Show i- i 9 P v Vi- Vi vS-v vS f fj V ff f t j SOCIETY I 4 C. C i TODAY'S EVENTS E t Miss Hiss r ruche Clark CIarlo will entertain H I today with Ith a morning bridge party part H I P f given at the Country club in corn com H f to 0 o Mi Mrs s. s Morton P. P com l j W-eIL W Y Il H man an and Miss 1155 Josephine Bridge e will be pla played ell on the lawn H Hunder under the trees from 11 to 1 j o'clock when luncheon will be bo H t served on the veranda eranda of the club f ff f house t Mrs J J. J M. M Bidwell will entertain 47 4 afternoon with a tea In honor f 7 of Mrs R. R B B. B Thayer of ot New York 4 The Sewing cub c will be enter- enter 6 j-f j r tamed this afternoon b by Miss Winnifred Win Win- in in- 4 Lynn at her home r ri Ii 4 f c cAt At the noonday organ recital recitals f ff Tabernacle the following f ff s f fin in the t f program will be given t f Org Organist Edward P. P 4 Kimball at the or organ an I f In the Garden from Crom Country Countr t or Wedding Symphony y I 4 Goldmark 4 a U f-U- 1 1 b Intermezzo from The Holy Hoh iii City City Q Gaul caul Gaulf ul- ul f 3 Known also as Adoration t ta a n At Twilight Stebbins fl bOld Melody Ar by performer 4 Offertory in ln March Form f Barrell 4 t N i-N t t t. t One of ot the most beautifully arranged t luncheons of ot tho the summer was t given u yesterday at the Hotel Utah b by Miss Sf r Frances Cowan nan who has recently re returned returned returned re- re turned to her home from Crom a four years ears stay at Vassar from where she was graduated in ln June The long Ions oval table was laid In the theu V u If private dining room tho the delicate blue 4 to furnishings s of ot of the rooms contrasting contrasting- f 0 most effectively with the table decorations decorations decora decora- carried out ont In a profusion of coral colored sweet peas Small baskets of the beau beautiful summer summer summer sum sum- mer flowers mingled with smilax were a placed at intervals the length of tho the table with blossoms scattered loosely 4 over tho the cloth The party was chaperoned chap- chap e b by Mrs John F. F Cowan mother t e of at th the e young yung hostess and included tho the following Mrs Morton R. R Cheesman t Miss Josephine Well Miss Margaret S Walker Miss Margaret Dunn Miss Mise Gertrude Lamed Larned Miss lIss Norinne Thomp- Thomp IX ti son the Misses Br Bryan an and Grizelle Houston Miss Gladys Glads McConaughy the Misses Mar Mary and Cary Gary Marshall Miss Marie Odell Miss Merce L Lewis Miss r Rose Hose Evans the Misses Gladys and andi i Margurite Richmond Miss Clark Clarl the Misses Selma Alice and Mar Mary Wall all Miss Isabel Shifter Miss Rub Ruby Lamb Lambourne Lam- Lam bourne Miss Dorothy Miss b Gwendolyn Gwendoln Tripp Miss lIss Helen Denn Denny I Miss Marian Miss lIss Greene- Greene wald waldo t j. j The following clipping from a Sant San Jose Tose paper of last week will be of ot In InI Interest Interest In- In t I terest to friends In the city l Miss Eva Hopkins of ot Salt Lake e city was united in marriage Frida Friday In tn the Grace Episcopal church of ot oft t Alameda to F. F Earl Granger formerly formerly formerly for for- merly of ot Salt LaKe city but for forI I some time a n resident of ot San Jose I f making his home here with his aunt and uncle Mr r. and Mrs Irs E. E E. E Chase ChaRco Miss Hopkins was attended attend cd b by I Miss Aliss L Lesley Greig who a n few tew hours later became the thc bride of ot Elmer Ellsworth Chase Jr Mr Chase who is ls a cousin to Mr j Granger at attended attended nt- nt tended him hint as be best t man Mr and Mrs Gran Granger er after aCter a n honeymoon spent p nt in ht l the I e south uth will return to san ban an Jose 10 to reside The bride has a large circle of ot friends In Salt Lake and Mr lr Granger Oranger is la the son of oC Mrs Clara H H. H Granger of ot the Ivanhoe apartments and a brother of ot Mrs rs Rutherford S. S Hartz who with her husband Lieutenant Hartz is stationed at Vancouver barracks I Thirty members of ol the So Social Social Social So- So cial club enjo enjoyed ed an outing Sunda Sunday afternoon afternoon aft att- In Emigration canyon The Tho party part loft in a special car in the carl early afternoon returning in the evening A bountiful picnic supper was a feature of or tho the occasion Mrs John Reed returned yesterday from Crom tho the Pacific northwest where she has lias been visiting with her mother in Portland Mrs Reed will remain at the tho Hotel Utah for tor a few lew days das before going to Join Mr Reed in Denver where the they will reside in the future Mrs Reed Recd has been very ery popular In club social and musical circles during her residence residence resi resi- dence in Salt Sal t Lake for many years past She is a talented dramatic reader and elocutionist Mr air and Mrs Edwin Potter and two little daughters of ot San Antonio Tex have been guests at the Hotel Utah for a few da days s 's Mr Potter who is a n. nephew P of or the late Bishop Henr Henry Potter Potter Potter Pot Pot- ter of or New cw York has haB old friends In the city among whom are Mr and Mrs Charles E E. Richards ic c c Mrs rs Richard W. W Madsen and sons Richard lichard and Francis have returned from a three weeks' weeks visit at Ottawa Beach Mich and vicinity 1 5 c Mrs Francis Francis Francis' Armstrong has been spending a few tew weeks in Chicago ff c Jf if Mrs rs Archie McFarland and daughter Lillian left leU Sunday to spend the summer summer summer sum sum- mer at Ocean Park Parl Cat Cal Captain and Mrs Irs C G G. G Hall son and daughter Chalmers and Henrietta have ha been spending a few days at the Hotel Utah en route roule on an automobile trip I from Fort Leavenworth wh where rc the e. e for tor- mer nas has been atten attending the military school for the past six months to San Francisco They will sail August 1 for Honolulu where Captain Hall will b be stationed for two years Mr and Mrs ora WIllard Hanson have returned from a trip through the Yellowstone Yellowstone Yel Yel- park Mrs E E. E E. E Shepard will leave toda today for the east cast where she will speak before before be be- fore different Chautauqua meetings Inthe in inthe inthe the interest of ot woman suffrage Her first engagement is with tho the Miami Valley Chautauqua Ohio Later Lator she sho will go through the east and south south souti re returning returning re- re turning to her home in Salt Lake in October x Rev and Mrs F F. F W. W Norris of oC Brook Brool lyn 1371 left lett yesterday for tor the coast after aCter a two weeks' weeks stay in the city with old friends jC Mrs Harry W. W Baun has for her guest in Federal Hel Heights her mother Mrs Irs Carver of Chicago who returned with her from a recent eastern trip Jc C Mrs J. J H Shepard of ot American Fork and Miss Bessie Houtz of are visiting in tn town with Miss Uarda Snow Sno C X C Mrs Harry Gesas with her daughter Lillian and son Nelson have gone to spend a few da days s 's in rice with Mr Gesas Mr and Mrs 0 C C. C F F. Kutnewsky and family have gone bone to Boise Idaho to make their home The They are located at 51 North Thirteenth street S iff C Miss Helen Bergstrom and Miss Iris Campbell leave toda today for Logan LoJan where they will be the guests of Mrs Irs John O. O Peterson formerly Miss Magda Bergstrom Bergstrom Bergtrom Berg- Berg strom of this city cHo |