Show FRESHMEN PLAYERS NOT CAUSE OF LOSING GAME SAYS COACH MADDOCK In the following Interview Coach Joe of the university corrects the Impression that the defeat of ot Utah by b Golden was due to the freshmen on the team Coach Maddock says that the freshmen on the team tem are by far the best he has ever had h There seems to be b some misunderstanding misunderstanding misunderstanding standing said sid Coach Coch Maddock Maddok as a to the playing ability of the freshmen on my mr team in Colorado last Saturday It seems to have been ben stated that I blamed the freshmen for tor losing loing to the Miners The facts are that Love at quarter stands head hed and shoulders above any an freshman entering the university since I have been there He showed excellent judgment last Saturday in running the team and in handling punts his work was perfect He has all al kinds of nerve and brains Shores and Doolittle at ends did far better than I expected of them They are both nervy neny and cool cl players and will wi make good go right along Romney and Schweitzer the two freshmen halfbacks will wi hold their own with nith any halves that have ever eer played play In the state They Thy played playe an excellent game Saturday and will wi prove this statement in their next game gme Kornes our freshman center seems to come in ic for tor the greatest criticism It I IB is I true that Ortner the Miners lIners Mountain center and more than 20 2 0 pounds heavier hevier than Kornes ICor es broke through and killed many close clo formations Kornes Koines Korns however should not be blamed as I feel fel tree free to say that no center at his weight can outplay him He has plenty of nerve and fighting Bad luck more than anything else el cost costus cst us the game g me against the fighting Miners JUn That fact was I think made plain by the th statement of Harry Hammond referee Some people who think that my freshmen have not the right might fighting spirit will Wn change their minds after the hard game Saturday with the soldiers Coach Maddock addock said sid that he probably would play Convill and Grant in the game Saturday but only for a little while while |