Show CHEAP J TO ST LOUISOn LOUIS LOUI LOUISOn On th the instant the Rio Grande Western Railway will wi sell tir tickets e to St Louis and return at the thelow thelow thelo low lo lorat rat for the round trip Upon U on arrival at St Louis tickets tick tick- ets ds ts can be purchased to all points point in Ohio Ohio ami Indiana at h half if rates good until the end of f Octo October er ft good opportunity to in make k a east S J S A S S Sp 0 l I r p 0 j JV J. J V. V Jones of Provo was was was' Jn in town yesterday S The TheR R G GW W. W Ry will give excursion rates to Forepaugh's at Provo V fr J J. representing the the Salt Lake Int Implement Co was in town Thursday S D. D DL L. L McDonough agent for Simon Brothers ers and the Deseret Woolen Mills was vas in town lown drumming up trade yesterday yes yes- yes yes- I A glance at our advertising columns columns- will vili convince our readers that the busness bus bus- ness tress men man of Ephraim believe in ill supporting sup porting their horns home paper Mr l Rollo wis w V is s in the city to day representing representing re presenting the Provo Dispatch Mr R. R was formerly Editor of th the the Ensign at N Nephi phi The ENTERPRISE a pleasant II The infant daughter Bawden died Tuesday morning of summer 5 u er com com- plaint The sympathy of the entire community is with the heart beart broken parents patents in ill their sad bereavement Cards are are ut announcing the wed wed- d o of Mr fr S. S lson to Miss Sophia tits s wh Lt l. takes place pla e at the resi resi- I dence o of oh the brides bride's I parents arents Friday September at 1391 9 at t 1 4 o'clock p. p m. m I S S MA i T xi TI S. S v 55 tho th w eather is is' pleasant and it is h al aI also peas asal mt t to hear the ike h hum burn m of the gl thresher e cr in lit i the land l nd Jim Forepaugh's V landscape and animal painter paid Manti a visit and in an incredibly short space of time transformed formed the northern northera north north- era ern e n side of Mantis Manti's wool depot d pot into from the south ye yesterday ter pry commence com com- The district schools have and are re week second nd mence their se in numbers lumbers S The Ma IIa ti Seminary opened to to- to with 33 stU t 1 1 g t Little pm thue A D S T ev evening last fast th district district dis dis- t school teachers school teachers school eachers met by appointment appoint appoint- ment for the fo he purpose of m mutual improvement ment Having ing agreed t to organ organize ze Mr Ir Ir Yard Ward n was chosen chairman an and Miss Mima A. A Scott Secretary Mr N. N W. W Anderson Anderson Anderson And And- erson was selected to give an exercise exercise exer exer- cise on p penmanship and George Scott to read a paper on Means of professional improvement ment tI They are areto areo to meet on Wednesday We evenings in future as being most convenient The roller flouring mill is to start to Mr Becker the toe manager is about to take a 1 long lease of the same The rhe members of the young mens men's band intend to go into regular practice practice tice when the farm labors o of hauling hauling haul haul- ing mg and threshing are tre over Farmers are looking forward to toan toan toan an advance in the price of f wheat an advance of 12 cents per bushel having been obtained in the English markets within the last five weeks which means a still farther ad advance vance in the near future and a 1 still larger one in the spring Th The speakers in ut the tabernacle on Sunday were Nelson and and Harris The latter speaker claimed that con consecration consecration consecration was the one remedy for plutocracy ou ott the one hand and anarchy on the other S S ANON |