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Show t SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM. UTAH DADDY EVEN COMB lllira FAIRY TALE k 6y Mary Graham Bonner i It's SAGE TEA IN HAIR TO DARKEN IT COULD JiOT SLEEP in Misery From Doans Kidney Complaint Grandmothers Recipe to keep her Locks Dark, Glossy, Beautiful. Mr. Schleusner The mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray streaked and faded hnir is grandTHE PROUD BOOTS. mothers recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, Hello, right boot. even color, which Is quite sensible, a$ Hello, left boot. we are living In an age when a youthHello, hello, hello." So the boots squeaked and creaked ful appearance Is of the greatest adwhile Eric slept so soundly In bed. vantage. though, we dont have They had been put side by side, quite theNowadays, troublesome task of gathering the carefully, at the foot of Erics bed, sage and the mussy mixing at home. on the floor. e All drug stores sell the Wasnt thnt the best compliment of addition the product, by Improved you ever received? asked the first other called Sage Ingredients, "Wyeths boot. and Sulphur Compound. It Is very It most certainly was, said the can discover because popular nobody second boot. And wasnt it the best It has been applied. Simply moisten compliment you ever received too?" your comb or a soft brush with It and Indeed It was, said the first boot. draw this through your hair, taking We both got exactly the same comone small strand at a time ; by morning pliment, said the right boot, which the gray hair disappears, but what dehad been the speaker called the seclights the ladles with Wyeths Sage ond boot, while the left hoot had been and Sulphur Compound, Is that, bethe speaker called the first boot. sides beautifully darkening the hair We did, said the left boot. Neafter a few applications, It also proither of us can be envious or jealous of duces that soft lustre and appearance the other. We were spoken of to- of abundance which is so attractive. gether. Adv, In the very same breath, said the As It Is in the City. right boot. In the very same word, said the Jean was romping with her dog In left boot. front of the house under the watchful We didnt have big photographs care of her mother. A woman passing asked her if she knew where a certaken, said the right boot. not were Well, said tain woman lived. Jean was overbig boots, the left boot. We belong to Eric, and heard to say, "Yes, she lives over there Eric Is a boy, not a big man. Some in the third layer. day, of course, if all goes well, he will be a big man. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Why do you say, if all goes well? local applications as they cannot reach by asked the right boot. the diseased portion of the ear. There Is to cure Catarrhal Deafness, It makes my conversation sound only one way that Is by a constitutional remedy. so much finer," said the left boot. and HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE acts I must be very careful where I through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is walk that Is, I must be very careful of caused by an Inflamed condition of the how I talk. The words rhyme, you mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a know. rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,Is and the I know now you tell me, said the when It is entirely closed. Deafness result. Unless the Inflammation can be reright boot, but boots dont as a rule duced and this tube restored to Its norknow much about poetry. .Were not mal condition, hearing may be destroyed cases of Deafness are forever. high up enough for poetry. Poetry Is caused by Many Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed Surfaces. Mucous of the condition ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALLS CATARRH old-tim- e ready-to-us- All of Its goodness sealed in Protected preserved. Tbe flavor lasts! j t SK (or. and be SURE to set WR1GLEVS. Its in a sealed package, but look for tbe name-t- he Greatest Name in Goody Land. IdEDICINE. All Druggists IF. J. Cheney 75c. Circulars & Co., Toledo, free. Ohio. But for adversity some men would never know how little they can bor row. Paradoxical. Hard Lines. "Jagg has a lot of dry humor. Yes, and oddly enough, especially when he has been drinking. Bobby was good about saving his pennies and buying Thrift stamps all during the war, but with the first 50 ceDts he accumulated after the war Subscribed and sworn to before C. H. COGGESnALL. Notary Public. Get Doans at Any Store, 60c a Bon DOANS CO FOSTER-MILBUR- BUFFALO. N. Y. DONT FEAR THE FLU It cant get you, if you use DR. HILLERS ESSENTIAL OIL TABLETS. They quickly relieve coughs, colds, all throat and lung troubles, reduce fever, prevent attack if taken in time and are free from drugs or opiates. A real which should be used in every home Trial package of 2 tubes, $1.00. Full package, 10 tubes $5.00. Complete directions. Postpaid on receipt of price. Sold exclusively by life-sav- FREDERICK HILLER, M. D. Suite 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg. Los Angeles, California WOMAN WHO WINS THE backed Must be bright, cheerful energetic. Qn&UUefl by good health With the wonderful . COVELLA HONE TREATMENT Female weaknesses disappear, pale faces take on a glow, the eyes beoome bright, the body grows strong and vigorous. Weareoffering aHpeclalTrialConrRe, Tonic, Suppositories and Antiseptic Powincluding der for 6O0. THE COVKIXA COMPANY, ! Place, SUlxui, Mo. IontBendstampg Temple All letters opened, read and answered by a wouao W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 13-19- 19. A Dash -- of Chocolate , was over he bought candy, for which carefully every bottle of mother scolded him. Crying, he said: CASTORIA, that famous old Oh, gee, a feller cant even be patrifor Infants and children, and seeremedy that It otic and have a little peace celebraBears the tion without being called down. Gave Complete Relief. Heavy work brought on my kidney complaint," nays Win. SchleiiHiier, 6408 Suburban Ave., Wellslon, Mo. 'One morning when shoeing a borne I was taken with a sudden pain iu my back and fell lint on the floor. If I had been hit with a trip hammer, 1 couldnt have suffered more. I stayed in the house for five weeks and ttie pain was wearing the life out of me. At times, I couldnt get a wink of sleep because of the misery and 1 had to get up every few moments secretions that Br. StUenmer to pass the wre h;Bhly colomi, of foul odor, filled with sandy sediment and terribly scalding. My bladder felt ns though it were afire. The pain brought stupor and a reeling sensation in my head; the torture of it cannot be described. If I got onto my feet I couldnt walk but felt dizzy and all in a flutter and everything would turn blrck. My head ached bo it seemed as though my eyes were being dragged out. I started using Doans Kidney Pills and I was soon rid of all the ti ouble. Important to Mothers Examine Signature of, ta Use for Over 30 Years. uildren Cry for Dr. Pierces Pleassnt Pellets pat b end to sick sod bilious headaches, constipation, dlzxl-nes- s and Indigestion. Clean house. Adr. Fletchers Castoria Never forget the high cost of wor rying. It Is wrong to sorrow without BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES GOOD-BY- E centuries all over the world MEDAL Haarlem Oil has r relief In thousands upon thou-sanof cases of lame back, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, gravel and all other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and ailed organs. It acts quickly. It does me work. It cleanses your kidneys na purifies the blood. It makes a man a nevr woman, of f'v you. It frequently wards off attacks of the Tfld fatal leases of the kid-- , ft often completely cures the diseases of the organs of dy allied with the bladder and b imnys or Blody or cloudy urine, brlckdust Indicate an condition. ds eed-hiif- not a minute If your back new, or delay are sore across the loins . yu ave tn your difficulty when urinating. Go druggist at once and get a the bight In all cases of box of imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and easy to take. Each capsule contains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill. Take a small swallow of water If you want to. They dissolve In the stomach, and the kidneys soak up the oil like a sponge does water. They thoroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the Inflammation which is the cause of the trouble. They will quickly relieve those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gallstones, gravel, briekdust, etc. They are an effective remedy for all diseases of the bladder, kidney, liver, Your stomach and allied organs. druggist will cheerfully refund your money if you are not satisfied after a few days use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. None other genuine. Adv. mi Distemper, Influ enza Colds, Pinkeye, etc.- of all hones, brood mares, colts, stallions. Is to SP0III1 THEM P0hnrTf0nS w in the feed 'put Give the ,ComPund. remedy them 11 acts on the f blood an.? i11 a 14 roots the disease by expeiiin?1?? oft th fp!TAJho aiseas germs. It wards f "P086d !l n matterreehwfrom they are- k any- M thing lnir.bB0.lute,y A 5i0JJs child can safely take It Boia sen? drjggUte. harness dealers, Jr actur6raeXreK? ,pald by the manu- Agent Wanted. if;. k SPOHM MEDICAL CO.a TA We Have Had Our Picture Taken. usually written about clouds and the sky. We are simple boots, quite satisfied to walk our humble way along the earth or the floors. We walk where Eric has us walk," said the left boot. Thats true enough, agreed the right boot. How did it all come about? asked Your Nose the left boot What are you talking about?' asked the right boot. The photographs, of course, said You were listening the left boot. then better than I was, for I was standing on my toe and trying not to fall over. I wasnt paying much at tention toanything else for a minute." You mean," said the right boot, that Eric was standing on one toe, and as you were new you were hoping he wouldnt fall over and get you all dusty. Youre right, said the left boot. So tell me all about it I like to hear even what I know for It makes me so proud. Im glad to tell it to you, said the right boot, for It makes me proud too. Erics daddy had just bought him a new pair of boots ourselves, In fact. Eric was delighted, as any boy should have been. In fact ho was so pleased that he wanted to go and have his photograph taken, so he could send it to his Aunt Edie, who was away. He said that he wanted to have a photograph taken of his new boots before they all wore out and he was sure his Aunt Edle would be glad to see what they looked like. To be sure a photograph was not taken of us at the photographers shop, but they did take a picture of us with a camera and Its going to Erics Aunt Edie.' Yes, we have been paid a great compliment. We have had our picture taken and there is a boy who thinks more of having photographs taken of nice boots than he does of having his eyes' and his nose and his mouth and his hair photographed, which is so usual a way to take a photograph Knows All foods are flavored to make them palatable. All smoking tobaccos are treated with some flavoring for the same reason. But there is a big difference in the Quality and kind of tobacco flavorings. Tuxedo, the finest of properly aged hurley tobacco, the purest, most wholesome and delicious of all flavorings chocolate! That is why Your Nose Knows9 Tuxedo from all -- other tobaccos by its delicious pure fragance. Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment. Your Nose Knows Tbs Perfect rs Tobacco for Pipo and Cigarette Guaranteed by' 1 i V lit' 9 it -- - - GOSHEfl, IND., U. S. A. Were honored boots, we are!" We hoot. nre indeed, said the other INCOW WO WATBD RNTEED T0 5ATLsr our money ba |