Show THE WEEKLY CARBONICLE Friday April 9 1948 STdicTiV COMAL Kitty Kit Kandaris I have the wings of an angel over these Carbon walls I do fly Good gossip I find (I try) All lies I do grind and if it concerns you I know you don't mind Hospitalisation: Bob Burgner made the most out of the old saying: If you don’t succeed once try and try again And so went back to the hospital for a second time (Results: He is going steady with Elaine Waterman at pres- ent) Outcast: The Helper gang have dishonorably discharged George D'Ambrosio from their gang (or clan) since he has been going steady You know that was not in your constitution George What Would Emily Post Say: Teddy Karras can't see being with her boy friend when he decides to ask her pal (Bernice) for a date P S Where was Eddie? Strike: The strike has hit and hit hard Ask Mildred Haycock her boy friend keeps her busy fixing his car now P S What will she do with John L Lewis? Thanks Ballard: Ray White would like to thank Mr Ballard for putting Mary Helen Hardy on the paper staff Now he can sec her another period (Nice!) Burton ft Jordan Gunsmithing Shop Star Bowling Building For the Finest In Pastry and Bread Visit the AMERICAN BAKERY 202 N Main Utah Helper CHARLOTTE CAFE Page Three FASHIONS By EVANGELINE PLATIS Have you that “fashion right" feeling? If not here are a few hints: When dressing up don’t overdress yourself with all the suggestions made by fashion writers Red may be a nice color and so may purple but why wear them both together? Don’t wear more than your share of new things at one time Here’s the latest: Shoe designers have also turned back the pages of fashion history The high-bui- lt heavy styles worn by our grandmothers is the latest shoe fashion Buttons are being used not only on these new shoes but on other types of shoes also Heels will also be covered with celluloid that carries a pearl finish to match similarly covered buttons Personally Yours BY JEANNINE CLARK “What are the chances for participating in social and club activities at Carbon?" This is a widely discussed question and many of the students say “The ones in the clubs get to do everything" There are many clubs and organizations at Carbon which have fallen by the wayside because there weren’t enough people to apply or there wasn’t any interest to keep the clubs and organizations going Some of them are: the A S P A M S Electronics club Radio club Homettes they have not participated in assemblies or such because of lack of cooperation and these are just a few Some of the clubs which do function and offer excellent opportunities for social participation are the Pep dub Carboneltes Eaglcttes Majorettes Lcttermcn Senate Pi Gams I R C Ski club and others Compliments of Junt completely remodeled Everything to your taste No finer ' food In Price TOGGERY LOCATE! WHERE THE TAMARAC INN USED TO BE Quality Clothing lly Alice Robles During the day on the second floor of the school Mr J L Olson can be heard talking on the aspects of mathematics In 1939 he received his B S degree in radio engineering and in 1942 a M S degree in Physics at Utah State Agricultural college Mr Olson taught at U S A C 1940-4- 3 For a year he was a teacher for the Signal Corps Program at Sacramento college and was an electrical engineer for the Consolidated Vultce Aircraft Tucson Arizona for one year he was an inDuring 1946-4- 7 structor at Snow college This is his first year teaching at Carbon where he teaches mathematics and physics He likes teaching at Carbon and thinks the students are easy to get along with I R Club New I R C officers for the coming year were elected last week Mr Ballard club advisor stated today New president is Neil Warren James Taylor secretary-treasur- er Merlene Forsyth and corresponding secretary Maxine Vuksinick Plans were also made to sponsor a dance April 16 according to Neil who said the purpose was to raise funds to send the college debaters to Weber for the national debate meet A full schedule is planned for next year and the club expects to enter into many activities vice-presid- ent So the people who have been crying about the clubs getting all the things to do should stop to think that they are harming the clubs who arc trying to do good for the school They should be cooperating and encouraging club social activities instead GREETINGS Carbon Students FOOD CENTER $ PRICE UTAH Helper Utah Quality Foods Helper Utah |