Show hold open tee house for agu wedding weddin g anniversary mr and mrs edwin B cassity residents of grantsville Grants ville for the past 43 years will be ho honored on their sixtieth wedding anniversary june 9 at an open house in the grantsville Grants ville high school auditorium guests are invited for 7 30 p in and later and there will be ing following the reception mr and mrs cassity were mar ned ried june 8 1886 in tooele thoele mr cassity was born in lake point tooele thoele county dec dee 11 1861 a son of edward P and mary mar ann cas sity mrs cassity was born august 5 1869 in erda a daughter of clark and liza home horne highley her name was julia higley before their car nage both mr and mrs cassity are members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and are active workers in the grantsville Grants ville second ward after their marriage they made their home in tooele thoele for a few years and then moved to erda and later grantsville Grants ville where they still reside mr and mrs cassity have raised a family of four children their two daughters mrs millie hales of grants grantsville ille ville and mrs mary hedden of monteray cal and a son ed ward cassity of grantsville Grants ville and their nephew henry hodgson |