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Show SHOES AND HOSIERY FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN We are offering the famous BOBOLINK pure silk Hosiery Absolutely guaranteed at $1.00 the Pair The Bobolink is perhaps the best value in hosiery it has been our good fortune to offer the women of this locality. We now have a snappy-line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Chil-dren's Shoes. We invite your inspection. They represent repre-sent the finest that money can buy. Did you get a pair' of our $5 men's oxfords with pair of silk hose free. You'll like them. A Rare Bargain. A. W. Reynolds Co. . W r TT ANATlON-WtbE f , IIJ.CPenn. j r "where tavims are greatest '1 SPRINGVILLE, UTAH f Our Life Work "Packing Every Customer's Dollar Full of Value and Satisfaction" Broadcloth You Can Have Men's Straws ShirU for Men A Vacation - Of Jap Yeddo , nnv ftria. . vacation d ,. ht 0f la the new, snappy, ong- f - . T ,, , , n ' j inal pat- - A.X, AlOHlC ine JaPln"e Yeqdo. Trimmed C hi hount with fancy VI WSL b'r oTd- Vacation days"" are bands. Sty- 11?" exception- qulte possibly you have c m ' ,r KM - ally fine j . ..i , . t able. Only, , 1 -la yarn. a oate with a trout far (1 QQ by some sun- $1.98 jX'' " iDliiJa splashed stream, or are v ' looking forward to ' Brassieres hours of restful living Kayon Is Cool At U.ual Saving. !" a, tucked away C01" For Summer LingerW ner by the ocean. Light weight styles for i' Step Ini, ummer s I Whatever your plans A ' 4 bIoome r , comfortable, 1$.) . r n Ak- chemise and cool and at V H J" renney Com- ,.T ' gowns of gwS.,iV" V-V pany wishes you all VTL JL-Jl your own idea , of a St' f aq . 29c to iTPTW "doggone good time." VlV i hq May you come back to I """"V1 $298 work with renewed en- thusiasm. . j Odd Trousers But for those of us Summer Help j Many Pattern. who can't go away this For Ught Frockt . . ' year, the most impor- . .. . . " A variety ot jrorajT-a ' ' , . r A rubber apron fabrics and pat- riljl tant tmng 13 to Ket a is fine protection A ' 0 terns. For busi- r -L U 1 changed viewpoint against wrinkles in A. - J ; ' v pfss and general L:j j a fresh look at life. .r Cht JctC wear. Low Prlce,J h'iSA 3 WU i f U weight sum- . ,t 1 1 ill y freshen- mer: frW. tT-AJ -s ! ' nek rll ill ng up your wardrobe Buy one for I $3.98 1 I with some dainty sum- only' ' Jfrf $7.90 " mer frocks, or add 25c U") L those little decorative ; touches to your home . . - Men's Fancy that you've always p. --t : 1 Silk Ho.e . wanted bright pil- 1 25 Anniversary Here's an imporUnt value. lows and draperies and 11 C ft In novelty checks, plaids gay lamps? You'll be UOOl. Dmartl and p 1 a i n surprised at the Silk Frock, of Charm Wft co,ors Mer- changes these little 'jU5t the kind of 'iN ceri"d ll5'e touches will make. a lovely summer ff SSy. hee1' toe , frock to add to W? and top. Don t be too sorry youj vacation ftejfijin. Jjf A ' . n because you have to wardrobe. These hDI)) 49C stay at home. Some rilk frock, can be . . worn for so many . mmi 9t the most restful va- occasions. ' iijf Boys' ShirtS cations have been spent Nation.Wi(1. M Fast Color right there. . Saring. . . TUJ Fine quality broadcloth j white and Itfs jgt.zL $14.75 Phone 107 Harris Funeral Home 171 W. 2nd. So., Springville LICENSED EMBALMER Lady Assistant ' i A NEW COMFORT 49 c Box of One Dozen Here are the features of this exclusive product. 1. Velvet edges prevent irritation. 2. Under layer protects clothing. " 3. Highly absorbent. 4. Easily disposed of 5. Cool and light. 6. Affords perfect protection pro-tection Just ask for Gauzets City DrugCo. The &aJUL Store BUY "OREM LINE" COMMUTATION BOOKS FOR ECONOMY Commutation or 500-mile 500-mile mileage books 2 CENTS PER MILE 'Good between all ' Stations These bodks are most economical and a great convenience always. Our agents will be glad to advise you regarding their adaptibility to your needs. Ask them about it Salt Lake & Utah R. R. Henry I. Moore and D. P. Abercrombie, Receivers. Aldon J. Anderson Traffic Mgr. SALES THAT SATISFY Our business has been built with satisfied customers. We realize-that- every sale we make must be right, that the quality of the article sold must be the highest that the price must be reasonable and service genuine if we are to enjoy your continued patronage. For this reason every member of our organization strives continuously to serve you to the utmost of their ability THAT'S WHY OUR BUSINESS GROWS B Super quality Picnic 01 n Hams, lb L I C Lipton's Tea, Regular 45c and 50c 0 0 0 Our price 00C I Baking Powder Calumet 07 full lb. can, each LIZ I Grape Juice Armour's An I large bottles, each I uC I Wash Boards Enamel King nn I Regular price $1.25, our price, each 0 jC j White King, large package . 39 c I Salmon med. red 1 P I large can, each lOCj Preserving Kettles extra large illuminum 01 IC with bail, each ; $ ,0 Enamel ware plain white good heavy weight assortment as-sortment including water buckets, tea kettles 'dish pans, bread pans, double boilers, combinets 'on sauce pans, etc. Any article OoC Tinware Dizens of different a n items,, each JUC Garden Hoser extra good a n 1 I quality, per foot lc2C I Suit Cases Good size and qa ini well made, each . . ." I iT J I Work Pants Good heavy weight ri4 nr I Khaki color, pair J) J ,gj I Shoes and Oxfords for men black and tan Q QQ I very good quality and latest styles, pair PJiU J j I Sheeting Peppercll n per yard 4dC I I Pillow Tubing n best grade, per yard Ot-C I Unbleached Sheeting am per yard Jap Crepe q . per yard fcC I I Table Linen 0D I per yard .'. OjC I PrintSj.fast colors nn I I per yard ; See us for binding twine We handle the McCormick line which insures you of the highest quality large stock on hand ready for distribution buy early. HOLLEY MERC. CO. SPRINGVILLE MAPLETON Phone 159 Phone OO R 1 Star Theatre PROGRAM JULY 15 TO 21 FRIDAY, JULY 15 Fred Thompson and the Marvel Horse Silver King in "A REGULAR SCOUT" What a picture. Produced under the direction of the Boy Scouts of America and indorsed by James E. West, Chief Scout Executive. All children from eight to eighty years should see this great Western Production Also "Whispering Smith Rides" Chapter No. 4 SATURDAY, JULY 16 ' Big Double Program Official motion pictures of the Dempsey-Tunney World's championship boxing contest. The complete, ten rounds are shown. Did Dempsey lose. See the picture. Also regular feature Marion Nixon Robert Agnew in "DOWN THE STRETCH" The finest story of the race track yet. made Admission for this great program only 15c and 30c j s7nY,"jULY 17 I Lcatrice Joy, Charles Rav and Phyllis Haver in f "NOBODY'S WIDOW" You'll learn a lot you never knew before when you see this comedy drama of men's guile and woman's wile. j Also Pathe News and Cartoon Comedy MONDANUslDATjLY 18 AND 19 i Norma Shearer and Lew Cody in - "THE DEMI-BRIDE" A rollicking farce comedy of a man who abandons one woman, pursues a second and has a third thrust on him. , Also Two reel comedy "Stop Snookums" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY 20 AND 21 BThe most beautiful and tender story ever filmed "THE MAGIC GARDEN" from Gene Stratton Porter's last novel Here is a picture that we are proud to show. One that is endorsed by educators, the Clergy and civic organizations. organi-zations. If you are interested in the highest type motion picture don't miss "The Magic Garden" I Admission only 15c and 25c COMING "Slide Kelly Slide" for Pioneer Day. Continuous show starting 4 p. m. i "CONVOY" i ' "ROOKIES" i CLASSIFIED ! ' FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow and calf. Phone 121, Springville. jig FOR SALE Dewberries, Shot) per crate. Joseph Martin, Mapleton. 315 FEEDER SHEEP FOR SALE "We j can furnish either old ewes, young I ewes, ewe or weather lambs for fall delivery, in small or large lots. Day bell Livestock Co., Provo, Utah. I Phone 1200. jyi5 FOR RENT Three nnd four room partments; lights nnd hot water supplied; modern. Cull Huugerford Apartments. jso ( WANTED Three family washes each week. Rough dry or wet. Mrs. Clarissa Van Patten, South Second East. jylj KOI! SALE Raspberries nnd Lo-! gnnberries. Cnll E. W. Brown.) 1 id-W. . , 1 2nd Liberty Loan Bonds e IT j Will cease to draw interest November 15th. fi jjj Should you desire to cash your bonds now u j we will purchase them at current market prices. ' ! - Or should you wish to re-invest, we have lij 5 available an unusually attractive number of jjl i current investment offerings, and will be pleas- cd to take care of your requirements. !J5 I Bring the bonds in at your i 'A first opportunity ' H MENDENHALL BANK g |