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Show ~ Volume1, Issue 1 October 1998 Bn%ht Da WOODW.ORKING Hezalth F@@ds 1 Vem 9 :30m ©:30PM tversen D D S N| 2627 Nerth Haghway HERBS, 952 28th Strest | EMAIL:BRIGHTDAYH@AOL.COM 1580 745 : D.II 0977 ‘ : B 1 T2'58()1\*' HWYA 162 74r-()«) ek 7 1 e ' 1| Basements fixed Call anytlme day or Licensed and Insured 5402 E. 2200 N. (P.O. Box 252 B Thom Summers - EDEN UT 84310 - | OLD WEST MORTGAGE 0. | Commercial and Residential 1st and 2nd Mortgage Accoums RECEIVABLE Puncmss fax-745-5601 UVAGS *FIex:ble Hours 7451008 . 'Ll’ackflnzmal:s shecca f@”&) ?"axo/ C ar/m'a ‘, ; | 55560 & 2500 1Ny . LV ) ’ = | 19(,;/9 J A 09%2 argeC/’&*m.x(r(zu | :; t _) Vet Etta Baker ' Veterlnarlan i | 10010 E. 200 S. Huntsvrlle; Ay Appomtment 745 2697 ,Ma” diax é’any@x | seasc 2300 A.. :,._:'_5510 East 2200 Nortfi lley By =-ur g)q;gg{; Paurakeew" B Ant:qaas Gifts - Old Fash:oned Sodas lce Cream g ’ Breedi ahd Deserve It"’ o _ “Tammy _-;T.-ayloir;,Pr,o‘d,uc'ts 5 Sa&s -— “Come Pamper ¥ Yourself... | You -'0“‘ nen* JIntenio | % fleug.nee 'fl’fawrPAINIING, wcw,e | MURALS, DRAPERIES, 1 warcesazeR, SURNITURE %%} J/&eo&a/f,xe/;zwnigque f Mortgages s ‘745 3573 | . Tuesday - Sat 1 7:30 am - 9pm Eden, UT 84310 Ze » 745—86 18 Busnness‘745 3021*Home745-3805 745-2309 or Mobile: 430-2695 wea N. aa‘ee“a | 2595 NHwy 162 Eden,UT 7:"Casual Dining in Eden Utah - 745-2240 ~ ' MARVIN l STEED, President ~ 585 24th St. Suite #101 -Ogden, Utah 84401 Office (801)393-861 8 3 fax (801)394-7751 . BE2 o\ Our 21st Year . ;,\",\ Farmers Insurance Group of ) ) Ogden Valley - Auto*Home*Life*Disability ) o ot 4 “ClairC. Beasley - Agent FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS Water Sewer, Roads, Fill Dcrt ‘ rates while they are still under | ¥ Group oF companies | | N. Il\\' Y 167 : u ;Take advantage of the low | Sat.by @ Appountment Carwea Loan Consultant - I} - - (801)627-8129 CHIROPRACTIC e wmma N E?{DfinyPé_ CD.L ~’ Klm AND MeRE' aaaaa ROCKY MOUNTAI! . . | | 801) 399-0260 ' Eden Utah 84310 - JEFF GUTHRIE . FooDs Ogden, Utah 84403 R 745-.1919 VITAMINS, E?jf‘flBTBAGEw MoN.- SAT .@‘dcfl Aiat 29997 . ’ a’tqfien aad Joa’; a’xg;.r Mou 3&2-#?’:’ ?45 2297 | Breakfast and Lunch‘ - ..[_mg contrnbuters are| 1 Umversal Party and . ;fextremely talented ............................................ Preschool and Drop Avaflable - | m Care » Fully State chenaed' f Famhty P C Dlsp!ay COSTUMES - Halloween*Christmas*Promotions* N Y /i Ages ?-~ 13 Before and After School Care Complete Age r, Supervrsed Bus | | Schedule to and from “ B B | ValleyElementary T T Limited Space 5568 East 2200 North Edea»UT'84310' kmds of thmgs that o far 11[/occasions -m@s amf mrzm& Approprl ate f; | Cumculum & 2247 Lincoln Ave. . . Ogc{en, UT 84401 . '<ea323fi5553r+--~"fi ' | you would hke tosee{ pubhshed Thank You, o | We w1sh tooffer our e & f‘pmfound thanks to : 'Clms or Becky Daugaard Self Esteem and (3017455600 Enhancement | (anytnme) Staff Tramed and Pager18006128172 Please feel free toj_ Panes*Make up & Accessones | Full Tnne and Part i f_;’--»,-and we are gratefuli? = | | for their expertise. Socral Skills 'l'he Ogden Valley,.‘, News Staff | |all those who have | Shanna Francns 745-2688 x}a The Ogden Valley_;_f News will remain a | mid- monthly publl- we feel it becomlngrf. fax 745-0062, Jeanme 745 2879 e 'faxSame as above S ‘f‘lv'catlon until such as g time warrants ‘ ‘ 'fif"so wholeheartedly ~ |supported thls gfif‘papen“j*a~ e Sabrlna Peart ok ‘ 745 0932 ;‘-'.. fax:7452728 bl-weekly Ou rWl’lt";' |