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Show THE rEOVO EVENING IIEftALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925. Y WOOO-CUFTON'C- pfTHE ONE-PRIC- Dixon-Taylor-Russ- ell Payson Nephi Springville New D. T. R. Upholstering Dept. i Makes Old Furniture New o v H.O. G. Miller la manager of this department. He was schooled ta a large factory in Europe and Ve comes to us a finished workman in thigjine. guaranteejhe work done under. MsijUrectioik Mr. '.; Mr. Huish is associated with Mr. MfflerfaJ.be Repair Department. Broken furniture is repaired in a skilled manner and then is sent to our Ref inch- ing Department to be touched up before return ery to the customer Goafe New and smart spring J)ur collection of Coat mode 8 for immediate one that most interest the smartly (fretted wear. . deliv- ; Wonder values in Spring Dresses l Flannels Of fine Twills, Jewtlton and of Flat Crepes, Georgettes D.-T.-- Gj. n) 7w Tv mm woman. and repaired Have your furniture Co. workshop. in Spring Spring People who have visited our Upholstering Shop haye marveled at the work being done there. Furniture wora and shabby about to be discarded has been recovered and. built up to look like new and at ,.' .very little cost. '.' O. SALE OF HOUSEj Co. E f" r " I talina, Pokire Woo, BeegtEM in all toe newest colors; Kasha Rust, Apricot, AshesNrf Roses, b all faired U3 the ' for spring, Fkin and lttrriau&X kkheartwapiBrSuiphWrM0 darin. $14.75, $16.75, $19.75 mt ;$32.5o v mi 48.95r13J5,-$16.2- 5 $21.75, $24.75, $29.50 - . , 7 And Up . ..... v ., ,' , .. A 1 - . TV -- 4 Everything Mary Anderson, Miss Liza Dean, Minn Retiluti. alltton, Miss Lavern 1'aw, Mrs. Grant Lorsen, Mrs. Ruth Hoover, Mrs. Helen ThnrraHn,'Mrs. 1'ivn Bushman, Miser Mellm Hoover, Miss Kdna Hoover, Miss June Miss Hoover, Miss Louise Hoover, et Ttiiilii'riatcc of at Who EMe Swan, "Miss Mary SwaTiriss Ori'iojj the home of Mrs. Wren AVilkins Friday Ssr visiting bere; Melissa Swan, Miss Wllraa afternoon.. The life and works ,A cut glass bowl of daffodils Miss Thelina Hoover,- Mrs. of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow the- centerpiece of the table. Delveiie- Hoover, Mrs.. Ed Neljon, will be given. Luncheon will lie Covers were laic! -- or .Mrs, iinm Miss Barbara Corbeft of Salt. Lake Allen,-MrUvx vJohncoiii aiid the. tuest of honor. Mrs. Thomp '. '.s- ' ... Morgan, Miss Olestia Julin- - son received nunry beautiful and Styles SuperbPrices rood-ccrtw- Low laNnr laaw s. W i: . .I i it" - - v - v. ' ' will-me- XJoofl-riiiS- - for-nuj- d ser-Fc- ' 1 s. Mrsi-Ulmly- s Mrs.-Te-dr club met at the home of Mrs. W. T. Hasler Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Clark gave a paper on - the Koran;; MrS. Thelma Weight giive a talk and review of the Arnlilun Nights stories and Mrs, Nola Nlel-sogave two vocal solos, after whlcn dainty refreshments were served. n ' , Mrs. B. D. button plcusahtly en tertained at dinner at her home can Fork, Mrs. Mallei Moffehsen ami the guest of honor. I'pton Hoover entertained at n miscellaneous shower at her home Mrs. Kay Hoover and Mrs. 'Leltoy Wednesday afternon in honor of Hoover pleasantly entertained at Mrs. H. L. Thompson fonnerly Miss the home f.Mrs. I'ptmi Hoover Grace Hoover,' who was lurried in Wednesday evening in honor r Vr KwiUtwtouiat rtfa vvta reh 44- - beautiful glft . R.' Mrs. Miss 1.1 Thoiiipson, formerly The time was idcasautly Ofai-HMiver. Oamcs and m;Hc witlt panics and music lifter whicli were the feaiures of the luncheon whs stfrved to Mrs. Matrpie ' . ' i . siK-n- MjgliHifnea Hoover, Lnncheon, was served to the fil- In honor of Mrs. p;dith lowing: Miss Laccv KdwiiTda' Miss Mis. wednesdav ,IV III Whituker, 3 m hd bi.Mii M li I 'I i MM r - Why Pay ForXllDmei V- And Not Own It? amounts to a lot of money each year, and money, spent for rent doesn't buy a dollar's worth " ' of ownership. Aside from the real joy and satisfaction that attends building and owning: your home, there is the added h profit of being your own landlord paying to yourself, a require a lot of money to i begin with. Nearly everyone borrows to build. A i$ . home i3 the best security for a loan. Rent-paying . - - - t- - Come in ft and talk it over, and we will help ycu get started. ' PHONE TWO-. J. g : It is all just a matter, of getting started. 6 8M'H,UMfc-Mcrll- s I,eoiia . " Shurtliff, - Life Savers are the ideal candy for youngsters whose turnmies ' are so easily uset by richer-sweets- -- . ( Take a" few rolls home for that expectant; moment when som.e little eller saysj ' Dean Anderson became the owner of the Allphln eup after shooting Yon have. a. dollar, a sensational score of 99 per qent , I . have a dollar. at the- - Provo rifle club last night We Bwap. Df. Allphln won bis own eup and Now you have my dollar, It seemed that no one was- - able to And I have jour dollar. even hinder him, but he turned the Wo are no better off. cup back into the club and promoted an individual match. This sort of you have an ideat a match stimulated some very keen I have- a u idea. Ve swap. scores. Since Anderson Is one of the youngest club members, he surNow you have two ideas, prised some of the older marksmen And I have two ideas. ' with bis crackshot aballty. . Cal.Bee .... Both are richer.a JBand . Hunt i fflnjeJohffwltli LWhat yon gave yoH Have, Ma'nson hung up a 97. Bob Qurtls What you got I did not lose. dlda'96., " Tills is The handicap shoot will take j place again Frl4aj night and con tinue for about five more weeks. In last Friday's handicap many shooters over estimated their handicap By which accounts for their final scores being so low. Scores for Bee Handicap Trophy : TKotrsand who are troubled with Handicap. Score Final coughing at night, which persistent by robbing them of valuable Bleep V. Anderson ....10 I 80 . weakens their systems and lays 87 them open to dangerous Infections, h. Weight .....12 .89 can quickly act to prevent this dan Gar-B89 .TlO 99 per through a very simple treatment. People who have hardly, been J. Rowley . .t, ..10 ,87 ', 97 able to rest at all-o- n account of R. Curtis 87 '..JO 97 coughing spells have found they can 85 .90 sleep the whole night through un- E. Menlove .. ..17 disturbed often, the first time they A. Anderson .. 86 90 ,.12 ; try it. 84 The treatment la based on a re- L. Taylor ..20 80 markable prescription known as Dr. D. Anderson ..15 96 " 45 New Discovery for Coughs. Kings You simply take a teaspoonful at 3. Manson .. . ..20 96 ,20 night before' retiring, and hold It In 93 85 ..10 your throat for IS or 20 seconds be- V.. Roper fore swallowing It, without follow- Dr. Allphln .. ..10 84 94 ing with water. The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but H quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the direct cast of the Sleeplessness,!' Bun Down Coodttlon coughing.- The result is jou usually and Lump in Threat Colorado sleep soundly the very first night, and the entire couprh condition goes Lady Tells of Relief. in a very short time. NOTE ; It would be Illegal to Dub, The prescription is highly recommended for coughs, chest colds, lish these statements If not trn. loarw nut- - anij - tirnni-liiand is wonderful for children's coughs and spasmodic croup no harmful drugs. Colorado, says she will tell or Economical, too, as the dose Is only write how she was relieved of her one teaspoonful. At all eoodj drne terrible goitre two years sgo. The gists; Ask for misery has' never bothered since. a stainless lini' ment, nsed. Information from Sorbol Company,- - Mecbanicsburg, Ohio, all drug .stores, locally at Hedqulst Drug Co. Advertisement. - wr Dam?' -- Tb pro pew d statittsj wil W ta Ha pfchtat nasi srlt la vast UnpwesjwM t tUs tCj. UiaVERSITY. ODDHiOWS' EUREKA, March 19. Aceordlng to Information received by - Mayor Edwarg Pike, Eureka will have a new station this summer to be built Pacific company, by" "the Union fronting on Main street and rrplsr lag the old buildings at the lower end of Main 'street at the present time. . An agent' of the railroad company was 'Fere recently and procured options on eight parcels of land necessary for the new station. On this land are old and unsightly lumber shacks, which will be removed as soon as the titles ar cleared and the deeds obtained by 4be railroad com- - SPANISH FOIUL UajKfti a IsWtV fttiitsrTwi"C X F..iv I. Ttoads at tk aaditedsaa was big octal errata" 4 Special carwhrat rsw ' 5."" BALL SUCCESS sna.nl bat. f '1 Ttg wiwamutTOrnl Bttw SdKM a tsnsAett. :ls sdcM ft aA the msttesa of tW insjsseav Qsexa of the lodge ww juia4 sm of St Pttrtikni sXn srkt Sc. rkk'a day fttwn t dre guesta, A aejttbee-lisii axsjAm froaa, adjajewjt twa c tta ta4 - ...s- .' festival. t - st a .Cte f.wet '. , " Daddy, did you , f Hm, the first, Cafe be Tactfic, at CWlf, ktea Wt the B, iMWi March IS they avwtbera braach of the st Cslifomia at Los M Mart SO, the irjbi. Xevada at Bmk. Wtwsy ni Night Coughing Stopped Quickly SimpleTreatment This is the season to make good returns crowing cannery crops. We earnestly solicit your contracts for BEANS, $40 and $5aC0 per tons CUCUHBERSr $15.00, $30.00 and $45.00 per ton, and dpeclally T0!lIA GOITRE CAUSED . ZtOES at $12.00 per toii;L - i uomp any. Building Headquarters all gocj stares to ym .m may help yourse, tr ft A s . - Sorbol-Quadrnpl- Get-mor- e Pep-o-min-t, Cinn-o-mo- , a-o-- Wint-o-gree- t Ltc-o-ri- sad Vi-- o let - i ; TMail lacllf Corporation . , . : . . " ' ........... ... - ul it' Vbt wu the setv ti Smoof-EiUlflbe- Fi ; smtwaJty W tUc Kw wosi Madaacmt declTuesday alht at tba Ocddeo-- ' fcrtckara -- bring me anything?" Safe for little teeth, too. No sticky debris to cause tooth decay. It is much better to ' give children-thright j kind of candy regu-- " . larly than to let them have it only occasion-- . Then they will ally. ' not over-ea. . 1 MB DEBATE ee t. J FOR EUR1 KA WINSRIFLECUP 1 little tummies - Home-building-oes- Mrs. Good for : ' t ItiLssell, Miss Elsie Hoo-e- r, Hoover,. Mrs. June "Uuliy Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Kva Hoover, Kcva Ann VaKoner, Mrs. Ellen Homer, Mrs. Mvrtle Carter. Mrs. Nettie I jo Vidros, Mrs. Ilia Martiu, Mrs. Sadie Mrs. Klla Madseii, 2 m. If DEAONDERSONiNEW ITPrDEPOT ridjie, Mrs., Rose Kartehner; Mrs. Lizzie Taylor, Mrs. J. II. Beck, Mrs. J 11a Beck, Mrs. Alene Simmons, Mrs. Kate Harding, Mrs. Barbara Zabris-ki- e Mrs. an dthe guest of honor. Thompson was the recipient of many " |