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Show Homeseekers! I THE WEST I CALLS YOU i ! ! Innumerable opportunities in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, ; Oregon and Washington , ! for newcomers. In the West, "Irrigation" ' spells Certainty. CROPS . DO NOT FAIL. , The West needs more people; more people need i to come WeBt. Have you thoucht about it? Have 1 you investigated it? W For descriptive literature m regarding Idaho, address: W 1 D. E. BURLEY, 1 Gin. Passenger Agent, 1 I Oregon Short Line I I Railroad .1 I Company I 1 Salt LaWe City, Uuk 1 vooeierseedGo. Headouarters for Berry Cups K,D. Box Timber Arsenate of Lead Seeds and Poultry Supplies SALT LA Kg CITY CATEATS, TRADE-MURKS. COPYRIGHTS. DESIONS H Tour IduMiyBiWoilhiFotlune. THOUSANDS H havcalrcady made BIO MOHEY. Send sketch, H model, or photo, for free opinion an to the H utilit nudpatciitahilityofourincuti n. H MjFteibook'l'ntcntsthntHxccl 'explains H the steps, kIvcs costs and best references, H and tells How to Sell Youn Invcntion. M WILLIAM T. JONEQ PATENT LAWYER -' H Ouny Building, Wathlnclon, 0. C. 1 Corrcpoiidrnrr Plrlrlljr fonflilrnlUI. Wrlti .Sow, H more vitality HEALTH BY MAIL MORE BUSINESS without medicine MORE MONEY for male and female H "BESIDES FEELING THE NATURAL TREATMENT FINE EVERY MINUTE." OF DISEASE. H "So writes a business man after a few weeks instructions in sclen- M tific eating and living." A sufferer for years from intestinal Congestion, M Stomach trouble, extreme nervousness and the ills that follow these con- M ditions. This is but one example oi the hundreds who have acknowl- M edged the bcncfiits they have received from our system of Natural M Treatment, which is becoming more universally recognized every day M among thoughtful people. M OUR DETERMINATION is romake every person who places him- H self or herself in our care a being, whose very presence radiates health H and all that it means. H ABJECT HELPLESSNESS is the cry of thousands. "The most skill- ed physicians have given us up to die, saying our ailments were beyond H medical aid." Undoubtedly the latter is True. Your ailments arc beyond H Medical aid. H The first Is positlvc'y not True. 'I he rimst skilled plnslcinn is nature, and nnture never gives nnyone up to die. 'I he persjn who is in nil abject, aprwontly hopeltss condition is so. either through H clioiceor Ignorance. If jou will tenr ourcll auav fiom conventionalities and supcrstiti ns, w ich H nrcthe curse of society and health, and pivc nature an opportunity to assart herrowtrs, jou will he H astonished yet to feel the jovof living thrilling through jour every fibre We most emphaticall) 1 maintain that there is "no disease" to which thehuman body is heir that is INCVRAULE il AVI- TV RE is given half a chance H We do not Cure Disease. We tearh ou how to remove its causca Nature will do the curing We Uach you how to scleit, combine and lxilauce our food w ith nature's greatest gifts Air Water H according to your individual requirements. H Our wo k is nattufct practical and fundutueiital. It go s down to causes arid removes them. This Is the only true road to health. We most earnestly invite our investigation of our most successful method. H Ninety two per rent of all human disease is caused by errorein EATIISG and by neglect of the "Lite Essentials" and the observance of Nature's I aw is all that is required to euro jour weoV. ened and disease-racked bodies, How can I observe these la v. h if I am ignorant of them? 1 hU is the H query that thousands are making Write us and we wi I gladly inform ou. Is not this subject wor- H thy your attention? Send at once for our new book, "True lleallna Art" The content, of this book will surprise you. Never before has man spoV en tovou with such earnestness, candor and honesty. Mailed enlirel) free togcthei with Diagnosis Hlnnk. Diseases beyond Medical Aid our Specialty, as well as Extreme Ncrous, Private, Sexual, Female and Children's Discuses H Write us about any disease, chronic or acute. The natural treatment absolute) knows no Incur- able Disease, and that without Medicine or Knife Taught at our own home We will positiel Trebble the Strength of any worn out and nervous nusincs Muii or Woman In nn position in life, and Rlalit Wo v Is the time to act Address- GERMAM DRUGLFSS HEALTH INSTITUTE I Dept. K. P. 0. Box 276 Salt Lake City I |