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Show Hi - LK11I LOCALS BM. KVB H. E. Osterloh and Edward South- BgBfl' wick spout Thursday In Salt Lake on BBmBk business. H Mrs. John Cooper entertained a BBjBf number of lady friends at a kcuslng- J ton Thursday aftornoou. BS Mrs. Aldrura Ashton's friends cn- BHB glnoercd a Hiiccessful surprise party BBJKj on lfcr yesterday afternoon. flfn Mrs. Sadie Proctor of Union, who lA spcut tho early part of the week with BBJEft Lelil friends, Is now visiting friends BBJPJT in Hcbcr. S A baby girl weighing eight pounds RjFt. Avas born this week to Mr. and Mrs. BGfi John Comer. 1 Mrs- l8anc Chilton of Pocatello, Hf'j Idaho, and JIra. Hazel Anderson of Ru ' Mantl, Utah, wcro In attendance at the BM funeral of their brother, Isaac Carter Kj" Postolllco Inspector Hamilton spent IBr , Wednesday liiBpectiug the Lchl post- B'-' mc' llQ found tho olllco In A No. 1 H'j condition and complimented Mr. An- ftBv dorcou on tho clliciuucy or his olllco. HHbvA Ho did not buy when I.ehl would get BBBmIvIAbB c' llco deliver service. bbbFbbbI BviBBBBb BJ jB -mtimmi Mrs. Ncttlo II. Lundgrcn Is quite HI at her home. Miss Alice Strong spent last wcck In Provo. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Martin wcro Salt Lnko visitors Thursday. Valarlous Zimmerman as u Salt Lake vlBltor Tuesday. Miss Hhoda' McCullough has gone to l'roo for an extended Iait with her parents. Mrs. Henry Sorcnson und Mrs. Jennie Jen-nie Hlchurdson of Bingham, Utah, nro visitors at the home of Mrs. Alfred Turner. Tho rrlcndo of J. A. Goodwin gave the gentleman a most pleasant cur-prlae cur-prlae paity at his home Tuesday evening, even-ing, btlnglng their picnic and run with them. t Thursday evening Mr. und Mrs. Chnrles Goulea entertained the local , rcmen with their wives. Parlor lines and refreshments mado up n most pleasant evening. Tho High School Freshmen hold merry jinks In the grammar grade .school building last Thursday evening md the Seniors gave a successful affair af-fair at tho homo or J. C. Baker tho jamo evening. W. S.' Evans and James II. Gardner hnvo secured a llmo stone quarry In die Jordan Narrows on the iutcrurbnn inc. and will erect some llmo kilns. Later It Is probable tho quarry will bo made to supply lock ror tho Utah-Idaho Utah-Idaho ougar ractorlcu. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinson entertained en-tertained u bunch or young married pcoplo at their homo Thursday oven-lug oven-lug nt an oyster supper, after which the evening was spent in games, A. J. Eviiiib was In Sandy Thursday effecting compromises on three right-of-way cases for the Utah Lake Irrigation Irri-gation company's canal. All three tvero scttrvd satisfactorily. A commission house Is trying to arrange ar-range for 100 acres oMand In Plcnsant irovi to be devoted to garden truck, iuch as celery, cabbago and caull-dowcr caull-dowcr Why not tho pcoplo of Lchl dovoto some of their lands to this pur- pOBO? Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Evans entertained enter-tained tho following young married pcoplo at their "Sand Crest" homo last ovenlng: Messrs. and Mcsdamos ilenry Lowls, Jr., David Roberts, Jr., James Comer, Ucorgo Lewis, Vcss Evans, Daryl Fowler, A. E. Bushman', Jr., Ulko Brown, William Halllday, Robert Fox, Fin Hoyle, Harry Stoker and Nyron Fowler. At tho Athenian Club meeting on Wednesday Mrs. Sid Gilchrist gavo tho cBson on sociology, after which tho .uesUoii was dlscusBcd of forming n inotliors'-teuchcrs' association. Tho ' object of tho association will be to hnvo a mothers' visiting day for the schools each week, after which tho i teachers and mothers will hold an informal in-formal talk. Mrs. Susan Harp, who has been tho proprietress of tho Union Hotel for tho past year and a half, will give up the management of tho hotel on .March 1 and move to Mldvalc. Her successor has not yet been determined on. There Is no foundation In tho rumor that the hotel will be converted convert-ed Into an opera houso and tho Cutler reeldencu Into a hotel. Ephralm Nye, who has been Buttering Butter-ing from heart trouble, Is reported to bo In h very critical condition. George Cox, who has been absent In Colorado for tho past year, returned homo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watkluu and Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman spent Thursday Thurs-day In American Fork, the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wutklus. Tho wedding or Earl Smith and Laura Urlngliurst took place In the Salt Lake Temple Wednesday. A wedding supper and rccoptluu was given in their honor at tho homo or Hyrum Smith Inst evening, to which 100 guests were Invited. Charles St. Jcor, who Is living In Lowlston, Idaho, met with u most painful pain-ful accident a row weeks utfb. Whllo cutting down a largo tree It fell so that a limb struck his head, cutting u wound ten inches long and almost tearing away one half or the scalp. LiiBt reports troin Mr. St. Jcor were that how us recovering nicely and that there would be no permanent 111 results. |