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Show s ' i Lhi, Utah, Thursday, Lhi, Utah, Thursday, I Another Drop In Price On COAL $5.00 at yard $5.50 Delivered $4.50 at yard $4.00 Delivered Stove Lump 3 inch Nut 3 inch Nut US. J. MAN Another New Relief Plan Approved A iubstituta for the relief plan as was announced two weeks ago by the officials of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, hai "been arranged by the county relief agencies and has been approved bythe state R. F. C. representative, B. H. Robinson. The former plan was that direct relief measures would be available to the needy through the county by means of products. The new plan includes this and payments in cash. No cash wages will be available, however, until the city appoints sup- revisors for the work projects and outlines work for the men to do. Then they will be paid under a regular salary plan, the checks to be made out on Saturday nights, checked by the work supervisor then given out the following Wednesday, according to Mrs. Thelma Weight, county relief director. Direct relief is still going on under direction of Mrs. Weight at her office in the basement of the city and county building. Even under the new system of cash payment for work, direct relief will be available for those families where there are no able bodied men capable of working for it Mr. Robinson expressed himself as pleased with the Utah County plan at the meeting Saturday night which was presided over by J. W, Gillman, county relief chairman. After a check was made of the organization Mr. Robinson approved the recommendations of Mr. Gillman and suggested that hereafter payment would be in cash as in other Utah counties. One reason that the other counties were permitted to pay cash before Utah county is that they have had re- lief and investigation organizations In previous years and were ready to to Clayton Jenkins, go, according secretary of the relief organization. Several weeks ago Utah county was asked by the governor's committee to hire a social worker to find out the needs and direct the relief before any further money would be available. Under direction of the R. F. C. representatives this was done and since then the one chosen, Mrs. Weight, has been developing the relief system in of the other committees already working. The new plan will be in no sense a k project, Mr. Jenkins said make-wor- Monday. It is a relief plan and only those eligible for relief will get aid. To any criticism that the people have had in the past on the ones that receive help from the government, it should be made clear that it is not the government that is in fault but it is the people ove- - the local districts and the ones recommending them. In other words, President Hoover does not know every one by name, but the one that does the recommending and directing from the community should at least know them and should not favor friends that are able to take care of them selves. LEHI RELIEF COMMITTEE FORM LOCAL PROGRAM The local chairman, Mr. George S. Peterson, Mayor I. W. Fox, the stake presidency, bishops of the wards, stake and ward relief society presidency met with the county chairman, Mrs. Weight of Provo, and outlined a relief program for Lehi. The Lehi group were commended on their former relief work and the committee decided to follow the previous plan, deviating slightly from the county program, but t is an Improvement to fit local conditions. RELIEF COMMITTEE COULD BE IMPROVED n, After expecting a change in the relief program, and a change for the with better, many are dissappointed the report that the same half-sho- d plan is still to be followed. because it It is a half shod-pla- n does not satisfy the town as a whole. Under the present plan one merchant naturally gets the benefits of the plan. The chairman of the relief committee runs a store. It is to him that the needy apply for help. He must give them the jobs. In return do to the gentlemenly attitude of the unemployed he is obligated to deal with the man who gave him his job. Due to the justice of principle, a change should be made so that no man fs obligated in any way to deal The merchants with any merchant. can compete for trade and the customer deal where he pleases. Under the present system this is not the case. For justice to the other mer-- n i. fMiatnmpr., ft new uiauvs AUU W Lito chairman should be selected who has nothing to sell. Then let script te issued on all stores in town, and let the best merchant win the customers to him in a fair way. Then the customers could be checked as to the necessities that they buy and every one would be satisfied. -- FRIEND - The sentiment of giving suggests friendship, and its most individual expression is your portrait the gift that only you can give. Arrange for a setting now. Pictures For Your Memory Books 15c for first pictures, Sc each for duplicate prints. Snyder Photo Studio FIRST EAST LEHI, UTAH e Conoco Germ Pro- cess Motor Oil The most thoroughy dewaxed oil on the market Guaranteed not to congeal at zero temperatures. This Good Winter Oil, Balanced Blend Gasoline, Alcohol, Tires and Accessories are Sold Day and Night. Central Service DON HOLDAWAY, Lessee ALWAYS OPEN CAPISTRANO" -THE BELLS OF The Fret; Press in running this article is not dumg it u. hurt ny one by A.n Indian and Spanish Opera merchant, but due to the known well Wakefield Cadman. Presentamong merchants as Charles as customers something shjuld be ed Ward M. L A. and by the Second done. choir. Cast of Characters For Clothing or Shoes Call Powers Armond E, Webb v. Ramon Ortego Shoe Store. Mane LEHI HmtauAHred M. L. Y. Chiquita WARD FIFTH Oleve luttinger I. A. REORGANIZED C.rmelita Beth Romney Marian Alden Dr. A. W. Olsen Mrs. Anna Van Wagoner has been James Alden chosen to act as second counselor in Prof. Anderson.... George Straabur the presidency of the Fifth Ward to Kdc Evans succeed Miss Gail Webb who has been William Paul, called to labor in the Lehi Y. L. M. James Karl Webb I. A. Stake Board, in charge of the Wallace music. The organization now stands Jake Kraft E;aM with Mrs. Clyde Dorton, president; Laverl Gray Mrs. Myrtle Clark, first counselor Pose Grace C. Webb and Mrs. Anna Van Wagoner second Noneeta ebb Lynn counselor. Lone Eagle A party was given Saturday nigrht Booth Sorenson E. Burns in the Fifth Ward chapel in Miss Billy To be given on November 26, 1932, Webb's honor. Mont's orchestra furSecond Ward. nished the music for dancing, games at 8 p. m. in the Lehi were played and dainty refreshments served. The M. I A. officers and For Clothing or Shoes Call Powers teachers and their partners with the Shoe Store. adv- stake board members and partners LEHI living in the Fifth Ward were guests of the evening. THE FUTURE VALUE Miss TTebb was presented with a OF PHOTOGRAPHS beautiful silk quilt as a token of respect from the M. I. A. officers of You Mothers and Fathers are rethe ward. childhood o sponsible for preserving the Selling Out Clothing at Goodwin's. days of your children. That is the sacred duty handed down from one FREE SHOW TO STAKE to another and parents do SUNDAY SCHOOL WINNERS generationto not dare neglect it. think just where you and Stop The manager of the Cozy Theatre When is giving free passes to the ward stand on this vital matter. School last children's Stake photographs the the were Sunday winning Contest. The Fifth Ward Sunday taken? Was it back in those first year Sohnnl Eitnorintandencv wish to an- to baby days? If so, we urge you hounce that all ward members will take us into and confidence you your receive their passes at Sunday School next Sunday morning. All those who will find us entering into the spirit are unable to go to Sunday School of the season, helping you to plan a f in tsiurh with the Sun Christmas win aImm surprise for your friends day School Superintendency or Mr. and relatives. And these same picVan Wagoner and receive tneir tures will fulfill your duty to your own family. See us today. Incidentally, when were your last Get Your Overcoat at Power's adv. photograph's taken? Shoe Store. SNYDER PHOTO STUDIO LTHI First East, Lehi, Utah CEDAR FORT M. I. A. Make Your Appointments Early TUESDAY Lehi Stake Board members visited Prices Reasonable. Cedar Fort M. I. A. meeting Tuesday evening and perfected a new organiGift Sale of Clothing at Goodwin's, zation of the Young Men's Assoc LEHI Glen Peterson was released iation. 83 president. Fon Cook was selected LEHI BOYS BID HIGH FOR as the new president with Marion B. Y. U. BASKETBALL PLACES Cook, first counselor; David Elton, second counselor and Cecil Chamber-IaiLehi will be glad to hear that three secretary. Stake board members nresent were: President W. L. Worl- - members of the state famous basketton, D. R. Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth ball team of 1930 who so thoroughly Romney and Mrs. F. D. Wbrlton. the high school and President Worlton spoke on organ disappointed town are again bidding about others Mr. class and manuel work, ization, Mitchell spoke on the activity pro for fame on the Brigham Young Uni gram. Miss Romney spoke on danc versity. Wilburn Ball, Jay Whitman, ing and taught group dancing alter or the Fifth Ward twins, Fay (Spud) the meeting. Mrs. F. D. Worlton spoke on music Evans are squeezing into the "Y" and its appreciation and the value squad. In fact it looks like Jay is of music in ward work. just naturally claimed one of the positions this year and is just guard to keep it. Fay Evans just reLight Globes 10c at Goodwin's. trying LEHI ported to school last" week, but it will MARRIAGES be remembered that he showed some good playing last year, especially in Mrs. T. F. Kirkham, Mrs. F. D. the Utah game at Provo. Worlton, Mrs. R. B. Worlton and It was reported last week that Mrs. W. L. Worlton entertained at a shower and kensington at the T. F. probably Ferd Evans would return to Kirkham home, Monday, afternoon school this week. If so, four Lehi for Miss Marjorie Bone, a bride of boys will probably see action in the week. Dainty refreshments were served. Many beautiful and useful college games this year as Ferd was presents were received by the bride. a member of the squad last year. So Miss Bone was marreid to Mr. were the other three. Wilburn Ball Willard Dansie of Riverton, Tues is working for a forward position day, November 15th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ross in Salt Lake along with Fay and they have some former pretty stiff competition. Win or lose McQuarrie, City. Brother president of the Eastern States mis they will probably see action. sion performing the ceremony. To the people of Lehi, who know Mrs. Ross entertained at dinner i honor of the young couple follow- history but not names; the differents between Ferd Evans and the other ing the. ceremony. The Free Press wishes them a hap three mentioned above is: Ball, py, successful voyage on their jour- Whitman, and Fay Evans played on ney through life. the high school team of 1930, which GetYour Overcoat at Power's the newspapers of the state gave the Shoe Store. adv. state title to before he games were played and when the time came to play LEHI the state tournament, the Lehi bunch FIFTH WARD PRIMARY The next year Ferd PROGRAM MONDAY EVENING were missing. Evans comes along and joins these The Fifth Ward Primary will three and a few more Lehi boys and present an unusually attractive pro- goes to Salt Lake representing Powgram Monday evening, November ers Shoe Store and return with the 21st at 8 p. m. for the benefit of the state A. A. U. title, which redeemed organization. Ice cream and pop the while group. corn will be sold, lhe program folFay and Ferd earned their letters lows : Accordian duet, Harold Hutchings during the college games last year. All four earned letters in high and Hershel Manning; drill, First and second group of Primary; song, school and the three on the 1930 "When I am Big Like Papa," Ralph squad earned graduation efficiency Wing, Paul Curtis, Morris Schow; "Tabby and Bun;" Dutch dance, letters. Ferd as well as serving the Blue Birds and Larks; reading by high school in years past has seen Madge Okey; airoplane song, Blazer fast company playing in the now deboys; whistling solo, Mrs. Etta Holds-Wort- funct copper league at Magna, as a accordian solo, Harold Hutchguard. ings; Soldiers Song and Tap Dance, 0 Trailbuilders; reading, Miss Coleman; accordian solo, Hershel Get Your Overcoat at Power's Shoe Store. aaV- - KI WMI1P1PLIE THE LUMBER 17f 1 THE LEH1 FREE PRESS November 17, 1932 Stove Lump November J h; 25 to 60 Watt Globes 10c. Goodwins. LEHI UNION MEETING i SUNDAY LEHI VIRGIL SMITH MAKES VARISITY DEBATE TEAM The Genealogical and Sunday Another Lehi boy brought credit School Union meeting will be held in back to his home town and former the Second Ward chapel, Sunday, school November 20th at 2 p. m. President high during the past week A. Carlos Schow will be the speaker. when the authorities of the Brigham Young University chose Virgil Smith For Clothing or Shoes Call Powers a member of the University debating Shoe Store. adv. team. Four members constitute this LEHI team and are instructed one or by DR. OLSEN TO LOCATE more advisors. Mr. Smith IN SALT LAKE deservesfaculty more credit probably than Dr. A. W. Olsen has arranged for the other three chosen in view of the an office in Salt Lake City where he fact that he was the only one chosen will open up business and intends to without previous experience. The move his family there soon. Lehi other three members having debated citizens will be snrrtr tn lo n Olsen and family from their midst I before on Junior College teams. . I r.. .1. The team usually makes a k..t yuu un-iuuv success ana1 Inappmess debating in their new home. tour of the western states, and altlio u t usually have a good time best to for their school. j;um of the Press wish Free Lehi the and wish Smith Mr. late 0 For Clothing or Shoes Shoe Store. . Pri citizens of to congratu-- , him success. am Val ue Call Powers LIHI "My telephone and the of the operator in gettiB. it doctor, saved the life of J u wife. She had influenza 1 !! t suffered a relapse. The do stated that if I had been e. i able to reach him so quiety he could not have saved htt" SENIORS ARRANGE FOR f 1UUA 1 v Tk. uninr class of the high school are in charge of the fVto sembly, which will be Allred is in Mrs. Huita io -charge of the program. A special feature on the program "In A Chinese Gar-7bethe ..JV play Vtv,a oAniors and direct- Yi-rrp-t , Thurman. one The advisors. of the senior afculty mere fact mat jbody u: the student the and a "treat' be will if that been chosen has that cast splendid cannot insures the skeptics that it fail. Jn i 1 ' 1 So wrote one of our ti' A telephone scribers. but a few cents a day, yet 4 value 01 one sucn can may J priceless. e! ..m - 1 1 10c at Goodwin's. LEKI Evansville Camp of the D. U. Light Globes The Mountain Stata The . home of euwri kh- - at thp- : f. were Mrs. Basil Dorton, Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Sadie Trinnaman who has acted as captain for several years, resigned and Mrs.Hyrum C. Evans, installed .;d Telephone & Telegraph as captain. (j CARD OF THANKS Mrs. fcvans, presiueu. m, a V. Manninar was in charge of the' following program: TWO accoruimi oui T Aitr Montr viw t neighbors who assisted us durc- MTwonreadings Mrs. Eunice Hutch- - bereavement. To all those w cars, sending flowers or hiyf '"two piano selections Phyllis Dor- the death aadf any way during t0The lesson Early harvesting in of our husband and father, if Utah was given by Mrs. Levi Phillips. recent troubles we wish to Tas'tv refreshments were served. grateful thanks. The Evansville Camp are planning Mrs. Lyman P. Losee audi a party in honor of Mrs. Trinnaman Basil to be held at the home of Mrs. memOvprrnat fiift Sal at. fimvt. Dorton Thursday (today). All I LEHI bers of the camp are invited, also nr 11 r n all old members. iurs. vjeorffe souuihick of! is visiting at the home of M A EARL GOATES cap aw Mrs. Francis Goates. F 1 CALLED TO GREAT BEYOND (Continued from page one) 'ro oil INSTANT hmsh as best she could. She was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., at the age of eight years by Brother Able Evans. The family having many experi ences with the crickets and grass hoppers, at one time they being so num erous that large trenches were dug and the water turned in them, then with a brush they beat the pests in to drown. She would often glean the wool from the brush where the sheep had pulled it out, wash it and send it to Provo to be carded, it would then be spun into yarn, dyed and woven into cloth. Sarah made the material for her own and sister Martha's wedding dresses. She showed an early liking for the better things, also taking every advantage of opportunities to educate herself. Sarah was a member of the Lehi Choir, and was active in social work, On December 28, she was married to Bishop Collier Earl of Monrovill, Ohio, in the Endowment House at Salt Lake City, Utah, by President Wilford Woodruff, making Lehi her home for a short time, and at this place her first child, Charles W., was born. In November, 1869, they moved to Heber City, Utah, and resided at this place' for thirteen years.. At this place she made a host of friends who have remained steadfast through all these years. There were five children born at this residence; namely, Susan, Elida, Rebecca, Olive and John L. In July caused the 1879, black diptherla death of the three oldest girls, all three of them being buried within eleven days. Sarah was among the first to join the Relief Society and was until her death a member. In 1882 the family moved back to Lehi where they have since resided, coming very highly recommended by President Abraham Hatch. At Lehf, four children were born, Clara, Alma, Jesse and Sarah. In February, 1888, Sarah, with Uncle George W. Larkin, went to the Logan Tempel to do work for the family. She having the privilege of being baptized and sealed for her grandmother, Ann Raynor. Ann Ray-nwas the first wife of Thomas Larkin and was born in England in 1792; dying July 8 1821, and leaving one child Susan Larkin Goates. Sarah was an ideal mother and took much pleasure in looking after her family. She never sought publicity of any kind, but was ever ready with a helping hand for the sick and needy. She buried her husband July 5, 1918, at the age of seventy-fiv- e years. Sarah always impressed one with her quite dignity and unassuming manner. One of her many teachings was t return good for evil," which she practiced herself. Sarah has ever been an industrious and faithful wife, a good neighbor and a devoted Latter Day Saint, coming through the hardships of the early days with faith unshaken. She went to her demise November 1932, at the age of 86 years and 21 for Shoe ip: Repairing Jsc ?ar Equipa SERVICE AND MATERIAL ARE AT THE ;it ion GOO! YOtt foi j .T&at Quality Shcl ifidi Rebuilders at jro can j I 1 HAROLD OSBORNE,,! lei 213 STATE STREET 4 Thoi V 01 a ni Ceri 4nd ani' Val Sundwaf t PHYSICIAN and SURCL Main Street, Lehi, UW in fiP the 6 Hours Phone 45 f Residence 30 Main, Phoul 2-- 2, 1 Ya tor por Iire t lb, fec 'vitl P Sam ut an em ava fcpp Jas coui See Ward L. I. For Antnmnhilo Tnsmrttf The best for the lest e. Let explain it $ LEHI, UTAH j 1 me to Geo. M. Brockt T" T7 T T"l Special RepresentaM a nn v ran CO. Provo, Utah f Noel G. Knit" INSURANCE COUNSt- "If it's insurance we h or WILLIAM ASH0; ATTORNEY AT U Office Hours 8:30 A. 4:00 P. M.. I w . .. fl I WANT Get Your Shoe Store. Alt ' Overcoat LEHI Carrots For Sale by or will trade. John H. FOR Squash. Call H TTuhbard; SAT.R Ev"j 118-- J, 25 to 60 Watt Globes 1 Whpn ihtra'm a want It's a Free Press Oof JTVUi UOVT Want C.nTV v v-- your local merchants. jstat I A jequi I 11 True: van the jThi! -- van fAltl jror gam j giinn 1 deci 'in t t stai |