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Show u ,ljt rrfr && (awai& ' i t fr oHK, NE ELD Devoted to no Party of Faction . UME twenty-four- But Just to All. BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1919. WJ. LINDSAY DIES I NUMBER 99. INTERESTING IDE FED Albert Chaston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday night, W. B. Lindsay, a prisJoshua Greenwood, chairman, Two returned soldier boys deliver The Weber Normal College basketCorporal J. Chester Knudson, son oner at the state prison, died of infl- ed William a still Chaston and "Hon British W. Blood H. L. and of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Knudson of this 5 Henry interesting addresses at the reg- ball team, winners of the nortlm subject, arrived In Brigham City, his uenza. Lindsay was sentenced in the ular services in the Tabernacle Sunchampionship, won the stau, city and a member of the famous fightjoutnor comprising the membership on Wednesday last direct from District Court in this city, September the Public Utilities commission of home, day afternoon. Private Albert Chast- championship at Salt Lake City last ing 91st division, arrived home last 28th, 1918, to three years imprison- on of the Royal West Kent State of Utah, came to Brigham Winchester Repatriation Camp, company evening by defeating the Binghah five Wednesday evening. Corporal Knud-so- n after having served a year in the ment in the penitentiary on a statuary of the British Army and" this morning to hear the petition went over the top in the second Corporal with a score of 44 to 25. On Friday Chaston en- charge. It will be recalled that the Erwin of' 145th Brigham City asking for permission British army. Private the Held Art afternoon, Weber won over Bingham wave when the members of the 91st Standing rebuild its street lighting system listed io the British army at San Fran- young lady in the case, the late Elber-t- illery, each speaking h.s gratitude for but lost to the Branch A. C. on the swept forward but was detached from Phelps of Garland, lost her reason testimony of the gospel he had receiv- opening night The Farmers from his regiment and sent to an officers long Main and Forest streets for. a cisco, during the first week in April 1918 and was shortly thereafter as- as a result of the experience she pass- ed blocks seventeen about of iq his youth and the teachings of Cedar City won their game on Friday training school after the' signing of stance to the Middlesex Regiment in ed through and was placed in the state Mormonism which had been of ' nd also for permission to Increase the signed great night and was the only team in the the armistice, and never was" sent Forces. mental hospital at Provo where she assistance in the British Expeditionary keeping the young men tourney which had not lost a game, back to hi? regiment. He cme witljin, jeotric light rates from 5 cents, per Later he was transferred to the Royal died a few days after her arrival ther full of courage and strong to resist Instear of matching the teams accord- half an inch of, jilowat hour to 7 cents per kilowat being disembowled by West Kent regiment and went over to Lindsay was a married man and was temptation while out in the' army ing to the process of elimination, a Hun shell Which tore away hfs c.oth-in- g of this the meet to our expense France, the regiment occupying part given a trial In the District Court 'ih camps. Private Chaston' related some which meant that the B. A. C, would and made a red streak across his of the front line in Belgium while the this city, was found guilty and senten- interesting experiences Tie had had in have a walk away with the champion- abdomen. Had' Corp. Knudson been I The hearing was opened in the City German retreat was on. While ced as stated above. work in' England ship, the officials of the State ' High just an Inch or half an Inch further doing missionery Council chambers shortly after ten big ' as a runner. he served there Privatf on while brief furloughs and how School League matched the B. A- C. forward, the shell would have torn into 'clock and the business of the meetiChaston became ill and spent some UTAH AND IDAHO TO he had the exper- against. Weber for Saturday night as his vitals. He was sent home with a thoroughly enjoyed j SPEND ng was immediately plunged into, time in the hospital but he comes ience. Corporal Standing said one of these two teams were regarde - as the large company of casuals from the E. Davis W. presented home MILLIONS ON ROADS ity Attorney feeling hale and hearty and migthe first things that mid an impress- strongest in the tourney. Coach Jack" western states and was demobilized at !he case of Brigham City and read the be back to in City Brigham ion uponhim after getting into' the Christensen of the Farmers objected Fort D. A. Russell,' Wyoming from glad hty Petition into the record then called Idaho Falls Register, Mar. 24.) more.' During his term in the (From once to the action and claimed , the state whence he came on home. Being eagPermanent highway construction at army, was a placard in a Y. M. O. A. iity Manager C. O. Roskelley who canteen which stated Jiat army life championship on the work his team er to get back into civil life, Corp-- ' army he was granted several furloughs ?1,000.00 a mile will be Outlined the proposed improvements the practical and permitted to spend some time viseither brought the best or , the worst had already performed and declared oraj Knudson accepted the first opporfrom a lying detailed information and cost, road buildsuggestion practical in various relatvies his of a man and ended with the that he would not permit his pets to tunity to go to work and he Is now out among iting r. Roskelley also er at the enlightened the highway convenThe trip from of What will it do for you? He go up against a team they had already driving a sputtering tractor out on the England. parts query tion to be held at Idaho Falls on Monommission as to the present conditiWales to Halifax was made in he determined right then and defeated when there was still i one Knudson dry farm west of town, plowdeclared Cardiff, o of the street lighting system whi jh day, March the 31st, called by the exChastMr. event. nine without tuat there it should be the best. lie more team that the B. A. C, had not ing thq land to make ready for spring days such a e emphasized as being in ecutive committee of the Utah- - Idaho one of the first steps he propon a to Chaplain B. H. Rob- contended with. , A? a result, the far- wheat planting. Mr. Knudson exprestribute says paid 'kate as to demand immediate reconYellowstone Highway Association. to take how that he is back home, oses erts who labored so assiduously and mer five were taken out of the tourney ses himself as being' mighty glad to struction for the peace and safety ot .The states of Utah and Idaho have is to become a naturalized American made1 the boys of the and Weber had no difficulty in winning be back home again. unselfishly among of the liberal appropriations for road Jibe plant and the Citizenship 145th citizen. Art. and througli his fatherly the state championship. and highway construction. These apcommunity as well. watch care had gained the esteem of This is the second time Veber hoojps-terPIONEER BAcu. propriations will be added to by fedr City Recorder Noble M. Fishburn have won the ribbon a the state man.' ' eral appropriations and many of th!e every i i i and City Electrican Julius Wright also STATE HIGH SCHOOL "a the .first championship being The next attraction is, the Annual cftties of the two states, Utah and Presiden S. Norman' Lee was the tourney,, testiled as to contracts existing betin 1913. the INSPECTOR VISITS BRIGHAM. captured yegrs puriug, March' 26. Wed. Pioneer Ball took and text everilpg closing for his speaker elecIdaho, have either held special ween Brigham City and the U. I. C. since that Use, Box Elder has been the All' who are descendants of Pioneer ' the of habit the prevailing using to tions bonds for authorize highway Railroad company relative to joint In Webers pathway to the families should be Prof. Mosiah Hall, state high school purposes or will hold such elections. Day for automobile joy ridiri. obstacle loyal enough to fisage of poles at present standing . ' state , , tourney, yesand come out He in was 50c toward the autoas his City it opinion Brigham that gave the give inspector, , It is' for the purpose of taking up jilong the center of Main and Forest for fund the relics and while county a rehigh in mobile, collecting pioneer looking ' conterday blessing many ?ver matters these that the street, and as to the general cbndit-:io-n UTAH WAR SAVINGS BULLETIN. history. Tickets 50c: Extra Ladies of reporting its vention of the a In for and the is school purpose spects others, necessity Yellow' of the citys system along I the ' ' t 'i f. will begin at 8:30 25r., Dancing condition to' the State Board of Ed- stone ''Highway' Association has been also proving to bea vertable means streets upon which it is proposed to During the, week,' Volumn 1, So, I, oclock. adv. Prof. Hall stated, after his in- called for Idaho Falls on March the of destruction in the lives and charactucation. rebuild. the first issue of .War, Savings ", the .big county -- high 31st, 'to be held in the district court er of many of the young fas well as the being that spection, Bulletin published by the State War Mayor Peters was the last witness need of a campus room In that at 10 older people. He commented upon the Savings committee and 10,000 ' have BUSINESS CHANGE AT - school is badly in' .beginning Commiscity, r told the he and the city jib commandmant found In me 59th secand' recommended that steps be taken oclock bn the morning of that day THE TOGGERY. beert distributed throughout the state. of the action of the Non Partisan Immediately of the Doctrine and Covenants tion the to square improve bulletin continue1 will 16 be 1917 at in is called This in Mark The convention this city by held reguIsion wherein the Lord commands that the north of the school building and makf Austin, Mr. Harry L. Abramson has disposissued for the benefit of the memlarly Rexbhrg, .Idaho, president of Bftbbaih present city administration of a of the sense true uff a to be the for Day thr tm; it campus Of his Holdings in the .Tnamr of War ed bers savings Duration and it placed on the ticket to be voted term... He also declared that the pres- the association, and who has appoint- erlng up of sacrifice on the part 6t the is hoped before the year Is c . r tfiero his partner Mr,- Ben L. Abramsofi-- , M. B. Yeaman, editor of the Idaho ed Jupon at the regular election in Novem-fbeand they must do none other ent building should be completed and Falls will be IjO.OOO members of War Sav- The final details oi me transfer have as temporary secre- people Register, one of the specific pedges of the Interior of The counsel is mrect and unnumber a thing. suggested C. C. ? platform there adopted being the reto succeed the late ings societies, to whom the Bulletin not yet been fully consummated but of providing addit- tary qualified and the people were urged to way by the deal has so far progressed that to tli at of may be distributed. position. Unfortunately moval of the poles from the' center God commandments of the and necessary- - conveniences. respect ional The first issue contains in compact the latter gentleman la now in comthe untimely death of Mr. Dietrich , d the street along- - Main1 and Forest a in themselves place thereby the of form important Information of value plete control of the business and will In speaking of the morale left no one in intimate touch with Won to streets. The mayor then detailed the receive the promised blessings of be to it declared to every citizen' of the state and if you continue to operate It, details of the association, but action taken by the administration in school, Prof. Hall In speaking of his plans for The The musical he rendered and unqualinot keen or received a copy, send by program order anew to have available begin enough data is preparing the plans for the improve- the very highest Mr. H. L. Abramson state i he is Ith choir included the selections Let name and address to War Savings ments, all of which was done In total fiedly placed .the Box 'Elder' High the work of the' association. unable at this time to say what he will ?of Us In On Of All Press The The Work list seret Bank headquarters, room 50., Hundreds of millions of dollars are ignorance of the fact that permission School at the very top of .the than that he intends to do other Us Here Seran he that state In Lord, Salt Pray", the that Lake City, your saying building, from the Public Utilities Commission high schools to be spent thruout the United States in Brigham City for some time at would 'have to be secured before the the' school officials have for some within the next decade for permanent ade and unfold Ye Portals." Vidor name or the name of your society may E. Madsen read the 59th Section of the be put On the mailing list and the least. as one of road and improvements could be inaugurated. time regarded the B. E. H. S. highway purposes. It' will Doctrine and Covenants and the pray- number desired sent to you regularly He told of a mass meeting called to the leading, if not the leading, high be the duty of the people, the ers were offered by Patriarch Den hereafter? HIGH SCHOOL DRAMATIC8. meet in the Commercial Club rooms schools in the state. He spoke in who are furnishing the money, to P. from David Jensen and mark Bishop of the of faculty which words some weeks ago at the proposed praise see that the money is wisely spent It A very creditable performance was Com- -' STATE COMMITTEE ON improvements were detailed to those Principal Hinckley on down and is for that purpose and others that Burt. at the high school auditorium educatof given EDUCATION. present by himself, the city manager plemented the local board the convention is called. There is no , last such Friday evening by the school drasuccess in securing and other members of the Vadminis ion 'upon its highway of more importance to the: FLU SEEMS TO BE SUBSIDING. which presented the play, matic club to direct of a of teachers March 15th, Saturday, meeting tration, and of the action taken by that a splendid corps people' of the two states, Utah and i ' Little Britain," The play is a four-aschool. of all in the en Superintendents to public work county in the voting unanimously meeting highway. Idaho, than the Health Inspector John H. Burt recomedy and it was interpreted by dorse the plan and" authorized the city Not only does it serve jts purpose as ports about 80 cases of Influenza in schools throughout the state was held the students in a manner that evidenoffice of State Superintendent council to. increase the lit- -- rates to commercial pur- Brigham City at the present time, the at the will a main artery for Club ces fact that a great deal of histrithe Improvement Civic CowThe G. E. Dr. to cf meet the erp6nse. In response public Instruction, poses, but is the officially designated daily increase being very slight In 3:30 at onic meet1 Thursday afternoon ability is to be found among the at which meeting it was decided question by Attorney Davis,' Mayor highway between thfise two main fact the opinion ls held (hat perhaps ans,' R. Mrs. W, at the big county high school. ot W students home the uniform C'ntrse of Instructo adopt Peters stated that not a single protest oclock at points of interest in the the wave has" passed and the flare sreet. Main The Individual South on parts were well placed of the tion throughout t? the schools from any citizen of Brigham City ag Dredge country Salt , Lake City and the fa- back' will gradually subside. reflected the and the entire production and to on and Thrift ainst the proposed improvemtns, had Savings, A baby boy was born to Mrs, Regin- mous Yellowstone Park and all of that But while the number of new cases state of the of the coaching which excellence In room in each class been made to him. He stated also every organize ald T. Burrows at theHendersoh hos- Interesting Country along the line are not coming very rapidly, , pneuboth private and parochial the members of the cast had tecelved that the Council had thought it best ; oa Sunday and the infant died of route intervening? monia has developed with a number of school, pital in increase; tin? light' rates and the state, a War Savings in preparation for the performance. thus afternoon? at 1:30 oclock. To build that highway is not' to" be those 'already afflicted and there are throughout yesterday with the teacher in each room The production was enjoyed by a packtake care of the expense in one year The little remains were interred in the the greaftask It Is thot to be. Prac- several very sick people' in th com- society, authorized an rather than ' levy a property tax over selling Agent of the ed house. this morning, Bishop tical road builders with practical At the outset of the present cemetery munity.' city V i to sell stamps to a period of years.; , $ ?, t will be present and show hoW recurrence it looked as though' there Treasury Department T. H. Blackburn dedicating the grave. f Mr. W. A. Whitney, general manager therein. the , pupils character DEWEYVILLE would be no tightening of the lungs the highway of a permanent Mr. P, H. This, meeting appointed' the followlulcahy, auditor, and Mr. G, or of confincost a at built $300,(m).00, would be the can be but that malady of reason com About,- he stated, by w. Shaver ing state education committee on War DEWEYVILLE March 24, 1919, The superintendent of ' the $1,000.00 a mile for each of the 300 ed to influenza alone, i he health inJ otor department of the U. I. C the road building activity of the Government , experts condemue three, arid spector felt very much encouraged Savings: which bas miles between Salt Lke City Dr. E. E. Erickson, Dr. E. G. cows owned by J. I. Dewey James Railroad company, were present. and State Road Commission and Forest streets of Yellowstone Park, .This road can be and thought that under rigid quaranDr. Geo. A. Hill, State Agricultur- N, Holdaway and Horace Lisb. Tin Mr. Whitney was invited to make any designated Main, state ' highways and maintained at au annual cost of tine the community could be brought al College, Logan Utah; Mr. L. John animals were afflicted wUh Uberci,!-osis- . statement-hcared to.- rte told the Brigham City, ; road-iconstructed $100.00 a mile or less, and will be a through the crisis safely In a short Nuttall,' Jr., County Superintendent of i Commission that his company , was when the state is naturally follows good hard road every day of the time. The appearanqp of pneumonia Iron County; Mr. D. C. Jensen, SuperMr. and Mrs. Jaseph Husser went heartily in sympathy with the move- thfough this city twelve months of the year.- -' at the time when it appears that the intendent Jordan District Schools; Dr. to Weston Saturday to visit with Mr. ment to. rebuild the 'street lighting that the entire streets will he paved. crest of the wave of Epidemic has been not be will it posIn the meantime that his company E. A. Smith, superintendent ' of City Hussers parents. system in Brigham City; it would not Mr. Whitney stated line to sible to complete this highway' this passed,' illustrates the treacheroris schools; Captain Henry D. Moyle. the to sell city had Mr. the Marble Silas and proffered Mrs. jbad protest, the improvements and was value which season and as an unusually heavy traf- character of the disease and ought to On Thursday, March 2oih, this com- influenza break out in the family yesvery sorry that financial conditions Brigham City at half its with the seriousness was fic is anticipated It is the idea to sug- impress everyone mittee met at the War Savings head- terday two of their children went to made it impossible to join the city in had been figured' at $20,000. He of the situation even though there the j if gest plans to get the highway in the asked question quarters and appointed Assistant ITonoyville Wed. evening to the pictInstalling the system. But, he dec- immediately between now may be but one case of flu in the com State Director, condition ' in best Its sell all possible holdings the company Captain 'Henry' D,- Moy- ure show and it is supposed they conlared, his, company cannot borrow a would include and the time traffic to the park be- munity. No efforts are being spared to le, chairman, and decided to give two tracted the disease there. dollar, it has not funds with which to Brigham City, which nurse the critical cases back to health Wets gins for this season. , ? 11. Ira a week for the remainder of meet the expense of rebuiding Dewey came over from its the main line running along Fifth in the mean time, there must be periods ?nd he Btate 'Utah of that of the and thought he The replied the present year and three periods a Logan Saturday to spend the week governors rity car line overhead system and so street, no relaxation on the part of everyone week for the next school year, starting end at home. ould be forced, in the' event that some kind of a deal could be arranged and Idaho, with other state officials, In preventing a spread of the disease. in the fall, to a course of instruction , some other means cannot be devised whereby that could be done. including state engineers and highBishop Dewey was hurt quite badly . to atinvited be to are for thrift. in ended the horse he was riding fell way engineers, the Friday this hearing thereby its financial du..v..ues can ,At point ' of all cities along the E. E, Erickson of the University and threw him to the ground. He was Dr. he took Peters tend, RECITAL. Mayors PIANO and Mayor the Commismorning to overcome, petition the .! of Utah, was delegated to prepare de- bruised up but is feeling better at ip sion to take up it? track over which the members of the Commission and rout, members of the board of county of Miss will Estelle Jensen tailed uniform outlines of instruction present. Ihe The to dinner. representatives present commissioners, officials Brigham City car operates. Mr. the railroad automobile number of pupils in a Piano Play1 to commercial relative for the senior high schools. County was organizations, afternoon this Putney frankly stated that if the hearing members of the Test at the Third Ward Chapel Tues- Superintendent L. John Nuftali, Jr.' LOOK FOR THE THREE BIG EYES. all and associations the meet to street car rates the light company ; could pay its increasing street light- association and other interested. day evening, March 25th at S oclock of Iron county, for the junior high share of the rebuilding of the system expense of rebuilding the Our new optical house will he a pleaamount of of In' the view 08 the of the great sharp. The interested public Is cor schools, Supt. D. C. Jensfen of Jordan e ing system, t Representatives installment plan same as a It-sant in the dially invited to attend. road3 in Invested intermediate be to for the surprise to all In need of eye district were grades, presmoney Power property owner does under a muni- Perry Electric Light -next few ake glasses. You shall have the best of and Dr, E, A, -- mith, Supt, of Salt years cipal bond issue, the issue could be ent to protest against such action, that two states within the attention. Get your glasses fitted in and the at roads schools in interested for Interest of vital ct. He also building good importance primary grades. City stated that in the next corporation having a contract with it is time and stop all eye strain. Place in will informed be a interested cost minimum outlines man and best the These good completed. Te 5 which that every ears, improvemnents will be Brigham for1 electrical energy near the Hotel Boothe, Brigham City. if o! a Is men in convention In it tht be 'and will hands lines J the those the attend is made ii, along rjtfiShs roads Brigham alone. which will will be affected if the increase The Brown Optical Co. to do so. All are tendance. st. them teachers cost hia for by April possible company $100,000. This will granted. Judge Eng-an- d, a , ( . , . J - ( inter-stat- e s , ,t , - Sari-at- h inter-stat- e - Utah-Idah- o , jt ? - r, - Diet-ric- h pos-th- e ful-ur- e, I iu -- 4 tax-paye- s , ct big-coun- ty Utah-Idah- o inter-mountai- n ( ! suk-gestio- -- f Gow-an- e s. - s - - - i -- - I 1 : - , pri-Tt- , p m-2- 3 v a-- |