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Show 7 THE OGDEN POST I). & R. G. W. Has H.i' Growth in Utah f I. f road V with that of any other transcontinental line. Substitution of heavy rails for 110 miles lighter is progressing, and rail, rolled of new 90 and Iron company, by the Colorado Fuel Pueblo, will be laid between Denver and Salt Lake City. The released rail will be used to replace that of lighter weight in branch lines, yard tracks and side tracks. The entire program for 1927 will therefore include the laying of approximately 300 miles of heavier tail. Pile bridges, of which only a few are left on main lines will be replaced by permanent bridges of concrete and steel The installation of additional and permanent water ways for improving drainage conditions is one of the features having special attention, and this will contribute very materialtraf-fi- c ly to lessening interruption's to 4 Ir h 110-pou- fj H i. Vi r . ,4 " J G t" In conjunction with the Federal Aid Improvements, substantial sums will be expended for the elimination of grade crossings. One of the improvements facilitating the movement of traffic will be an extension of the present double track system on the west side of Tennessee Pass. When this work is completed there will be continuous double track from the summit of Tennessee Pass to the foot of the heavy grade on the west side of the Continental Divide. Thry .no w have double track extending over the Wasatch range at Soldier Summit, a distance of .78 miles, between Helper and Provo, and the com- Ietion of double track program on ennese Pass gives us double track over all heavier grades. The new and powerful locomotives, recently purchased, permitted a material increase in the size and length of freight trains, and $350,000 has been allotted for additional yard tracks and extensions of passing tracks td 110 car capacity. The largest individual item in the budget, involving approximately is for the revision of alignment and grades. This work laid out for 1927 covers more than 100 miles of main line track and will complete this character of improvement from the Royal Gorge west to Ogden. The changes include removal of the track from close proximity to canon walla and mountain slopes, thus reducing danger from slides and consequent delays to traffic. The year 1927 will mark the inauguration of block signals on the Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad. Between 100 and 150 milea of the latest and most modern type of electric block signals will be installed between Mintnrn and Palisade, including the Canon of the Colorado River, Dotsero to Glenwood Springs. The installation of block signals in the canon of the Arkansai, between Canon City and Tennessee Pass will follow the completion of the line changes and elimination of curvature in that section planned for next year. This initial undertaking is in line with the policy of extending these signals over the entire main line as rapidly as the work can be done economically. For the operation of a locomotive good water is essential, and in certain districts where the character of the water requires, treating plants will be installed. A liberal appropriation has been made for improvements in shop facilities at various points. $1,-500,0-00, I: ;4 We Carry a Complet We Carry a Complete Line of the Famous t - Pacific Coffee Store mid 11a older that ''f.'Ve years The first assembly v itcrial will be uailalle the new JVelier county high school j " e: auditorium took place last Monday j ?' afternoon. j -r v' The program began at one uYloiW. j Two number were rendered by th-- i high school orchestra under the d- - j $$ rection of Mr. IlaroM Pettigrew. Tw vocal selections by Edna Crow the. j Uirie and two violin selections by M r. Pettigrew were given. hjp Superintendent Fowler, of the We- er county schools, ant President, rank Stratford, of the county school board, were the speakers of the-- V -- comparable (.'hard. Shupe, ks. M:uiv followed the plan of nun from the junior urn! j Children of the Moose and the Martha home are to be the guests of a Christmas tree festival at the Moose lodge, at three o'clock, on the afternoon of Sunday. December 28. Mr. E. J. Watkins, Sr., and a committhe to highest rronertv work of ballasting with slag tee of 5 are at work on arrangements for the affair. and gravel, which was so extensively - to be will 1928. pushedearned on in Tomorrow earning at eight o'clock, completion in 1927, and the entire main line from Denver to Ogden will a cantata of CO children under the diexcept m short rection of Roy Rose will entertain then be fully ballasted, about eighteen Moose members and friends at the stretches aggregating milea. where important line chances Moose hall. re U be made m 1928. With this work completed and the elimination of The Disabled American Veterans which is a part of and the Veterans of sharp curvature, Foreign Wars are the the program and well under way,Raila Christmas party to take planning Rio Grande Western Denver place just before the holidays. will have a track of a standard u of Hull's, ''unders. J.i.Kii j Rto Grande Although the Denver for program Western improvement was ROw nearing completion, ifoVt elaborate, the budget for 1927 of approx-jpatel- y provides for an expenditure continua$7,000,000 and of up the building the policy of tion standard. S now CiI!S!t r...i:.! r, M.yes, Riilur.lsoii, I'uiily. to be heW in ev- - e-- $7 i What Better (ift Than if Music? w Dances of the Season Held by Moose Here $7 to (iDf, 70c $125.00 and up Music as never before on the new L Brunswick" W JONES Washington Ave. to We'll tiladly Arrange Phone 7G2-- J. Thomas, Mgr. J STMASSH0 ES.EORjm EFAM'1 LYj: MAMEUBYS'GREENCOtDTSBErSHOlSr 28. Dont A farewell party for Superintendent E. J. Milne was held yesterday evening at the Milne residence. Among the invited guests were Governor Geo. H. Dem and Mayor George E. Browning. Mr. Milne is soon to leave for San Francisco, where he will assume connection with the National Trust corporations western branch. CHILDRENS SCUFFERS. sizes 5 to 11, each... The Weber college Freshman class GIRLS HIGH TOP SHOES, sizes 24 to 6, each party took place last evening at the school. The Sophomore class party will be held at Weber tonight. Sophomores are being paired off by the ISATIKir' os Miss This Dollar Day Saturday, December 18, 1926 $1.00 $1.00 GIRLS HATS, values to $2.95 .. T.l each HUNDREDS OF XMAS V GIFTS, each -- $1.00 Boy Scout Shoes, sizes 4 to $1.00 C, each $1.00 each..., Boys Caps, Ladies Silk Hose, 2 pairs for. $.1,00 system of drawing lota. The student officers are arranging for a series of matinee dances to take place on the Fridays of weeks when no big evening dance is held. This is expected to stimulate the popularity of dancing among the students. The Mount Ogden Hive and Silver Tent No. 1, of the Maccabees, wil hold , their first annual Christmas party in the W. O. W., at 7:30, next Wednesday evening, December 22. A members are invited to bring their friends and children. 200 Pairs of Slippers, values to $6.00, each... The annual ball of the Daughters of Pioneers, will be held in the Bcrthana hall, Thursday, February 17. Vliu cuu tell in,'' ocbool teacher, "the Felts for the Whole Family asked the Sunday name of the first 75c to $1.50 Taylor Wright Co. Ogden, Utah 235.5 Washington Avenue Red Goose Tablt i Free with Every Pair of Shoes 1 man aud the first woman?" cun," said the bright tittle boy of the class Adam and Evil" When Xmas Fowl Or Fish Is Mentioned SPEC! Phone 31 our in respect is expressed in THE utmost service. The most improved facil- --For ities and a friendly earnestness make ours the Ideal Service. Any Occasion-SELECT- ED LINE OF SEAFISII MALAN MORTUARY iMN(S26 FUN ER.AL HOME . 'A LADY ASSISTANT ALWAYS IN ATTENDANI SHELL-FIS- H Also FRESH EGGS 2360 Washington Ave. $7 LL CHICKENS TURKEYS I Furniture Co. $7 2350 Washington Avenue Con- venient Time Payment 1 $7 Come and See Music Co. 2525 Last' Wednesday, Mr. William Henderson and Miss Gladys Garner, of Ogden, wrere married. The Kiwania show, entitled Ki wanis Christmas Cheer, will be given in the Weber college auditorium, at eight oclock, on the night of Deceni-e- r Priced as Low as .i 7 Our stock of Christmas Nuts is complete all clean, meaty, first grade nuts, including Pecans, Brazils, Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts and Fresh Boasted Peanuts. $7 HR UTAH LAKE FISH MILLER and 75c per pound $7 f&x-C- Carriages Card Tables, $2.50 I $7 These teas are equal to pile and $1.00 package teas. LLOYD Doll Buggies and $7 pound We have the finest grades of tea in: Ceylon, Orange Pekoe, English Breakfast, (I unpowder and Unculored Japan or Spidorleg, at W Weber High Team On December 5, Mrs. E. S. Dalton and Miss Freda Felt, both of Ogden, were wed here. $7 rc, 50c and 55c per I Oc, I? irst of Weekly $7 Your bivukfust is not eompleti without a cup of well math coffee. You can only get the Lest results from fresh roasted coffee. We roast our coffee freslt daily, and never grind it until it is ordered. You dont pay 10c for a tin can when you huy a pound of our coffee. Try a pound and be convinced or let us give you a free sample. We can satisfy any taste and it sells at . The D. A. V. will hold its third annual ball in the hall tonight. Prizes will be given for the The first of a aerie of weekly Charleston, the fox trot and the waltz. dances to extend throughout the winter season was given by the The Drama club will meet tomorrow odge last Wednesday 'evening. at the home of Miss Ellon Thomas Although the dances are starting with Miss Lilian O'Neill as assisting somewhat late this year they are exlostess. Mrs. Joseph R. Morrell will acted to be even more successful than read the play Young Woodley by n post years, say Secretary John 'homas, of the local lodpc. )an Bruten. The dances will be given it) the Last evening at 6:30, at the First loose hall. resbyterian church, the Ladies' mis sionary society of the church gave supper. Mrs. E. C. Carrick was given charge of the devotional and Selection Complete ilrs. Fred Carr the program. Reverend John E. Carver talked on The process of selection of the first Stewardship. basketball team of the Weber county school accordnuw The neighbors of the Woodcraft, ligh to Coach isDixon complete, new school. the of ing Ogden circle number 581, gave a card The selecting from entirely new maparty, and special entertainment last terial of an aggregation that will at Tuesday evening, in the Woodmen once make a name for itself i no my lall. Dixon is going at it task, but e with a determination that assures sue--1 Members of the church session, of cess. the First Presbyterian church, and their wives were entertained last Wednesday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Carver. a in ? DUCKS GEESE TAME RABBITS KOSHER-GOOD- S Market Ogden Fish214&25thPoultry Street A Home Away from Home Courteous attendants make your stay with us a pleasure. Convenient location for the traveler. All Outside Airy Rooms. The Marion Hotel Corner Lincoln and 25lh SL, Ogden, Utah C. O. BONNER, Mgr. |