Show TO J 31 falsehoods refuted innocence defended Tr trinon ianson denied Deni ano C it c jo 10 the lie rias tt lie follon ing reply t to 0 o J M tramble into ali published ii a letter lett against the mor anions irions in the Del detroit rost foil wis was beat arut to that piller but the editor to point it tile ais was returned and 0 0 tile Jop al I 1 ill Is not Ills tOlIce of the wl I 1 ill ig ai cs i 0 of I 1 our enem lett to publish do dc of 0 our people unil and nr ir dell a in defence 3 0 UTAH abic august list 7 IW detroit 1 it your ismie of 0 lite ilie and 2nd ml lost last a appears under tiller life fiend til of marinou Mori nou hordes ai over or the sigui of 0 J at al and a cuir 00 the at eitele cle lit in Is ii A ti tl sue sueo of beur s nr perance aimed I 1 at t a sect of religious people commonly d mormon bum dioso proper 0 per title when applied to their church is 18 tile chul ell ol of jesus achl chilia of latter day saluta in tint article the people refer to are arc done gernt rent injustice and 1 I toed I 1 lei t space in your our pi cr to point out A lew jew of your corres pou IT ants fal laches I 1 am tit a erand gunj on oil tile unpopular side hat bill an all editor ol of a newspaper should be by a general princ islas or of latr fair aces lit III every discussion an ind C cause use J I 1 am tho the calls a mormon mr trimble Triin blo mi lit denominate nic me ila a lour lou r pati c arb I 1 direct lloil illino to ire ahe post heing anxious that a reply I 1 to mr way may have a ceatice fora or a perusal permal by like dilme who have been di 11 arted from tile ical of affairs alfi lri in and idaho liy tali liis ed and prejudiced colucc latious with no dinten ticu dicu toli to notice otice all cr bla blago 01 ol employed by I 1 will allude to some pome of lili his lie ile starts laus it Is a lamentable fact chati eliut Is i on tile in tile united suite 1 like a great v niah call body at sit alt lako city this mon ter is reaching out in all gram v thin its is dc idly toils other IlOr LIOns of our free fcc I 1 ana a in wet it la is true that moi monism is on oil the it increase lit in spite of 0 the colossal efforts which ire arc bell liebig made to crush crash it out tills I 1 however I 1 f Is not according ding to a few uw of 0 tile ilic dati writers hot bicic e whose pens have predicted that ali tt the present judicial judi clil raid upon the liberties ol of the people of if utah it 1 followed oil lor for it A little time will put nil an end to 1 1 I on nil all religious unite in ili waging resolute warfare carfare it is quite eael to write down the i n oida spider aud and monster anti and try to apply them to tile u nature of the mor moa thil reli or its in people cople but a little AtI cYll u by bill sense to buels alax bidwill aid will ill jio prove vo that abo mormon domination lit in this region hs ha been legitimately rained allied being in the result of wholesome holesome st local gov C ful litaL wio lc indan i c energy anil 21 these qualifications have I 1 nade made this bloxsom blog as the rose has bai given us I iru iras ras la ti I 1 one ins towns and cities which y aich the traveller ulay limy view fol foi nt at ICA S t live five lit hundred andred miles from froin idilio in tile north to at idoll IL in ill tile south ann cnn bo noted thrift coin flu anit t and good order bloh are arc the out growt lii af pf CI in ill tile be wittily call be lucind li better fetter worn our otte settlements niad up thal tho nora cit ant and hefti beluso ao classes cliss cs ol of older con atiles nj as some declare find but little attraction attention bald to education uca tion this prosperity would not ilot bo be so visible to tile the tourist As it ft Is I 1 lure granaries lie ale dowing want flat and hilua hunger ger tire rarely known iner cantIle bouges and cud their land and wares lit in every town ine pl I 1 not allowed tu to school houses me ale met with ilia on oil eveia hand baud said and colleges colles cs will dis ili P panso ellse luear within the reach ot of al 1 io ia desire the bios find and bene liti af pf p clu catlon to all this tile tAlla gentleman glos gics the epithet ol of ni ilder with ode Adly tolls grappin the domain of oillie the independent west vest A again a aln the aryai of ilia hie 1 comes comei ery iery july M I 1 lubinko find lite lie re i aorl arl gaii a m bolint klinl inua u at at nio 0 being I 1 1 a to lebrato lo 10 alic se oa tiu in L kali tali v ith KI cat t aci 0 o ilic he united atell ifould follon the example set b by theme on oil tile fourth ol of guiv latits dijt and place laro e cry flag ui ill the coun tryst hall oil july jiffy 21 the wilter alludes to plu ticer day lit in utah a as though to celebi ate it would be an all unusual aull buitoni can of ir something to bo be decd by hie he people of tile the united t notates otates tat Ci la Is it not as commendable for utah to I 1 rejoice on oil lite hie arrival ol of this an as for Calif ornit to observe hilli creat that cicat in ili ii bhelt brocht lite alic indomitable explores to it 11 lanoit ledge ot of that I 1 tell and del 1 b taul watern elodi U iborg aiu if 0 abed a bed by I 1 he pacific ifil e wit teris nit lit in utah the hc ate ill amons traube xe ibero hero should it all inference vt me twee callo dunt dum anti ani lie de ludi lell inott reference 10 tile lla jt ii 6 true t roc a few citizens in fit silt salt lake city on oil the ot of july floated tic lie ar aud and f stripes cripes it halt half mast why may because lit in their estimation arcag air thi injustice n i I 1 I 1 stice bad been ilone done tile men I 1 1 laygui bed in lur ful con 1 cletice sall ako als stood and dolle under tile the laws ot of Cua congress grese yet ns as they they bell bleed cicil without hie elie warrant ol of the loo con expressly ly etues that cong ress shall no law nil Is 11 0 of religion or fi free aco exercise the thereof teof thoice placed the lie ling in that ito I 1 a asa u symbol of ning eelig li tenell lieu anti nations often do they ibey far or their illva iLl vc if file lends nili mid had tic u in 0 of of ferin insult or of ludi anity to be III of ind aud they by did tilla the li liter adal es ca tatt on oft pioneer day the remainder remain Jer of 0 ilia hie united baates should ebona J follow tile ex cx clavicle anile nod anti evera ling in the country ut lit half liast III aiL had that event tran FlAred they giust have been clear of censure n its alif this aulon lon yi have 15 ranted full fail initials t ally but the 2 it of july cinie came mo elves far front from those ut of or spleen rent tile american heart anil and the heads of the people of tile hie Ite public altif utah tois elliD to indulge t ill joyson joys hinr her 3 eai eaily ly j jubilee lualice lu blice j joain il ivelli the lie nimlou lit in tile he emble uis of and plated tile stara and stil plis at hilt mast throughout oh when will pollyl oll tl ul 1114 and aad tit the 0 rell 10 lo ll 11 lu lots of kinetics bee cialle ruffic 1 1 fly bu hourt 11 he be anted irk il to road 10 lo to tile ihu people of utah attar atar th bif if r year they glie ill all the be clial at ir 10 offered to by a any y other of the union of theli tile 1 alg oliou to lo hie dt arolia ila aig anti anil tile the tilt of our country I 1 eliy I 1 Y an roy dear car afir ir front iny any earil ept re e n eat when a boy in the mornion ra the glorious stam and stripes have ever floated over our lic leads aili in in all our patriotic titer they have went to the lop oil of the alas fia taff and delighted ue e slewed owed N there the wavy folds floidie lo in the arleze 11 in Illi aldo chast fla animated alma t ed tile the i licati ul of tho the keglon 1 sod lad it wat was forue in cioll to the war by that hand band ot of 11 fite re bl indred who mi a left their fa in tents upon tile plains near council bluffs and went fully to their Lount country rys ca call 11 but when a lave few well iricanin citizens ot of salt lako janke city felt fell to lillini fest sorrow tor for the abild ot of in utah ut ih by placing the fla in its appropriate place to wall cate bonow lit at the prompt instigation of fit A ring riis vl of vae naf ioto into a cason ard and their monstrous I 1 C harui over every il those u wkho ho lor for yair ir 1 T watched tor for a i pretext ayne ga 11 telah 1 I I 1 is 1 tead v to it alv is tr 1 I 1 abbo 1 q acri tiling mormon it to r I 1 I 1 it t bordera even portions V felt notified to ab U loebl 7 lo b Pre Adent has li as 71 I 1 tg it a uy 11 annl if I 1 a tew w tuch nich I 1 IT eg ot of I 1 ahe I 1 ae till antl t I 1 31 I 1 an v anti ti incisi hlll open ill hi e v CA to 0 o t hel hali Fell ellies road inace hini him IQ in how lie ile 14 upon their to fio fact that tile the I 1 nog toga infamous organ aix oix 1 0 ue was an ilia scrupulous adjunct and it I 1 is to paid fai ovo five extra copies ot of that pa lot v nent ell t C sit to give ot of I 1 llie lie alleged 1 gorlion I 1 ion treason fuelber glicr 11 jr r ti if jale fays aj till tho filarial edmunda title law lair was TM the llna L honis stroke that vial felt fell in the cry heart of an and 0 1 0 is t tho h 0 e f act t loftt 0 fa t i r rented e tt e d t macli n uc li ox ell c cHeni it m e ent ani t s alid c a us e d a pt Manip a m p e d e e of 1 ni blany a n y four fear fill fall saints irom from the headquarters anekt et the ulica of refuse outside like territory suffered lucli lu in proportion in catching tile ho ordee ol of flying 1013 when the hunted an all as alilam low among respectable in the co neighboring orang station anti and ArIz arizona atu at ai owing new albro oregon slid ami idaho nere out 06 a 0 t rell fc and the rood good people OR ol that 80 coafou nere 26 forced reed to receive tile unwelcome loc 1090 ironi ton salt all djiko lit is hether they wanted filleted to or not A arizona claa full ered tile hie west although the aco plant plo ot that territory fought aga lost iho tho nuisance arizona now are ro choa now directly direct la attention to tile arcain real ot of mormon pouring into tOrri tor y 31 lly ing liiK irons from tile of 0 t lie in ina w I 1 in ca they call tor for a welter cut c t 0 of alic rue oita lair iu its Arli tons so KO laces e i i t b bo e lorald r c to gove en wnm find and not overrun shau lot rd their te territory ff 0 linn ciu king it to bo be by settlers the liw law is elio first bona boila enactment has been vigo vigorously anal ri fixedly edly enforced orceil find aud tile tho conits acting in 1 c fifth ith a determination to convict all mormons cormons lio ito are brought before thein charged 1 mitt I jtb pr of tota lawful C allied by packed pick fil juries aud and the catrair dimmy chaire gyst cio teto makes ILA iii hopeless aud and doome diomed d calibe nod to no vonder that the eer lee of 0 w wills its lave in ill some smile cases been avoided could fair trials be secured cycil cran our inget aud anti worthy cili zeus are ara willid at an any time hire to lit in cout coin t and answer to charges cli arres agal n st them it is 3 indeed la mentAl e that Ameti cail j jurisprudence here has haa to so by scheming political demagogues by fanatical lauati cai palti All trick tei a and rell lous zea zealous zealots lots that eliat even the of justice are arc demoralized by the elie clamor 0 popular opinion to tha extent that honorable honor ablo aud woi chy cILI cannot IN ilia implicit confidence their liberties lit in their hands hut but so eo it is in sonata of 0 tile COUI coin ts in utah aud and it if these causes canses lime lot ced a lew few to leave their homes lind and families to find refuge from such tyrant persecution elie fact ol of their agnir g should lu bllou of 0 in the mind of 0 to trimble liable or tile hie country bat in no event have the utah made bur bill to their ol of the ill id neither his their presence reade rendered reu dered red obnoxious to tile respectable portion por tiou odthe the people ue lie continues continue I 1 tile casino IA 1 bouss ot of tills lh northern particularly till tile gou goutheir fouth thein cin conat conflict ici ot of idaho idabo 0 casala oneida and ami lear bear lako louii conn ties lac in idaho atio boic nor ludd lead than lhnn so 0 o many hotbed ol of mormonism n bere tile law lann ol 01 alio llio united aro are openly defied anil anal glicr I r 13 anly Is openly and bin whal who ought 1 io elnoir butler or lio inaldo to do lillar lil lir thus choto 0 i cilona penns to bo be devold vt ill ill il ali if mc ile slid ud el cion on phout second third fourth and anil fit litin ca is alie 1 ea ephom lliam in tile practice tice an anil C talent to 11 rolat tile united bbate jaw it if mr ever rell scions sons candidly lie be it if lit in the count counties li callies in the lit laba quotation the itlie ilar moua have not gai gainell neol their as well as s their lands fahily nud aud leati 11 inal lately cly lie loust know they have dune I 1 ill lils 1 being natural nai nril born of 01 naturalized Citi ci thu elio Moimoi ii divi considered it to settle loped epou lands land according accor nc cordin ging ts ilia laws of out tills this being bein horase ho cuse they havo of ell eill settles in ili a ii 4 well as lit in other tea 1 their preb bence it is not lint dobai ed any other oilier cla class ot of citizens citi cna from settling adjacent if titer ther clinic it ills 14 a lame title celal Q ilia t ru re alile citizens have been kept out 7 ibe lie dati leis liichi lii cli have been beef settled in ili idaho by llo mons will fall any ally settled districts ot of lie Teni toty fur for lavi lau abiding alluding virtuous nud find prosperous citizens the wholesale charges which at abc c made ut of the he a ol of shuso given your ders lv iv mr trimble Trini bla cannot canno t be ia d by facts vile the aloi luon people lu ili that tei ailor citory have been to cruel special Fp ecial legislation in consequence ot at I 1 which icar hear lake county Is in ill a condition till lit beedell ted in ill tile ol of iho elio stated Sta Stilt tei ets the ille wheels ot of jula jolico tica have been clo chogol etl by bv it a bet ol A pai wait tian iz v ho u hanz come west weft for trolls all abit lic lit upon unhappy idaho s lak ink in ing it tile the Ille against the had aiji 4 law nv iii eed iu in the he cist legislature Legisla tute the 0 of blikh wa tile ot of nil 1 Moil uuna vola lit in ifyu blural ral alio the of tile population ill I 1 it alint ten I 1 aru arc dilollo gai niblo they have leave biotti no liw law of ibe elie Ift find nil yet it fit lie jawells arc lime alone they ire cepi alved of 0 the rig litcof lit sitting on oil juila or r gulding liu lillis malec in 11 at recent attempt tu to hold court nl all rat I 1 n Is ii lem ilear lake county elloul gh trien men u lio ito heill beld tile lie I 1 ight ol of 40 could not colbo be found to ai tylton it ui the jud Ji id g u would have li ivr illegally tu to gilo gala eel but die hey nut not act PO fo ions all their all tits stood blood lit ill doubt your correspondent corresponds lit stated thit that ill all the respectable people have either lt left or been driven out of the town illig ol of pails I 1 uli tim till Is 1 as is truthful it a MIlt us its liu lie gave your leaders n in fit alic lie letter referred red to tn the dogged tion to convict cormons mormons llor niom ot of polygamy Ittin ut fair air stool considerate irias led some of to vacate carls tor for it tho the corrupt find licentious rian was is in noi labier la ill iier l arid lie your cor 1 I ILE evidently eviden lly ml fell among the stitt ela cliss ot of the affair at the iho meeting I 1 in it parla tir tr trimble says byg three deputies came to aarl tj tir eight p erso ubal were charged n till nn lukal cc bihl tailors lillon they found an nl at the ali tinK bouve tits thief nho arc bere want dicing byln outside 2 ihu lie de jin pied to U enter but bul the were nn an der lertha the claim that |