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Show MRS. EMMA FLEISSNEB ALCOHOL IN MOST MEDIClKES. Suffered Over Two Years Health Wat J Precarious Condition Caused Indispensable Requisite In CompoundBy Pelvic Catarrh. ing of Some Prescriptions. It Is of course true that some proprietary medicines contain alcohol and nearly all liquid mediators prescribed by physicians contain A- - ho honest man will defend thesalo of Intoxicants under the guise of medicine; but every honest map' should protest against a system fit wholesale denunciation bom of malice, or Ignorance of pharmaceutical principles, and fostered by selfish interests. It Is assumed that alcohol is the cause of Intemperance; bn there Is a great difference between alcohol and whisky. If a substitute for alcohol could be found for use to the manufacture ol medicines. Its discoverer would render a great service to the profession of pharmacy and the science of medl-ciafor alcohol is a very expensive ingredient and a cheaper substitute would be gladly accepted. Unfortunately the word alcohol, In the minds of many people is associated excludrunkenness sively with and all forms of degradation and vice. This Is due to a lack of knowledge by the general public of the fact that alcohol is an indispensable requisite In drugs, tinctures and fluid extracts All fluid extracts and tinctures on the druggists shelves contain from 20 tc cent of alcohol; and of all HEALTH AND STRENGTH 90 per medicines liquid prescribed by physicians more than 75 per cent contain RESTORED BY It in large proportions. A. Alcohol is required to preserve organic substances from deterioration Mrs. Emma Fleissner, 1412 Sixth and from freezing, and it is also reAve., Seattle, Wash., Worthy Treasurer to dissolve substances not soluquired Sous of Temperance, writes: suffered over two years with Ir- ble in water, while it contributes to regular aud painful periods. My health their preservation when dissolved. was in a very precarious condition and Diluted alcohol is largely employed to i was anxious to find something to re- fluid extracts; and whenever a greater store my health and strength. strength of alcohol is required as a I was very glad to try Peruna and solvent (for extracting medicinal prindelighted to find that it was doing me ciples) the medicine is of such a chargood. I continued to use it a little over acter as to preclude a large dosage; three months and found my troubles and for this reason preparations, even removed. consider it a splendid medicine if containing 50 per cent or more of and shall never be without it taking a alcohol, are practically less intoxicatn dose occasionally when I feel ing than beer. In such cases the and tired. character of the medicinal constituents Our files contain, thousands of testi- Is such as to absolutely forbid the monials which Dr. Hartman has reof the medicine in any wa7 taking ceived from grateful, happy women who have been restored to health by except to very small doses and at stated intervals only. To assume that his remedy, Peruna. any great number of proprietary medicines are used as beverages is the veriest absurdity. Exchange. bar-room- PE-RU-N- run-dow- Thinks Some Lies Excusable. There are some lies, a philosopher said, like angels wings on which we may mount to Heaven. TEA Can a very bad person like tea very much, do you think ? soreness. Paxtine U in powder form to be dissolved in pore enter, and U far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, GO cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instruction! Free. R. Paxton Company Boston, Maaa, Now Means Square Meal. The word banquet formerly meant dessert. TEA Best tea port: San Francisco; nearest; least exposure. Tea is sensitive. Your grocer return jour money If you don't like Schilling Beet. This la the Mattress you read about. Made In Are Ifferent grades. Prices from ISOO to 115.00. Ask dealer for It. If genuine, our Trade tour furniture la on the tag. Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. salt Books of the World. The total number of books in the vorld Is estimated at 4 nno 000,000. laicb C'TY. Utah TEA We make four different types: Schillings Best SALT LAKE CITY O. HUNTING, Superintendent Q. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Y our grocer returns your money If you dont like it. Especially if He Owed You Money. Nothing marks a sentiment like absence. The one who forgets was not t real friend. Duchess DAbrantes. Immense Sun Lial In Greece. Greece boasts the largest sun dial cp the planet. There is a large promontory In the Aegean sea, looking to the east, which extends 3,000 feet atove the level of the water. As the si4 swings around, the shadow of the maintain touches one by one a circle of Islands separated by regular Interval, whihc act as hour marks. Low Wages Paid In China, Often among more advanced peoples a need for skilled labor Is not felt. In China a farm hand never gets L ore than two meals a day and $2.50 to currency a month. Skilled labor does not fare much better, as a carpenter feels well satisfied with 30 cents a day, while masons and painters do not average 40 cents. When She Chooses. Arrto of Hampstead Heath can a great lady, when be nder t or prize-rinchodes; no sallt-maherobommai ds a more fluent vocabulary f slang and foal language than ntar.sa dui e's ten or representative of anient name and hereditary honor "Ra in raiiy Express. Greater Less. contractor undertook to widen a railway in Yorkshire, and while the men were at work one 1 1 Nl g Ei y, 1 hi the Destroyer of Peace. ui;h envy ir. is heart ran He n ay l.i.'.e his envy. y. an 1 A A few years ago a serious landslide occurred. There was much confusion, and the Nevcry went up, Count the men. er mind the men, cried the thrif.y contractor, count the wheelbarrows. day a World's Largest Pawnshop. iu the Rue des Paiis, stands the largest pawnshop in d ;he wcrld, with so many smts in its vaults and storerooms t. at you will cover five miles and a i aif if you explore them all. Seven tho mand persons a cay pass through he big doors. Blancs-Manteau- shelf-range- NOT ADAPTED FOR THE PART. Richard Carlaa Find Turned Out of Littla Value. Shortly before The Maid and the Mummy company opened Its season, Richard Carle was looking for an actor to play the part of a wild man with the musical comedy. He wanted a big, blustering fellow with a bad mans face and the voice of a steam calliope. After examining several applicants for the part Mr. Carle finally selected i man who filled all the requirements save that of voice. Orlando Wilson was the giants name, but like many Dig fellows he was modest and retiring in manner and speech. In fact, Ms voice was only a few notes from an infants treble. Why dont you shout? exclaimed Mr. Carle, after listening to a 2x4 rolce exuding from a man who stood feet 5 inches in his stockings. Yell! Imitate xive your lungs a chance! i tipsy cowboy like this! To illustrate, Mr. Carle cut loose with a cow boy yell, Go home and practice that, he said to the big chap, and come back to rehearsal prepared to make a noise. Next morning, when the giant put In his appearance, Mr. Carle said, Well, are you all right? Yes, he replied, almost perfect; but Im going to give up my part Why? I live In a flat. What has that to do with It? Everything. I started to rehearse that cowboy yell last night, and the neighbors thought I was murdering my mother. I nearly got lynched." Why dont you move? Well, my parents have always supplied me with good board and lodging and if I move they might get out of the habit. I dont believe Im cut out for that part. Youd better engage some other kind of a person. I will, said Mr. Carle; Ill engage a man. Diving Bell of 200 Years Ago. 200 years ago that Edmund Halley constructed what Is often referred to as the first diving bell, although the apparatus must have been much like that which was used In the presence of Charles V. The principle of the diving bell is simple. An inverted jar sunk In the water retains air at Its top, and If there is enough air men may live and breathe and work there, and keep dry. Dr. Halleys diving bell was a large wooden chamber, open at the bottom and loaded there with lead to prevent It from turning In the water. Pieces of glass set in the roof furnished light. Air was supplied by an Ingenious method; for leaded casks full of air were sent down, bung downward. Tipping the barrel, water would rush Into It and drive out the air to the man in the bell chamber. feet the At the depth of thirty-thre- e air Is compressed to half Its former bulk, and the bell is therefore at the depth filled full with water; and as the depth Increases, so do the compression and the pressure. Technical World Magazine. It was nearly Still Sweeter Sings My Darling. Australian shades With songs like bubbling fountains; The redstart thrills the river glades Beneath Virginian mountains. The oriole, that soul afire, Paurs forth a storm of singing To the rapt mate of his desire. In soft gray hammock swinging. By night, by day, on topmost spray, Or where the covert hushes. Plays Nature's weirdest orchestra The mock bird, king of thrushes. But all the words of all the birds Ay, een the songs, magician AU sweetest notes from singing throats. Fade, as at dawn a vision. The bell-bir- d fills When, be It catch or lullaby. Or songs of battle ringing, Love lays or hymns of liberty, I hear my darling singing. For song each bird hath times preferred When winter winds are gnarling Each tender tree the chickadee Outslngs the housed Btarling. But whether blows the summers rose. Or winters winds be snarling. Be spring abloom, or fall in gloom Still sweeter sings my darling. Henry Austin In Century. The Age of Slang. The way you New Yorkers address one another is still strange to me although I have been coming here foi years, said a visiting New Englander One would judge that you had nc Christian names. I seldom hear one used, except formally. Its old man, or old fellow, and even in speaking to your wives its 'little one, little woman, or some other silly diminutive. The women dont seem to be much better, with such terms as boy, The children are likeand hubby. wise misnamed and seem to under stand only such appellations as kid and little rascal. My daughter came here with the good old New England name of Priscilla, but I hear her called Prissy. and some even make it This is certainly an age o' Cilly. New York Sun. slang. Good Reason. Representative Adamson, of Geor gia, says that when he was judge oi his county court a fellow was before him charged with having stolen a pah they call them britches in Georgia. There were several witnesses, but the evidence was rathei meagre, and the accused was acquit ted. He was told that he could go hut he remained in his seat. His lawyer, to whose successful defense he owed his liberty, hinted to him that he was free to depart, but he didnt budge. I dont want to go, said the fel- STRENGTHEN THE STOMACH Williams Pink Pills Raatly Cura Indigestion Instead of Meraly Relieving Symptoma. There are plenty of remedies by which ou can relieve for the time heartburn, pain and gas ou the stomach and cau another nervous sensations and induce artificial sleep. You can humor your stomach by giving it predigested feel. But when you take your next meal all trouble begins afresh. There is only one sensible tiling to do. Strengthen the stomach and do away with the necessity for drugs and artificial foods. The best remedy ever found is the one that was used for this pui-xby E. E. Strong, of Uapleville, Shelby county, Teiiti. For years," he states, I suffered greatly from indigestion. I tried many different remedies iuid some of them would relieve me for a time, but the trouble always came back. About Bix months ago I had au unusually severe attack, and while I tried everything I had ever heard of, I found that none of the ordinary remedies would reach the difficulty this time. "One day I read in a Memphis paper how Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured a Michigan woman, a sufferer from clirouio dyspepsia of a most stubborn type. I then tried the same remedy and it proved just as successful in my case. I took only three boxes, ami was cured. I have not liinl the slightest symptoms of indigestion since. The tonic treatment lias a sound principle ns its basis, and abundant success in actual use. Multitndesof cases that had defied all other remedies have beeu cured bv Dr. Williams Pink Pills. The pills actually make new blood and strikeat the root of all diseases caused by bad blood. They contain no harmful stimulants or opiates. Every dyspeptic should read, What to Eat ami How to lilt." Write the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Sclwueo tady, N Y.. for a free copy. Dr. ' Brahes v.w.. m M.tronomy. It was the great eclipse of Aug. 21, 1560, that turned Tycho Brahe into an astronomer. He was in his 14th year at the time, a Danish hoy of noble or- igin, and had been destined first for the army and then for the law. But the accuracy with which the eclipse was predicted Impressed him with the belief that astronomy was a divine thing, and thenceforward he devoted his life to it. The debt of astronomy to Tycho Brahe, not only for his own work, but as the man who shaped the genius of Kepler, can scarcely ho overestimated. Important to Mothers. gxamlne carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, ufe and eure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the . Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind Yon I wont sell to a Antl-Orlpl- who wont Guarantee BACK IP IT WONT CUKE. It. Call for Tour M OX E VManufacturer, Nprfnerfefd, 31o. F. IF. Dietner, XL. i.. HALLY CANKER IHD DIPHTHERIA REMEDY low. And why not? asked the lawyer. Let the. witnesses go first. THltouTH, THROAT .fjFVFR FAILS ton tomachUd bowcli.... Nslden-Jflso- n Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah. I Why? Why, sir, stole. Ive got on the britches Bought. Always It Is Quite True That some people sneer at love In a cottage, but love that could wish to live anywhere else Is rot love. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, eenre as mercury will sorely destroy the of smeU and completely derauire the whole eyeteiu when entering It through the mucous surfscue. Suchs articles should never he need except on preecrlp-tlonfrom reputable physlclaus, as the damage they will dots ten fold to the good you can poMihly derive from them. Rail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be enre you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio. byF. J CheueyftCo. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Japan's Tobacco Crop. Japans annual tobacco crop is about 40,000,000 pounds. TEA Money back buys yourcon-'fidencyou cant help You cant help it. e; it PAGES. Famous Highway to tho Southwest Built Only a Century Ago. A hundred years ago the eyes of America were on the southwest We were on the edge of the war with Spain over the closing of the Missis sippi, and under orders from Washing ton, Wilkinson, in command of For Adams, held solemn conclave with the Indians who owned the east bank ol the big river, and by treaty established a sacred post road through theii country. It left Nashville on the old Buffalc trace, crossed the Tennessee at Col berts ferry below the Mussel shoals and, striking the hills back of the Big Black, came down to Natchez and or to New Orleans, with a branch to the Walnut hills. The road was more than a military necessity, for so manj pirates Infested the Mississippi that merchants returning from New Or leans needed a safer route home with their money. After it was opened It became all things to the southwest Methodism went down that way In the person ol Tobias Gibson; later Lorenzo Dow foi lowed him with the camp meeting 3plrlt. Old Hickory marched his army down to Natchez over this route In ,1813 and marched It hack again next spring. And from that day till nearly our own It has been the great centei Now the of that country's activity. railroads have come, the settlers have am? moved down Into the valleys opened up poorer roads In the beds ol branches and through swampy low lands. But the Trace is still there upon its ridges, tho best road of them all. Everybodys Magazine. , Pillsburys Vitos is the best and most economical breakfast food you can buy. Actustl, The Meat of the Wheat. It la whits lit color provi (is purity lit maker guarantees lie quality Pillsbury Two honest pounds in every package Claims Cure for Appendicitis. Dr. Pond of Liverpool, England, has advanced a new theory with deference .0 the origin of appendicitis and othei listurbances of the digestive organs tie rails attention to the fact that such ailments can often be attributed :o antimonlal poisoning, and the iource of the antimony taken up by nan is said to be the rubber rings which are frequently used to close all sorts of bottles. Dr. Pond has established the fact :hat such rings consist of almost their weight of antimony. The mtimony is not only dissolved by the uineral waters containing alkails and irganic acids, hut these rubber rings, is daily observation shows, soon become brittle and some of the com pound falls Into the contents of the vessels. Dr. Pond claims to have found that i frequently repeated Introduction of mtimony can become the source of a series of disturbances of the nutritive and digestive system, especially through continued weakening of the muscleB of the stomach aid intestines. one-ihlr- d Nothing Wrong. There Is nothing at all the matter, my boy. The world goes plugging along In the same old way from day to day, Singing her good old sonk. Maybe her songs grow old to you. And maybe your hopes grow dim; But there'B nothing at all the matter, my boy It's only your foolish whim. There Is A Pretty Fancy Is to divide oranges into small sections, pack them in fine Ice, and pass them during a luncheon as if they were olives or salted nuts. This Is not so bad for a new railThis week the Salt Lake Route between Salt hauls three shows Lake and Los Angeles, and runs three Specials for W. C. T. U. members going to the convention In Ixis Angeles. road. The Infant Mind. Say, papa, queried Harold, looking up from his book, do they plant bird seed when they want to raise Golden Days. sparrow grass? tTKE TUB TAMors Bed Cross Bull Blue. Lun-- package 9 cents. Tbe Kuss ( 'nrpminv. South Bend, Lad, House Built of Cork. A hairdresser at I.eipsic, Germany, house entirely has built a of cork, and fitted it up for a shop and baths. two-stor- Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Srru p. For children teething, eofteui the gone, reduces In. flunmxUon, allays pain, cures wind eulle. 25c a bottle. Longing for the Unattainable. We all wish for riches, happiness, joy, wit, pleasure; yet the best actor is not able to play every role. A Barratin. nothing at all the matter, my boy You have only lost your held; Get back to the life and hack to the strife, Get hack to your work's enfold. There is work laid out for yi ur hands to do, So stick to your tnsk with vim; There is nothing at all the matter, my boy It's only your foolish whim. There Is nothing at all the matter, my boy Stand by till your task 1s done; the Its way for a place In the world's mad race It's the way that the end Is won. There's a place at the top, but the way Is long. Dont rail If your star grows dim; Don't say that the world's all wrong, my boy It's only your foolish whim. W. F. Griffin In Milwaukee Sentinel. Why do we advertise? To tell you whats good for you. Why dont we tell then ? Dont we ? Your grocer return your money If yon don't like Schilling s Bert. France has forbidden the use sinthe In the army and navy. Y His First Visit. Look here, Halton, why in creation did you lure me Into buying a ticket for that lawn fete? Why, did you pay out much? Much Why, they charged me 50 cents for lemonade and $1 for lee cream. That was exorbitant. Then I was lured through the maze of mystery, witches caldron, etc., and by the time they finished telling my fortune I didnt have a penny. That was tough. O, I could have recovered from that, but it was the sequel. When I reached home (toad broke my wife accused me of playing poker and hasn't spoken to me since. Chicago News. Careful of Strangers. "Theyre very cartful at the Boston beaches, said a man who visited the New England metropolis a few weeks I went down to one of the ago. Watering places one hot day. There had been a storm and the surf was rough, and the man in charge refused to let me go in bathing. I left In nc very pleasant frame of mind, and complained to the cabman as I drov away. Oh, well, said he, in a consoling tone, you see they dont like to have strangers come down here and gel drowned. It hurts the beach. Newspaper Man in Right Place. TEA of ab- Joseph Buckiin Bishop, who has been appointed executive secretary o, the Panama commission, is especiallj well equipped to perform the duties of that position. Mr. Bishop has al. the expert knowledge necessary, and. moreover, by Kis long experience as a newspaper worker is peculiar!) fitted to serve as the agent of publicity. Girl Writes Verse. Violet Firth, a thirteen-year-olEnga volume of lish girl, has verse has sold more than 3,000 copies en Pries 20c Per Package . Ask your grocer BACK OF THE ATKINS SAW Two eenturiea of patient and oonsuieniiouii effort to produce the in the world, beat Ten generationEof blood and brains. The largest pl.nt in the world exclusively devoted to employing many high-price- d hundreds of hlgh-oloscraftsmen and equimied with cosily special machinery. A worltlWidt bushiRK agurug&iing many millions of dollars every year. A reputation built up through two centuries of steady growth, valued more highly then any other asset of this grant institution. The guaranty of this Company, wbloh la respected the world over. YVe make all types and sizes of Yaws, but only one grade the best. Atkins Saws, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor Scrapers, etc., are aold by ali good hardware dealers. Catalogue ou reiUest. CO.. Ino. E. C. ATI1INS CBL in the World. Largest Saw Manufacturer Factory and Executive Office. Indianapolis, Indiana- UKANCHKaNew York. ndowao, MluneapoUa, Portland, fOrcgom, Hostile, Kan Francisco, Memphis, Atlanta anil Toronto, (Cauada), I Accept no Substitute Insist on the Atkin Brawl solITby good dealers cvuiYwrraH r Beautify Your Walls and Ceilings! Rock Cement A tints, Does not rub or scale. Destroys disease germs anil vermin. No washing of walls after once applied. Any one can brush It on mix with cold water. Other finishes, bearing fanciful names and mixed hot or cold water, do not thq cementing property of Alabostlno. They are stuck on with glne, or other animal matter, which rota, feeding disease germs, rubbing, scaling and spoiling walls, clothing, etc. Such Finishes most be washed with either Iiavo off every year expensive, filthy work. Buy Alabastine only In 11 ve pound pack-ageproperly labeled. Tint card. s, Hints on Pretty wall and celling design, Decorating and our artists services In making color plans, free. ALABASTINE CO, Orand Rapids, Mich., or 105 Water St, N. T The Worlds Standard DE LAVAL Your grocer retorn your money If you dont like Qckillingft Bert. of pantaloons IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, bad COLD, HEADACHE AH3 NEURALGIA. v? WILL LIVE IN HISTORYS CREAM SEPARATORS 600,000 Ten In Use. Tim.. Other. Combined. Ail ti $10.- - Every mltj per Co Ynr of Un or.r (II Setting lyrtims $5.- - per Oo nr ill ImKMIn, Cepirttor end fat maw Catalagwa. Send THE DE LAVAL Canal A Randolph CHICAGO ovbs SEPARATOR CO. Sts ,1 swo a.ooo 74 Cortianot frirart NCltf VOM inrat souna Tco MAKERS OF clotrihO watlrpkOop o;lcd :?3UC?tR5.P0Mitf L 5UCKERS AND HAIS.i POLLOWINC oun SUCCESSES AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS i W2: WON TH HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWAKDi AT , r-T- THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR. ,, C(jtVas VV r F A J TOWPR CO tSTAKIJHMWU X05T0N CriKMOyJ PuT' CO LIMITE., THE rSpAFIcIiC HOWARD E. BURTON, AS?S?.ND Specimen price: Hold, Silver. Lead, 41 ; Gold, Silver. (ioM.ixk:; Ziiu or Copper. 1. Cyanide Uteta. Mulling envelop?- anti full price list Rent oq application. LomM and 1'mpfre work frolicked. Lead ville ColOs Keference. Carbonate NatluoalBauit Consy Isiand Souvenir Kix beautiful colored acen Postal Card Co. Post Cards. Coney Island Island M. Y. foi 25c. Coney Wherr Ancwering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. Ut. Salt Lake No. , 1905. CUaCS wxmc AU USE UiL$ Best Cough ayrup. Tastes Good. In time. Po.d hy drurrlst. U , |