Show TIIE GARLAND GARLAND TIMES UTAII $300000 FOR PARKS Women Law Upheld Drainage NOTABLE ENTRIES IN SHOW JUNIOR TO ENTER BANOS HIGH SCHOOL BAN'IV CONTESTS VEIN OF GOLD — OPENING 30 TooavCTJ 'Bach Tomorrow1 By ELMO SCOTT WATSON Drawing by Ray Waltara OME one has stated that If a person were a true internationalist and showed It by Joining in the celebration of the various holithe days throughout world he would discover that he would have left some only days daring the whole 305 of the year In Which to busy himself with his usual As Americans a face occupation now year they may be Interested to know that 1931 holds for them nearly aa many rest days as work duys By similar state laws Sunday Is everywhere In the Union a legal holiday as are New Tear's day Independence day Washington's birthday and Labor day Now let us consider the possibilities If a person set out to observe every holiday which Is generally or localHe ly observed In the United 8tates could begin with January 1 which of course Is New Tear's day everywhere A week later he should be In New Orleans where the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans Is celebrated as a holiday On Januury 17 he might Join In the observance of the anniversary of Benjumln Franklin’s birthday which Is not a holiday anywhere but which la widely observed as the beginning of Thrift week Two days later January 19 he were In Alabama Florida Georgia North Carolina Sooth Carolina or Virginia he Could join In the calibration of the birthday anniversary of Gen Robert E Lee and ten days later Jantjftrjr 29 he could honor the of President William McKinley February Is the shortest month In the year but there' only one other month which has more days In which to celebrate If this hypothetical citizen doesu't think Ground Hog day Is Important enough to Justify observance on February 2 be can make a quick trip to Arizona and there help the citizens of that state celebrate Arbor day They do It on the first Monday In February and this year It's February 2 But he will have to hurry to get to Florida In time to help them celebrate their Arbor day on the first Friday In February which falls on February 6 Jhls year On February 12 he can help celebrate Georgia day lu that state although most people think of that date as the occasion for honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln on the anniversary of bla birth In order to Join In that celebration It will be necessary for him to go north for there are only 14 states all In the North which have made Lincoln's blrthduy a legal holiday They are Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Kansas Minnesota New Jersey New Tork South North Dakota Pennsylvania West Virginia Dakota Washington and Wyoming Curiously enough Kentucky the state which gave him birth takes no official cognizance of the day It Is generally observed In some way even though not officially In most of the states Including some of those In In the 8outh February 14 is SL Valentine's day and February 15 Is Maine ("Remember the Mains I") day both of which be ran observe if he chooses This year February 17 will be celebrated as a legal holiday In Alabama In parts of Florida and lu live parishes la Louisiana For It Is Shrov Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday both of w hich are determined by the changing date of Easter Sunday) which Is celebrated as Mardl Gras day (in French Gras Mardl or "Fat Tuesday" slang the day before Lent begins) and in Louisiana It nshers In the famous festival In New Orleans Our traveler can spend February 22 In any state he pleases for Washington’s birthday Is officially celebrated in every state In the Union but When March comes In either like a lion or £ lamb he will hare to head south again — to Texas where on March 2 he can help observe Sam Houston’s birthday and Texas IndeThen there’s nothing pendence day more for him to do except to beware the Ides of March until March 17 when he can put on hts green tie and go out to help celebrate St Patrick's day But he will ned the rest which he will get in March for April Is going to be a busy month even busier than To start It off right In AlaFebruary bama Connecticut Louisiana Maine Minnesota Porto Rico Pennsylvania or Tennessee he can Join In the celebration of Good Friday which comes on April 3 this yeur Easter dny Is on April S but that's t Sunday and a holiday anyway But April 12 should find Mm in M?rth CprelltUl celebrating the anniversary of the Halifax InResolutions (a reminder dependence war of days) April 11 he can honor the memory of Thomas Jefferson about anywhere he wishes (but In Virginia would be the most appropriate place) April 15 he should be out lu Utah helping Arbor day then he can ergss the state line on the east and on April 17 aid In observing Arbor day and School day In Colorado If he expects to help However celebrate PaMaine or Massachusetts triot's day on April 19 he might start east and spend April 17 In one of the northern counties of Illinois celebrating Arbor day (the governor usually sets the third Friday In April for that But If he does go to New observance) England for Patriot's day It's going to mean an airplane trip back west In order to be in Texas for San Jacinto day on April 21 or In Montana on the same dny for Arbor day (It’s celebrated there on the third Tuesday in Whether Texas or Montana April) the next day April 22 should And him in Nebraska for Its Arbor day celebration and the next day April 23 In Illinois to help honor Stephen A Three days later April Douglas 2d he should be in either Alabama Florida or Mississippi to Georgia dead on one honor the Confederate Confederate Memorial of the two days After the bqsy month of April May restful On May 8 Is comparatively he has his choice of Arbor day In Idaho (the first Friday after May 1) In Rhode Isor the same celebration land (the second Friday In May) On May 10 be should be in either North t'urollna or South Carolina for the second Confederate Memorial day If the former he might Just as well stay until May 20 and help celebrate the of the Mecklenburg Indeanniversary pendence Declaration the predecessor of what took ptace In Philadelphia on And on May 30 anyJuly 4 1770 where In the United States he can bow his head reverently In memory of our soldier dead and help decorate their graves For It Is Memorial or Decoration day The three summer months June and July August will not keep the very busy staying away from work On June S he can tuke cognizance of the anniversary of Jefferson Davis’ birthday a legal holiday In five southern states (inclden where tally not Including Kentucky he was born and Mississippi which gave him to the Confederacy for Its president) and unofficially observed in others June 14 Is Flag day observed In all states June 17 Is Bunker Hill In Massachusetts day commemorated and June 20 Is West Virginia day when that state celebrates Its admission to the Union Wherever he Is In the United States on July 4 he can celebrate Independence day but on July 13 he will need to go to Tennessee to celebrate the birthday of Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest the great Confederate cavalry leader then speed out to Idaho for the Pioneer celebraton 15 on and drop day July down Into Utah for the Pioneer day CClebmUon In tiint Etlte pn July 24 From Utah he should start east Immediately If he is to take part in the celebration of Bennington day In Vermont on Angust 6 but thnt ends the summer's festivities This however to take gives him a good opportunity two weeks' summer the customary vacation The autumn months will keep him fairly busy Beginning with the celebration of Labor day In North Caro4 (the first Thurslina on September he can go to some day In September) other state and celebrate It aguln on 7 first September Monday In Sep(the Then there's Admission day tember) to be celebrated In California September 9 Defense day on Septemrebr 12 and American Indian day on the third Friday In September — September 18 this year After taking part In the celebration of Fire Prevention day on October 9 be can go to Florida and celebrate Farmers’ day on October 10 But he will have to leave there If he October 12 Coexpects to celebrate lumbus day legally for It's not a legal holiday In thnt state But there are 23 states In which It Is On October 23 he should be In southern Illinois for Its second Arbor day celebration (the fourth Friday In October for the southern part of the sute) and then hie himself out to Nevada to help observe Admission duy In that state on October 31 And of course that evening he ran get In an extra celebration by taking part In the Halloween festivities lie must not Unger long however for he's due In Louisiana for the celebration of the legal holiday of November which Is All Saints day November 11 wherever he Is he should “face east” In honor of Armistice day and on the last Thursday In the month (iStventber 28 In 1931) he should join with his In being grateful on Thanksgiving day December 4 should find him In Georgia celebrating Arbor day (the first Friday In December) and he might as well stay there for the celebration of Christmas on December 25 and then cross the state line over Into South Carolina where December 28 and 27 are legal holidays as a part of the Christmas celebration Thus the busy year of 1931 ends for the :e hr WMtM-- NwpKr Utkw) "LADY” Is known by the shoes she wears and we ure growing with each passmore ing season Verily to the creating of hanisotna styles In shoes there Is no a end showing of kid Recently at footwear frequently with matching accessories to which twenty-siprominent ret Iters contributed two hundred and fifty pair of shoes were shown and no two pair were exactly alike Colors played rather a minor part of the past with display compared Nevertheless s greater variety of types were shown than ever due to Shoe-Conscio- the Lead The steiein shoe of gold pipings below to the right demonshown strates how daintily contrasting piping is employed Still another high spot in this exhibit of choice footwear was the One pair an shoe oxford worn with a black and whits suit liad the vamp of black and the black lacing kid white of the quarter up the front contrasted against the white (circle at op to rlgh’t) Newest of the novelty trims was a feather fancy of curled ostrich In a effect at the throat of a black kid pump This ostrich novelty conditions LAKE— Range SALT avin Utah are above the five to the agricultural erage according authorities LAKE— Livestock SALT NORTH shipments out of this city have in creased one hundred per cent over 1929 shipments for thousand LOGAN — Six gallons of gasoline escaped when freezing of a pijie Hue caused a leak In a storage lank OGDEN— Entries have been receivherds of cuttle ed for two outstanding for the twelfth annual livestock show 20 January 10 to 15 They include owned by C J head of Shorthorns of Dayton Wash This Broughton will be the first time this herd has exhibited at Ogden Mr Broughton's won numerous prizes at has herd stock shows and fairs The other exhibitor whose entries has arrived is E L Mrs of the Willow Knight Meadow Jersey farm at Willows Cat Mrs Knight showed the grand chamat the last Ogden pion Jersey bull sunk show Her herd is one of the nier Jersey aggregations of the west MORGAN — Morgan county now has of approximately a poultry population which will be in producToJHH) bens tion duriug the winter und next summer MORGAN — A sauerkraut club is functiouiug In this county Five boys ure iu the club and each kept records en acre each of cabbage 3 he he boys sold 149 tons of cabbage to sauerkraut factory from the half ucre plots The average sale wus $119 and excuses of around $38 leaving a profit of $80 CASTLE DALE— F of Uugricht this city on his way home from Salt Lake driving a heavily loaded truck turned over when he became unconscious from gas fumes which blew hue his cub from u hole In the flooring OGDEN —The Weber County Fish association has and Game Protective organized a rabbit drive west ot Promontory to procure food for tlie poor LoGaN — A community Christmas cheer cacst has been organized by a 4 11 club ut the laigan Junior high IN FOOTWEAR LATEST FASHIONS school l lie club is part of the community program und wus organized by artful trims and master craftsmanship comes separate and is attached to the tne student body A slur la given any while they were Inconspicshoe by a' damp ro that one can have Trimmings lu toys books student who brings uous perhnps al first glance were In several In colors to match or tie up clothing food or uny article available the final analysis works of art which frocks with various The arresting for Ciirstmus cheer to the needy carried that air of exquisite refine shoes which complement the fetching BRIGHAM CITE — Sixty persons nient which so appeals to dlscrimlnnt frock centered In this Illusafternoon repre eating seven northern count ioa Ing taste tration are enhanced with a pair of cf I tali expressed themselves here Lizard and suede appeared It Inlays these cunning ostrich as being in favor of the early con- appliques and pipings for the most novelties The dress Is of cehmese of nn struction urouul high- part matching the shoe In color There sheer crepe a material In high favor way around the northern end of lire were however sine contrasts as natThe Just now white of this Great Salt Lake ural gray with black ami beige lizard In the gown Is answered SALT LAKE — Constitutionality of with brewn kid ostrich ornaments on the shoes the Ituh drainage uislrict law la upIn the numbers on disKnitted Wear In Lead Outstanding held and the authority of the board play were those of bmuze kid this Now that knitted suits und frocks of stqiei'ivgors of Millard couuy medium having staged are so unmistakably placing accent drainage district No 3 to levy taxes a comeback In keeping with the luxury on the style element this type of cosfor drainage district purposes trend In fashions The adorable pair tume hits moved to the very front of cluding the addition of 15 per cent of of openwork samltls which you see smart modes for winter inthe totul levy for coiitingeucies Ims knit wear taken pictured In the Inset to the left of the So successfully is afcluding possible delinquencies Standing figure at the top and which Its cue from novel woolens and so firmed iu a unanimous decision of the are obviously for formal afternoon or do knit modes reflect all the artfully state supreme court The district is Jevenlng wenr are so much cut out chic details which distinguish apparel oue of the largest of Us kind in the that there Is little but a succession tailored of woven fabric that half the state including 4332 ucres Assessment of benefits at $15 to $70 an ucre total $253000073 SALT LAKH — Construction of the $4OJ(X)0 veterans' hospital at this city is expected to stait early ut the to CoL spring accotding construction S engineer lor the L' veterans’ bureau ut l’alo Aito Cal MT i'LEASANT — Tne North board of education ny uuauimotts action passed u resolution calling iu $ A0 000 of bonds utiles unuiug against the district The leuemptiou will take place iu February MIDVALE — $aoUO0 igg candling and gruidng pim is opened witu a ceiebruth u new tlusEUeuiun I'UKe-- A to In cluue Juuior ligu scuooi euires in tut first unuuul iuvitathual sen ad bund wuich wilt be iponsoed April coutesi 10 and 11 by the Price Cnuuibcr of bus u createu commerce accord time one really does not realize except A lug to William H Toy secretary on close scrutiny that this or that suit totul of five divisions wid now couipee or dress Is actually knitted in the meet und cups for first plues There Is however an Indefinable somewinners und plaques to bunds placthing about the wear the feel and the Approxing second will be awarded look of knitted texture which puts It in imately 30 bauds from Utah und Wesa class all Its own and so we witness tern Colorado are expected to enter tbs the popularity of the knitted costume contest with every passing season Increasing l’AYSON — Application of the StrawWhen skillfully handled as In the for berry Water I sacs’ association fur-of t rimmed tailored suit stance the permit to store wuers of the Cold there Is nothing smarter than pictured Springs urea in Spanish Fork canthe new knitted fabrics It’s knitted Is yon lu a regulating reservoir of 37 this suit and yet at first glance It gives t iu connection with capacity the Impression of a cloth tallleur the operation of its powr plant on The trig waistcoat which Is one of the the Spanish Fork river caused tbs three pieces of this boasts visit to the state cnpitol of representfive swanky buttons The slightly flared atives of the association and of varinew skirt Is the length and the effective ous users from the Spuulsh Fork who collar Is of krlmmer fur may contest the approval of the appliOne' may be as sedntely tailored or as cation by George M Bacon state engaily “sponsy" as one chooses In knitted gineer modes — a point aptly rienionst rated In PANGITTCII— The national park the Illustration which contrasts two service plans on upending $150000 retypes of costume The vogue for building the mail from the floor of striking effects In matter of color and SHOWING TREND IN from the Mount CarZion canyon bold striped and plalded design such ns KNITTED WEAR mel britlge to the lodge and $250000 the costtime on the seated figure work on the new for commencing Is greatly emphasized sf straps left to make the vamp speaks where road that Is to run southward along Another less formal (see In winter iqiorts coax the smartest set to pair the west rim of Bryce canyon to the circle below) had rather lower heels “come and play" new park area Work on die Zion road with a rather broad strap across the A gay outfit such as (Ids gives to the and the Instep can he advertised of the grandstand modernistic buckle scene a Bryce road a month later with the brooze kid calling attention to its ultra color and If It g piquant dash of very cold it snugassurance that construction can begin chic under a gles weather defying on both projects during the winter and The bronze leather Is so dressy In too effectively for words spent during the full spportionment arc pgelf that contrasting trimmings ’I Kit IK NICHOLAS Both the Zion the next six month seldom used aside from the faintest © 1(1 Votrrg Koimix ftnlon jear Holidw Grow Mere Knitted Fashions Now in bi |