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Show Zt ,. T a FVEBY EVENING. Sundays Ci, W BY TELEGRAPH. Ojictt function, PENROSE. Editoi b4 Buinsa -- xcep Mmimer. E. Daring Stage Robbery. Items Concerning the Great Crash. The premises of Mr. A. Bokglaby AMERICAN. North end of the 11. R. Landt at the New York, 23. track,' were entered by burglars ou The governing committee of the Stack considerable and Monday afternoon, Exchange have decided not to open th carried away. Keep your eyes board at present. propert, A Washington dispatch sa-ythe most watchmen. open, prominent depositor in the First National bank of that city, next to Prerident , . JI ull nfurnined, at Low a Building 8, Grant, was Andrew Johnson. He has always kept his accounts ia that bank since he was made President, and it will The First Ward be remembered that, while Gen. Duller First Ward Fair. will be held at Far. was making an investigation as to the Agricultural Fair, on Tuesday next. At causes which prevented the impeachment ley's Schoolhouse, of Mr. Johnson, by his examination into of the society on Tuesday the bank account it was found that this the meeting were made did not exceed $75,000 at tho time. At evening, ample arrangements a goo J, ex- the time of the failure of the bank Mr. to make the Fair thorough, time is anticipated, Johnson had $G0,00U to his credit, on hibition. A good which he was receiving C per cent, inand lota of fun. lota of specimens terest, which was his only revenue. Should the bank be unable to discharge Insurance. Fire GoilbBS its obligations, a couiingency by no v V Potter, Insurance Agent, Office. means improbable, Johnson will be almost penniless. fences are Another case which will ex"ite symGorged to Death. Many is that- of Mrs. John G. Wilson, a offer fields pathy tempting down, and corn whose husband, a Memher of Congress and Dee Thos. Messrs. bait to animals. elect from recently died." Mr. lost two valuable Wilson hadOregon, Win. Ferry yesterday' $1,000 on deposit in the entrance into bank when he died, 'and arrangements cowg, which had gained where they re- were making, by Judge Williams and fields, some neighbor's thor- Senator Kelly, to obtain the money for were until they mained feasting the widow, who is wholly without means, Care should be taken and is now teaching school to oughly gorged. support her family. (o keep fences in repair. The Smithsonian Institute had ten dollars on deposit. The Chilthoufand U. 88-l- y dren's Hospital Benevolent Institution, Advertisement. which has been of great good in Washington, had $10,000, Julre McArthur, of the District Court, lost $1,000. SenWood, Emperor, Liquor ator Patterson, of South Carolina, is and Things. said to have bad $14,000 in one of the of When Gen. Grant becomes Emperor suspended banks. Admiral Rowan had will Wood the United States, Daniel $G,000. The widow of a fortiier navy continue to sell the' best wines and agent had $17,000, the proceeds or the into sale of all the property she had; and it is liquors that were ever imported Id"18 said Gen. Hunter had a large balance to Ogden City. his credit. Even Mr. Knox, comptroller of the currelicy, whose money was in the Pacific pay bank, said he, hadn't Fay Day. The Central money enough to car is expected here next Saturday, go to market with, the day after the when the company's hands will be paid suspension. Every banking institution in Brookfor the last two months work. with a single exception, was reprelyn, The Union Pacific pay car will pro- sented at the meeting of Presidents afternoon. when it was determined that, in bably arrive case of a run on any of the banks, all the others would come to its assistance. Dunford and It was also resolved Good Place to Trade that the savings Sons, of Salt Lake City, east side of banks, if necessary, should take advanMain street, make the hat and cap, boot tage of the thirty day clause in their charters. and shoe business, a specialty. They A number of poor women, and laborhave been in the business for many ing men, have gathered at the savings years, know the best points in the eas- - banks waiting for their opening but notern markets whence to obtain supplies, body seems to think that anything like will take place. and can furnish their goods wholesale a run Most of th'e savings banks have made a and retail at the lowest margins for rule that from 80 to 00 days' notice must profit. Either the principals, or Mr. be given before the withdrawal of deposThos. Harding who is an efficient sales- - its. The majority of business progressed in the usual manner, and so far all nan, will wait upon customers to their is right. entire satisfaction. See ad. The board of trustees of the National Trust Co., met The report of was read, which shows the committee Cordial Daniel Wood, and Things. liabilities $4,292,029.63. An early reWood has sent to the Junction office a sumption is expected. The investigation of the committee on ample of cordial which he keeps at his establishment for weary souls. It has the Union Trust Company isnotye,t been tested by our sampler and pro- completed. There is a report that petition was filed by depositors, with the nounced above '.'proof," and a fair cleik of bankruptcy,in the United States to have the com"type" of other "matter," at Daniel's District Court, declared store. The typ pany involuntary bankrupt. suits it their gay Schell, however, denies "ease," and will "justify" a' repetition that the institution is going into bankof the "take." Printers will see the ruptcy. ' "point" of these "quotatio L., P. Boyne & Co., 54 Wall street, marks," and common folks can make their "in- have brought suit against the Bank of the Commonwealth to recover $400,000 terrogation" of Daniel, whose "wet" worth of securities for a small loan which goods and groceries are drawing a large Ihey offered to return, but were told that they could not have them, as they proportion of the Ogdea trade. had been disposed of. The First National Bank has issued a Surgeon and Physician. Dr. T, E. statement, showing assets at $658, Brown has taken up his residence in 905.37, which fully covers the extent of this city, and like a business man calls its liabilities. Hoboken, 23. on the public through the medium of the bank of National the on First The run local paper. His advertisement appears Hoboken subsided yesterday . morning. in the Junction, and we direct to it No depositors appearing to demand the special attention. We can see by way of closing of accounts. . Brooklyn, 22. endorsement that Dr. Brown has diploWall Street fhe of In consequence mas that guarantee his proficiency and panic, the the presidents and other offa full set of the finest surgical instru- icials of the various banks have held a ments ever brought into the to determine country, as consultation in order what course they should pursue in the aids in He fierforming any operation. event of a panic and run on their banks. " ekilful surgeon and an orthodox They resolved to aid each other in the. allopathic physician. His office is near event of a panic and to sell government once. Boyle and O'Harnett's Furniture store, bonds before refusing to pay at 23 Richmond, Va., Ogden. The Peoph's First National, MerNational and Planters' and Merchants' Iron ! Iron ! Mr. Geo. Seagers call- chants' banks, all of Petersburg, Va., ed this, awning with t specimens of suspended this morning. The Citizens' Siemaiit iron Other ore, obtained, from the bank has declined payment. first workings of the location he are failures reported. has Brooklyn, 23. wade with others in the mountains east at the old a was There rush quite f Qgden. It jpontelos thirty per cent of Brooklyn Savings Bank, and the officers iron. The body of ore in the devicinity of took no advantage of their right to whor he claim ig all 30 mand but notice, paid day's immense. If we simply hereto give figures we should be ac- presented claims. At the South Brooklyn Savings Bank cuses of gross exaggeration. Mr. San- there was considerable excitement this ger, who is engaged in morning, over 200 persons being gathersmelting at hs risited Ihe spot and was ed at the doors of bank, and a majority of these could not be persuaded that aaiedatthe tremendous quantity of their money was much safer in the bank. the valuable metal to be had for the A great number of the inen were much La working. because they could not get a vanity 0f the claim annoyed to ebance tlere is deposit money. plenty of timber and rock to The Long Island Savings bank availed nuke a slide, and wiih small expense itself of the right to take thirty days he ore can be sent down to the road, time before paying depositors, and preeace it can b hauled away in wagons. vented a run. Winnemncca, 22. Material for timbering the mine is pleni The left here yesterday that stage tiful all around, and a big fortune is morning for Silver City, was stopped by waiting for some capitalists. Iron works three masked men, fifty-fou- r miles from & Co's. uli b9 erected ia and robbed. Here, Wells, Fargo Ogden with great treasure box was taken. Colonel Wood, Profit to .a, company as well as to the U. 8 paymaster, en route for Camp 'y, and there is no place in the moupay off the troops, was nts that offers better facilities for the among theto passengers, and was also sfcbliihtnMt of such works than robbed. The amout which the robbers right is not yet known.." Before leaving ere on the banks of tne Ogden or We- - got the paymaster's clerk told Winnemucca, riven. several persons that they were going to s . jtooinsto llent. jJee utiiteiieau's yj jI s j I I I ( I y, Vice-Preside- ' Cor-lttB- e, , pay off the troops. Several suspicious T. BROWN, M. D. looking characters heard him, find it is horses thought they got started . and OBSTETRICIAN ahead of the stage and waited for it to PHYSIC! AX ,ofSFKG EON ASD University of V., Urailum of come up. No resistance was Made by Kichmond MediciU College, Va., ltMidi ut l'lijti-Ha- n and Surgeon to College Hospital; Fellow of Wells, Fargo & Co. 'a messenger er the Va. Medical Society. passengers, although they were well After a numbrr of years practical acquaint:inc . ' armed. Willi the Uiatwstta of' the Eastern and WeKttrn Status and Territories has located permanently nt New York, 23!. Otfden City, ami promises first class service, upon opened with quite a favorable the latent and most improved methods of Alio feeling, and Wall street showed little patkic Treatment in all departments of trace of the exciting scenes of the last Medicine, Surgery and Mid" five days. A large crowd assembled at ivijery. the doors of the Exchange, which openThe patronage pf the public ia respectfully ed as usual. The president addressed solicited. the brokers, advising them to take such Oftlce and Residence, Main Street. tf steps ns would be likely to allay all excitement, and not increase it, otherwise he would use his power to close the ExGold opened at $1.12, then change. rose where it stands. Very DUNFORD little fluctuations occurred. It seemed as if Wall street had almost resumed its usual appearance. There was also a growing feeling of confidence and steadiness among the city hanks, both up and down town, with the exception of a run on the Union Dime Savings bank, and a slight run on the Boweu's Bank, the excitement had almost ceased. Just as Wish to call the Attention of the 8tree"t was beginning to feel assured the Trade generally, to that the end of the panic had been reached, the painful rumor started, tit their full lines of 3:10 p. m., that Henry Ciewes & Co. had suspended payment. This rumor was soon verified, and large crowds collected before their banking house. The imAND mense run which had continued on their nevertheless house, diminished during the last few days no suspension HATS AND' CAPS, has been necessary, and the demands have all been promptly met until this morning. The immediate cause of the suspension was the refusal by the Fonrth National Bank to clear the checks of H. Ciewes & Co. They paid $120,000 in legal tenders over their counters. T.bey AND have now in the Fourth National Bank securities which amount to $800 000, against which they have $300,000. They say an arrangement will be effected for an early resumption, as there are abundant securities in their possession. the street causes muuh The failure-oIa price and quality excitement. It was followed by many evil reports from the west, including rumors of bank failures in Pittsburg and Chicago. Reports are also received that some western exchanges were clos- THEY DEFY COMPETITION, ed and that western shippers were holding back their grain. Some New York houses have telegraphed west to stop The trade would do well to sending grain, in consequence of the difficulty in obtaining money to honor sight drafts. CALL. OX At the close of business the stock mar ket was excited over Glewes' suspension. No headway was made in restoring confidence up to 1 p. m., when a collapse And look over their stock befere purset in. chasing elsewhere. r Chicago, 23. y there is a very perIn Chicago the ceptible excitement of relief oppressive effect of the New York ex- WHOLESALE & RETAIL citement of the last few days. The scarcity of currency, owing to causes , that are very manifest, is the only deC.C. CH4PMAK, JOnN SPtUASCB pressing influence now felt in business 8. L. STANLEY. circles, and if the letting up continues SFRUANCE. STANLEY & CO. in New York, even this will soon be obSuccessors to II. Webster k Co.and J. i J.gpraanee, viated. Our bankers are in excellent Importers and Wholesale Dealer in spirits. The past day has been quiet at AND LIQUORS. all of the banks, and public confidence WINES No. 410 Front Street, Ban Francisco. The seems to be fully 3m deposits at savings institutions, have very considerably exceeded the application for deposits, "all is well that A meeting of the bank ends well." presidents of the city was held last even ing, at the Gardiner House, when they, MENDELSOHN HAS NOW OPEN KD resolved to stand by each other in case TCUUS with a full stock ot goods at tiis new store, O of need. Our elevators contain 1,019,-20- 1 bushels of wheat, 5, 830,887 of corn, Opposite tlie Post Office. 885,882 of oats, 117,930 of rye, and To-da- y d-- 2 Salt Lake City, BOOTS SHOES, . GENTS' ORGANS ! 31 A IX lLOlLiX MASOX AND ', rt-o- MENDELSOHN'S. barley. NOTIONS, CLOTHING, in-th- e suburbs and attacking acclimated persons, and the blacks who have generally been exempt. Supt. L. Romraedieu reports that the disaase is becoming nearly as alarming as the'pestilence. THE FIRST PRIZE AT VIENNA EXPOSITION and is pronounced THE BEST Calinct Orjfnn In IT RE WINES. All others being considered by the most competent judges as vastly inferior to the MASON AND HAMLIN. These Organs can be purclianed at the game price as in charged lor iu- - Mtruiiic iiIm AND GllOCERIES. Z And can be paid for by instalments. They are sproiallr adapted for the Fine Stock of Perfumery aiid rarlor or Meeting: House. Toilet Articles BOYLE & O'HARNETT, CONSTANTLY AUI'JMS, Proscriptions Accurately Prepared. srr,EiNrir OPPORTUNITY ENTIRE OUTFIT OF THIRTY at ma . JEWELRY, rLATED SILVEIitWAllE; t . - f the same r Guns,Pistols, AND GEO, A, PRIXCE Organs&Melodeons The Oldest, Largest, and Most Perfect Manufac tory in the United States. 52,0 0 0 Now in nse. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained ta sauie popularity. , S Send for Price Lists. 241-CBUFFALO, N.Y. Address ogden,:,;1.;;;; WHITE PO'E' Stores, ... s ' ? ; of the best quality,' 'Always on Ilantl in 'i Largo Quantities, ; CALL AND SEE. NEEDLE CARTRIDGES. GUN CHOICE TOBACCOS arioty. ' ' ! ' W. 1). WILLIAMS. tf CIGARS in groat and ' uSely JONES UIIISELF AGAIN. in G J " ' ' BsBsmBS buel? The undersigned has nesa at hie old ftand ; between th .; :a J ( . Main Street, Ogden, A choice teleetloti A5D OTHER HOUSEHOLD ALSO, Largo Hay Press COVERED WAGON', COACH. TWO HORSES, HARNESS, ETC, On the premises. '. , . A VESTNGS, Eto:,'' Just lloooivc - 9 1." SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H P to P w P '. W. JONES. i WILSON Sewing lachine Q a O SO ' w ft 5 o Twenty Dollars Cheaper tli.au Machine: any other first-clas- s 1" 0 ., U J3 THE BEST Family Sewing Machiria O O -- ! .B: 2 a $o. BOYLE & 0'HARNETT, m a Iix tlao World. Price, $50. With Cover, 3 "3 a ao :: AS Pa a d HAS JUST TAKEN ; Vienna Exposition H P4 : AT THE .1 .2 P in the market, THE PEIZE! mi cm a H so CELEBRATED MACHINE, which is just as good and T HIS u - o J. R, WILLIAMS, ' Suits or single garments mo de to order in the Latest Style and .; at the lowmt prices. Gfad and much of it FINE PIANO. d S, ' . GOODS, Apply to AM) SCOTCH TWEEDS, OASS1MERES. 3 E of DOMESTIC BEAVERS. Two Sewing Machines and a ' i , , Repairing Neatly Executed. Mangle, A. i Lumber, ' x Lath, and Shingles, The Cheapest in Town. BS Table, Ilureaiis. & CO, i'iM.,'!,;. Ammunition. ROOMS Chairs, A . ; ! lied ding;, All In Eice He Condition, nearly new. ' SEAR U. P. FREIGHT DEPOT. CUTLERY, SPECTA CLES. UTAH HOTEL, With the above are quite a nv.mter of articles , Corner Wall and Sixth Street, "Watches, Clocks, cs milE 1 ;, YARD, '' ' ' BROAD-CLOTH- Beds. at New LUMBER JEWELERS, O described baggage rpnE FOLLOvrixr, having bwu left at the Utah Hotel, Ogden Is offered for sale up to the 31st of October by aud lodging, will be for board . privat in Becnrity Cur, arrangement, either in ttutK . aolil by Auction on the 17th day of October, 1873, or separately; consisting of aniens cuiiraed by the owners, aud amount due ' theroon are paid: left on storage, which will be sold time unless called lor. f ;" & "' THE CITY DRUG STORE! d307-t- WATCH 31 AKEltS : "a Cair at PAliPE&BOESSEJ,. EXAMINE. a. $7. - PIONEER AND CITY DRUG STORES,. Commenced Kiisiness P. Haskell, Laramie. W. T, 1 Talise and coat, not given. 1 coat, $2; A. T. De 1 xaliee, $24; VVro. Cooper, not given, 1 valise. $5.M; A. E. Ketchntn, not pivsn, 1 trunk, $74.30: S. H. Gndprel. Moricville, Iowa, valife, coat, etc., 469.32; .1. F.Oibbs, Utah, 1 trunk, $24.57; W. E. Brown, Salt Lake, gloves, scarf, etc., 0. B. Davis, Toledo,- Ohio, coat, gloves, etc., tu HAND, i ON Maiu Street, Ogden. ALBERT CRAY J. a . ' AND FOREIGN John Galagher, l; Lann, nt given, 4j , Oils, ;; 1 EllANDY, Turps, Yariii&he,- IIAlA?" AS MUCH, ETC Lisbon, 23. The Brazilian cable expedition has reacned Madeira and the shore end of the line connecting that Island with Announces to his friends and Portugal was successfully laid yesterthe public general. day. ly that he has - . London, 23. Col, Sewart, owner of the British in the sale of steam yacht "Deerhound," has telegraphed from San Sebastian fo a friond GENERAL PRODUCE, in this city, that his vessel and her crew have been released by the Spanish auGeo. Turner's old stand, Fifth St., At thorities, and that he will at once take ' Ogden. command of the "Deerhound." of Grocer ies.etc assortment A dispatch from Gibralter says a ter- Agood steamer on occurred the rible explosion 'Brooklight" when she was 100 miles from that place. , Four persons were inscalded. stantly killed, and many-werIt is feared many will die. Baggage to be Sold. WHISKIES, GINS, Case Goods, Paint. ! i F I N E COG N A O not worth JUST ARRIVED. FOREIGN. Patent Medicines every way. Alt at reasonable prices. CALL riin, DRIVER, OEGAN HAS FANCY" GOODS, Louisville, Ky., 23. Twenty deaths at Shreveport yesterday. The disease is spreading ST.. OGDEN. TAKEN DRY-GOOD- 415,076 of Vm. OTORE. DealeTin GLOVES, THEM, City Drug the ' 1 (3 o AGENTS, Main St., Ogden. SSTCail and sec it. U20D-t- f |