Show LIBERAL SERENADE the liberal party enters the political are a by serenading sere the tuscarora chieftain last evening about half past eight the liberal drum coref or more properly ti speaking peaking a remnant of them marched up 0 street to the residence of judge powers kuok poi of the lawn and serenaded their leader by playing a couple 0 oi lunes afterwards an address was made by J H harris who feebly at attempted to make a he hailed with delight ligi I 1 t the baci that the judge had consented to lead them on to victory olat oi cf more the speaker referred to the j outrageous attack pt made upon him and pledged the whole and ul alfided support to 0 o him and predicted predict otei eo that as to la the past under his hib magnild cent leadership vict ry would onue once more crown their efforts an uncalled for and mysterious assertion was wag made by this thin speaker that deserves particular notice he deliberately stated that they had bad taken a solemn oath to down the church whether this thie is in something now new a part of the amorine ritual or whatever it may mean it certainly soun sou n a peculiar anu and significant I 1 have stated it as an I 1 heard it and leave it for the public to form their own opinions ciona ions about it judge powers tied ded in a fair and plem pleasant atit way his speech must musi have been disappointing to his hia followers because it was characterized by broad and liberal ideas and free from rancor invective and bitterness I 1 listened attentively to his bis speech and was wab much pleased and gratified to hear bear him declare that those who differed from him and them were just as an sincere in their opinion and bellef ab B they were the they y were all citizens and who did not join with them hau built bouses houses and otherwise helped build up this great city and they were eu entitled titled to credit for ibis but in this time of reconciliation and peace the lurige plaintively asked why was the olive branch not hold held out to then 21 the impression given was that thai they were below affected 1 iy ay y the prevailing spirit of charity chanty and closer communion amongst citizens in general alto estther K aber it wats wan a good speech and such as ra no fair fit irmi kidded eded person could take auy any exception to it aou d appear as if judge powers residence in toe twentieth ward has bad the tendency to soften his feelings and still more expand and broaden bis jg views and enlarge hie big opinions of his fellow men who affer from him in their views and ideas of things it was a rober and dry crowd I 1 immediately m medi attly after me judges judat ia addres addre sf furo furj marshaled bis biel forces on the sidi and with their chieftain marchen down G street towards the city A few minutes a berward a carriage containing something to tore re fresh the inner man but as he was wag late it was carte j away again J judge powers very wisely took no notice of mr Har harriss ribs oath SPECTATOR |