Show BLISTERS ON HED HEAD 1 Above A oye Ear and bi On Top Itched and Burned Did Not Rest Ret WelL Wel Looked BadI Bad I HEALED BY SOAP AND OINTMENT My M bab baby was wa about abut a a a week old when hen h. h hi hud head just above the ear er and on the te ti top began an to break brak out la Ia In bUst bUster which wh gAL dried drep jup up in I a few days d i And made mado I mao a crust Clar nu His Ri I s scalp alp mU have hav and and neil but bue a u as b be did di not rest ret well cI It I looked loke bad ba and nd nd Inte lasted hasted About abom two UIO weel weeks I 1 began t to UM ue Soap Shap sOp and d Ointment I 1 be washed hi scalp In the tho morning with the tho Soap a and then the Applied the Ointment Ointment and ad again In the tho eye eve eve ma I applied the Ointment Ointment After a few lew Applications I 1 could teU tell toe ha was getting betto better bet bet- w bt to t ter and la In about abut two weeks he be was wa entirely healed Signed Signe Mrs Ira Ruth Kuth WhItehead Barton Buton Ore Or Mat March Ma 10 1915 1916 Sample Sampe Each Enc Free by Mall Mail Mal t With p. 32 Sk Skin Book Bok on cm o request Ad- Ad drew dies rue dr post card pot D pt T T. T Bo B. B ton ten Sold throughout tho the world wole o 0 DARKEN GRAYHAIR GRAY GRAYHAIR GRAYHAIR HAIR LOOK YOUNG My Ih Applying Applyn Q Not Q Q ot a I Dye Dye Dye- Change All Al Your Grey their Hair to s Soft Beautiful Beautiful Beau Deau- nark Dark Shade Do Dont Don't t look old old look look young young young-so so If It your our hair l Is ii wl wispy py thin falling gray streaked with wih Gra gray faded dry prematurely prematurely prema prema- ely ut-ely gray to restore to original dark odor color simply shampoo hair and scalp a afew afew few tew times with wih Ban Q-Ban Hair Color Re Re- storer stour All Al your our gray hair hall will wi- wi then become beautifully darkened lustrous oft fresh wavy with wih that dark lustrous lut- lut trous trous gl gloss ss making entire head of ot hair evenly darkened fascinating and at at- at at Also stops stop Itching scalp calp dandruff dan dati- druff and falling hair Q Ban Is not a adye adye adye dye but acts ach on the roots making hair healthy so ec se the gray hair naturally turns turn turns beautifully dark so 80 evenly o that no one cn captell tel tell It I has been used Q Ban Is not sticky or messy meny harmless harmles and la is guaranteed to darken gra gray hair Try It I at our risk Big Dg 1 0 1 ox bottle botJo only 50 cents At Reg ReK Drug Co Broadway and md Weal cst Wet Tem Temple le Wasatch lutch Sun Drug Co corner Fourth South and West Wet Temple Wasatch Salt Bait Bal Lake Lale City Utah town Out folks folk supplied by mall mall Advertisement WHAT DYSPEPTICS SHOULD EAT EATA A PHYSICIANS PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE IC AD Indigestion and practically all al forms torms of ot stomach trouble are nine times Umu out of ot ten teli due to acidity ar therefore stomach stem stem- ach itch sufferers should whenever po possible possible pos pos- sible avoid old eating food tood that Is I acid In Is Its nature or which b by chemical ac ac- lion tiOn In the tOn stomach develops acidity Unfortunately ruch Fuch puch a n rule eliminates most foods which aro are pleasant to the taste tute as aswell well Wel as those which are aro rich In blood flesh and nerve building properties This Is the reason nason wh why dyspeptics and anti stomach sufferers are usual usually so thin emaciated d and lacking I In that vital vial energy enemy which can only come from tra a well wel fed ted body For the benefit of those sufferers who ho have hl e been obliged to exclude from th their lr diet all al starchy starch sweet or fatty food tood and andare are aro trying to keep up UI a a miserable ex exIstence existence ex- ex on gluten product product I would suggest that you should tr try a meal of I Ian an any food tood or foods which you OU 18 rna may like In moderate amount taking Immediate ly iy afterwards a teaspoonful of ot bl- bl magnesia magnella A in a little hot orf cold col water This Thin will neutralize neutralise any oJ add acid which may bo be 1 present or which mI may be bo formed and Instead of ot the usual te feeling Ung of ot oj uneasiness and fullness full full- tul- tul ness flees nes you OU will find that your OUI food tood aRre agrees s with wi you OU perfectly magnesia Is the heat best food tood I corrective and and antacid known It has no direct dire action on the stomach but by acton of ot the tho food tood neutralizing the acidity contents and titus thus thul r the source of or the acid Irritation n which Inflames I the delicate stomach lining it I do does os I Imore more than could 1 possibly be done b by any drug or medicine As ts a physician I I 1 bellove e In the use of medicine whenever when when- eV ever r necessary ary but I must admit that I I cannot see ue the the sense of ot dosing dOling an nn In Inflamed inflamed In- In flamed famed and Irritated stomach with wih I drugs Instead Intend of ot getting Kitting rid rill of ot the tho I acid acid the the cau cause caUl o of all the trouble Get GH Geta GHa 1 a little magnesia al from your our I druggist eat eat what yoU vou want at al your our i next next meal take some some of the J magnesia as directed above and see aee If I Im I'm m not not right Advertisement I I Go to Lagoon Thursday taro tare 25 s cents I Advertisement I Stick These on on Your Fruit Jars K ff 7 We Ve have haye several thousand thou thou- I dSt sand books of gummed labels for your canned t I s I fruit T ci Call Cal for one at oU our I I salesroom i j I And when you on are at not notice i how hov calling caling e quickly quick 1 and easily all al kinds of fruit frit can cn b be put up with wih a as Range Y Our I adviser iser ad Mrs L i Louise t I will be I Palmer Weber wl I I glad to show you OU her method of canni canning Free demonstration of Gas Tell her your difficulties 3 Range efficiency by Mrs ties and she will help Louise Palmer Weber every afternoon at our office Special you solve them cial feature today Breakfast Dishes 1 A little activity cost liv liS living 4 will mean low ing next winter Let the tho Gas Range da do dathe I the work Now dont don't forget to ask for the labels Everyone j jwill will be bewelcome welcome while they last i t. t UTAH GAS COKE COMPANY J. J C. C D. D Clark General Manager 61 S. S Main Street Telephone Main j |