Show th M being the initial number of the it is not unreasonable able for our fil i budz to expect ii a clear Hta of our intentions intention sand and expectations before giving us ns their support ill in politics wo we will ivill tako take no bide but will contribute our mite of influence V ard the enactment of such laws lawi an ag will ha be to tins this section and jett jealously lous sly guard it against all 1 injurious i legislation we reserve the ali right to mako editor editorial lid comment upon the acts of P political attical pl parties arties and publio public men without fear or favor ae aa to religion w believe ev everyone rydie j should be allowed to alink ti ink whatever their reason teaches tea clies them thein is true without antera terrence in and we lionor honor and vh buee honor bonor and sincerity iu in anyon without regard to dwir faith t I 1 1 t aur t ir object is to give the people a P pa 4 per that they will appreciate anti and to increase the ir prosperity by n making our advantages known to the 1 world we will endeavor to lo make some portion pori peri tion of the paper please each or cr and wo beg yot yoi to cota cotH ider dor the m many ail y classes we have to gratify before challenging our taste in the selection of matter we must call your Ut attention to tio the T fact that we depend upon your coop co op oration to make abuce a success ess of the enter ariae and wt promise to increase in in 0 o size me and quality just acut as our patron ase age W coill pem pe dk permit m it we reque pr tile the bush ess men to fco advertise adverta e liberally not only for their own batie benefit fit but to enable us ua to give outsiders a better idea of our ad van cement and so help the entire county thanking our patrons for their on en coura gement und and hopi that every woman and child wilf mk consider cons ider us tw their friend we ure vely respy djus EDITOR a |