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Show The Thursday, January 13, 1959 Thdy have been in California visit-mtheir son and stopped to visit the:r brothers and sisters in the Ph. EX Kyle Harrop area. JANET ADAMS EX 41115 Fern Patterson, wife of city counThe Fourth Ward bishopric and cilman Alex Patterson, is at the their wives were in Evanston, Wyo. Dee Hospital recovering from an Thursday to see a new chapel operation. We wish her well. afterwhich theirs is to be patterned- Mr. and Mrs. L. Ames Schofield Recently a - meeting of all the were at Taylor Sunday Jan. 21 to auxiliary officers of the Roy 5th attend an open house for Alex Ward was called and a ward build- Skeen who his family were honoring fund committee organized with ing on his 80th birthday. The next Relief Society meeting George Stettler as cha'rman.' Assignments were given and plans for the Roy 6th Ward will be held made for activities to be held. A Wednesday Jan. 21 at 10 a.m. in letter will be sent to each family the Relief Society Room in Bishop of the ward explaining the purposes Kays basement. The lesson will of these activities. Lets all support be Some Puritan Women given Mr. Stettler and the committee in by Mrs. Charmayne Jeppson. the fine job they are doing. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Wheatley are Ross Howes was speaker at Sac- happy over the safe arrival of their rament meeting Sunday night in second son, Jan. 12. the Bth Ward. He talked of experiSunday night Jan. 11, the Roy ences witnessed while on a mis- Second Ward reorganized the Resion to England and in Korea in lief Society, the YWMIA and the the service. Junior Sunday School coordinator There have been some changes were released. made in the organizations of the Released from Relief Society was 5th Ward. From the 9th Quorum of Edna released Peterson, president; Erma Stetwere Elders, George tler as president, Robert Wade, Slater, ' employment placement first counselor; Jay Benson, 2nd counselor; June Hadley, work dicounselor and Albert Knight as rector and Stella Terry secretary. secretary. Released as Aaronic Sustained were Nancy Tullis, presiPriesthood Teachers Advisor was dent; Ruth Bott, employment placeDean Thompson. From the YMMIA ment counselor and Betty Wood, were Leland Andrews who was sec- work director. Secretary will be retary and Ernest Bell who was sustained later. Released from YWMIA were first counselor. Sustained to new positions were Flora Ogan, president; Mae Ohlin, LouAnrt counselor; George Stettler as ward building age group fund committee chairman, Philip Field, activity counselor. Sustained Jorgenson as Elders Quorum presi- president was LouAnn Field, Mae dent, Dean Thompson as first coun- Ohlin age group counselor and selor, Ernest Bell as second coun- Kathryn Russell activity counselor. selor and Leland Andrews as sec- From the Junior Sunday School was Betty Wood replaced by LaVon retary of the Elder Quorum. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Wecker Rogerson as coodinator. At this meeting also, four boys have a new boy born Jan. 11. The Boy Scouts of Pack 871 are were graduated fro Primary. They now selling tickets on a qoflt the were Steven Fielding, Ricky Richden mothers are getting together to ards, Don Perks and Vern Owen. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pratt had quilt for the boys. The proceeds will go to help pay for the maga- as Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Juanita Wayment, Kathy and Allen of zine Boys Life and their registraClearfield. Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. tion dues. A family dinner party was held Wayment are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibby spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson of Clearfield in honor Thursday and Friday at Tremonton of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hardy who on business. On their return home were here from Minneapolis, Minrt. they ertjoved dinner at the Tropical Cafe in Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bell now have two daughters and three sons. Their new daughter was born Jan. 10. Congratulations. Mrs. Vern Philips had a birthBY day dinner for her husbdnd Jan. 8. Special guests enjoying the dinPETE RESSLER ner were Mr. and Mrs. L. Amos Schofield and Mr. Philips mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brew have left for a two week vacation to the San Francisco area to visit their children. The next meeting of the Roy First Ward Relief Society will be held Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. 18 The social science lessort will be I think its a leak through given under the direction of Rae Ostler. that patch, covering that Birthday greetings from the Roy patch, over that one. F.rst Ward Relief Society ladies this month goes to Delores Miller, Eliminate the guessing, we Janes Venable, Orpha Manning, are your answer to tire repair Emma Smith, Mary Randall, Ona service Venable, RaNae Naef.Tloene Barton, Barbara Murphy, Nellie Robinson and Laura Mess. Happy birthSinclair Service day ladies. There is going to be a temple Phone EX excursion to the Logan Temple held the evening of Jan. 26. A large Dealer in Sinclair Products group is hoped for. 5348 SO. 1900 WEST Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright and ROY, UTAH family have moved into their new g ROY NEVS ikoiojiM; RESSLER'S 39351 Are yoj planning to build or remodel . . FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL Phone EX 47403 OF 1 FISK CUSTOM DELUXE TIRE You Will Receive ONE SNOW TIRE in Necessary 8.95 BATTERIES ONLY With Exchange . ' Two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. RayLeonard C. Huff has recenly re-- t mond Ray, Annette, Joys and Mrs. irned from a few days TDY in Mattie Green journed to Idaho I os Angeles, Calif. Falls to visit with NaDene and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunsaker of Carver and their Kay family. They were there for three days which Brigham City were Sunday visit-- , ors at the home of Mr. aid Mrs. The Weber County PTA Council they enjoyed very much. Willitm D. Hunsaker. They also was held Thursday Jan. 8, at the Mrs. Green visited with her enjoyed a lovely turkey dinner durSchool. Those Roy Elementary and for two ing the holidays with Bill and Jan. daughter were officers PTA the Roy present the holidays. and. chairmen and those of the weeks during George Elmer and Robert Mr. and Mrs. Hap Imlay enjoyed Roy area were Ruby Olmstead, motored to Jerome, Idaho of their daughter Vira Beus, Hazel Fidd, Elaine the company Florene and her husband Junior one day last week and enjoyed a Child, Fern Kearl, Mary Randall, Rriney drring the holidays. When short visit with friends. They visitBeverly Wiberg and Principal Robed with Tom and Reah Scott and ert Stewart A nice luncheon was they returned to their home in Wilmington, Calif., their two small found them all fine and enjoying served at the school cafeteria. new home. The Scotts send Mrs. Ila Runchel who was in daughters went with them. They their an automobile accident is still in had been visiting fith granpa and the;r best regards to all their Suna couple of set friends and always are glad to the hospital but reported recov- granma Imlay for months. have visits from them. ering satisfactorily. The Bigelow family had a Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kennedy are Mrs. Rachel Williams of Malad, during-th- e holidays also. rejoicing over safe arrival of a mother of William W. Williams Is at the Dee Hospital where she was Rodger Bigelow received his dis- son born Jan. 6. All concerned are charge from the Marine Corps on doing fine. operated on Jan. 9. Dec. 21 and arrived home for the The Foreign Exchange Students The Roy 6th Ward are very holidays. Delores Lamon and her at Davis High held their party and as have happy they just completed small daughter Linda Jean of St. Wednesday meeting financing the building lot for which came home for a visit friendship afternoon. There were about 12 of their church is to be built upon. Louis, Mo., Kock and her husIn order to help do this they have and Mary Kay each at his own table with Lake visited for a them, had a building project wherein they band from Salt different types of food, etc., and few days before moving to Calihave built a home and sold it. explainations to offer. It costs each fornia. The Roy 6th Ward faculty meetstudent at Davis 50c to help mainMr. and Mrs. Vern Poll have had ing will be held Tuesday, Jan. 20 tain this student foreign exchange at 7:30 p.m. at Bishcp Loren O. for their guest for two weeks an class. of Dot Harker aunt, Murray. Kays home. Marshal Howard Robinson and There will be la temple excursion Mr. and Mrs. Vern Montgomery Glen Clarry has posted Deputy the Rides be will to Logan Temple. and Denise were dinner guests of No Vehicles Allowed' signs at the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoppie of Salt leaving at 5:30. For further infor mation get in touch with Kenneth Sunset Elementary School in the Lake City Saturday. drive in an effort for the safety weekend was at Byram. It a busy, busy To celebrate his birthday on Jan of tl.e children. Parents bringing the DeVere Adams home. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Afton Adams of 7, Calvin Kap invited a few of his their children to school are expect-befriends to attend a movie in ed to help with this safety. Only Fielding were dinner guests and Mr. Ogden with him. Afterward they delivery trucks arc allowed around spent the day visiting. Surday and Mrs. Charles Bourne and David returned homo and enjoved icc ihe back to deliver the food and of Fielding were dinner guests. cream and cake. Those attending supplies. It is too dangerous for After dinner callers dropping in were Calvin and Keith Kap. Doug children who dart out in front to visit were Mr. and Mrs. Ray las Mathis, Tom Stanger and Vern of ,he cars so oftcn McMurdie and six children of Lo- Peek. A free class in landscaping your gan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon of home, instructions in the care cf, Smlthfield and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin planting, fertilizeng, control of inMuir of Mendorl. sects and flower arranging will Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crockett, on Monday nights, beginning start SunSusan, David and Roger were 19 in the PTA sponsored adult Jan. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Our sympathy goes out t0 Her-- education class. It will continue for Don Carlson of Bountiful. The Cub Scouts of Pack 871 un- man Westbrock and his family at six consecutive weeks. The instruc-thdeath of his father on Tuesday, tor will be Ray L. Darb, landscape der the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Dick Titcnsor en- Grant Howard visited the Ogden Standard Examiner in Ogden where joyed the company of Joan Rinden WCCT pfllNTI NPW they were taken through the pro- and her small daughter of San1 cess of how daily papers are print- Diego for three (lavs during the ed. The 25 boys attending were week. Happy birthday to Cynthia Stod- to Connie Holbrook on the 16th; was Pauline hostess dard, Dayton very interested. Members of the Roy Gardenette the Primary officers and teachers Kathiyn Patterson, Ned Zaugg, Col- Club will hold the first monthly on Monday evening There was 15 leen Dahl, Lynn Burningham all meeting of the season, Monday members present. They enjoyed the on the 17th, David Cook the 18th. Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. at the home of lesson given by Verena Stark and Clark Holt the 19th, Marjorie Fish-Mrs. H. A. Gilmore, 282 E. 4300 S. then refreshments. Afterward Paul- - er and Robert Nilson the 23rd. new- Happy anniversary to Mr. and Washington Terrace. The meeting me showed them through Mrs Herald Homer the 16th; Mr. will be conducted by Mrs. Walter ly remodeled home which everyand Mrs. Therald Johnston and one commented on its beauty E. Mintz, president. The Gold and Green Ball will be Mr and Mrs. Richard Thornley The daughter and son cf Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Allison, Dr. held Saturday evening at the rec- both on the 21st; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Richard E. Nilsson and reaticn hall This is with the I'in- Hugh Twede the 23rd. Sunday epening at 7 p.m. a their two children, Terri Lynn and tah Ward. It is also a best dress A good orchestra will fur- well testimonial will be held for! Brett have been visiting relatives Twcde who will be leaving and friends in Ogden and Roy nish the music A nephew. Francis since their recent return from a Imlay, of scon cn a mission to Finland. On Jan. 25 North Davis Stake two ear stay in the orient. Dr. southern Utah dropped in uncxwill be held, Conference the on Ina and Hap as who has been during pectedly Nilsson, serving a captain in the Air Force Medical week. He had just arris cd from Johnny Page who ha been a and waso n his way home, tient in the Dee Hospital convales- Staff has been stationed at the Johnson Air Force Hospital just They were cry pleased to see him. eing Dorn a recent operation was Dick Titcnsor and Art Tracey are allowed to return home for a very outside of Tokyo, Japan. his family and to During their stay in the east, cxpci icncing new thrills each Sat- brief visit with for first the time his baby see horses when race their ah? captain was able to visit the urday they who incidental has a lot brother, run races. the have cuHcr in They Islands, Philippine Hong Kong. China and Formosa. The Nilssons a coupUcT races and done pretty of long black hair and is simply, to have also visited many shrines and good. They race in Huntsville just adorable. Johnny who returned and afternoon the when Sunday hospital of Snow road Basin east the points of interest in Japan and there isn't snow at the old airport, is to undergo anot.icr operation this Races will be on Saturday and Sun week will have to spend about two the hospital, follow- day at 1 30 from now on because nice weeks in mg the operation We hope that of the late date starting Released as ccunse'or in the MIA everything will soon be well with Dr. Nilsson wa given th? responsiand that he will be blessed bility of setting up the first field "as Vine Fo'I on account of his Johnny Rh good health from now c MIA " to call a stake the con-at was accepting Tainan and hospital " an( u sultant to the Chinese Nationalists board. Others accepting positions 'on the Primary Stake Board are were given Sunday morning by Air Force medical corps. Jones and Irene Garrard. Judy Before returning heme, the Nils- LaManda Ray and Ililma Ray. Con-- ! Judy and Irene have both had a diffi-. Rivgratulations. sons visited with relatives in acci-thElmer Bambrough has accepted cult time as result of separate erside, Cal.f. The doctor is the son Year New that the Wc dents. hope of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nilsson of position as sports director and for both Glrn Poll will act as secretary in is a Lappy healthy one Ogden. He intends to resume medicf them, and for cvcrvonc who to these MIA the Congratulatirns cal practice in Ogden. rMci' my words. Mrs. John Alberts, 2275 W. 2065 workers also. some received Virginia Stanger So., has been in Ihe hospital the on her face with a bowl of hot gravy, past two weeks for treatment for very painful burns and fell she when Ray Peek can get twice as much slipped a back injury sustained from a rfcentlv loving now that he has his arm out fall. New that have Sarah Eames presented film and of its sling. It has been out of use memberships been received in the Lake View a d.scuss.on on her recent trip to sincsc,his shoulder was operated on the firsl part of December. Ray Ward include Mr. and Mrs. LaPreel Paris. The following members were is also attending Weber College 4702 So. and Dominguez family Lvnile Buclhcr, Barbara this winter quarter. 2100 W.; Mr. and Mrs. Alber Klien present, Jensen, Merle Coleman. LaNetha The voting men basketball teams and their two children; Mr. and Niercc. Shirley Smith, Millie Stevare in full swing. They play each Mrs. Ronald Harper, and family, ens, Vera Parker, Gayle Moffct, Wednesday evening. 4466 So. 2750 W.; Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Oleson and Mrs. Ure. WillVim Majori Rieesu', . 2149 . W. -'ll' 4400 So. and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fullmer, Maple Grove subdivision. SEE US for SAVINGS! A buffet supper was held at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Arthur On YOUR Family's Furnishings P. Brown last Saturday night for members of the former bishopric and Relief Society who were released recently. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parkfryer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spraycar, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Alberts plus the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rapp were unable to attend as they are spending some time in Arizona. Mrs. Emma Russell, Roy postmaster is feeling under the weath--r- . A get well wish is sent for her i juick recovery. V , , The monthly meeting of the .LU'Ar was held Monday at i t jt the home of Mrs. Ruth Ure. conPresident LarRenen Oleson ducted the meeting. It was decided that the members of the club would help the Kiwanis to sell tickets for the swimming pool. Following the meeting, Mrs. son-in-la- y e lUIll llullw ' hr - in-la- - fare-affai- - y inv,tcd everyone to come out and parlake of the spintual good. gn(J musjca, u,ent we havc T)nirsdav cvening is a Scouting program in the Ogden tabernacle for those interested in scouting Cleon Skousin, Salt Lake police chief will speak. Those welcomed into Sunset cently are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Danel Mack Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Faulker, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dowley and Mr. and Mrs. George W. w t BIRTHDAY far away? K 7 the Join party distance by long Rotes oil t Sunday when you call day offer 6 p.m. ortd olways lower stotion-to-stafio- Mountain States Telephone ri' v - j I BERRETT SERVIC Roy and Ogden SUNSET NEWS PAGE THREE ford, Artell Bunot, Bonnie Bunot, HOOPER NEWS LaRae Parker, Peggy Christensen, A family dinnef party in honor Paulene Bunot, Ilene Shaw, Marof Max Simpson, who has been lene Stark, Janean Dickamore, called on an LDS mission, was held Deon Byram, Joanne Boehme, Norat the home cf Jay and Charlene ene Ross, Janeal Thurgodd, Valene, Carol and Orba. Simpson. Family members attending were: Bishop and Mrs. Francis Pamela Iladlcy entertained sevSimpson, Eldin and Josephine eral of her friends on her fifth Simpson and family, Earl and Lil- birthday, Tuesday, Jan. 13. Her lian Simpson and family, Mr. and guests were Jalene Frew, Jamie Mrs. W. O. Belnav and Mrs. Alice PetersonDiane Allen, Ranae Allen, Simpson. Luann Thurgood, Glen Oakes, Don Jack Simpson, Norene Howes Fowers, and Kelly Hadley. and Lamoine Walker were also Norma Jackson is confined to guests at the party. the Dee Hospital following a major On Saturday night, Jan. 10, a operation. She is expected to be missionary shower was also given there for several days. for Max. This affair was planned On Wednesday, Jan. 7, Ruth Maand arranged by Naoene Penman son entertained the Hooper Junior and Jack Simpson and was hed at Women's Club at her home, Mr. the Hooper Second Ward hall. Neville of Weber College presented There was a large number attend-in- a tape recording of Police Chief and he reccved many nice gifts. Skouse.i. He spoke on training chilA stork shower for Valene Little dren up to the age of 12. Refreshwas given at the home of Orba ments were served to Genevieve Bunot Monday evening. Carol Mie-tu- s Johnston, Fay Fowers, Elaine Fowwas the hostess. Several games ers, Marion W. Cox, Margaret were played and gifts were pre- Vaughn, Marie Hows, Hazel Hes-losented to the honored guest. ReDelsa Fowers, Julia Spaulding, freshments were served to Wilma Donna Cottle, Dorothy Fowers, Little, Sharon Bennion, Cleone Lin- - Beth Robinson, Ruth Dawson, Virginia Widdison, Ruth Mason and Josephine deSimpson. artist, garden expert and floral The Van Call family has just signer and the time will be from moved into the home formerly oc7:30 to 9 p.m. ParkMiss Connie Jones of Sunset is cupied by Roland and Maxine er. They have five children, Van Jr. one cl the eight pretty contestants Jo Ann, Bridger, and Curto compete for the title of Miss Margie, tis. They moved here from Ogden. Layton National Guard. The win- We would like lo welcome them to ner will compete in both the Utah Hooper. Miss National Guard and the Miss Utah contest to be later in the year. To be eligible the contestant has to have lived in Utah at least six months, be single and not more than 28 years old, and must be 18 before Sept. 1, 1959, and, as part of the contest, must present a three-- 1 minute talent presentation. We arc all pulling for you Connie. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McMullin have returned recently from a lcve-- ' ' ly trip to southern Utah. They left for St. George Dec. 20, and stayed in St. George. The MeMullins visited relatives and friends and had a most wonderful time through the holidays. Their son, Terrell, of San Francisco, Calif., came up and spent Christmas with them. They are new back in the quiet of their home in Sunset with son Ray who has been at home hatching it, when he wasnt out on TDY. ROY AUTO PARTS PHONE EX 4 9639 5316 So. 1900 W., Roy, UUh AUTO GLASS INSTALLED AUTO GLASS AND PARTS New and Used ACCESSORIES BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE e WITH THE PURCHASE No Trade SOUTH WEBER NEWS . Your, Home, Garage, or Farm Buildings Ken Fahncke home on 6000 South and are very happy with it The Genealogy department are making another trip to the library in Salt Lake Monday night, Jan. 19. Transportation will be furnished if needed. Contact Chairman Hal Moss. Jj J Salute to SALT LAKE COUNTY , . . Center of Scenic America" w is the place, Brigham Young told his followers in 1847 as the wagons with 148 Mormon pioneers paused on a hillside overlooking the valley of the Great Salt Lake. Today the city founded by these hardy pioneers is world famous fts the capital of the state of Utah, cultural and financial center of the intermountain area, and headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ Saints. Only minutes from the city are of Latter-da- y mountains and canyons for picnicking in summer, skiing in winter. And at Bingham is found the worlds copper mine. largest open-cu- t In Salt Lake County, as elsewhere throughout the state, the United States Brewers Foundation is constantly at work to assure the maintenance of clean, wholesome gathering spots where beer and ale can ' : be enjoyed. This BEER and ALE . . . viT immGlnmDCcHnMmjtii Ali |