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Show OGDEN, THE MOUSING EXAMINER INTO THE DEFEAT FOR HIGH SCHOOL home-mad- e. UNIVERSITY VOUNG BRIGHAM BOYS TOO MUCH FOR THEM. . hot-b:?cu- How-evThey Played a Splendid Gams Even If tke Score Was 04 to 0. fy, it, p ,OV Ai MKINO MWOM CO MW VOMb number of pencil, and took in quite a bit of rash. Ilia impressions of den are worthy of note. Ha sari tbe town la a splendid one for a huafne-- s Ni, SI man to locate in and ha eaperlaHy M notes tba a n re of all baseless bourn. Hla opinion of toe people ia that they ....Now ISO are thoroughly sterling. 80 EXAMINER TELEPHONES EDITORIAL ROOMS" lndap.nd.nt Roll Phono business office Phono Boll PIlSIlO miii WM. GLASMANN . Independent Phene lndap.nd.nt -- fiiMiiNta The Og.len High School ball was held Na. 120 at Toiler's Dancing Academy and atBell Phan,. ., .,..,No 120 tracted about 100 rouplca a ho danced No. 120 of both Ulephane oyotama until the midnight hour to the mimic cloaad aftap 0 p.m. of Short's enlarged orchestra. The Lucky IS" club attended he affair in a body and the hall was decoiated neatly with the High School colon and ,,.. a very pleasant evening was spent- - A fata alarm was turned in (o the Notice After Frburary lit. the Rio Are station at three o'clock this mornGrande traia fur Salt Laka will leave ing and the department was disturbed at a. m. from their slumbers for naught. J. F. TV'. Clark. E, A. Nightengale aal B. Ward an among the Salt Laka rlaltora in Ogden tola. J. G. Tartar, (be popular kaa returned from a vi.lt to hie mother at Greenville, lllinoi.. new-deal- er Holder of the following roupona are entitled do $0.00 coupon-buik- a at The 20041, 29060 Ogden Staem sundry : and S9147. The Chrlatlao Science lecture tunight at tbe Grand, by Blcknell Young, ia free io the public; onme early and get n ee.t. Admission free. t 8. L. 101 Special c.r B. P. L. A. occupied by J. Roaa Clark arrived from the east on No. I thia morning, going to Salt Lake oa O, S. L, No. 8. HIAWATHA RED MEN MEET Admit Seven Palefaces and Arranged for Regular Masting Place. Hiawatha Tribe a 3, 1. O. R. M. a meeting last night in Union Labor hall for tba purpose of raising the chiefs and to Initiate a number of new mem hers. The meeting was largely attended- - but they did not raise the chiefs, aa intended, on account of Judge Howell being out of the city. 8evea palefaces were admitted to the tribe and acquainted with the mode of welcome estended to newcomers and it was decided to close the charter on February llth, after which the regular fen will be charged. The lodge voted to accept the hall over the alleye of the Ogden Bowling seocintlon as their regular place of hall la commeeting aa soon aa pleted and the trustees were empowered to make a contract fur the same tor held ie Dont mist the lecture Innight nt the Grand Opera hniiee. Bhdcnell Young, C. 8. B., of Cldcago, an oiBcal lecturer, .peek, on Christ inn Science. Admta-aio- n each Wednesday night free. No aoliectitm. The meeting will be held at the call of the sachem, but will likely be Carl-eon on Friday neat, when It Is expected the Judge A. G. Horn end Joseph leava for Tonopah, Nev., today, program for lari evening will be carried on bn.lnrea oonaerbd with mining through. in terrats. Judge Horn will also attend to porno leg.) maters that bare been awaiting. disposition, ant REED HOTEL A quartette, constating of two mra y and two women, were taken into about one o'clock this morning, for Imbibing n little too freely and were The following are the arrivals at the Reed for th, paat $4 hours: Max Frledlander, Chicago; Mine A. set nt liberty after putting up bail for Wllann and maid. Salt Lake; .William their appearance In court this morning. A. Wetaeld, Salt Lake; David A. elsun, Salt Lake; Abe 8. Diamond, Chicago ; Bldknell Young, C. 8. B. tbe Chris- P. Mathewq, Omaha: C. D. Slocum. tian Science lecturer, presents hla sub- Kaa PranclMxi: Min Mae Pherann. St. Mo., J. J. Thomas, Denver, ject in n scholarly and pleasing manner. Mr. Young ia one of Utah's native Colo.; L C. Ginas. Salt Lake; J. K. Goldfield. Nevada: Geo. H. eona. You should hear him at the opera house Satarilay night, Pel). 4. Adralv Steed. Point Lookout; E. T. Graff. Denaion free. No coUectluu. No referred ver, Colo.: Leonard Vogel, New York; Geo. 8. Dean, North Ogden; R. Bradley. seats. Preston, I ha.; H. W. Boyd, Chicago; A tppeeial traia with the members A. lloeber, St. Lottie. Mo.; L. M. Karl, of the hone en route from Salt Lake Jr., Salt Lake: H. D. Bingham, City; to Logftn where they will pay a visit F. M. Cook. West field, Maas.; P. G. cue-tod- - of inapeuUon to the Stato Agriculture Wuebbcn, Salt Uke. coll rate will pans through Ogden about NOTICEI nine o'nlork this morning. A number of those interested In the fruit growers $3.00 reward for any evidence foldmeetings held hen will likely acing to tbe conviction of any persona or company the perty. persona stealing the Morning ExamC. E. Rowe, the Grand Array veteran, iner. who ieoo bia way to Ban Francisco, in NOTICEI pursuance of a determination to tour the world, bad a very good day in the After February 1st the Rio Grande city yesterday. Helped mat ei tally by tbe pubdiety given him In the Standard traia for Balt Lake City will leave at and En miner, he easily disposed of a Oi. a Si KWhy Use QOC Coal Oil? each for additional tjS sr Beard of Education Will Taka Official Cognizance of the Outrage oa Freshmen. The board of education liel.l their regular meeting last evening with all There Is glory is defeat at tlince, tbe members piesent. After the regular sestruth of which siaicnienl has been sion an executive sese'iin wan held, lo proved In many Instance. Although arrange for taking steps toward investithe plucky youngster making up the gating tbe recent hazing at the High School. Deaf and Dumb School basket-ba- ll uam were overwhelmingly defeated by This matter was brought to the attentbe husky Brigham Young University tion of the board by a petition signed team from ITuvo, by a score of 14 to , by Mr. George J. Keilev, and other who at the Deaf end Dumb School gymna- protested against the hazing and urged sium, yesterday afternoon, yei they the board to take steps toward investicovered themselves all over with glory gating the affair and to provide a propby their speedy and ipertacular play- er punishment for the perpetrators. Aftsr tbe executive session it waa aning. It was evident that as soon as the nounced that the board had decided to two teams took their positions on the Investigate the matter quietly and after gymnasium floor, that ihr local hoys avcertainlng the (Sen In the matter, had no chance to win. The visitors they would take the neceeswry action to from the south were on an average bring any guilty parties to answer for about half a lieud taller than the Deaf the out) age. A meeting will be held at the board's and Dumb boys and besides befog taller, they wera much stronger. Every parlors this evening for the purpose basket they made, boweve., they had of taking the testimony of thoe who to work hard for It and when the final are familiar with theaffair and then the biari of tba whistle announced the end board will decida their future action in of tlw game the boys from Provo knew the matter. game, The finance committee reported havthey bad been In a banket-ba- ll lelk about pluck why. those boys in ing $28,043.71 In cash on hand and the are the following the Deaf and Dumb school team connew of cases very personification of It They are glut- tagious disease were reported: Scarlet tons for hard knocks, and Just simply fever 1, dlpiherla 5, smallpox 1, measles forget to taka It easy. The aixo of 15. their oponenta didn't aeem to have a deMr. Alllaon reported that tha school pressing effect upon their courage just buildings were all In good shape and tl-reveres seemed to be tlie effect. that tlie puplla were rapidly coming Here, there, aud every' where they bars from tbe quarantine that had been protheir a by play good many spoiled cane placed on account of the miscuous butting in. The prettiest play of measles. He also statedmany that the and likewise the most spectacular play school buildings were crowded, espeof th. gamo was made by Col. of th. tha Grant and Madison schools Deaf and Dumb school He threw a cially and that the attendance this year waa basket from tba center of the field, far in excess of wlrat it had been which was the signal for deafening previously. cheers from tbe spectators. The treasurer's report showed course, the Provo boys were bolreceived, and an application for ter player all the way through. They th aa teacher was received position are more experienced than the kioala from A. Enklefleld of Chicago, and are clever basket throwers. From which Mary was placed on flic. a comparison of the wore made by the Superintendent Allison also made a B. Y. C. boys against the Deaf end on the night school staling that Dumb echool, and the score made by the reportwere meeting with good success In B. Y. U. team yesterday, it appears that they that spelling, ariththe two churrh schools are quite evenly thia new branch, and current history reading matched. The Provo buys go to Logan metic, were being taughL the and today to play the Logan boys, A number of warrants were game will undoubtedly be a closely drawnlarge for bllla rendered, for coal, contented one. etc., repair, labor, execuAdame made the greatest number of lights, supplies, board went Into baskets for the visitors. Those who after which the at the suggestion of Presihaw followed track athletics closely tive session Dee. will remember him as the pole vauller dent Judge who came so nearly equalling the world's record at the meet between tbe colleges but year. Ills record of eleven feet nine inches is but n few Inches behind tbe one held by the champion. Thia year he expects to do better than twelve feet Prof. Bush of the Deaf and Dumb school aeted aa referee, and Thomas Smith, manager of the B. Y. U. team, acted aa umpire. Wiiu the Provo team from the south were Prof. E. 8. Hinckley, H. R. Smoot, son of Senator Smoot, George Undaay, Warren Colton and Prof. Mangum. They went north with the teem to The two teems lined up ae follows MANY BRILLIANT, PLAYS WERE .. yesterday: NOT MADE. ( D. D. 8. B. Y. U. Adame ....... .....CL.. ........ Briggs Councilman Nyea Team Came In the Gourlcy .........R. P.,,......., liws Winner by Only a Small Rose . ....,.,..,.L P.......... Wright Margin, Greenwood R.G sees sea feoke Cota L. P. Richards Smithan The great bowling match between the teams chosen from the member M. SYVETON'S SUICIDE. of the City Council came off last evento Further SearcMe and Soma Discov- ing and drew quite a large crowd the alleys of the Ogden Bowling Assoeries Made In Myaterious Case. ciation where tlie match was held. waa The Intense excitement Paris. Jan. SR. M. Bouvard, the luge d'iuet ruction who la engaged in throughout tlie conteit and the game for tie many brilliant trying to unravel the mystery of the waa remarkable late M. Hyvetnn'e death, spent anoth- plays that were ennepiclous by their absence, although the city father cerer buy day today. After examination D. Barney, who tainly did deiiHinrirate the fart that married M. Syvetona sister, the Judge, they were accuriomed to the game. Mr. Carr, waa the only absentee accompanied by three officials, paid a from the game and Ms place waa ably vli.it tha to afternoon the flat surprise City Recorder Critchlow. occuped by Major Nollhan, lime. filled byteam beaded by Mr. Nye came The Byveton'a counsel. In connection with the rase a curi- out victorious when the last pin fell, ous and atariling discovrrey was made but. Mr. Chamber' team came in a of the detective close second even though they could by the aa.tant-chle- f only be classed as "also rsn'e. department when he searched M. Randall of ihe Nye team did about flat. Opening n safe he found two phials, one containing morph ins all the brilliant work of the game sod waa the only one that scored over and the other an equally deadly poison. There were ato two 10(1 In each of tlie three gnme. Hla document a, M. Menard to the local po- total score for tlie gamea waa 44L Tbe score follows: lice magistrate Informing him Gist bo 261 .. Nye . . hml eommlted enlcde. 261 M. Menard exptaned that the mor- Davidson.. illlama ., ...... 2Ha phine had been prescribed for hla wife . .......2til during her recent Illness, and ns to Paine .... ........ ....... .441 Randall. I candidly adthe potassium, said; mit I bought It some time ago with . .... 1451 .... a. TotgR the deliberate Intention of committing suicide. 1 was so horrified at the rev295 elation of my father-ln-law'conduct Chambers..... .... ...........4.. .248 Moves towards hla my wife, .243 with myself for mar- Craig ... ... . and so . ...... ...... JOS Emmett ...v... rying Into -- uch a family, that 1 re- Critchlow.. ,, .., . . . , . . . . . . . . .275 solved to vcill myself.1 M. Menard said that he altered his ; Total 1366 mind, and determined to hound M. out tbe o( country. Syveion . 44 l. THE CITY FATHERS BOWL Mn-ard- 'e ....... Coughs and colds, dowa to Ihc very hordeiland of eonvu nipt Ion. yield to the soothing healing influences of Dr, i3F Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. GUILTY OF ILLEGAL lights Jt w) VOTING t lamps with oil and makfc it easy for the women athqme by using electric light 11 roil) R. S. CAMPBELL, Manager 3C PUNISHED. d Save all the trouble of filling mill WILL BE a When you can have electric lights for $1.50 per month for the first light and $1.00 LIGHT TOUGHS 3 SIX LARGE BUILDINGS ARE BURNED East St. Leuis Damaged Over a Quarter of a Millies Dollars by a Fire. East St. Ixrata. Feb. 2. Six of tlie largest office and store buildings here Three Denver Men Before tha Courts were destroyed or badly damaged by and Two Plead Guilty. fire tills morning, and several persona were injured, none fatally. The propDenver. Feb. 3. William C. Lyons erty loss Is estimated ai $260,000, parwas found guilty of illegal voting by tially insur.it. Fir apparatus was a Jury In the criminal court today, sent from St. Louts. Tbe intense cold lie will ante for a new trial and. perill- greatly imp-dethe firemen. The principal ing n decision, must remain In Jail. losses: Josephine William Kelly and Charles Mueller building, glini.000; Lucy building, acrailed to IVais'i building. 170.000: pi charge of heiug guilty were cessories to Illegal voting, and building, $40.tWo. 40 each inforin families were driven out. jail. The given days mal inns accused thsm of taking a number of women employed ae rest aut ant P. Ilind- Provo, Feb. 2. Parley waitresses to the polls and haring marsb, who has been In the grocery them vote without having legallv qaal buxine, here for about twenty years, ifled. turned hi business over to L. 0. Taft, manager of the local branch of Z. C. Chicago. Feb. . The crest of the M. I., for the benefit of his creditors cold wave baa passed eastward. The thia morning. Difficulty in making mercury today touched beluw zero and collections anil threatened attachment then climbed slowly up. Ilie official pro. ceding by some of tlie creditor forecast place the 'minimum here to- decided the course taken by Mr. at abuui zero. H night d $43,-OlN- I; CO., v esc A i. FEBRUARY I, 1805, STATE LEGISLATURE STATE SENATE. JJAZING DEAFJUTES Have year cake, muffins, and tea bi ciiii: They will be fresher, clemer, mere tasty and wholesome. Roya! Bakb Powder helps the house r;rJs Co produce at heme, quickly and ne and tasty cake, the raised puddings, the frosted layer-cat- s, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and food muffins, with which the ready-mad- e found at the bake-shocr grocery does not compare. 1 helps. Royal is the greatest of bate-da-y THE TO INQUIRE GLORIOUS eco-ivonoicai- tTAQ. SATURDAY MOUSING, No. 4, Joseph, repeal MIL Favorably report ad to pass. Adopted. Irrigation and Reservoirs, S-- B. No. seri-culeu- re The Sena to yesterday returned to Pa old habit of holding lea than one hour aesRiona. Senator Lewis waa the ouly ab- lentpf, Thr.w new bills were introdu.wd as follows: Senate Bill No. 48, by Senator Johnaon. provide that no tetimuny can be introduced In any action in court a to any property unless ato-property I upon the tax rolls. Tba measure 1 similar to the bill introduced in tbe Huuse two years ago by Representative Jas. A. Anderon, of Morgan County. Referred to the way and meant committee. Sena i or Williams by consent withdrew his Senate Bill No. 8 and then introduced Senate Bill 48, which creates s coininiSRlon to purchase works of Utah artiria and Mao repealing chapter 28 of the laws of 1888. Referred to committee on education. Senate Bill No. 50, by Senator Lawrence amends tlie 1898 law relating to corporate suretyship. Referred to Judiciary committee. Upon suggestion of President Love two additional senators, Para and Barber, were added to the committee which is considering the Governor's communication on tlie duplicating of certain eoursea of study at the Agricultural College and the University of Utah. Tlie Judieiary committee reported favorably upon Senator Walton's Senate Bill 2, of changing the dates of regiHtmtion of voters. The ways and ineana committee reported adversely upon Mr. Joseph's bill No. 9 providing for the taxation of the net proceeds of salt works. The report was adopted, Senators Bamberger and Hollingsworth of the committee, alone voting nay. House Joint Resolution No. 1, by Mr. Joseph, asking congress to ehtab-li-- h a bureau of mining In nine convenient atates of the region was passed under suspension of the rules by a nnanlmon vide. The Senate committee on mine and mining to which waa referred 8. J. M. No. 2 by Senator Uwii, anil H. J. M. No. 2, by Mr. Miller, both asking Congress to establish a United Btates mint at some suitable place in the state of Utah, reported recommending the substitution of Hose Meimirial for the Semite Memorial and that the former be passed. The report waa adopted and under suspension of the rules tho memorial waa unanimously Senator Hollingsworth passed. offered an amendment that the words some suitable place" be stricken out end that the words Ogden City" be seconded substituted. Senator tbe amendment, and Senator Bamberger expressed hie desire that Ogden City be advertised, etc., and Joined with the Weber County senators In voting for tbe amendment. Senate Bill No. 33, by Senator amplifying the law defining the duties of the state auditor was up for passage as It waa "unnnlmoua day the bill received every vote cast. Prof. George L. Swendaen, of the U. S. Reclamation Service, extended an invitation to tha senators to visit the local offices of the service. On motion of Senator Bamberger the invitation waa accepted. Adjournment waa taken at 3 oclock until 2 o'clock on Monday. City Engineer Mayor Glaamann, Parker, Aae!Kr Dix, Sheriff Bailey, Fruit Tree Inspector R. E. Wilson, Judge Sliurtliff and Messrs. Thomas E. McKay and Joiicph Barker were senate vfoltore yesterday-Toda- y both branches go to Logan to visit tbe Agricultural College. A special train has been arranged and the trip will be made in good time, going and reluming. During the day tha lawmakers will be the special guest of the Agricultural college, and it goes without saying that they will be treated ' royally. The school will be in full swing, thus affording the visitors an opportunity to sec it In operation and to better acquaint themaeivea with conditions than otherwise would be the case. Tlie return trip will be mad in time to catch the last cars for home. oieri-torbi- inter-mountai- n Mi-Ka- Kaa-ban- d, IN THE HOUSE. Discussion of Austin's House bill No. occupied the attention of tlie House the greater part of Friday afternoon and tlie argument at tinea became very acrimonious. Tbe bill follows: H. B. No. 10, by Mr. Austin, an act to prevent violence to employees, and providing a penalty for a viola ion thrreof. Be it enacted by tbe Legislature of the State of Utah: 8 EC. 1. Any person or persons In ihls State who shall threaten to destroy property or to do bodily harm, and shall thereby prevent any person or persons from entering or remaining in the employ of any company, corporation nr Individual, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Austin took the floor and made a tearful appeal for the passage of the bill, setting forth the many diaJvan-tagunder whlrh employers of labor are working without It. Merrill, of Cache, also took a errong aland for the 10. 11. reclamation of tops-e- . Adopted. H. B. arid lands, reported N:. 30. by Cromsr, for parts of sots in conflict Municipal corporation. herewith ralating to Jurors exempt fr Z serving. Judiciary. H. B. No. 114, by Kiunev An a amending section 8taf and 8671 0f Revised Statutes. 1898, and ad-i! new section to be known as 367 i f. 5 relating to change of venue of a. pending before justices 0f tbe pcai-1898, boiler Inspection. Majority report unfavorable; minority report favorable, recommend passage. Minority report Judiciary. adopted. H. B. 117 by 8tookey An a.-- , Public Printing, H. B. No. 68, to pass. lug a state board of hurtk-ultsrAdopted.. vidlng for county fruit inspucior V Judiciary. H. B. No. 46, favorably re- fining their duties, providing f0r' ported. Adopted. and distribution of itelr rZ publication H. B. No. to 65, reported Judidary. porta, defining the duties of orchard:, peso. Adopted. and and repealiua a i Z Municipal corporations, H. B. No. 42, title nurserymen, 28 of the Revised Statute VSSx reported to pass. Adopted. 47 of the n law Federal Relations, H. J. M. No. 6, by and chapter 1898, and chapter 1U4 of the Roberta, reported to paa. Adopted. 1903. Horticulture and agri.-ut- . lawa Labor, H. B. No. 52, reported not to ture. of paxe- - Adopted. H. B. No. 118. by Flahburn Au act Judiciary. H. B. No. 63. Joseph, refor uniform exmminati..ns of garding constitutionality of bill favora- providing school teachers tlinmghour it ble, recommended referred to mining county state and repealing section 174 'tos committee. Adopted. 1796. 1797 1798 of the KoCid Judiciary, H. B. No. 77, Hawley, re- Statutes of and 1898 and all amendment ported to pas. Adopted. thereto, and all acts and pan of a, u Judiciary H. B. No. 40, McCrea, fa- in conflict thereta Education anc ar vorable, tu pass. Adopted. H. B. No. 119, by Hawley A )l l064 Judiciary H. B. No. 21, Kinney, re- an act to amend section 84. chaptei ported to psaa. Adopted. of tbe laws of Utah. 1899, as amended Judiciary H. B. No. 48, Miller, report- March 13. 1901, relating to the i.iv,Br. ed to pas. Adopted. msnt or dlspotal of the funda derived Hawley moved that copies of all bills and offi- from the sale and rental of imblio printed be sent to cers of state aa well aa present incum- lands of the elate, and providing that the state treasurer shall be the bent. Carried. The eergeaut-at-nrm- a wa ordered to todian of all bonds, notes, mo; rgxgn, of indebted: purchase $100 worth of stamps for uae and other evidences arising from tha Investment of iai of house member. Hawley asked permission to with- funds, and requiring the aisle tirasuier draw H. B. No. 51 for reconsideration, to give an additional bond. H- - B. No. 120, by Anderson An art and this was granted. The committee on Mines and Mining to requira all property to be naeesed Introduced H. J. R. No. 2, calling at- for general taxes, and to prevent th tention to the work done by schools of introduction of evidence vo recover mines and extending moral support to property not assessed. 'Ways and school work and recommending that means. H. B. No. 121, by Hawley An art to substantial support be given. Joseph moved to suspend the rules end place amend section 8 of cliapier 25, of tha the resolution on its final passage. This laws of Utah, 1903, providing for ths was carried, and the resolution was creation of the office of daii7 and food commissioner, and prohibiting the ua adopted. Senate increased the size of the com- of certain chemicals in nil food prodmittee appointed to prevent duplication ucts and to provide penalth for the of courses iu the university and col- violation of any provision of this art 1 of chapter 2.1 nf lege; It had been increased to five. The and to repeal section same motion was carried in the house tha laws of Utah, 1908. Public health. and Maughan and Austin named. New btlla Introduced were: ALASKA AT THE COAST FAIR, H. B. No. 107, by Joseph, an act amending Chapter 88. Laws of Utah, Display at Lewis and Clark Cente 1908, entitled An Act Fixing the Salaaial Will ba More Complete thaa ries of Judge of District Court. Salat any Other Fair. aries and Fees. The act does away with all mileage fur Judges except when called to act Portland, Feb. 2. Alaska, tlie land in rases outside of their respective disof snow and ice and gold minrs, will tricts H. B. No. 108. by Marks An act to make a display at the Lewie and Clark amend 8ection 15, Chapter 109. 8esaIou Centennial that will show, besides us tha agricultural I aw of Utah, 1901, as amended by Sec- mining resources, moat northei nly tion 1, Chapiter 39, Session Laws of wealth of Uncle Sams are alive to ths Alaskans territory. Utah, 1908, relating to the manner of of representsuitably being importance commencing actions and issuing summons and the form thereof in city ed at the exposition, andwillthe exhibit far excel courts in citie of the first class. Judi- which they will prepare display collected for earlier fairs. ciary. Every part of Alaska will be repreH. B. No. 109, by Kinney (by refrom tlie islands along ths quest) An act to amend Section 1147, sented, re1149 and 1165, and to repeal Section southeastern coast to tbe remote 1152, of the Revised Statutes of 1898, gions along the internatinnel boundaiy and extreme western Alaska, luck Is relating to homesteads. Judiciary. natH. B. No. 110, by Roberta An act Nome. The ore exhibit, which will will to amend section 1860 of the Revised urally attract tlie greatest interest,5 feet fill a siugl carte 75 feet tang anil Statutes, 1898, relating to annual tax Gold and copper ore will he exfor libraries in cities of the first and high. hibited for the most part. The Treadclass. second Municipal corporations. an Individual disThe bill provides that a library tax well mine will have mine in twenty, this that showing play, of one mill may be levied to support two over $22,040-00has produced yeprs a library, but that no tax can be levied -- more than three of worth gold unices a petition signed by at least times the original coat of Alaska. 1,000 qualified voters in cities of first fisheries exhibit ta being preparclass and by 250 voter in cities of edThe to show meihoua of catching lit second class be presented. aalmon in Alaska. There will H. No. Ill, by Fish burn An act packing he a fine line of Alaska fora, including to amend chapter 64, session laws of a kina from all the forbearing aniuii'i Utah 1908, approved March 12, 1901; native to the territory. Some of these also chapter 138. session law of Utah, skins, made Into ruga, arc worth 0 sec1901, approved March 26, 1901; also each. tion 2 of chapter 8v session laws of Tbe agricultural exhibit will nerve io 1899; also chapter 35 session law of the popular impression that tha dispel 1903; also sections 309, 817, 824, 827, 828, northern territory la a great ice floe. 830, 831, 836. 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 859, Th exhibit will Include samples of 860, 869, 864, 865. 867, 868. 869. 878 and various grains grown in Alaska which 891 of the Revised Statutes, 1898; also will compare favorably with those section 2 of chapter 109; session laws of grown in the atates, together with tar 1901; also section 1 of chapter 112, sesden vegetables now rained extensively to 1901, sion laws, municipal in fhvored portions of the territory-Nativralating elections. Municipal corporations. fruits and berries, many of them H. B. No. 112, by Dean An act to unknown elsewhere, will be on display, provide that the label on ail bottle of as well ns fruits which have been Inpaent or proprietary medicines shall in- troduced into the territory. dicate the drugs or other ingredients in Photographs of scenery will form aa the composition and providing for a Interesting feature of the Alaskan exstate lioense for selling the earns in hibit. The work of the natives, such U case thia law Is violated. And providing haaketA bead work, totem poles anl for a state license for selling all canoes, will be shown In an attractits patent or proprietary medicine, bitters, manner, and the exhibit will give evitonics or other remedies containing dence of the results of edacatfenat more than 25 per cent alcohol. Public methods Introduced since the United States took possession of the territory. health. The population of Alaska I now esH. B. No 113 by Johnaon An act to minora to timated at 5IL086. of which 21,531 are firearms of sale tbe prohibit and tba carrying of firearms by minora Indiana and 26,550 whiles. Shiploads of and prescribing penalties for a violation Alaskans are pccted to attend the thereof. Municipal corporations. exposition. IT. B. N& 115. by Kinney An art enBerlin, Feb. 3. Emperor William authorizing cities of 12.000 or more Aand Tower n Ambassador fire tertained create to inhabitants department, maintain and control the same, llison V. Armour of New York at n mmmla-aionemall dinner given at the palace h n fire of board providing for and defining their duties, and night. The emperor, who waa anew u transferring the property of tlie fire monly animated, detained his guests department In said cities over to tbe conversation until midnight e ,r. ses-ii.- ,., J -- 0 a e es BE UP TO DATE biM. McCrea took tlie floor and spoke for fifteen minutes against Ihe passage of the bill, urging the fact that there were laws under which offenders could be punlehed. without making another that would serve ae a club for employers to hold over their employee' henda. He was followed by Kinney, who expressed hia surprise at MrCrea's stand on the bill, and quoted several of McCrea' remarks before the committee when the bill was under consideration. McCrea took exception to the quotations and denied them, and Kinney allowed the denial to stand. On the vote on the final passage of the bill it pas-e- d 83 to 9. The vole follows: Exchange your old Fountain Pen with old point, which soils your fingers and is untidy, for an Automatic Self Filling which is absolutely clean, it has no joints, needs no filler, cleans itself. A specialist from A. A Waterman Co., New York, in attendance Feb. 4. The Ross Book & Stationery Co. Anderson, A. V., AnderA., Aumln, Carroll. Christensen, Ayes-Alle- n. son. J. f"wtiwi. Curtin. Edward. Fishburn. Hawley, Johnson. Jonee. Joseph. Kinney. I .other, Lyman, Maughan. Marks, Merrill. Pare, Panicr, Peterson. Richards, Simons. Spencer. Stnokev. SI ring-haThompson, Tolton, Wifoou, Wool-t- u, Mr. Speaker. Dean. Gundry, Hone, , Naya-Crcm- Hope. Kui-.hlcr- McCrea, Miller, Pan-tak- e. IL B. No. 56, aa amended by the senate. was also passed. Tbe house will go to Logan on a special train Saturday morning to visit the agricultural college. The foilewlng bills weire reported hack to by committee: Mines and Mining. H. B. No. 16, recommended reprinted. Adopted. Manufacturer and Commerce, 11. B. Get the Cream of tho Diamond Business in Ogden Wc We get the custom of the people la thin locality who know ft Is a pretty what ths boat Is and wont have anything alas, follow tho of critical, discriminating leadership good rule to If you are Interested 'In the purchae of a diamond people. come la our store and havo a fow momenta talk with ua relative to quality and pries. . S-- Lewis & Co. Jewelers AT THE BIG CLOCK WASHINGTON AVENUE. irfiridui i f |