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Show ! '. ' f & VW--U- , ; ,v .i- -j- .'?. r" rcvr - yjkVv: v" ' - 4iJi . vi i '? ' -- ,. ' jMV, !' : 'it t? , ' -- ', ? ( . -- '"'' '' " ' - y ii u FORD V8. HOLDEM. up the possession. (Witness hero a ? vcuiher for the zromt r out in - that paid way.) Then- he paid '. Michael Utah. Salt LakeCIty, 'V. '. vi' BSaps, Books and : ZffixmeroTU $1,000; Beaver and Stockdales, for the purpose of having the deed that was in Witnesses In Courts escrow put upon record, $1,200; and WEDNESDAY . : i JANttABY 8,' 1878 t'w, 'if agreed to pay to Mansfield on his arrival in Cleveland $2,000. The money A LOOK AT TN! CAfE FMM THE OTHER l!0L sent by the company was obtained OFFICIAL DIRECTORY.1 a note either of - the company or theupon Di' SITED STATUS OFFICERS TOR UTAH i , rectors of the All the Company. i; Ofd T AfTi TAm TMtonlar'f PiwMsSlaff ! OwTfcM money paid out by him in Addition to CluTfrttofka the $3,000- sent by the company, . was Csart. r,.!?c,SS' " SKitiiri.MiFi - .T .. i;.XMstrlet Shaeffer. Illinois ... M tehssl f. Chief Justice paid from his own individual funds. He Mich Emerson, Associate.: Justices, iThlllpH. W T S. Sovenura. put the mine in better working order, j.eob had the level driven in so that Iters hat.. .. . . ... ,.Wb. Raison. Wisconsin Sumner Howtrt, Mich At thie opening of the Third District the ore above could ; be dropped rJewn IT. s. Attorney Kimball .. . ..Knlhsu Surveyor General O. J. Hollister. Cal Court yesterday, Mr.j Critchfldd, for and run qut, instead of hoisting with a V. . Collector Receiver I). S.ltnA Ofl..Uoact M. Bane. IU the plaintiff; moved to strike out certain windlass, and constructed .a tramway to Register U.8.Land Office.. Barbour Lewla. Tsnn ran it down the hill, . instead of fianiiiig " 'X portions of the affidavits of. Harry !,D. by wagons. Found ;: TERRITORIAL OFFICERS: that there was 100 ...Geo. Q. Cannon Williams, Frank BandaU ;andfW. E. feet of the western extension of the TeleDelegate to Congress. Auditor eneei'A CltyWU Winson ms being hearsay; and certain graph .claim to which the. siaaM company TlVWttNF: 88tttal8Mttl8ltlttt iJttMt Jack Dial. Schools.. . .O. H. Rigge other portions as being .the witnesses had no title; bought that, paying $100 Suncrlntendent conclusions from conversations .without therefor, also from his own pocket; remained here about e or THE DAILY INDEPfHOMT; I,- IT. f; r1 ixi 'i1 .V- j : - : -- m V , a r t . - , a 60-fo- ot : fr v : ; : Mf stating the . conversations. ' The Court, ABOUT TOWN. took the affidavits,' stating that he would such portions as he thought indicate at Thk Odd Fellows ball tabes jlae were incompetent.and a good. at Jenningshall The defense here placed upon an easel time is anticipated. A sals of thirt cars of bullion was ef three maps, the first purporting to show ' ffgcted in this eitj yesterday, the rate be- the extent of the Old Telegraph workon the 2d and Sd to the 10th days ing at $37 per ton for lead and $1.16 per ings of February, 1876, the' second .on the onnee for silver. ; 26th and 27th days of April, ; the .Tail Beaver Square Dealer, has it that 25th, third the same in- April, 1877, with a the Bonanza minejn 'Frisco District is view to showing the value of the property soon to change hands for a round sum whon Holden bought out Ford and other owners are Cleveland of money. The prospective ' parties, February 2d or j 3d, : Eastern men. 1876, and also when he bought oat the Tt D. Abbott, a Wyoming man, has Kalamazoo parties about . the 25th of sued Alex. Toponpe, the Curinne cattle-deale- r, April, .1876, and also its value .then as for $3,000 damages for driving compared with its' present value certain of hie (Abbotts) stock off the WAIaTEB S. BlOWSf , range in Wyoming. Testifiod that he was in charge of the Thebe were yesterday received, at the works on the Old Telegraph mines in office: of the Union Pacific Express Com- February, and that the map purporting to show the extent of the works about pany. in this , city from the Ontario the 2d and 3d of February did correctly mine, Parleys Park; two bars of bul- show their extent. That up to the 3d of February the vein was just penetrated, lion, rained at $3,127.74. and up to the 10th had not progressed The Laramie Sentinel politely puts it on the vein but a very short custance. We are informod that Mr, J. thus: O. A. PALM EB, CIVIL, SXOXXEEB, C. Horton, late of the Cheyenne Was then sworn, and testified that the Gazette j has been appointed to a posi- map showing the extent and . character of the workings in the mines was cortion in the Penitentiary. ' rect, made by him from actual survey, The ; Ogden Junction states that the for use in the suit ot 8. Kahn vs. the Brigham City woolen factory is to be re- Old Telegraph Mining Company, and reference to. this case. The sult immediately, there being for that without was made in April, 1877, and the survey pnrpose 175 loads of rock on the ground mip was made in April or May. J 'K : and $3,000 in 'rish subscribed. V; ; V WILLIAM M QUEEai J. M. Walxeb. Ed Helfrich, Ad Knbn Sworn, testified that he was a miner; and John Nickum, all of Corinne, will was in charge of the Montreal min February 1st to March Slat, 1876, be delighted to learn that they are drawn fromwas familiar with its and and as this years jurors' for the Third Ju- that the, map purporting workings, to show the Which ,, goes around state of the Montreal workings from dicial District. tother how the squirrel, or the trim? February fid to "the 10th did rrectly how them; that at the time he left the Up to 1;- oclock,, this morning the mine on the last day of March the workweather was so mild that snow melted ings were the same, with the exception body had been ' nearly all tht the ore readily on ; the roofs of houses, and. the worked out but no .new work done, water produced rah down' the spoutings and that when he left the . Montreal he like mountain torrents. It was two coats took charge of the Old Telegraph mine; warmer than it has been for a week past. that the map showed . the extent of the oh the 25th, 26th and 27th of The lady (Mrs. Butler we believe is works., 1876, April, correctly; 'as it showed - 'in her name) .who had the. misfortune to the - mine-a- the V ,. time. " . get one of her legs cat off by the Utah sastmar, civil: ExanrsEB, Central ears some little time ago, .was Verified the two maps showing the extaken home to SpringviUe from this city tent of workings - in February and April on tbs noon ' train yesterday. ; She is os being correct.' In the counsel lor plaintiff asked whether V getting 'along nicely.' ' Mr. Palmers map of April, 1877, had A RXPOXTEB of .. the , Iedepeedeet not been changed, and some erasures workings visited the City Hall i last night, entered m de at a point in the w tether there was not a difference ' be-t-w the Council Chamber, got a report of en ths . bracing j exhibited .and ; the Mr. ; Palmer at proceedings, and instead of being original map Si kicked jout. was treated; most courte- that point, i; Mr. Eastman raid there was a between the?. tracing ously.;- But, then, he was not red- and the.difference bnt after an examinsaid, map, it. headed;, that may have, saccounted for ation a with ,.a magnifying glass, that he Tax Laramie Sentinel of Monday evenquite confident' from the appear-anee of Mr. Palmer's map that it ., had ing says 1 1 Yestesday Major Hart and not been , ; changed or erased. ' Captains 'Montgomery1,' Kellogg and MB. FALMEB WAS BJSCALLED i Payne, with companies B, F and I, Fifth At this point by the defense, and said Cavalry, ief j Fort Bussell for Fort Htll, the map had not been erased or changed, via Green Hirer .City, v These, troope and that it would be impossible to do so win be needed at Fort Hnll in the Spring, without its being apparent. That the map. was made in April, 1877, and was if they'are not now. now exactly s it was than. ; Scixh Third District Court ; tim . x. X OLDEST, SWOBX, TESTinED: Are yesterday; Counsel to witness That he procured a ; tracing to be made you ready to swear, sir, that this was a of Mr. Palmers map, by Mr. Wiggins That for the purpose of preserving it; that raise, or an i oclino ? Ti Witnesa depends entir sly npon which way youre (he tracing uowbefore the Court waa that it waa .made going. ';; If you're gng down,' I, swear that tracing; was mado withabout May, Spring, its an. incline; if youre going up, I swear out any reference to.and this litigation; that its a raise. Counsel (severelj) That he first became acquainted with the Nex Perce mines in , August, 1874, at which will do, sir,.". You may be seated, air. time they were introduced to his notice UiXiioES: Hmu 'ii after A byO. D. Ford, the plaintiff, at Cleveof. the. Drama with a sharp stick. We land, Ohio. Witness then subscribed lew about the for stock in the Nex Perce Company to hmmraotetnflittid that pr.iperly; subidea is be. organised on this in , cpmzoonwealthV scribed after several interviews with O. a matter for th theater D. Ford ami J. G. W. Cowles, who had company to settle . among themselves; been out here and. seen the property; bat we do wish tf enterprising1 msna-gc- r subscribed at that time' for $24,000 of of the Salt ;VLake Theater to realise stock and paid for It; waa one of the corI. A of the company and was elected that, aside from the great advantage the porators a Director at that time, and in Novempublic would derive from the change, it ber or December, ;.1874, was elected would be money iu las box to come Managing Director, up to which time he seen the companys mines, down jwith the rates. Bevolutions had nevercame for the first time, and then never go backwwd,' and we may be without ever to Utah had any experience having certain that a revolution has fairly set in whatever in eilver or silver-lea- d mining. throughout the country in' this matte?. Arriving here he found some workings OuT' dispatches on yesterday morning on top of the hill and a connection made between, tho Nex Perces and gave another instanoe-th- e Eagle Thea- with what appeared to be large ter in New York';: chambers of ore, , but which ho subsequently found were chambers out of which the cm had been extracted, leav.Valon RMtlSSh - The fourth meeting in the series now ing only a thin casing on the surroundrocks. Found the pro that was exbeing' held : by the .Methodist, Presby-tcria- n ing tracted was,, handled seven or .right and Congregational Churches will times; drawn up means of a windlass by 7 oclock this out of the mine, and then transported commence at. half-pa-st evening at 'this Congregational Church!; down the hill by wagons; found that on Account of the of the payPrayer: t Forj. Christian . .. fami-, - roll tbs workmen were then in- tine f Subject LA' sdTw f ' lies; for sick and' Afflicted members; for possession of the mine, and that two childrin at school, and for all youth in of the titles to ' the mins were ' our colleges and seminaries of learning; defective.- TherS was $3,000 of pay-ro- ll then due, and there was a floating debt - for ybung men now entering upon the of $2,500 to $3,000.1 ; The title to the active bosiness of life; and for those Western Chief mine was in escrow to abroad; .for pgr sops . and' daughters secure ) the ' payment of i $10,000, of which but $4,000 had been paid.'; leaving v openly donfesslng Christ. $6,000 yet (lu and unpaid. Mansfield, the old.! foreman et the mine, claimed Oar' Friend and Qcneral Fnblle that he had not parted with his Interest, V;'v We wish to cnll to the your attention ir and to .hold or clojjjffed Act Uui W iuw seUiag all oT car choice sad st. He further found that n'lrimM rare srHcIs of Wklskios, Enadies. tho ffrtdo. bf' bre had been low t Gliui, Rams, Cordials, Calif oral a and imported that the mine had not paid expenses for Wines af tbani3 braads.'ptii np expressly the month previous ail of which lie ' re- -. fer fsmily ase, at the lowest posalbla figani.. ported to the company at. Kalamazoo. CU1 tthsHXvWraUI snl nupls or Bo- - if te" his arrival here, the company sent of v which lie - paid into prd Ocndittitw coBvineed.: ou him our.JubUex McComubbank ovcr. liavlus $$,700,' to b trmtoBltbgvttwr.'w e Sell ehepM tliu tSio pail by Wiii'iir ft Bandail tothe men at ," to-nig- ht, : old-fashion- " j - -- " , - ; ' : ( ' , , V ' Vw ' V ' , : m : - ; - h. . t - . - rim r cross-examinati- on , ; , : - . .. : - - ' - L, ' 4 - .. ; - . -- conuec-tionthat.;- - . V- - - S . . - '1 Xo-You-D- P - non-payme- . , nt 'A - . . - - - ; ' ono-four- th av. one-rixt- : V Jv . , ; , twenty-fivtwenty days and then went home A meeting of the Directors was called; reported all that he had done fully to the meeting and learned ir ' regard to : the property, its condition, V the Ebusiness of :! the company, and Ids outlays of the money sent him, and of hi oun private funds. The board passed a vote that a note of $9,500 should be mode by the company and endorsed by Ford, Cowles,' Trask, Bill, Kendall and others, upon which to raise money to pay the debts of thg. company then due. The $3,000. sent him wlule here woe raised upon a previously executed similar note. This $9,500 note was made for; the pnrpose of raising money to pay that note and $4,200 which witness had advanced to the company. He tried to negotiate, the note, but the banks would not take it: silver they ' did, not want rt any mining company's note, even . with good endorsers, and finally he presented it to the Snn Insurance . Company of Cleveland, and asked them to discount it. They refused, bnt offered to loan it to witness,' who made hie own note and up $11,000 of his own , securities. pnt - Witness here read from the minutes of meetings of the company, in the record book which was in Court, corroborating him as to his report to the company and their action in regard to the note. Neither the $3,000 note nor the $9,500 one was ever paid by the company, bnt both protested. Subsequently the com-- : pany called a stockholders meeting, at which they resolved to issue the companys bonds to the amount of $100,-00- 0. Bonds were sold to stockholders to the amount of $68,000. The Court here adjourned until tomorrow morning at half-pa-st 9 o'clock. TUB MASONIC LIBRARY. Ths Fine and Mast ExUsyln In- -, - - . - . - ; . . - dtsllaa ef the Kind In Utah. - V r Mesabeva mmA thm C BFWHiAt84 liy TMava. The XJouncil Chamber and the HaU of ..t, ve ' is4ts.sssssessr Bepresenta tires, in ihe City Hall been secured : by Secretary s.we-eee.seea e'Vj "t" 'r. as the place far convening the Luckey LjgislatxiTe, vhich will meek on .Ho'& nda' neand'eontinue in sesaloii fort days; : Following are the names of the members and the eountiea represented . - ,, RtUUeee Received aadWUaAllnnA , MtU, : .. l i :V GENEBAL.MEBCaVNDlSE, TBS CITY COUNCIL. pro-dic- ed - t7 I; V2- w, v a.. miJ ! .' - i..1 .... A regular meeting of the City Council was held at the usual hour and place last evening, with a fall attendance and Mayor Little in the chair, ;; .. ;.r A petition from Aaron.. Kayser and Jacob Moritz rejiresenting that they had performed certain . necessary labor byjthem..; ' ' v:.i on the streets in the vicinity of their ocuEciLOBs. brewery to the amount of $300, ond ask-io- g ; Beaver. Iron and Piute counties Sithat a like amount be allowed on las Smith Snow, their taxes, was referred to the Com- j .Box Elder and Weber Lorenzo Moses Thateher.-- ; and Bich Cache the with mittee on Claims, associated Davis and Morgan William B. Smith, Chairman of ths Committee on - Streets Juab; and Hillard Thomas Col lister. ' ' Kane riid Washington-Erast- us Snow. Slid Alleys. and Tooele, John Salt Lake-SnmA petition from ' Joseph Warbnrton W. Young fBobert T. Furton, Alonzo sild twenty-on- e pthers, reridents of the H. Ealdgh, William W. Cluff. j.'', First Ward, .asking that ah ; qnopria r Ssifpete iud Sevier,. Albert K " vv. v tion of a portion of their taxes bo made , Thurber ' O. Smoot and Utah and Wasatch A. the same to be expended on the repaid ' of South Eighth and other etreetefifthat Ik Harrington- ::;r ;v; REPSESEETAITVES...,, ward, was referred to the Committee on 1 and Pinto Counties - John B Beaver Streets and Alleys. ' ... Murdock. A petition from Mary George,! widow, Box EIder Jonathan C. Wright.', v Cache and Bich Brigham Young (jrhoee husband was killed some time William B. Preston, i ; and back. by being thrown out of a wagon), Willard Smith Davis G. and -; Morganrepresenting that her livelihood was and John Fisher. Jty.. gained by the running of a job wagon in Iron Francis Webst''' . charge of her eon, and asking that a !t-- Juab Joel Grover.: , ' Kane and Birch. license was be Joseph Wasbington her free, granted' years M. F. Millard Lyman. acted upon favorably. Salt Lake John ; Taylor, A. P. Book-wooor omeus AXD COMMITTEES. BEFOBT Archibald Gardner, Orson Pratt, The annual report of Joseph E. Taylor, Ben., Albert Carrington and James City Sexton, showing the number of Sharp. ' Sanpete and Sevier Canute Peterdeaths and interments for the year 1877, son and Franklin Spencer. ; ' and relating that cemetery lots had Summit Samuel Atwood Tooele George B. WaiTen. been sold to the amount ; of $850, and U tahW illiam . B Pace, John Brown repairs made to the amount of $104.75 and John B. Miliner. with the balance deposited in the city Wasatch Abram Hatch. Weber Larin Farr andD H. Pcery. Treasury, was referred to the Committee on Cemetery. ; . s The Committee on Finance, to whom The Twe.Salnaan nialag DIatrleta. was referred the Auditors report for tho vMr. Thompson,- formerly B reorder of qnarter ending November 30, reported West Mountain Mining District, informs that a careful , examination of the ac- us that mining friends ; of his hav e recounts proved them to he correct, and it cently shipped to this city from ; their, waa recommended that the report be mines in Salmon Biver District, Idaho, received as a correct exhibit for stiver! ore thatrnaapledby the ton, as$800 to $3,300. Hold yonr the qnarter therein named. Accepted sayed from ' anid dont all start for Salmon anl ordered published, os per require- horses, Biver at once. ment of the charter. There is aleo a Salmon Biver District The Committee on Streets and Alleys in Nevada, located about fifty ' miles represented that G. Bcczley and others avkel for acceptance by the city of cer- north of i Toana, on the CentralPacific tain work dona on thd Nineteenth Ward Bailroad. 7 Strong veins . of copper ore bench straightening and ' repairing the are found in this district, as we are instreets, etc. and recommended that the formed.; by Mr. Skewes, a practical same be accepted. The Council acted in miner of large experience, who has 'deaccordance with the recommendation cently returned to this city from Hu and instructed the City Surveyor to section of the'cbnnty. Bev j. Ballard alter the plot so as to show the improve- Dunn, who helped solve the M. F. by printing a; pamphlet last Smnmer, is ments. The monthly report of Police Judge looking after his mines, in this district ' Alez. Pyper showed that 57 cases iad The Salmon Biver Valley is full of been tried, $475.80, cash : fines and (25 cattle, and they are doing finely. No hack fines collected, and labor fines im- show, gaum good and leathers warm posed to the amount of $301.50; total; An lueionelAteMejr Snmwwhere. $802.30. JThe fees of the Judgo were Wo noticed reoently in a Woinan $142.50, being $2.50 for each case.Ae-cepte-d. i'a ;curioqa and1 suggestive 'r misprint Mormanism for MoDNoiiisxn. The monthly report of City Mar-h- oi That is what is wanted more man and Burt, showing his expense bill to bo less woman in this ere 'confounded pin' $383.90, was accepted and amount alrality bnrineee. v ;We Sleardi the v lots lowed. Brigham once declare!! from the The expense bill of ' S ilt Lake Fire prophet that" the practice; of polygamy by stand alDepartment amounted to $222.23; the sons and daughters of Adam orgln-ate- d '' ; t lowed. jv intheluKts and selfishness of man Bill of City Jailor for boarding or words to that effect and. we thought showed 1,316 meals to have beon ' the but if it rtim7True, ! O furnished, which at fifteen centaper that be the ease, bow doesKing"; come about it meal amounted to $201.90; allowed. tiiat iolygamy is a principle essentially ' Folica bill for eight men at $1 per clay, divine, celestial, exalting, - eternal, ate., was allowed. etc-- Batherfa 7posir this Bnt. we The bill of Salt Lake Gas Company mere human logic is of small for lights furnished in the ' streets, oppose divine consequence compared with $1,107.50, and for lights in public build- revelation.: V. ings, $64.40, was allowed. HOTEL ARRIVALS. MnCXLLAXEOUS ITEMS. ... 7 Bill of Dr Young for attendance and Alley house. repoit. of threo insane persons, $79 05; J 8 Stewart.WBall City; S X Simplon, City; 8 Alt Cltr; Clly; Chil li, Lewis, janitor, $30; guard of water tank and Citjrj Frank Hauitrn, ajL Benltw, Stockton: oil lamp lighter, $C0 ; labor on Union KMrGulre. Bingham: wm Johnson, do; PC Fows Ur, Pioche; Tnos CsIIahan. Ogden; F H City- - Vo Phil Kps, BHgham City Square,$46: Ireland ft Watson for fluid JThompson, R SUnlley, Ogaon; Mrs K Kelley A children. j Hove ft Go., supplied, $23.75; Davis, Green River; Frank Woods- - Rawlins; John Cincinnati t Mrs Mitl $20,20. Held, carpenter work on public Cssey A wife. England; Chss Symons. Franklin. ; buildings; $38.40; Latimer, Taylor ft r Co., lumber, $75. 4; J. H: Burnell, repair- V An' Athens correspondent1 states that ing to City Ball, $9.00; Fifteenth Ward the cabling out of the second class Co-ohas just been ordered will noil $2.85, wero ollowe.l" raise ; the Greek army to 85,000 men'. ' was An appropriation of $6,000 made, as to the ' intention r of The to take up notes ot the ' corporation Greatuncertainty Britain paralyzes ths Greeks,' but which fell due on the 31st of December, as long as the present ministry remain "1 in office it may be regarded. 'as' certain 1877, with $140.13 interest thereon. that a warlike policy will not be defibite-l- y TuesCouncil adjourned to meet on adopted. st half-pa6 'oclock. day evening next at . i WALKER BROTHERS, .... . . A . J t . f ? rXTITlOMS JZ K8EXTZD. . - buiid-ingt'ha- WHOLESALE 't RETAIL SEALERS Eg AMD t-- . ' . Kt is- , UlVg' - , t Groceries, Miners Supplies. Dry .Goods . s , ; ; r1.; s:- : , mit . ' HATS & GENTS FURHI8HINGS,' CARPETS, CLOTHING, .. - ; l - - v ; yfr iv .,t t . . i - - . , i , . V. - U7 f.J' , ; Iovlts ths sttsBttoaipf aarsfnl lmysrs far ths Rstsll or Family Trad to tbe . 4 J ,J J i f . . s ' ; : fI 1TOCK TOCK IMMERSE . . JTOCK )TOCK IMMERSE Ir TMMEK8E QTOCK Stock ! Amkehoe , Always to be Foirnd fa ?belr Establishment, and Brnpeet in Zsupeetion sad Coxa . of Qtutle nnd rrices. - folly Solicit : d, .V-- zison ; ;.: ; . AGENTS . A2CBNT8 For Straur", atnulnt Riveted BlankeSLfned Hunt- ' - - i For Gala- - Powder Company Blast- ing and Sporting Powdore. , . Coats, ing Coats, Vests and Overalls. ; . , 1 - - . ORIENTAL 'l;i . . ; Blasting Powder, Fuse, Fuse Llgfitoiw, Myers Mining Eto. MARYSVILLE MILLS - 7Oandlee,' :K . CallfornlBlankets, Undersldru ; - Orawers and Flannels. 1 : Our reporter paid a visit yesterday to the elegant room on the second floor of the First National Bank, now occupied by ths Free Masons of this city as their library and reading room. We will say at the outset that if any impression has obtained that the library is at all exclusive in character, that notion is entirely erroneous, as we mads a special point of posting ourselves in this peculiar regard. Ths cost of. membership 'is $5.00, per annum, $3.00 for six months, $2.00 for thrcv months' and 75 . cents for one month.. Aside from .membership books incau be taken out by dividuals for 10 cents,' the. whole collection how reaching the number of 2,500 volumes. .The library ;.was started by the'Masons and is conducted under the auspices of the fraternity, but the general public are cordially invited to sustain it and visitors ore made welcome at all times.' The library is open daily; Sundays excepted, :from 10 a. ic. till 9 r. m. Its table are filled with many of t monthlies,, weeklies and dailies in various languages, domestic and foreign, scientific, literary and besides winch there is a werf-fillmineral cabinet, a a noticeable feature of ; which we will mention, in passing, some "five specimens of Lake Superior coppor. Thera are chessboards for those disposed to indulge in the qniel game. Tho library proper comprises over 50$ - volumes of choice fiction, 400 volumes of general literature, 150 biographical works, some 200 Volumes of history, 50 bound volumes of magazines, about 200 of art and sdeuce, f excellent 0 imprising many volumes for reference, many valuable galleries' works for reading - and reference on mechanics, mines and mining; 400 books on Masonry in every living language, cyclopedias and scientifio works in English and German, 75 volumes of poetry and drama, and some CO or 60 works on theologio&T subjects. Including Jf. J ' ' ! on A A'iir It !j bo elsewhere not to found Sneeviafal 4li 4 T'Mi Aeplrant. many r Far a long time past one James Wat- -' Utah and the Mormons. r ; WHITE HOUSE son has made himself a familiar face in The Masonic library is in every respect tlio most creditable'; institution of and abont the!' City HaU,. through his irrepressible penchant for!: a spree ; No' the kind we have eebh in Utah. sooner had he served out one penal sen" Tfc Rival Klngdoi tence of the police authorities, than his : The Fwi, which has so long been fondness for the public service became classed as a member of the Vegetable .5 wAekBSYS Jowus apparent cud , prompted him t& make a kingdom, rooted and grounded in the trike for another and with more than f' i ' ve : faith that the kingdom it represents is ordinary' "jmceese;! for during the last ' U seems destined to supersods all others, LAR QE And FULL; STOCK seven years he has so . maneuvered his at last to ; be waking np to the idea that constant be as to an almost recipi" ? ; i? the - mineral kingdom may possibly ent of 5m A fa t f: i: ; y 'ri ft i : '! city prison fare. To breathe the ri ti) j ? Of the vary beet brand jf:v prove to be a formidable rival to ita lofty bracing air of liberty is repugnant to his , and exclusive pretentions' Bnt in view convictions of duty.' and .he is resolved .s' of the gratifying prospect before it in to immortalize himself by becoming a A. ,v thia regard, the way : the Ncicn would FOBEIGlf AND DOMESTIC martyr in; the cause pf pubUo improve-men- t. undoubtedly put the base is, that :the He was yesterday' aoeorded the due time of the .Lord for uncovering the .of 'working out, in tiie street mines has now arrived. There is no privilege another $20 fine for drunkenness; use in fighting against manifest destiny; gong,be to fight it(. out on this WltJEO AHDUQUOnS and X E tone since the Saints mado tlior painful line if itpromises takes all Winter' doboach from the confines of civilization, ' j ' Ktwssd Ctiolce Seeds,:...;' they have been flying in the face' of a T. C. Armstrong ja receiving a choice1 smiling Providence, ? fairly stumbling Seeds, over mines, until, like tho perverse hero election ef Giaour, jiovza sod JRzld GenerIn Grain, Flour and dealer aim general of: Poverty Fist, they will, finally bo merchandlae. CH pll;l ,Wda Ciffarft it to jaf forced to get', rieh;Vcut of .them al Sollera will-finmin and HMMla. of tomnanlt him before dlpoAiH8(Salt advantage through pure tbclr prode-- e. VP. Q. nddreae, Box 810,, . Vi FULL LIN A A Of Staple and Fancy Coeds; Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Tobacoor, Spices, Sauces PULL STOCK , Of Qlankete;- - Shawls, :! Ladles Pickles, Coats, Flannels, Unsays Waterproofo, Purs, Nubias. Hams' Bacon, Lard, Currants, Reps, ' KnlLCoods, Scarfs, Msns V Raisins, Extracts Candles, and Boys Clothing. .. , and Canned Goods - ; of .Every Kind; w , :t .: '. . VE ! MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FAEIILY TRADE 7 At Suf-t&SP'pttj-far V- - ATTJSSDSD i SO. ; well-uo'redit- ed . pick-jone- . .. - the.;.-curren- ed ; . Wholersl. sod Betid Dnlm la . re ! theo--logic- al; pans. 't. . . . - - . . - ; , r . - t rill speclsl sttrntton ef the Stock sad Low iss : J;' MMMamMMMmBwaHHESSSSamBBasasaSSZR . owor prodoesdtar tbsus. of wiysneh Wines and Existing bstweea Tarhry and Rumis wae Liqson as ars kspt la stock at WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY. this flacst stock of At our Stan, opposite the Post Office, we lave , - . s . - ' ; -- - ' nr as low Ever shown la this tvrion. Onrwtcos of THE IRDEPEKDEKT, sad eorrtlsny Invito thr red tiMlMW ,u tuo ml of rnsnUnd. to call and Mamins oor stock. . - t b ; , v WALKER : u Advertising Is theEcncQ , ? , VHO IS YOUR TAILOR saosas ofPBbllclly:Si AV' ? '''Ti'V'.' : FAsaxox, BCSUTESS , t-i'- UIX 8HOUXJD A D VER TISEk 1 HEIR WARE 8 , 1 1 - li-ti- ons - etiissesMtsfte essss tins; The ..TryfuucKiJSdfc; Walker House. ... SUBSCRIBE FOB THE .1. .i j 'Vd : d con-trari-ne- ss. Lake Cl tv v Heat Family Ilvtel :!!;' At $1.50 to $2.00 per day in the city i tlie Valley' Ilottue, reapbatf ally aallclUng m tom Ikoni MVi sod a contiaauuw of favo f ram tild aaalatsucM. X am truly youfz. . ' f-. Boudcault in ; thb.'jShaugbrsun, not drewiog at the Grand Opfirn House aa well os WalLck dld in llosedale probably, because tf his newspapeT ThuEfti&cuii DAILY INDEPENDENT! v Dally Independent ! : Main 8L, Opposits -- : . : guarantee e A- - :y - . 1 l. ; SATISFACTION. JE BROTHERS & COMPANY , Opposits Post Office, Salt Halts City. WE . ' fnQ sMiorftamtof .. ; - m db O ompe. dL Co.,, SSafo St. 3Day Opposite Wells, Fargo . . : . Jobbing and Family Trsd. to onr lm prices. Call ami vxsmtas for yonrsidvcs, and ssv money, S7 Agsnry far Mms. Psmanst1 Bailable Patterns. Ws p, , Otur Stock conprlscs v ! Groceries, Dry Coods, Boots & Shoes Hats v&. Caps, ?..; Hardware. Etc. Etc. Gal-lefe- nt, - . AN DTSE M ERCH E NER AL G therarrercuml; RTblch le the BEST NEWSPAPER If UTAH 1 GALLEY HOUAB;, - x; OPPOSITE' THE TEMPLE, Balt Lake Cxrx, UxAg. fiCMD STAMP $ res 6IRCVUUI PAflKER BRtf&f It is a quiet, clmin,' airycotnfortaWo House, where tho traveler .and tourist WESTMERIDEK.Ct. can find rest Main street and three Qsfltbek from Bailroadbtation.-- - UuektMi the EitheV M fort cor or omnibus will taka yon to the House. . SU50 TO pctitl ,Ertf TAKE. TOUR ' . JOB WORK- - if $ r. 6S4 PER DAY.; IWDJEPJENDEXTGFFICEr JV1";'.. - lTJte )Yk. v JOHN IV BUBBNBON; PropdcUir. I AaJ get It dims In lh bnt of stjls and at'!.' ; . |