Show News From Our Neighbors From M Y T 0 N member of Ladies Aid Honored by large group on birthday by Grace H. Dalgleish To extend birthday greetings to one of their the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian 1 Church motored to Vernal last Thursday to participate in a picnic Miss Alice Fred Lionel W. R. Carlos Esther Ted Thomas Homer James Dalgleish and George Ruth Adams and Emma were joined in Vernal W. H. also a members of the Aid when the group extended good wishes to Jennie Tuttle on her j Emma Taylor and her young son arrived last week from to visit Emma mother of and also other members of the Tanner La Von Thomas with her Darrell and of Randolph were guests last week at the home of her sister and and DeVere During the week Hancock and her sons took their guests to the Monks ranch near Hayden to Visit and Frank Thomas and Hancock are daughters of and Richard Moore and two children of Kearns were Myton visitors Saturday as they returned home from a visit at the ranch home of Moore's mother and and Frank Lydia Peatross left Friday for Provo for a visit at the home of her daughter and and Carlos Weekend visitors at the ranch home of and Loyal Perry were and John Oreno and children of Salt Lake The children remained for a longer visit with their Leonard Perry accompanied them on the trip to spend the weekend with his He is employed in Salt Lake and Dennis and children enjoyed a visit to I Salt Lake City on July 24 to see the Days of 47 Hazel Rose Gilbert and Lynn Dean attended the funeral of Brent Cameron in Salt Lake Brent was the ten-month-old son of and Vern Cameron who drowned in a bathroom accident at his parents home July He was a great-grandson of Peterson and was the grandson of and Glen Wardle who formerly resided in Lydia Nielson visited her daughter and and Leonard in Kearns last They returned her to her home in Myton Thursday and remained here until Rose accompanied by and Hale- Hol-gate of attended the Dearden family reunion at Morgan The home of Ruth Adams was gay with a family gathering last week when and Bill Adams and family came from Murray and and Clifford Adams and children came from Salt Lake While here the Bill Adams family also visited the Jerry in parents of and the Clifford Adams family were guests of his sister and and Fred on South Myton HAD WARD OUTING About 50 members of the Myton ward of the church attended the ward reunion in Uintah Canyon The group enjoyed a delicious picnic games and fun of the In charge of the reunion were Bishop Loryn Clark Abegglen and Dean and Marion Ross and and Leon Ross participated in a vacation trip to Salt Lake City and Tremonton during the July They were guests of and Labrum and and Floyd Mecham in ing with them for a two-week visit was Saundra a of the Marion and Fred Brown of Roosevelt attended the Sacrament meeting at the Myton ward chapel Sunday Brown rendered a vocal solo with a guitar accompaniment as a portion of the W. R. Harris accompanied and John Richens and daughter of Arcadia on a trip to Layton to spend Friday and Saturday at the home of and Sam and Ralph C. Walker of Salt Lake City were Sunday visitors at the home of and James The two couples attended the Gear annual reunion in Duchesne where they enjoyed a delicious dinner and visited with the former mail drivers who delivered the U. S. Mail to the Uintah Basin in the old and Jack Goodrich and and Rosalie and Maxine Gilbert of were guests of Rose Gilbert and other members of the Gilbert family in this area during the past two Gladys Harris and Lydia Nielson attended the annual picnic of the American Legion of Roosevelt in Uintah Canyon were joined by and Roland Krebs of Salt Lake Robert Krebs of former residents of and Krebs' sister and also of Salt Lake Bryan son of Rose has recently been to where he will be in charge of the Safeway Dairy He has been foreman at the plant in during the past few John Tucker and three daughters came last week from Idaho Falls a visit at the home of and Wilmer parents of Other visitors at the Murray home were and Neil Murray and family of They had the opportunity to visit Alc Dewey Murray and wife and small son who left Saturday for San Diego where he will be assigned to TANNER FAMILY HOLDS REUNION SUNDAY The family of Emma Viola Tanner held a reunion July at the Lodge Pole Camp grounds in Daniels One hundred and ten members were with 21 Those from Myton attending were and Albert and Dave and Floyd Tanner and and Douglas Allred and Emma Viola Tanner and her Emma and who were visiting her from The day was spent visiting and taking At noon a delightful picnic was Tanner has 33 living grandchildren and 54 She celebrated her birthday last |