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Show AT TlltH IIOTKIJ. Following are the arrival registered during the twelve hours ending at 2 oVlo.'k thj afternoon: Metropolitan C E Morton of th "Hostonlan;" Wilmer Wcely, Philadelphia. Philadel-phia. Whiti Hnr W V DitMnhrrv. Pro. vo; Leo llnefell, Ogdeo; (ienriie C Parkinson, Park-inson, Franklin, Idaho; U O I'rv. Denver; Den-ver; liii'lmrd Dovr. Omaha; William Watson, Helena, Moot. Oontjnuntal J T Davis, Omaha; A H G.eone, Kra. Idaho; W B Mull, Aroo, Idaho; H Mueller, Denver; Boyd Clarke, Kansa City; Charles B Perry, Topeksi I L Moore, Portland, Oregon; W H Lynch, SMknne Fall. Cliit Hot-an-Kd Bottituh and wif. Fort Bndgar; Truninn 8iih"tick and wifw, II C Stinaon and Willinm H Carter, Snn Francisco; T M Sheridan, Oakland; J J Clennon, Chicago; W II Freeland, wife and family, Detroit Vai.i.kv IIuciie M Carroll nnd J M-Con M-Con mil I. Minneapolis; Mro Went and friend, H'tn Francisco; Charles P'eitfor, Denver; John lim ey, Salida. Cot; LMir Wuttb, InilianMpnlm; llarrv M lirownell, Lebanon, Jnd; T Gordon, Menaltin, Kan; T H Shepherd, St Louis; D M Touiu und Arnold Woetf all, Seattle. CfM.EN HoLne L K Kelley, Richmond, Rich-mond, Ind; A Poabody, C H Lloyd and A G Mandel, New York; Wood Campbell Camp-bell and wife, Detroit; H II Douglim, T H Hood, John Gr-ihatn. H J Just. Tim Farrell tind K H Lee, Pocatello; Ucorgs P Quigley, Cheyenne; E E Bagley, Bim-tt.ii. Bim-tt.ii. Wai.kkr Home T J Wallace, Vir ginia; J VV Fuller, St Paul; J J I.igon, St lyiiiis; Miss Uewsnap. Mr A D Breed and E II Adauw, Now York; George C Squire and wif., St Paul; Mim .Inn G Glenn, J L Glono, Tennewwe: G M lieiiry and wi 'ti, San Frnncisoo: H Ver-hoelf. Ver-hoelf. wife and on. Ijouiville, Ky; K T Johnson, Biitrdo. N Y; V V Kaufman and wife and t) II William and wife, Denvor; II Hefner, Seattle. |