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Show WILL CUEEN CROWN Archbishop of Officiate FO'R JVJUO'R 'READE'RS. QVAIJVT AJVT) CV'RIOVS . Stones for the Terusal of Hoys ana Some Good Stories of Odd and Vnusuat Events Worth Recording . Girts of the Household . ALEXANDRA. tintKborj Selected to at tbo Coronation- The Archbishop of Canterbury, who has been selected for the official task of placing the Imperial crown or the A Gams of Tag. Little Jack Frost ran out one day And called to the Brook to come and play. Leta play tag, and you mus. r tn, And Ill be It, and wont we have fun. Old rather Winter will think Im lost! Hooray! cried little Jack Frost. the Brook ran off with a merry shout. And Jack at her hols in a Jollv rout, Down tnrough the plowed fields, sunny and bare, Into the woods and the piny air. Past mighty bowlders gray and mossed. The Brook led little Jack Frost. So Over the waterfall she sprang. And the hills with her mocking laughter rang. Down came the leaves In a gorgeous throng To hide her away as she fled along. Under the mill wheel her hair she tossed. And laughed at little Jack Frost. But oh, and alas! how tired she 6re?' Slower and slower her light feet n Panting under the bridge she ran. And into the wide marsh, still and She faltered a moment, tired and lost. "Tag! cried little Jack Frost. -- Youth's Companion. Wbat's Your Name? Archbishop of Canterbury. head of Queen Alexandra, Is the lead- ing churchman of England. His name Is Frederick Temple, and his office is that of primate of all England. The archbishop Is now In his seventy-secon- d year and has been Arcublshop of Canterbury since 1896. The right to crown the queen was decided in his favor over the Archbishop of York by the court of claims. RAILROAD Peculiar TRACK HUNG IN MIDAIR. Accident Whleh Delayed Hall Train In Africa. a A breakdown which recently occurred on the Italian railway about four miles from Brindisi caused the Cairo mail train to be twenty-fou- r hours late. The embankment had stood for over thirty years, but exceedingly heavy rains filled up the auWhen a boy, the great French poor, very was thor Alphonse Daudet but he was allowed to attend, without which paying any fees, a school in the majority of the pupils were the sons of rich men. His appearance at the school, dressed in a blouse, which oconly the very poor wore, was the casion of many taunts and jeers from his school fellows, and even the master never called him by his name, but addressed him as Whats your name, says the American Boy. But the boy never heeded the ill will nor the sneers; he determined that he would make something of himself, saying, "If I am to take any position in this school I must work twice as hard as the others." By steadfast persistency and courageous determination he did succeed, and when his name had become famous he wrote a story in mem-r- y of those Mays of hardship and poverty, and called it Little What's-His-Nam- e. vanishing forever that is to say, som i 2,500 miles, or even more. Sometimes they are a source of great danger to the greyhounds of the Atlantic and other vessels, because they cross the track of many of these steamers. It IS no joke to run Into a berg at dead of night, and close watch has constantly to be kept at certain seasons. Bergs setting out from near the south pole have occasionally reached close 10 the Cape of Good Hope ere disappearing, a journey almost as V.ng as that undertaken by some of their ncthern relatives Nats to Crack. Here is a list of questions for the e boy. Can you answer al! of them? You can see any day a white horse, but did you ever see a white colt? How many different kinds of trees grow in your neighborhood, and what are they good for? Why does a horse eat grass backward and a cow forward? Why does a hop vine wind one way and a bean vine the other? Where should a chimney be the larger, at the top or bottom, and why? Can you tell why a horse when tethered with a rope always unravels It, while a cow always twists it into a kinky knot? How old must a grape vine be before it begins to bear? Can you tell why leaves turn upside down Just before a rain? What wood will bear the greatest weight before breaking? Credit Lost. to be seen. The tree is as pink as GlrL Im a model of how to behave. the cheeks of a healthy girl. After an Observe my demure little way. From my manner and dress perhaps you hour or more, when the shower is over, the tree assumes its familiar can guess Im an green once more. As it is changing girl of back, the spectator suddenly realizes You never hear me make a noise. the secret of the phenomenon. CerIndulging In laughter thats rude. In or out of the house I'm as quiet as a tain tiny insects, and not the tree itmouse self, change color. These peculiar And properly prim and subdued. parasites are possessed of the power of chameleons. In the bright warm I cannot play tennis or golf. sunshine they are greener than the From cycling and cricket I flee, While football is rough, and, though tree on which they live, but when the manly enough. chilly rain falls upon them they conToo unladylike really for me. tract their tiny backs and become a I am one of the kind! pretty pink tint. Millions of those Oh. I know what you're going to say the color of the tree, and make change That It's dull just a bit, and It is, I admit. it to be blushing. appear one But perhaps I shall alter day! wide-awak- Artful Baby Elephant. Among the many odd presents received by Queen Victoria was a baby elephant, the gift of an Indian prince. He traveled as a deck passenger on a mail steamer, and as he was always good nature 1 he was allowed the freedom of the decks for an hour or two every day. By the sailors he was called the bosns mate, owing to the habit he bad of carefully picking up every loose coil of rope that he could find and .then throwing it over the side, being, as Jack said, as bad as a naval lieutenant for keeping the decks tidy." Among the acquaintances that he formed was that of the ships baker, whose galley he soon discovered to be the place of origin of all the sweet dainties with which he was fed. Here he took to making a regular morning call, and was generally regaled with a tart or piece of cake. Arctic Schoolboys. But one morning when he called and A picturesque little Eskimo is one extended his trunk, as tsual, the cook of Uncle Sam's most northern schoolBar-rohappened to be in an ill humor, and boys. His schoolhouse is at Port instead of a cake the elephant received most Alaska, and stands on the a rap on the trunk from the rolling-pinorthern portion of land on the American continent The blow was not severe, but the The schoolhouse is built of huge bos'ii turned tail ana went trumpeting of walls. double Many logs, having up the deck, where he took a position the children come from points forty to that enabled him to watch for his as100 miles away. This distance is covsailant. ered in dog sleds. Before long he saw the baker leave The teachers declare they never had his shop, and having apparently more intelligent pupils than these of made up his mind what to do, the At north. the wild Eskimos of the bosn promptly marched down, and the beginning of the school year only with a few vigorous sweeps of his a few could count ten in the blundertrunk cleared every shelf in the bakknew no ery. Loaves, tarts, cakes, patty-pan- s and nine-tenting English whatsoever. At the close of and cake tins lay in a confused heap the first year they could count up to on the deck. This achieved, he bolted like a mischievous schoolboy, and was 1,000 ahd write and read simple Englocked up in disgrace; but when the lish wtf-dcircumstances became known the popular verdict was in his favor,' and he What God Gives a Bojr. was allowed his liberty as before. A body to keep clean and healthy, Bosn was no sooner set free again a and mind his for a as dwelling than he marched down to the bakers, temple for his soul. and frojn that day he never failed to A pair of hands to use for himself exact a tribute. It was regularly paid, and others, but never against others and he and the baker became the best for himself. of friends. A pair of feet to do errands of love and kindness and charity and business Fins for Swimmers. but not to loiter in places of mischief First aid to new swimmers the or temptation or sin. device might be called that A pair of lips to speak true, kind, swimming brave words. A pair of ears to hear music' of bird, tree and numan voice, but not to give heed to what the serpent says or to what dishonors God or his mother. A pair of eyes to see the beautiful, the good aid the true Gods finger print in flower and field and snowflake. Young Crusader. n. s. valley, and in spite of the large tunnel under the rails, the whole of the embankment gave way. The rails and sleepers, as will be seen from the illustration, were left intact, hanging In midair. MAY SUCCEED AMBASSADOR Bellamy fitorer ShIcI WHITE to Be Slated for the Poet at Berlin, Bellamy Storer, now minister to Madrid, is to go to Berlin as ambassador, to succeed Andrew White, when that officer retires, which probably will be next fall. The only contingency which may defeat Mr. Storers aspirations in this direction lies In the attitude of the Ohio senators toward his promotion. If they are jointly opposed they may defeat the proposed appointment. Mr. Storers retirement from Madrid will leave a vacancy there which ru- -, mor connects with the name of Henry misstoner, though it Is learned upon inquiry that this is not yet assured. Unique Cure for Obesity. The latest London novelty is the somersault cure for fat women. A West End surgeons house has been fitted up as a luxuriant gymnasium, where aristocratic patients turn somersaults on Swedish princ.pies, in the hope of reducing tteir obesity. The cure is said to be most efficacious. Jot a Balloon. A Parisian aeronaut is building a balloon which is to carry bota a refrigerating and a heating apparatus. By pressing a lever of the refrigerator he will decrease the temperature of the gas, condensing it and causing the balloon to descend. By heating the hydrogen gas it expands and the balloon rises. Hew Idea In Prison Garb, To There is a rumor in the parliamentary lobby that one, if not two, of the Irish members who have recently been imprisoned intend to put in an appearance in the house in a suit of prison garb. The intention is to bring home to English members the fact of their imprisonment. At-.ea- Not Gratabil for A d. A woman of Memphis. Tenn., object- ed to professional medical attendance upon her burned child. "I think, she aid, addressing the physician that the board of health had directed to go to ffier home, your visit will prove fatal Ito my child, for you have impaired the jline of thought. In springtime, when the little leaves Unfold upon the trees. And open to the gentle rain And to the soft, warm breeze, Entranced, they listen to the songs Of little birds that sing, And cry aloud for very joy: How beautiful is spring! In summer, when the trees are clothed In cool and shady green. The pretty, clustring little leaves In beauty full are seen. With wondrous grace the branches spread Beneath the sunny sky: How beautiful the earth appears, The little green leaves cry! In autumn, when the earth is clothed In rich and mellow shades. And all the foliage from green To golden yellow fades. The little leaves begin to fall. And whisper as they pass: Good-bdear trees; good-b- y to all, And flutter to the grass. A Gigantic HAS WON FAME A3 A DIPLOMAT. An Tauncl The subject of a tunnel connecting Ireland and Scotland has been brought before the British government, and the project will be pushed if the requisite financial support can be obtained. The estimated cost is $50,000,-00is the invention of a Portland (Ore.) s, The route provisionally selected man. It consists of armlets and In winter, when the snow fast falls, is from Strauraer in Scotland to Bellaced upon the limbs, to which And all the trees are bare, fast in Ireland. The total distance is are attached wing-lik- e flaps. The little leaves upon the ground 51 miles would As the swimmer who is equipped miles, of which 34 Lie snug and cozy there. be tunnel and 25 miles of the tunnel with Good-nigh- t, this contrivance proceeds they whisper to the would he under the sea, along a line through the water and flaps spread wind, where the maximum depth is 480 feet. out and hold themselves rigid on the Here safely shall we keep. Electric motors would be used to drive propelling strike, collapsing against Until new life, with spring, returns the trains at an average speed of six- arm or leg on the return. And then they fall asleep! Thus they add greatly to the propelty to seventy miles per hour. ling surface of the members and, it is claimed, assist speed amazingly. Riddles from Russia. See how many of these you can guess without looking at the answers: Paper from Shrub. In Madagascar is a wild ehrub I am blind, but show others the way; deaf and dumb, but know how to known as the avoavo, and from it pacount. A milestone. per is made by the Antaimoro, one of People pray for me and long tor my the oldest tribes in that country. This paper is supple, strong and company, but directly I appear they Dumb Instrument!. looks like parchment, and only a few The favorite pastime among the Chi- hide themselves. Rain. I have four legs and feathers, but persons who are descendants of the nese are those which are suitable for am neither beast nor bird. Feather same family, know how to make it. at the table. "The InDumb playing It is highly cherished by the Antaistruments" Is one of the noisest and bed. moro, who write on it family tradi-- : are There four brothers under one jolliest games. In a company of any hat. chronicles of past events, praytions, a of table. Legs number each stakes the name of some ers and laws. A pack of wolves ran by; one was different instrument, which he is supThe process of manufacture Is simshot, how many remained? One. posed to imitate, both in sound and ple. After taking off the outer skin, gesture. The leader will take the name the inner part, which is perfectly Origin of the Irish Potato. of the drum, which is the most Imwhite and somewhat sticky, is removThe Irish potato, the common, or ed and formed into a huge ball, which portant instrument; the first man on his right will have the horn, the white, potato, as distinguished from is placed in running water. This ba'l the sweet, or yel ow potato, is so called is then second the cymbals, and so on. picked to pieces, and the latAfter all have performed for a few from its being a staple food in Ireland. ter are washed and placed in a large moments on the various imaginary in- It was recommended for introduction pot, containing some water; the mass struments the leader will say, I pass into Ireland by the London Royal So- is then covered with ashes, over which my drum now to Mr. Ling, who may ciety in 1663 as a safeguard against is first placed a layer of bark, then a be sitting on the other side of the famines. A native of Chile. Peru and second layer of ashes and the bark table. Thereupon Mr. Ling begins and Mexico, the potato was transplant- again and so on until the pot is full. The pot is then filled beating the drum, and each of the ed to Spain from Peru early in the sixother players must immediately change teenth century and brought to Vir- with water and its contents are boilhis instrument so that the order from ginia from Florida by the Spanish ex- ed for two or three days without inplorers, and from Virginia to Great terruption. the drum shall remain the same. After this operation the bark is For instance, he who sits upon the Britain in 1565. pressed by the fingers into a soft right of Mr. Ling, who now has the French Women Who Feneo. dough, which is spread on green leaves drum, must take the horn, the second to the, right the cymbals, and so on Fencing is a favorite pastime with with a special tool. The sheet is then around the circle, each instrument be- French women, and it is not only made of the required thickness and is ing the same number of spaces from practiced by ladies in the privacy of put in the sun. Finally it is glazed the drum as It was before the change. fashionable schools, but in their own with weak rice water, dried and peelThis continual changing of the drum rooms. Several of them give public ed off from the green leaves. A sheet from one person to another, and the exhibitions, and go on tour around of this kind is worth from one to two subsequent endeavors to remember the country, displaying their skill in cents, and measures twenty to twenty-thre- e inches in length and ten inches what is the correct imaginary instru- contests with men before nails packed in width.. ment and play it properly, are provo- with connoisseurs. cative of great merriment. The Blabbing Tree. Remarkable Kleptomaniac. Among the many wonders of the Travels of on Leber. The French have produced the most vast Florida swamps there is From the regions around the north remarkable kleptomaniac on record more surprising than the nothing and south poles there are perpetually This is an old woman whose blushing passion tree. It actually blushes when the starting on journeys, which may be for smoking has impelled her to pilfq ruin falls upon it. The mysterious long or short, according to the cur- pipes from Parisian shops with such rents of the ocean, a great number of industry that no fewer than 2.000 were and beautiful glow of colbr which icebergs. Many of these ice hills are found in her lodgings. Ail were it assumes in a rain storm baffles description. As the rain drenches s of large size nd wander far before meerschaums and thirty-nin- e were tree, gradually,' .vet unmistakably are at melted well colored. last, they by the heat of tue green hue gives way to pink, la the tropical seas into which they have Lieut.-Go'lillman of South Caroa few minutes the green fades from been carried. Bergs setting out from is accused of packing committees n sight. Only in a few Baffins Bay, up Greenland way, have lina spots, beneath broad branches , and traveled as far as the Azores before The Tillmans are to the front on its trunk, is there a tinge of green y, 0. A Fish That Gives Paint The well known brown pigment called sepia Is obtained from a in octopus found principally the Mediterranean, and more especially at the head of the Adriatic Sea, where it Is caught by the natives foi food. The sepia is contained in a hag and is really the black fluid of which we have all read as being discharged by the creature to cover Its escape. Some naturalists say the fluid It brownish, which becomes more credible when we know this Is the source of sepia. The pigment Is really a powdissolves In water; Its der which strength may be estimated by the fact that It will color one thousand times Its own bulk. When the octopus has been killed, the sack or bag Is removed and dried to prevent putrefaction; the sepia is treated with ammonia or caustic soda, washed and dried. It is one of the post durable of paints, except when fully exposed to the fierce rays of the sun, and an even surfaco can be obtained with It more easily than with most paints. Sepia ha3 been obtained from a fossil cuttlefish, thousands of years old, and found to be quite good for paint d Queer Watch Charm in Martin Ferand, a manufacturer Arch street, Camden, wears his own finger on a watch chain. Several years ago an explosion tore away his little finger. Diligent search failed to find it, and the matter was almost forgotten and the wound healed when an employe one day brought in an object to Mr. Fernand which proved to be the lost finger. It had been found In an ash heap where waste chemicals are thrown. The finger was .ntact from the second joint to the tip of the nail and by some chemical process had been petrified into a substance resembling alabaster, which preserved every fine line exactly &r m nlture. Mr. Ferand had this petrified finger handsomely mounted in gold and wears it as a watch charm. All Caused by a Cat. A curious accident was caused recently by a cat climbing a pole of and Lockport Electric the Buffalo railway. While attempting to walk along the feed wires her tail touched one of the 22,000-vo- lt Niagara transmission lines. The cat was instantly killed, but a short circuit was caused by the body falling across the wires; this resulted in shutting off the power at Niagara for two hours. Several electric railways and lighting systems in western New York were without power. The next day another cat in Utica, N. Y., prowling around the power house in Utica, also caused a short circuit, which resulted in blowing out several fuses, and the cars were stalled for some time. The cat, however, was not injured and still lives. leg-let- three-quarte- v. half-hidde- rs Hot the 26th President. A girl asks whether it is not right to speak of Mr. Roosevelt as the 26th President of the United States. No. it is not; he is the 25th President. He is often called the 26th, but the list is of the men who have held the office, not of the terms of the office. The error grew out of the fact that Mr. Cleveland served for two terms, not following each other. His place in the list is No. 22 for his first term and No. 24 for his second. Ancient EoplUh Bibles. Though the Bibles used at modern coronations are lost to the public England possesses in the Cottonian Library a volume asserted to have oeen used at the coronation of English sovereigns 300 years before the stone now in the coronation chair was brought to England from Scotland. It is a Latin manuscript of the four gospels, on which the tradition asserts the ancient kings of England took their coronation oaths. Mcnnmpnt to Soldiers. On foundations built more than half a century ago a monument is now in course of erection near Ephrata, Pa., to mark the burial place of 200 Revolutionary soldiers who died at the Mount Zion cloister of the Seventh Day Dunk-er- s after the battle of Brandywine. The Legislature last session gave The dedication ceremonies will be held on May 1. $5,-00- 0. Subterranean Lakes. y Subterranean lakes have recently been discovered in the Eucla district, Australia. They lie about thirty feet below the surface and contain an abundant provision of potable water. This discovery is of great practical Importance to this especially arid district. It is of scientific value, also, as it affords an explanation of the disappearance of certain rivers. Will So Miners' Union. South Wales coal operators are about to sue the miners union for for loss sustained by the $350,000 union's ordering work stopped upon three days, with the purpose of . cur-- i tailing the output The amount to ba; askPd averages twenty-fiv- e cents - a to, for each miner. Charles Monroe Dlcklnton, United Btati Ageut at Sofia Charles Monroe Dickinson, whom th Bulgarian government has declined to recognize because of his attitude i of the Stone case, has won the admiratioi turbine machinery, being generally the of an i every European diplomat in th the as Viper the same type East the during his five years servio, namei is Cobra. The new vessel He was appointed consul gen. the to there. built been not has and Velox, hull The order of any government has been constructed by Messrs. R. W. Hawthorne, Leslie & Co., at their Hebburn yard on the Tyne, while the machiner. nas been made at the works of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine The company at Wallsend-on-Tynfeet vessel is 210 feet long, twenty-on- e moldinches six feet twelve wide and ed depth. Special attention has been to paid to the conditions necessary The secure longitudinal strength. main propelling machinery consists of two independent sets of Parsons turbine engines, one high pressure enbegine and one law pressure engine This vessel. the of side on each ing gives four turbines, each of which has its own line of shafting, and as each shaft carries two propellers, there are in all. London propellers eight Times. Largely ns an Experiment. There was launched on the Tyne destroyer recently a torpedo-boa- t which is designed especially for steam e. COMMISSIONER EVANS. Charles M. Dickinson. eral at Constantinople in 1897 by President McKinley and diplomatic agent at Sofia In 1901. He was a lawyer in New York city until 1878, when he filed has who er Henry Clay Evans, Rehis resignation with President Roose- became editor of the Binghamton an active to imtake and an friends began whose publican, predict and velt, portant foreign mission for him in the part in politics. In 1896 he was a presidential election. He is the author of a volume of poems, one of which, The Children, has attained widespread popularity. Bis Friends Expect 'Blm to Be Given Important Foreign Mission. United States Pension Commission- Foods for Ministers Widows, rg; The rich churches of New York have inaugurated the custom of raising large funds for the benefit of the families of ministers who may die in the harness. When Dr. J3abcock, pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, died in Italy, his congregation raised $50,000 for his widow. A similar movement is on foot in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church for the benefit of Mrs. Purves, who was in charge of that church for a year or so. The sum set in this case is $100,000. I ENGAGEMENT OF M1S3 ALICE Henry Clay Evans. immediate future, has been a Tennessee Republican since the civil war, although he was born in Pennsylvania. He was twice Mayor of Chattanooga, his home city, and in 1890 defeated a strong Democrat for congress in a Democratic district. He also came within a few hundred votes of an elecCol. tion as governor of Tennessee. Evans was a prominent vifce presidential candidate in 1896. His prospective assignment to an important diplomatic mission Is regarded in Washington as a substantial promotion. Hj has long been weary of his present position. HAYj Daughter of the Secretary of State to Wed James Wadsworth. Secretary of State and Mrs. Hay have formally announced the engagement of their youngest daughter. Miss Alice Hy, to James Wadsworth, son of Representative Wadsworth of Ge- - STATUE OF COUNT DE ROCHAMBEAU Beautiful Memorial Soon to Be Erected at the National Capital. The statue to be erected at the capital in memory of Count de Rocham-beathe gallant Frenchman who fought for the struggling colories, is the design of a young French sculptor, Hamar. It represents the field marshal in his uniform, standing with one arm outstretched, as though in protection of the young republic. At the base is the significant figure of a woman hur- neseo, N. Y., and grandson of the late rying forward bearing the flag of William Travers of New York. France aloft. Beneath her feet is the Mr. Wadsworth was a classmate of Adelbert Hay, the son of the Secretary and Mrs. Hay, who was killed by accident He is a member of the Metropolitan club and one of the best known and most popular young society men In Washington. The marriage will take place in December. Miss Hay will join her sister in London soon and will spend most of the summer In' Europe, where she will make many purchases for her trouseau. u, Paris Leads la Newspapers. There are about 2,600 organs of the press in the French capital, 163 of which are politcal Journals. Of political dailies in Paris there are 79, of 1, of weeklies 73, of bimonthlies 6, of monthlies 2 and of annuals 1. i Of the whole number 122 are Republican, 31 are Conservative and 10 can not be classified. The reviews number 10 weekly, 31 60 monthly, 26 quarterly, 28 are issued six times a year and 11 appear at irregular interprow of a ship, and below are the arms vals. Napoleon suppressed several hunof the two countries linked together. dred newspapers, leaving only 13 in Congress made an appropriation for existence during his reign. statue the at the last session. There are 500 papers in London. Tha Worlds Largest Dam. Unique Farewell Address. Yorks Croton dam, the largest In making his farewell address to ever undertaken by man, is 200 feet the city council of Wllkesbarre, Pa., thick at the bottom, 300 feet high Francis M. Nichols said that from the base of the foundation, 150 Mayor the appointive power had made him feet high above the ground and 1,000 feet long. It is located three miles thousands of enemies and that he finds from PeekskiU.the top of the dam be- himself grossly deficient in ability to exercise the power. Mr. ing 216 feet above tidewater and 100 properly Nichols been mayor of Wilkes-barr- e had feet above the reservoir in Central for 12 years. Park. Work has been in progress eight and will years continue three years At a Japeoete Auction The estimated cost of the longer. At a Japanese auction the public do dam was $4,150,573, but $1,000,000 additional will be required. not call out their bids, but write their names, together with the amount they Father of Locomotive Building. are willing to pay, on a slip of paper, A monument to the memory of Mat- and put it in a box. These are looked thias Baldwin, the father of the through and the article awarded to tive-building industry in this coun- the person who has made the biggest try and founder of the institution offer. New locomo- which bears his name, is to be erected In Philadelphia. All Want First Page. Jnpmeiie HfnUh Girls In the Japanese match factories the The first page of the Congressional Reward for Explorer. br.xe3 and labels are made by little; Record is a place always coveted by Savorgnan Braza, the Italian exgirls, who are wondrously dexterous in the service of the French members who deliver set speeches. Not in the vo;k. These little experts get plorer a day passes but members appeal to government, is to be granted an annual from clerk vho makes up the Record penny to 2 pence for twelve the pension of 10,000 francs a reward for to see hours Trork. that their remarks get a showing twenty years' seivlce. upon the first page. l-- e r |