Show 'C A ' THE SALINA CALL By C N Lund ft- - KIND ITH F C Johnson pleaded guilty to killing Dan Smith at Castle Gate He was In the district court at Price sentenced to twenty-fivyears In ths penitentiary More than fifty Greeks Ogden’s first large contribution to the army which is being mobilized to fight the Turks departed from that city for their native land on Wednesday B Johnstone accused ol Edward killing young Brigham Taylor on the highway north of Helper In September has entered a plea of not guilty His trial was set for November 8 Efforts are being made by Salt Lake of to Induce the members citizens to the board of county commissioners reconsider the decision by which they ordered voting machines used at the coming election Claim for damages in the sum of 120000 has been filed with the city of Salt Lake by Mrs Lilof lian Martin widow Finley Martin who was killed by the police auto28 mobile September of The first shipment apples from Clearfield In Weber county was made last week when fifty cars were dis- recorder to eastern markets The 75 growers expect to realize from centB to $100 a box on the fruit William T Holt said to have been somewhat deaf was Instantly killed In patched Bountiful t LOOKS Ths Would WILL AUTHORITIES ENDEAVOR DURTO PREVENT DISORDERS ING POLITICAL CAMPAIGN on Wednesday BAD FOR THE TURKS Leaders Have Agreed to Suspend All Political Meetings From Now Until Election and Bloodshed May be Prevented empire Havana — Whle not actually under law Havana is now under abmilitary protection against disorders arising from the heated political campaign In accordance with orders Issued by General Pablo to take who has been appointed nd military charge of all the police forces In the capital fiy President Gomez the streets are being patrolled by mounted guardsmen Conferences Sunday night between officials and leaders of gbvernment the political parties failed to reach an to suspend all political agreement meetings Several large meetings were held but the military precauall In checking tions were effective of disorder symptoms It is reported that an agreement UNCLE SAM MAY BE General between been has reached to susMenocal and Alfredo Zayas COMPELLED TO INTERVENE from now pend all political meetings until election and that assurances have been given by the partisan press that they will refrain from exciting ut- Approaching Election In Cuba will Be terances in order to avoid all danger a Critical Test of the Stability of hostile collisions on election day of the Republic DIAZ SENTENCED TO DEATH martial Holt who was 69 years old was walking on the track north of the station when struck by a special Bamberger electric car There will be no coal famine In Utah this winter by reason of a car acShortage on the Harriman lines cording to A L Mohler president ol the Union Pacific and of the Oregon Short Line who was In Salt Lake last week Striking miners of Bingham have commenced to derive the benefit of the Western Federation of Miners’ strike fund Strikers are paid at the rate of $3 per week for single men and $6 per week for men with families Work of building the Salt Lake ft Utah railroad the electric lnterurban line to run 'between Salt Lake and Payson will be done by the Interur ban Construction company Grading brews are now at work at three points en the line hundreds upon This past season hundreds of bushels of choice peaches went to waste at Brigham City in some cases there was no market for the fruit in other Instances the wind played a part In destroying the biggest part of the crop of 1912 The new school house at Huntsville was threatened with destruction by fire last week when sparks from the The people of chimney fired the roof the village organized a volunteer fire department on the order of a bucket In succeeded and saving the brigade building the Another mine at Bingham Haven resumed operaBingham-NeThe owners said tions Wednesday twenty former employees returned to work without an Increase In wages and without recognition of their union Strikers deny that the number is that large contest conducted The during the summer under the direction of Dr T B Beattie secretary of the state board of health has been closed It is estimated that not ldss than 50000000 flies were killed In Utah during the summer by the differ- Fear the Worst as Madero Is Not Inclined to be Merciful Felix Diaz Mexico City — General leader of the revolution recently inin Vera Cruz and three of augurated his confederates have been sentenced before to death by the which they were tried In that city Efforts to save their lives especialunabated ly that of Diaz continues Prominent women men high In affairs and high army officers have appealed to President Madero for clemency but to all he has given the same negative answer Old Indian Fighter Dead Hyde Park Mass — Brig Gen Henry Indian a noted Beebe Carrington fighter and veteran of the civil war died at hla home here Saturday aged 88 He was a native of Wallingford Conn but was judge advocate general of Ohio when the ClvjJ war becolonel gan and was commissioned of the Eighteenth United States volunteers early lu 1861 A C BACKUS years October 20 was the semiSunday centennial anniversary of the established of Port Douglas by General Patrick Connor who on October 20 his march from Cali1862 completed fornia to Utah in response to an order from the war department at Washington ernment SAYS CHILD WAS STOLEN Millionaire With Officials Prepare to Strike Gould and Hill Lines Ore — It was stated here reliable autlio-itFriday on apparently that Harriman officials are preparing to strike another blow against the Gould and Hill lines in the traffic war now being waged in the northwest and within a month will issue an order closing the Denver gateway Rock Island against the Burlington Santa Fe and Missouri Pacific roads The order will mean it is said that the ' Oregon every point between Railroad ft Navigation Washington and points east of the Missystem souri river must use the Harriman lines west of Kansas City Harriman Blow at Portland ent contestants Proposals for the reclamation of 48000 acres of land under the by Larey act In Beaver county of means storage reservoirs and have been laid pumps fed by wells before the state board of land commissioners by representatives of two companies which desire to secure the land for settlement purposes the young pugi“Chalky” Germaine list injured in a boxing match at Salt Lake 13 still In the hospital suffering from concussion of the brain but his Ultimate recovery la hoped for More than 250 hogs have died and the droves on several farms have been entirely wiped out by a cholera epidemic in the farming districts of and Kaysville in Davis county Henry E Gibson aged 86 yeans and for many years prominent In the civic tnd business affairs of Ogden died October 19 Mr Gibson was one of Ogden’s earliest pioneers having been in business there for more than thirty Washington — The serious situation in Cuba as demonstrated by Friday’s aiot In Havana Is exciting-thgrave solicitude of the United States government Reports Indicate that there are grounds for the apprehension that has existed for some time here that the approaching election period in Cuba would be a critical test of the stability of the republic Disorder Is likely to occur on election day affording the chance for a declaration of fraud and on the whole all the elements seem to be present that are required to start a revolution ' The partisan newspapers are indulgfurious recriminations and ing in threats and both sides are declaring their determination to appeal to force if their rights are not protected Each is beside Is alleging that favoritism by the goving shown their opponents Man Charged Railroad Stealing Grandson Boy Hunter Shoots Companion Los Angeles Cal — With the filing Salt Lake City — Walter Lee In the superior 15 years old was of legal documents of Murray shot and killed Sunday court Friday the fight forII theson pos-of accidentally Ross Clark afternoon while hunting quail on Big session Mof J Clark a Titanic victim Cottonwood creek east of Knudson’s Walter mil14 years and grandson of J Ross Clark mill by Edward Covington was begun man railroad lionaire old Though a load of No 7 shot enMcDonell Mrs Virginia tered Sandstrom’s back at close range mother of the boy declared In tearing a hole through his body he her petition that relatives In Los lived more than half an hour to steal her bad conspired Angeles to Glidden Tour Ends son and that she never Intended abandon the boy as claimed by memNew Orleans — Charles J Glidden when she and a score of other motorists fin- bers of the Clark family ished the Great Lakes to the Gulf tour went east a few months ago and was marired to Dr John Tanner in New on scheduled time reaching here The journey was York afternoon without special Incident TO CLOSE DENVER GATEWAY JUDGE May Reduce Cost of Sugar Detroit — A method of manufacturing sugar from cane so that the bywill pay the cost of manuproducts facture and leave the sugar a free product L announced by G W McMullen the Canadian agricultural chemist MCMullen is inventor of a new system the keeping qualities of of prolonging eggs butter and other dairy products in storage Judge Backus of Milwaukee will over the court In which John Schrank who ehot Colonel Roosevelt Is tried for the crime Killed In Collision Utah — One man American Fork killed and another badly scalded is collision the toll exacted by a head-obetween two engines running free and a heavy freight 'train on the D & R G line General Portland Me — Grigadier Charles Morris U S A retired died at his home here Sunday aged 69 He was in command of the Presidio at San Francisco at the time of the earthquake in 1906 Feet Aviator Falls Two Hundred Ala — Aviator Louis Montgomery fell 200 feet here WednesMitchell Mitchell lost day and was killed control of his machine while attemptFive thousand ing a spiral glide the accident people witnessed Defense Testing Hawaiian Washington — The war department over the state officials are delighted of Pearl harbor defenses proved by A last week’s Hawaiian war games brief d’spatch has been received giving synopsis of work Mines In Rebels’ Hands El Paso Tex — Rebels have taken of the Copper Queen mine possession one of tbe three units of the American Smelting & Refining plant in state of Durango and the Rio Tlnto mine in Chihuahua Death of General Morris Day When They Backe Against Wall Now at Hand London — The swiftness and effleien of the onward movement of the armies of the allied Balkan states Is making Europe open her eyes From the north and all along the line from Greece on the south they are crowding back the boundaries of the Ottoman Rival Friends Have Seems cy solute colored a INVESTIGATION UTAH STATE NEWS Richmond Cache county is soon to Have a Carnegie library Salt Lake has been officially select ed aa the 1913 convention city of the National Educational association Greeks In every walk of life are York Utah for New City leaving where they will set sail for their native land on the first vessels leaving Thomas Riley accomplice of Harry Thorne in the murder of George W was Fassell a Salt Lake groceryman executed at the state prison on Thurs-da- i(‘ OF 1 Jr SAUNA i ANOTHER v v The day when the Turk and will have seems at MODERN MOLLY PITCHER MEETS DEATH FIGHTING AMERICAN ’MARINES IN NICARAGUA - Was Trying to Load Into Rebel Field Piece When Bullet Fired by American Struck Her Down his back against the wall band The two pivotal points of Turkey’s maAmerican New York — When defense on the north were Adrlanople and Uskub The Bulgarian army in rines on October 4 charged up and hill the east has defeated the Turks at captured Coyatepe after having raked the inNicaragua which la the strongest outpost of Adrlanople and appears to surgent position with their batteries of have almost Invested guns they found among the that fortress rebels a Nicaraguan woman — a The Servian army In the west dead modern Mollie Pitcher Clutched tightwalked into UBkub at 2 o’clock SaturThe ly In her hands was a day afternoon without opposition Turkish garrison there withdrew on shell which she was trying to load the railway toward Salonlca How far into a rebel field piece when a bullet force struck her It intends to retreat and why are from the American This story and other details of the The only answer to the last qestions battle were related Monday by Lieuquestion Is that the strength and supof the first W Martin not tenant of did George the plies justify garrison States an attempt to make a stand provisional regiment United marine corps who came from Colon SUICIDE LEAVES DEATH TRAP to have on the steamer Cristobal the in battle he received wounds Two Neighbors Seriously Injured When treated at the navy yard hospital The j They Attempt to Enter Death rebel losses In the fight Lieutenant Chamber Martin said were more than 200 Seattle Wash — Friend Hyde until ILL SHERMAN SERIOUSLY recently superintendent of a mining at Atlanta Ida committed company Confined to His Home suicide Friday night by inhaling gas in frame in Incidentally the which he resided N Y—James S Sherman Utica was wrecked and JURY CONVINCED THAT of the United States Is POLICE two neighbors were seriously Injured by an explosion which occurred when LIEUTENANT INSTIGATED seriously ill and Bteadily falling at his v they entered Hyde’s room home here SLAYING- OF ROSENTHAL Dr Fayette IL While his physician Hyde drove his wife and son from home two weeks ago and has been livPeck believes there Is no immediate ing In the house with his two young danger of death yet the patient’s conBecker Did Not Flinch When He daughters When the girls returned dition is such that it is a matter of from school Friday night they found Heard the Verdict But Hie Wife conjecture how much longer he can the house dark and the door locked withstand the ravages of the disease Swooned — Announcement That who with which he Is afflicted They called the two neighbors Will Be Taken Appeal forced an entrance Opening the door For the last three weeks since he of Hyde’s room they switched on came back from Connecticut where he There was a ter- went to rest he has been dressed only New York — Police Lieutenant the electric light rific which the once and that wa8 a week ago Friday upset gas explosion Charles Becker was found guilty of body to the when against the doctor’s protest he murder In the first degree by the jury bed throwing Hyde’s went out to the polls to register which has been trying him for insti- celling knocked the men unconscious Rosen- blew out the side of the house split gating the death of Herman MINERS WILL RESUME WORK thal the gambler The verdict was the roof In two and set the debris on fire 12 02 o’clock Thurspronounced Strike at Ely Declared Off by Vote day morning BATTLE AT CEMETERY of the Men Becker was remanded to the Tombs Ely Nev— Tfce strike of the copper 30 for Police and Thieves Engage In Furious by Justice Goff until October mill miners smelter men was deand sentence Fight at Funeral of Brigand clared off Monday by an almost unMrs Becker sitting outside the briSt Petersburg — The notorious The Lane Miners union animous vote door of the court room swooned when s who a few days ago and the gand Kossowski Steptoe Mill and the verdict was announced was shot In the suburbs of Odessa in and Inunion held meetings Becker did not flinch when h heard an encounter with the police has had structed delegates to the Ely Central the verdict pronounced by Harold R a funeral worthy of his career Labor league to use every effort to Skinner foreman of the Jury At the cemetery all the thieves and bring the strike to an end The acJon John F chief criminals McIntyre Becker’s of the adjacent towns — to ratify agreements between counsel announced that he would more than 200— assembled and when was Samuei W Belford and the agents of take an Immediate appeal but beyond the coffin was lowered Into the grave the Western Federation of MinerB this he had nothing to say several of them fired off revolvers by Robber Captured by Bulldog way of a last salute to their departed Novlpazar Captured Chicago — Through the determined London — The Turkish comrade important wait in In The however of a bulldog here Monday night police pursuit lay town of Novlpazar In the district of was outside one of the force gates three great alleged cemetery was captured by the the same name and when the crowd of after tho captured by the animal Servians Wednesday after severe mourners returned into the street the chase had led through a crowded street fighting according to a news agency car under a freight train and through Nish The officers drew a cordon around them Servia dispatch from The thieves then made a determined a hall of shots which failed to injure troops suffered heavy losses attack on them and in the fighting the dog Policemen rescued the alleged Scorched Island Coney and one killed was who for thirty were injured shouting New York — Coney Island was saved Seven policemen were put out of achelp on Fri- tion from a serious conflagration and A hundred perIn Brooklyn Bold Burglary Island beof work the the them sons were arrested day by prompt among a entered firemen assisted by apparatus from ing a number of women Brooklyn — Burglars boys and branch office of the Prudential Life One hotel and several girls Brooklyn bath houses were destroyed Insurance company In Brooklyn MonGaze at Light and Lose Sight the cashier gagged day afternoon FELIX DIAZ GEN Ind — Nineteen persons Alice Brenneis Anderson with a handkerchief are reported to have left her been stricken saturated with chloroform blind as a result of gazing at a light lying bound on the floor and after lootcaused by workmen welding with an ing a safe escaped with $500 electric process on a trolley wire early Operate on Human Ostrich according to local physicians Sunday Pittsfield Mass — Luke Parsons the who were called out of bed to treat “human ostrich” was operated pn MonSeveral who saw the light the cases day in a Pittsfield hospital and the were not stricken until a few hours Burgeons removed 132 nails two keys later a and a partly digested Roosevelt Takes Walk iron spike from hb stomach Oyster Bay N Y — For the first and Intestines A nail had punctured the abdomen and caused peritonitis time since he came back from Chibullet cago to recuperate from his Crime of Wisconsin Farmer wound Colonel Roosevelt on Saturday Wis — Alvin Roehr 33 Sheboygan outdoors He ventured discovered shot and killed that he Is far weaker than he had a farmer of Plymouth Philip J Ott Mrs out of his The colonel remained thought the house less than half an hour and Ott and Mrs Ott’s father Fred Haut he was willing enough to get hack 80 when he was refused permlss'on to see his wife with whom he had when Mrs Roosevelt spoke the word and then not been living hanged himself Government Spy Slain — Jennie the Chicago Cavaglieri Turks Surrender to Servians woman murdered in Bridgeport Conn advices reBelgrade — was a government spy and was slain port that the Turkish army which re- In revenge for her disclosures and to from Uskup to Voles surrendtired more to of them' according prevent Monday to the Servian cavalry statements here Saturday by a fed- ered delivered The Serand up their arms eral official vians later seized 123 guns Plant Burns Packing Prince Improving Chicago — The plant of the Indepenor St Petersburg — The condition dent Packing company a fivestory Diaz whose Mexican Gen Felix Crown Prince Alexis continues to Imnear the stock yards was revolution has collapsed with his cap- building prove according to information from ture at Vera Cruz It a nephew of the practically destroyed by fire Saturday Spala The loss was estimated at $100000 former president Porfirlo Diaz Fatal Hunting Accident White Slaver Deported Clash in Coal Field first Houghton Migh— The fatal — W Alberta Oliver Lethbridge and AV Va— Striking Charleston of the present seaaccident Bates who was recently indicted by hunting son In northern Michigan working miners clashed at a number occurred Boise Idaho on a at the jury fields grand Kanawha in coal of points the Monday when Jerry Coffey a logging white slavery charge was arrested Thursday but there were no casualnear Cardston and was de- trainman was shot presumably by a was Saturday ties The principal disturbance deer hunter States ported to the- United at Cabin Creek Junction Removed for Cause Gets Congress Eloped in Aeroplane Oklahoma Washington — President Taft has Ind — Arthur Smith Fort Wayne Alberta— Utah repre Lethbridge removed Edwin L Barnes registrar Miss Aimee Cour fiancee his to placed sentatives declined guarantee at the land office at Great Falls besides entertainment for the beside him in h’s biplane Saturday af- Mont and the accepted resignation ternoon and flew to Hillsdale Mich next session of the Dry Farming miles aw ay where they of Receiver Wilson of the same office and the session will go to Ok- seventy-fivfollows an investigation j The action were married lahoma x OFFICER BECKER at 1 |