon on good terms Seo S O us at once I OA A new modern modem pressed brick cottage East and South This place Is finished complete and ready r dy to move into 50 cash and balance 25 per month A beautiful new modern white pressed brick cottage with stairway set to finish 2 rooms up upstairs upstaIrs stairs talIs on East and South This Thin Is one of the most beautiful homes In southeast part of the tho city Terms co cash and balance 25 6 per month modern pressed brick house on East Lot feet This Is a most beautiful home horns and can be had for Z cash and balance easy payments New modern pressed brick cottage on a corner lot in southeast part of oC city This place Is a beauty and can be had for 1000 cash and balance easy monthly payments Do not buy until you see us If Ir we do not have what you ou want we will vilI build you vou a place pIce HOFFMAN BROS 62 6 West d South Street Both Phones FOR SALE HARRINGTON Good G od nearly new pressed brick double house close In lot stable 12 1 acres in Mill Creek good water right and good land 1800 9 13 acres fine land primary water right in lucern and under cultivation desirable location fenced small build ings 2000 2009 Will cut up modern brick and J acre ground nice location 10 blocks of cen ter One acre good land and house houN i South 1266 1811 1200 acres close to city 6 per acre acreS 5 S acres good land between and So streets good water right 70 acres up Emigration canyon plenty springs trees fish suitable for fora a summer resort A very ery nice new light brick house very clese close in modern pressed brick with I barn shade lawn cement walks lot ot to alley 1500 modern story brick brlek with acre of oC land fine location 40 Terms B S HARRINGTON Basement Atlas Block Phones Bell Ind md FOR SALE Bell 2277 md Ind 8 7 HOMER Farms SO acres close to city good speculation 10 acres SO iO down 10 per month 25 acres So close to State HOMER HO IER Under Deseret Bank FOR SALE SALEA A brand new modern frame bungalow a nice oozy home You will like it Only 2460 cash balance 20 0 per month We have good go d buys In building lots In most moat all parts of the city elt HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO 66 West Third South FOR SALE BUCKEYE REALTY COMPANY Herald Building brick and adobe cellar summer kitchen lt I t rods nine bearing trees Sixth West Vest and So Temple iiii Bell 2277 HOMER OMER Ind Insi 8 FARMS 25 acres on South 5 SO acres good speculation 5 05 5 acres your own terms Buy this for tor 50 O cash 10 per month HOMER Under Deseret Bank BankIT BankIT BankIT IT WILL PAY YOU FOR SALE you OU buy see sea those fine 5 and modern houses In Green street b tween Sixth and Seventh East north of park FOR SALE Before you ou buy see those fine tine 5 S and modern houses in Gre Orsen n street between and th East last north of ot park It will pay you FOR SALE If you have a lot or a home borne for sale and want It sold list It with Co We Wo have buyers FOR SALE modern bun bungalow bungalow bungalow galow one block from city and county building terms One for on B E George Klenke Kienke E Ind G FOR SALE SALEA A Bargain Fine building lot on northeast bench Ave near G C St S1 part time If It desired H 12 Herald Republican FOR SALE New strictly modern home with all Improvements save commissions Apply to owner SOl SOI South Ninth East FOR SALE If you are looking for a farm tann see Co Main FOR SALE If you are looking for a farm see Co Main FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE HUFFMAN REALTY CO Boston Bell Room 3 Ind lad BARGAIN Elegant residence on C street brick house absolutely mod throughout fine lawn barn Price Will vm take 2500 down balance on terms to suit Owner going east oost COSY HOME On the northeast bench 5 rooms strictly 1 modern hardwood finish throughout A i bargain O cash and suitable I terms terras PICTURESQUE BUNGALOW Just completed 8 rooms large closets and halls fine ventilation bath and two toi tot toilets toilets lets mission finish large sleeping porch Hot water heat In fact everything is strictly This Is something un unusual unusual unusual usual Located on M r street Price 70 HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE MON MONEY EY PRICE Five large rooms cosy den plenty of closets hot water heat hoat strictly modern fine tine finish This can be had for a rea reasonable reasonable reasonable amount of cash down Will make terms to suit Located on avenue FOR SALE FURNISHED brick house lot 10 rooms bath elec elee light gas polished woodwork rooms arranged for light housekeeping A brick cottage in rear Net Income 92 9 per month Gas ranges in H II K rooms Located on East So Price cash and rea rca reasonable reasonable terms COTTAGE Bath toilet dec olec light full basement Half cash wanted might take a little less Price 2750 Located on East MUST SELL BELL AT ONCE This ThiEl pretty home of or 5 rooms and toilet corner corn lot brick cottage Price terms reasonable On E South ON E SOUTH SOUTHA A red pressed brick cottage Lot Chicken run ran Both gas and elec olec electric electric trio light Fine lawn This is a bargain at 1203 down and reasonable terms on balance AN ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE On ave lot 5 rooms and pan pantry pantry pantry try strictly modern except furnace sub substantial substantial substantial frame barn worth on lot ft Price for both cottage and barn only ON EAST SOUTH TEMPLE TE A fine residence Owner leaving city Modern Modem brick home 9 0 rooms bath fur furnace furnace furnace nace closets This Is certainly a bargain Price only Do not forget we always have some fine Bus Opps Oppe on hand THE HUFFMAN REALTY CO COBell Boston Bell Eel liItt 10 Room Ind Inti FOR SALE SALEA A CO COA COA COA A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Without fear feer of ot contradiction we claim the followIng to be the best interest no paying real estate Investment offered principal In the city with absolute safety of IT WILL PAY More Interest t than any an flat fiat or apart ment house houe In the city IT IS A Pressed brick terrace of eight modern apartments apartment located on a large lot only three blocks east of Main street treet Strictly In every ever particular Annual rental is 2940 without any expense n e for Janitor heating or light ling ing FOR A FEW DAYS We are offering this terrace for the small sum of I THE INCOME From this property is more than four times as much as Interest paid by say sav av ings banks on INVEST YOUR MONEY IONEY Where it will make you money today toda ad of where it might make you yi money five fie years ears from now SEE US AT ONCE If you want an absolutely safe invest investment investment ment and one that will make you in dependent 80 WILL HANDLE THIS A CO 6 West Second South FOR SALE J M SETTLE CO I brick on East S 00 0 O down 2160 white pressed brick near So and East BaaL down downor or less Splendid cheap home homeroom 2200 Croom room frame modern modem just east of Liberty park I down and easy terms Everything i O 0 K 2180 modern modem white pressed brick blick near So and East JOO down Just papered and as pretty as a peach veach modern modem white pressed brick on So and near East to 00 down Good enough for any man who has to earn a living Cheapest Cheape t property you ou will find modern modem brick at corner of East and South We Va are going to sell this house or exchange it for a smaller one The Thet best t bid we get will get the house But be quick It is a fine tine invest investment investment ment Owner leaving state We Wo are building some nice cottages so 50 cheap ch ap we are ashamed to tell the price Do you ou want one J J M t SETTLE CO SK Tribune Building FOR SALE SALEA A CO SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LOTS AND HOMES I Buys a nice lot near Seventh South and Seventh East Cement walks and city water room for double house Choice building lot on M Y street 3 modern madern brick nice location southeast I UI Handsome strictly modern I pressed pr sed brick home seven nice rooms each room piped and wired for gas and electric lights handsome woodwork best of ot plumbing full base basement basement ment mont large oak mantel elec electric electric electric fixtures etc ete Owner forced to sell 8 Handsome strictly modern pressed brick home in every respect large lot choice location on Second aye ave avenue nue flue FOR BARGAINS SEE SEEA A CO 63 i West Second South FOR SALE SNAPS down SID 10 a month buys buy frame house stable and outbuildings SOx houser and flowing flow ng well down and 10 a B month nice 3 room house close to car line Une nice fruit and shade trees 1500 1600 buys one of and 7 room houses all close to car line Good terms on the tho above aboe Choice Nice modern home bath hat and cold water sidewalk close to car line Une JOO down balance as rent Cheap lots farms farina orchards and houses Give us a call JONES of JONES KING PORTER CO Security Trust FOR BALES 8 lots In Burton Place west side Address E 3 S lican Hcan FOR SALE List your property for saks al with us Co Cot hi 30 Ma Main n fit St StI I FOR ESTATE ESTATEs i s ss ss I FOR SALE HOUSTONS THE Large and small homes cash and easy terms Investments and speculations Be sure and see us 2200 Very neat little brick home close In city water electric lights good cellar sum summer summer mer kitchen We Ve can make easy terms 2500 Second avenue between Q and andR andR R H streets frame lot f feet et sewer connected elec electric electric electric lights c nent walks paved street south front the lot lotis lotis lotis is worth the money This can be handled on small payments Modern brick home on the northeast bench eduth s uth front sewer connected cement walks large lot Easy terms Be sure and see 8 us about it neat modem modern press pressed pressed pressed ed brick home on the northeast bench east front large lot close clese to car line none better built bum Look it up brick bungalow on Third avenue between B Band and C streets new neat and com corn complete complete heat sewer and sidewalk brick mantel beamed ceilings buffet kitchen window seat cozy COZ corner glass china closet large porch Easy terms HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO 1 Main St Phones 27 Z We Va Write Fire Insurance Will Go On Your Bond FOR SALE I j HOUSTONS THE Vacant property is increasing In in value very rapidly If you vou oU are interested l in iii good opportunities opportunities we have the time to show them to you 1300 Good building lot on I East between and Fifth South west vest front sewer and sidewalk paid for alley alloy In rear 1500 06 86 6 feet frontage on Jefferson st street et feet deep to an nn alley Uti is only five blocks from the sidewalk paid for 1500 Small building lot on Third avenue sewer and amI gas SOH walking distance Corner of East and So Ste paved street sewer side walk gas an unobstructed view lot feet to an alley alloy A corner on Oft East street rods south soot and west front four good building lots overl over looking fifing the whole valley alle it is high and dry d dA A few lots left in Villa Park HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO 1 Main St Phones 27 We e Write Writ rite Fire Insurance In urance Will Go On Your Bond FOR SALE ACREAGE 20 S acres of choice land fine view under cUyo cU city conduit land adjoining all platted on ad East St Price per acre 10 11 acres on East near South large house barn large orchard bearing I abundance of water only six blocks from car Ine lne Price per acre easy terms I 2 acres on East street good water right fine land Only jOO per acre easy terms HOUSES brick bath pantry closets on East and South large lot easy terms LOTS IN VIEW CITY ADDITION 5 choice cholee lots lot on East west front fruit trees water rights and city water Price per pel lot easy terms JOHN R B SMITH INVESTMENT INVEST CO m D F WALKER Phones FOR FOIl SALE WOULD YOU KNOW KOW A BARGAIN WHEN YOU SAW IT THEN READ THIS AND THE DE double brick modern ox ex except Capt furnace bath and toilet tonet on each side lot 61 51 by feet Half block from city and county building half cash balance to suit NOW READ THIS 2909 2 frame houses es 2 frame houses 1 house 2 good barns baris and other ings Flowing well and 3 acres of good land all fenced half block from State street 1250 1260 cash balance to suit DANLEY JOHNSON 30 West So Both phones FOR SALE IF F YOU HAVE A BARGAIN SEE US LS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BAR GAIN SEE US 17 acres southeast with good water right nice fruit and small house Good terms farm 9 miles south southwest west good water right well fenced mower binder rake plows harrows cultivators wagons and all necessary implements of every kind to success fully work the farm fann Two spans of horses harness and 3 houses one four tour room brick and 2 frames also hogs hoSS chickens and about 10 different kinds of fruit trees cash balance to I suit at 6 tr er cent I DANLEY DALEY DAl LEY JOHNSON CO ro West So Both phones 4 6 FOR SALE THE HOME INVESTMENT SAY SAV INGS CO modern modem house and ft of ot ground round located southeast Price 1500 Terms modern pressed brick cottage on west side car service cement walks etc 2500 Terms 50 cash bal baI 20 per month brick house on west side good lot car service and cement walks 2000 Easy terms 35 3 acres of the best farm land in Salt Lake county count full water right all In cul cultivation cultivation Price S THE HOME INVESTMENT T SAY SAV SAVINGS SA SAYINGS V INGS CO 68 Vest West 1st South St FOR SALE THE 4 WINTERS CHILLING BLASTS Are rapidly approaching and no one will deny the real comfort and nd enjoy enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment ment the satisfaction of owning your own fireside We can furnish you one Choice YOUR OWN Price Terms RENT WILL SECURE IT DANLEY JOHNSON 30 West South Both phones 44 FOR SALE Close In pressed brick house on corner orner So East rent r nt per month 2400 Owner FOR SALE HEAT ESTATE FOR FOO SALE S LE SALEA LEA A N HUMPHRIES 73 78 West Vest Second South St BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH YOUR RENT MONEY New modern pressed brick cut stone foundation sewer connections gas range elegant mantel mission finish interior piped for furnace large front porch screened back porch basement ce cc cement cement ment mont walks and shade trees tree southeast close In on three car lines ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM NEW NEWHOUSE NEWHOUSE NEWHOUSE HOUSE BUILDING buff brick modern cottage cash balance to suit ONLY CASH Good house large lot on car carline carline line Une cash balance monthly STORE AND AlD HOUSE Large store with four living rooms lot large enough for another house A good Investment 2500 with good terms WHO IS LUCKY enough to secure this mod brick cottage southeast large lot CO cash balance rent money mone Price 2600 2500 A NEAT T LITTLE HOME on Eleventh East on car line frame in first class condition ONLY 50 CASH frame on Second East walking distance modern except bath for tor 1400 cash balance 20 0 per month Ind lad Bell A N HUMPHRIES 78 West Second South St FOR SALE HOUSTONS TIlE THE Large and small homes cash and easy emy terms Investments 2nd nd easy speculations peculatIons I Be sure and see us Ui u 1900 Small house large lot on a cut street close In owner wants to sell seU quick so solIe he lIe has placed a small price on the property 2250 On East a very good four room brick home east front lot 21 a 2 rods by feet We can arrange terms of cash balance 25 26 6 per month 2650 On the east bench a 11 five room brick house modern plumbing electric lights ce cc cement cement ment walks right of way lot feet teet Easy Basy |