Show STUDENT LIFE Cunningham were sent around the end for good gains but lost ground on two attempted plays through the line and were forced to kick Snow muffed the ball Colorado getting it and running half the length of the field for a touchdown McNeil kicked goal After the next kick-of- f Colorado started their end runs but finding them not so successful as before again turned their attention to Utah’s line As one of the visitors put it “It was like running into a stone wall” Jones in trying to get through right guard was thrown back for a loss of five yards the next down Cunningham went around the end for a good gain After a series of end runs Southeottle was sent through the line on McNeil kicked goal a fake for a touch-dow- n The rest of the half was in Utah’s favor Colorado losing the ball the first down on a fumble Lemmon got through tackle for fifteen yards and Nebeker circled right end for twenty more Tiie next down Colorado got the ball on a fumble Southeottle skirted end for twelve yards but Cunningham lost five at a play through kick sent the ball to guard A quarter-bacUtah’s twenty-fiv- e yard line Nebeker kicked back thirty-fiv- e yards Colorado worked the ball down the field to Utah’s fifteen yard line where it was given to Utah on downs Colorado’s line was literally torn to pieces by Utah’s tackle back plays — the locals pushing the ball the entire length of the field for a touch-dow- n in less than four minutes Nebeker missed an easy goal Colorado kicked off to Utah Snow caught the ball and advanced it ten yards Lemmon was sent through tackle for four jards Nebeker around right end and Jardine around left placing the ball on Colorado’s thirty-five yard line when time was called Score 12 to 5 in favor of Colorado In the second half Colorado kicked to Utah who advanced the ball twenty yards By a series of alternating end runs and line bucks the pigskin was forced to Colorado’s thiity yard line where it was lost on a fumble The visitors lost five jards the first down at a Acker was then sent try through guard around end for twenty-fiv- e The mxt three downs failed to net the visitors the required distance and the ball went to Utah on downs k 7 Allred lost three yards around left end and a punt was ordered Colorado blocked the kick the ball bounding back of Utah’s goal line to be captured by one of the visitors scoring McNeil kicked goal The another touch-dow- n next kick-of- f Colorado advanced the ball twenty yards Acker was sent through guard for five yards Cunningham and Jones around the ends for fifteen more The visitors w ere then forced n to Utah’s twenty to kick sending the yard line On the first down the visitors regained the ball on a fumble Cunningham and Acker skirted the ends for ten yards and South-co- t tie went through tackle for a touch-dow- n Umpire Hill would not allow the touch-dow- n as Colorado held preventing Southeottle from being tackled Captain Nebeker in order to keep peace in the family waived the umpire’s decision After the next kick-of- f the ball was forced up and dow n the field landing on Colorado’s thirtj’-fiv- e yard line in Utah’s possession pig-ski- at the close of the half Final score 24 to 5 in favor of Colorado A C C A C U A C U 5— FT DOUGLAS 10 and Fort Douglas teams played their second game of the season Nov 7 resulting in a victory for the latter The principal features of the game were Cook’s excellent kicking for the soldiers and the terrific line bucking of the Aggies In general the playing was a series of line bucks kicks and fumbles Several times the locals ploughed their way through their opponent’s line until within a few 3 aids of a touch down only to lose the ball The A C of U |