Show STUDENT LIFE opment: that equally important with the hardy football player is the man who gives earnest support from the side lines that in proportion to the support students give their institution will they promote their own interests We hope that this is not the spirit of the moment but that it has come to stay for such spirit aids much the advancement of students and institution The New Buildingand Its Accom- paniments All the work is at last completed on our new building and the people of Utali may well be proud of the Agricultural College It possesses facilities for education possessed by few instiwest The new tutions in the front lias supplied wants which have existed for years and the college now stands in perfect manhood a monument to the integrity of the inter-mounta- in people of the State The President’s and the Secretary’s offices have been moved from the north w ing to the lirst floor in the new’ building Besides these offices the first floor contains the faculty room the Registrar’s office and two class rooms The second floor of the front is occupied exclusively by the library and reading 'room This by the way is a great improvement on the conditions which existed last year More reading-room space is supplied besides additional space for the library proper The books are arranged differently this year low’ stacks taking the place of the cumbrous ladder Adjoining the library are stack rooms where all the valuable periodicals are stored But one disadvantage ( V) can be found in the present arrangement -l- essened opportunities for communication This is a severe blow to many of our most promising joung ladies and gentlemen The third floor is occupied by the commercial department This department is rapidly being furnished with furniture It is already one of the most important departments in the school and promises to increase in efficiency The commercial school lost a valuable head when Professor Faris accepted the presidency of the Academy of Idaho Ilis place is well filled 13 however by Professor Burchell The new basement serves as armory and drill hall The chemical laboratory has been removed from the Mechanic Arts building to the rooms formerly occupied by the physical laboratory while the physics department occupies the old library and reading rooms Everything considered our prospects this year are far brighter than ever before The agricultural colleges of the United States have a great mission Before them are placed ppz- zles which no other institutions cansolve They have in their hands the great problems bf irrigation and scientific farming which areiap-idly assuming such immense proportions irf our country and especially in the west ' They stand for intelligent labor Their mission is to elevate labor by educating the laborer Nor are they confined within these limits Utah is fc ft c w fortunate in possessing an agricultural college whose position is already an enviable one among the leading institutions of the country New Faculty Regulations On November 10 new regulations wrere adopted by the Faculty By their adoption the old method of reading names in Chapel was abandoned Refractory students are now handled by a committee appointed by the Faculty The regulations deal principally with absentees For a long time this has been a difficult subject to handle and it remains to be seei whether or not the new method will be efficient The regulations also include rules for the conduct of students out of school Under tliis miscellaneous head are included offences hardly expected to be committed by gentlemen must exist however All in all we think the regulations are an improvement on Safe-guar- ds former methods up-to-da-te feasor- oo Professor Ball Elmer D Ball who was lately elected to fill the chair of biology comes to us highly recommended — A man of thorough training and practical experience Professor Ball graduated from the science - -- - -- J |