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Show ! ;' L' f' ' ! ', A KAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEB. 8, VOL. NO. 2. 189 Choice new raisins and best reclean-e- i behooves ua to make the Auguat 17th, moat probably the latter fresh air. It currants fur mince meat at the more until least at must of them, aa it will las the moat critical and ' On-oscientific methods can be adopted. day In the year. aa have Blankets from 1.00 to 112.00 a pair at At tne same Linus from amallar Id such of our large buildings good the Co-oa of fairly coat the basement cause, Florid may he detached front a system the mainland and may aiuk and ut- - warming and ventilating dollars; We have a few suits of-- 1 clothes that hundred few a but be t?rly diaappear bene.-t- t lithe water and would no basemeuUhe go at oust. California may be turned Ino an and wnen they have Wheat taken fur cual at tbe Co-o- p Kayarllle Co-o- p. auitabl expanse of making a- cellar laland. furnace Note the reduction lu boots and .1. R. Meredith la among the sick I ain myself looking with very ae tor the Insertion or a heating No provision shoes at tbe Co- - jp. i. nile T,bl wee. rlnu apprebeuaiona for all there things need not be very great. warm air or for IKIA-TSTTI-iJ. G M.UarnMwent to the city Mon-Ha- y to occur, not ao much beer ue they having been made when the buildings The Co-o- p has th" beat and chi a pest iE3 Co-OL- 3 T flues ventilation 1 of which overcoats In calculations Davis concur line tbe with on jury buslneu. county. warm air regismade myself, ufmn the atrik-ln- g were constructed, the Rweet-potatoCocoa-nu- t, Cranberries, X. L. Sheffield and E. M, Whitealdes lure placed economically fulflilnrent for a year past of all ter could be most deand were at the Important school meeting Cabbage at Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes il. Grape any preclude Brace floor. that Dr. Falb has predicted, said a in the 'and tlili subject. at Farmington Saturday. Columbia college pnifessor yesterday. tailed treatment of Ilats, Clothing, Gents Furnish, be of John B. Karnes made a three or That certatu physical conditions and its technical data would not to the tour daya built ings, Hardware, Crockery trip tb Lgan and relationa of the planets la uuanlmoua-ich-e .peciil practical interert reader, but it must rb rememValley tbe fora part of the y conceded by astronomers and out ml sir w mui4 and in short I siclstt. It la many years since the per bered that to dnv one might ta well try and let in air, pure acre the planets of a suction pump Judging from the rate our anpenn- - turbation among anything and everything inth admitted to exercise Important Id lift the upper valve ftwsen down, as i rodent is calling inertings, he is very is valve when tbs loner General Merchandise line. :u1ouh that Dr. Fara's new school aw Powerful influences on tbe earth. endeavor to ventilate a room by ample outin been alow have aclentlsla Still tbe for bill snail pass the legislature. the providing Aral let for air, without carrying the subject farther. Had it air. Dear Lady: If you are troubled Would it not be a good idea for our been otherwise and the subject gone admission of an equal amount of pare warmed he with must painful and irregular periods the air vea'her cold In to work Home done up 'iunty superintendent Into and noshed ua Dr. Falb bus both inlete and taka IHt dr Jozas and is admitted, it before xhlbita frnrn the Davis county schools we mlgbt now be able to foretell with outlet so contrived that there aball be no Preaeription We give written guarfur the tern tor liil fair thin fall at Salt positive certainty when unusual phy For either. cure in two to from antee I permanently Lake. Let all the school In theenuur disturbances would ta ke p ace au perceptiblenut draughts use a hot air treatments or refund money. Price constant in I buildings a and have chance at iv it place the tjje KU,be. Vritel fUrnace is the most suitable for economic for one trld treatment 12 00 Is at production on exbibltion. Our I The professor then quotes a score of aud other reasons. For buildings occupied or call on Lady Manager, . are ternto-schools l instance nf Dr. Falba eorreit predlc-equal to any in tne circulation or SALT LAKE MED. CO., ry and we have a good man at their tlonk lu the past. Tula," he said, in- I I 3,usd acriuu look with 68 West Second South why I apprehend Fbr the Lake City. Utah. Fair to be open- - on hla prediction a to New York. 11 la jdtoba especially tba be, d Jan. 27 the sale of excursion tick- - la well to he forewarned in any case." school treated or Patients sysUnsuccessfully of the tb sat buidingg; but ts to ten Francisco, going and re-- 1 F.x. tems In connection, with the latest me- imposed upon by others especially! turning via Ogden and the Southern thods of ventilation is considerable, al- Invited to call. Facifledirectroutu will be 936.65. Kates OwfarmInt OumipcaAintBlTtB aFaW though such perfect results nay n he Lmiosi. . going via the Southern Pacific and reguaranteed in casco where sanitary pro GNION PACFIC TIME TABLE Thu Editor Eagle:' The article aotni hotbD. turning via Shasta route and Portwere ignored when the tidldihgs visions re0:20 a m. Butte Express land or reversed will be 113.00. higher Ventilation, In your last Issue can No. the buildings were constructed, still, n 3:50 1 til. Pac. excelSexton" the me of "Tb mind Inthan direct mate. Above rates comfbrtable and reasonably 6M4 p. m. be made Local LOWEST PRICES clude live tickets of admission to the lent and laughable rendition of which liealthtul at a moderate cost, . on US. HliniTTliOVND. feland cultivated urbane our late 7:32 a. m. fair good 30 days and no stop over privi- by Mall Fast No.. Wa. Alls M low townsman O. C. Hyde wll long be Portland Express 7:37 p. m. leges allowed in either direction. H OUR PRICES) 10:11 a, m Local readers. vour of remembered many by P, Tiioxabskw, Agent. 99 3:21 (1 p.m. At Express Trad nor Eon. Ventilation la not a lost art, H Barnei In effect Di e. 1.U3. an we Jndt beginning to understand hnmu In protecting lfyounelleve P. i'lMimassen, Agent. ids principle. In the construction of industries, put In practice by pnrehae-iii- g Supt realmost modern bqUdinga perfect your goods At home, when it can sults in winning and ventilation are be done as cheaply as elsewhere. Of contiDiiw aclieived. In public, as- course It is sometimes nefle.safy to sembly iJlla nothing la more Impor- sen 1 ft way, as the article wanted .Is tant tAej proper beating and ventiia-tlon.ftM- n hot In the stock of tbe home merchant tbelr cmatructlon noth- but otherwise it ia nufalf tn do ao. 5eATS,TRADEMARkt otten neglected. That lalnore ing Supposing you do save a few cents by S . I such j lisei are not more com'nrtably COPYRIGHTS ndlRK away, don't yutt always have warmtf and more perfectly ventilated tn pay tbe cash? fries the Chicago or in not Bo'iuuch owing to ignorance a Salt Lake merchant take your butter, WS UOOBMltCtiy to llie method of obtaining It- - aa to your eggs, your cabbage, your CucuHna OODnarau care do not lio than aant frao. tbe fact that the people mber, yrarraga, your old ituii or your oad icuntlBa Soom mb no jlFombu to uay for, it. From reading the ar- hones in exchange for wares? Hatdly. Mon A Ctb MM Ua tbnwafc naUlBOUeolatbo HrtooClSo MMMwttki wUMr ticle referred to, it almost stems that Aotbine but cold cash goe fries ei- tbraara BrawSt Moralho ' rat to tho InTrator. Thio lwidl1 I nokly. etwaeUilU WoMOaoebT a little aalllful manipulation of the ther of these parties ever accommo- No subject in tile riumalu of public window would aavc relieved tbe dls- which one? yoU Wth erMjit if BnitSIBf EJjgonMithlT, Dont fail ivi if s your tleket reading sonutas Improvement Jo of greater value to eomf jrt complained or. For the fceol-flt- riaa It ever necured tn you that if oolra.raourrtrrnb; tbe public titan that of good roads; uotuirs, Janitors or others tn y.mr hum merchant were tb clusa his r AddfMI and it ia one of the moat hopeful signs whom it might prove acceptable! I d nnra and you had to send to either of 7oSTtSw7uSi7St (MHit tbat it ia receiving atteution as never venture A few suggestion lu regard be above places for every trifle you before. And the matter is cne of es- tn window ventilation. In window now run Into 8 store and buy a nickel's pecial Importance to the farmer who ventilation the plae and relative worth of, that yutl might learn to use ancriflces hi horses bv fuming them stxe of opening must he conditioned profane language? supposing yod were to the draught of heavy loads on wa- by the direction and velocity of the tn ak hint for some article In stock gons with narrow tires on clayey wind and tbe position of the heating and he would tell you to go to Chicago spongy roads, the wheel often sink- - nuve. If a strong wind Is blowing where would you tell him tn go? It I lng to the hubs. This means great I ibe upper sash should be lowered on la wrong You carnut et along withTbe only lute, riliminf Fullman glneplny oars between Ogden, Salt ItiKe City kid work and of loss ut time Chicago without Change tue leeward side, the aspirating pow out hitn and he canot get along with consequently I lr accomplished, and it also mean an er of the wind having a out you. The benefit is mutual and I wearing out of the bom. ing tendency on that side will cause ought to be ao regarded. Ex. I The agitation is now at white neat the air to flow cut of the runm, and UNSUILP-A-SSHil- ? InMisaouii The Kansas City Times, sufficient- air to supply the vacancy A tilfllStWirW, to wli'c.h much of the credit of s rout-- 1 thus made will worn its way through fraud, aa It cannot be called lng the peuple on this questii n is due. I cruckaand crevices on the windward la of too great value and la not to 1 sub-window Next to railroads, happens side. Wliere the only ays truly: misused. atantial and lasting public highways I tn be on tbe windward side, lower blame fur being Train leavn Rio Q rente Wustera Depot, Salt Like City, at 7:i0 p.1 ol Aster when New Vick's Blanching Ticket (ffilee, No. IS W. HeemM South Stfeet. wind Includ-are worth more to a country, the upper sash a little, the cut resembles tbe Chrysanthemum soj Lhe of some 1 towns-force will and In both farmer the the lag blowing Oa, will In some mea-me- closely that onlv experts can tell tbe men, than any other single and aa It comes Into flowdifference, I General Agent Panucngcr PcpartcAiui of IfuUiNua. tne M vitiated air could be made. Dooly the that sura mix with noDHti BALT LAKE CITY; UTAH In New York not as much progress I room, diluting the exhaled poisons; er six weeks before tbe "mums, andU t when flowers are acarCe. ft is seen as should lie. The legislature I operating somewhat on the same priii at a ime e great temptation tn ttie flof 1st tn passed a law last winter permitting jciple as the plenum movement In Asters for tunma." The sell these coun-tiflclboard of supervisors of any ventilation The contrivance of salwhlo t Branch lng Aster Can be easily grown TolBiraSaraaicflM KlimRIaul work! tho ohm I ty, by a majority vote, to adopl'ilieLf a laaird fitted between the sastings 25 Cent coat wUlbaafBttoallsppUoanul and the ottly out dnont, country mads system, an J hen dcslg-- 1 an the window stool with another VfMts s. Down, rnmm who mtoaowan smussiii, nate as county roads sueh highways I board fastened to the top sash ou tbe per packet, so that eterycanperson h S Hills, Vice Frost. It. W: IlarnM, Catiiici John IF Barites, Brest a of a foot has ground efljof as It mtgot deem best for the purpusc other side of the room ubllquelv Director. tot almost nothing. of Incurrorated cities and vil-- 1 ward is sometimes found to a ns we, grind treat JoTiri G. M: Tiarnes. & Bartorr Petcf A. fid E. 10 Son, sc honest goods Ifyoiiwant (ages, sorb roads thereafter to lie prop more or less satisfactorily. When a J. II. LaAlns. W. , Koches-t-rF jy Galley Vicks T. Itoueclfe; Bona, cent to James eriy maintained at the expense of the moderate wind is bowing, lower the costs Floral N. for Y., it Gtfde, county at large. The rural counties upper sash on tlie windward side, as the 10 cents may he dehave not been eager lu avail them-an- d raise tne lower sash a little on autiiing, flr-- t order. t ducted frbm window only selves of the privilege thus comer-th- e leeward aide-Witand red. In fact, we believe tiiat none of J on noeBide, lower the upper sash by a lafNa Ssvn Ttar them have yet adopted tu county J mim the lower wall cnnsidsraMy less a Pfbu CsmpNi Surplus $10,000. Cjapital $25,000. t ban th s upper aasb is lowered. When system, l'ca-Iroi- n the and reThis is happily 'jcmj of llie few the wind Is not strong nvirements which siaad in no I tion ol inlets and outlets ia notevtaent General BANKING BUSINESS. cat as well as any danger of nhat.riatluo from any pul it they Tan be found by tbe aid of a Wehaveapct else. We thhik he ia the cutest where In fhe 1 Jrti, sectional or seetaaian Interests. II leather fastened- urtlre end of a stick, bodyin Drafts Drawn Payable Kaysville. He sleeps hi the rat opening lhe only obstacle to Its progress in which, held In frout Call mornfng a soon as tbe hair and Cat.ada or Mexico. Our accortimodatloftdf any quarter arises from, mistaken will Indicate thi direction of theI run-- and want a ur get do-- r Ire Is open nut business' in regarg to lhe expense of lng current- - when the wind for A--Y 2L. Xj sliouhl tn open In bed wlMioirr baby. Our cat h not ronstruetiag g'md roads. No economy blowing fhe windows can1 be well now. lie has had good vua.d he mure false than that which rd. both top and bottom; the size of I feeling very It has left hlw With and la tne grippe suit to tire openings being regulated Pluses itself ta good roads. found In Ulati lame leg- - Ih? wopderTul Cat s the temperature. In this way the He twelve Toni. is name weighs warmer than 1 ott air of ilrerwim, If II la In n he is happy be sings, ForFlRST CLASS ME ATS ftv Tok will be 8uboargi'& the out side air. will rise and pass out pounds. a omdAint Mdng He lives mostly on milk- and fresh I)r. Fain, tlie astrolog-- r, oaa bobb st the top: fhe outride lipUsits ami receive iiigiren cish Price pjw M mcilt Mre bottom. td up again. He has predicted that heavier, will flow in t solicited!.' one dollar u p. Deposits of yhcic w'ifbe dauc lng sehool atWil New York win Im Inundated and In In summer, when tire airut the room Feb1, Kirts subuKugcd by the waters of the la cooler than thaton lha outside. tlie items Hall, Wivlnesday evening, cliildfbif to' those Special tay and East and North rivers, which rurreut will be reversed. Generally - J4. i!H. finch person will be presented 50 cents, waters will lie raised up by s great speaking, windows are poor ventila- with a fine I jE Robert Blamiresy tidal wave on ur about July 3rd, nr. tors,- lint when they are only source of I Kveryiiody envlted he Eagle dia-aalro-ua p. WE LEAS - TTTE A CARD phy-wee- r LADIES.I We also have the agency for Pleasant Vallevj Castle Gate, Rock Springs Almy and Peaeoek Coal Cos. I World-reiuiwn- ed St-S- Mid-Win- ter IfyouWishto get I call TALK tfln I cf PRICESa TALK. ' --r SANTA FE ROUTE nf Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Rys. IRio Grande SHORTEST. QUiaKEiSfl EQUIPMENT ISEENnHY UNHCHALED. via ELENwnnn vacum-rnriu-ear- LjIN8 I - 1 EL nt esmsimonliriosng Yi BI7I31TETT, ar-tb- mn Williants Dealers in BARNES BANKING COMPANY Ann FSO)TTOE 'i pass-iotio- nt Sny at y i E &V 1 K Meat Market. ft - Transacts a transacting general as' are as Repays pr cent interest saving attention all uf itdrd any 1rop wewjcnt vour business give us |