Show all honor to the pioneers of 47 the typos will be ba there lawns lawn a yd yard wide ide 5 cents pr yd at j C arthana n terry the swell at ide he pioneer day pe john lambert was waa agreste I 1 on oil monday on the usual charge ch ariso white swiss at 10 cents a yard at 1611 ARDil it 11 will ill be ba a great day in fit prova on oil monday next axt cash cald for fat calves by W cox butcher provo spring chickens wanted at W C A scoott jr cos take the children to see sea the lottery of LIB ou on monday ofer noon there li ii a boom to ta straw h hila als at the tb mat co op lottery Loit try of life on monday alerno ola and evening uri 11 ilia appear as aa polly in tho the 1 lottery 0 alery or of life i just elegant jewelry AT the merchants mer chanti will ill mako A ill play in the procession fryou want waal it dog col largo to ittia I 1 oil run shop where yuu you can got ke ono one cheap sol that you secure your tickets for the tha theatre early qu go monday church works selling at I 1 I 1 pries price at WC A jr CO St laight cash for egge eggi at IV 0 goetts anti anil talk for themselves at shirnal 1 atthe l the coop co op clothing houi hou B new goola goo la and low prices at the thedoor 10 doop lo op clothing house home LAWNS 5 acts per yard at W 0 A smoot jr cots cod it cant be ba I eat dr 0 E H Is said mid to be pie paring for a big show la in the pioneer pro cession ceslou white dress dresa goods at reduced prices till the twenty fourth AT livery every copi acm ell of the pioneer pro cession appeal ip to be making arrouge mm mens i toed fur a bit bin lupin f rinta still ml most complete assortment or of I 1 1 I athing in town at tho the 00 coop op clothing I 1 bouso I 1 frank Ru aliton li Is klot getting up a very vary ap t 0 lateano hau dolne bancer for the be twenty airty fourth genta rim niner coats and vests ity liah durable cheap AT JONESS JonE aa every branch of industry will be ault ably bly in the grand procession 0 ou 11 ll 11 Monday I 1 call and see our button holo attachment at the tha domestic sewing machine office provo ali aa usual on such occasions occa loni sioni the young Is ladies ilea of provo will make a an n feature fei itaro of the ibe celebration indian chief W 11 brown will have the band of redskins red skins ever seen neon in a pioneer celebration before 3 11 II and J B walton hive characters lu in the lottery of life I 1 r I 1 if you yon want good and aarl yet cheap cloth clothing ing vou von will avs to go to the F brovo lovo co op cloth 0 inn dept the tha cheapest anil and clio choicest lot ot of dress Iter imants ever in ili provo cin can be seen at al call and see BOB for or youself yora self elf A complete una line of roots furnishing goods ou on hand at the llie grovo coop co op clothing dept 1 tho button liola attachment nit domestic sewing hewing Ill machine achim alfice I 1 will linage two button holes per minute infinite wanted teams and men to cut cat still wood at nill mill fork and at M SI kilets a a JON ica find and eam liria goods kt at tho the co coop OP brome priam lower than lisa in fa icy adiv cause in fit atall coltrin ilia bluing anil and electric man inao docant propose to be out dooe done in the ilia imatt erola of a illi play la in mondays groces ion A fresh arrival of dress goods Seer suckers Cham brays lf lans wals just juat oper opened iod froni from the east call and eee them at aask S H another member 0 the 31 mormon mornion bat has departed chii alii ii time me george IV crimmin of 1 milleville millville Mill ville caal cacelie le cou county a 11 he dil died 1 I on oil the lath dinst dinst agail 72 years yearb and 9 months not B part lale of calomel borny any wiler oher I 1 lie suh enters luto tile the composition of ayers on the coury arary this modi alue ili if carefully caro tully corn front the lie curative curil Te properties or of purely vegetable vetal ablo try it to enable all B children amder twelve years of ago to witness the s latest and nd greatest grat leat production the li tery of ladett the committee of arrangements or of tie the pioneer celebration alebrt lon have five secured leofred special rates for them 10 cents centi only for or isyou if yon alii fill to la relora ro rB lore lora the lh bloom to your cheeld so MI improve your vur lint and will ill luet sell god debility purity your bail lib akorli h th a remedy will t you inure surely and speed pooi llly ily than any other 41 A few ew prominent citizens lost and cun con V with Congre stimon Ke Itee dand alitt at tile the 1 U A it I 1 0 o 4 on oil ills were on their way hume home irom from the alie rest rho deiv WM a very pled t one loue ai ali annicc TUB THIC lir in I 1 ilio ha lorld ur tints iaroli alier Ul ier mrs alt sow Tott jr Cil appod aitola Ki tola chilblains corni conn bad and all skin land aid pool pol curell ille i r no play pay it guaranteed to give buttle or it nonay 0 y refund aJo pic pales P ic 23 MV u 1 A I per bos ii proto far tor aale by scrawl fc cie C an 1 I 1 I 1 22 L f teti ZD ks it a decision dea lilon la in favor of the complainant company in ih the great tv 1 1 MID og suit lull of tb its crescent Ure vi Ts one fletcher appears appear to b be getting into trouble over oter la in cintio by his hii desire to abuse persons paron with his bla scurrilous communications the martial inertial band has besa busily 11 up fur for soyer dayt with the view of furnishing some ram in u sic for the th P loneer U there will be a grind grand concert to ID the tic ate aci 60 of the lottery of lira life in which JAS mekee mckee fred bee mr lillie knight aud dd jerule peck wll will appear to anable the ibo employed emp loyes of the E to lo n in 10 the pioneer celebration the ottlia ottice a will be closed ou on motility we shall not DOI publish again till friday l no lit our friends it dom om every quarter of the territory T errit Dry will be cardl cordially ally we welcomed on oil monday londay whon when provo will nill appropriately houter hobor our territorial Terri lonal birthday we uie the nightly orgies at t the salvation army aminy quarters are be camink com ing 4 source or con aid able annoy lines ante to gotlie the residents rea identa in ill that vicinity the july number r of the oah indus indri tria list is received receive d it contains con taina ionic excellent articles and can be obtained at felt bros cus colo the publishers LOST between goshen and pay I 1 ayson son tt a bigall eitL liell containing 2130 TI hie I 1 L finder will be rewarded by torn forlai in ding it to 1 I utah cu it a james McKe elate of nellie corn com pl giuy iny kv ill III appear the tha llumi draw drama a I 1 llo C ili I 1 monday Mond ayli ile HB will wa ll 11 impersonate the iha Lug lili pugilist B bub ob clawley the iho liew lew tub liar slomia b bol lr nr pr f nhe he in mine asylum ties front sao aa i first iiii aloon ond iid is IN HI at the ibe depot steward leward tj ilah unar babinek I 1 jok A its 9 around today for teams fains and wagons to 10 convey the pon derous outfit up tip to tta the asylum W A girl or middle aged wo woman llian to attend to ci and abul do jeneral apply to neils boberg second t rard wart or lit at smoots I 1 dence 21 t the light jit ru ailing sevvin bi wink 9 mcclune mn clune chine alpo alno organs violins 8 etc for salo balu li by young bros co centre st bt between la taylor lor bros ana and store provo city ity 31 1 L PRATT manager it II wall stated on oa wednesday by one anaf of the iho ral rall licad read magnates who appeared before iba tho and gave eat mouy that the hie union did not dot propose to 10 RO go on oa to loi lai angeles for a year or ors 80 oyet eli but would b ald at one a into nevada SOV dil just what everybody wants and aind ought to have is 18 ilia cheap floor n in tit 1 F hill I if yard wide from in dill 30 to 1 ar 1 cents 1 t per pory yard aril it la Is coo airy and durable arable u call and see it at SNOW wanted at the provo east coop co op chickens eggs dried fruit potatoes arant for babli and Ifer chandise 1 mr L L woodmansee Wood mangee tho the western ftc agent e n t for or the U S dealers protective A association s s oc lation and agency which has baa branch offices in all the leading towns throughout tile the country has ben been in provo for three or four our days past from liim him we w 0 learn that nearly all out om business nien men have joined coined his association the primary naj pet of winch which is to secure the collection of debts which are sometimes styled bad debts and that any member of the association may desire collected A good bool nurse narse should not hesitate to wait upon those ill with uch such d aa agymal small poz pox cholera or scarlet rever fever there li Is little to be feared by persons pariona willing waiting on tho the sick it if they will w use liaa darby prophylactic fluid freely it in tick sick rooms room it should be exposed on a plate plata or saucer and the patient sponged apone etl off with the fluid diluted for airty safety cleanliness and comfort in the tick sick room abe fauld la is indispensable a itee filter mrs birs ababa Clies lly peterson Pet araon clay co laws iowa tolls lulls the b following remark remarkable abl the tha truth Js ji vouched couched for or by the roil dents of ilia town iowa 1 I am 73 years enri old have been troubled with kidney complaint ain t and la lamena menela for many years ronld riot dot dress myself without help delp INOW no 1 nu free front a pla pala and sore nelis and nd BUI able to ilo i own housework I 1 oe 0 my thauna llin alt bitters for hav ing renewed ruy boutil and nd removed 81 con coal plemely all disease gild pain try a bottle only CO 50 ate ot at smoot A coa r rug mior Ile who have been east over tile drent Ir pat babesh route express thern belvel a ui fifth aint equipment and iino fint fast lint IMI MON part particular CUlAr ly knitli ith the low hates bates procure mr irr 1 I 31 Coin mert a abt 1 no 10 windzor Blocki Denver write fili 0 o hin him if t consumption cured cared an old physician retired roll roil eliom practice chiv hiv avva g had bud placed in his hands by sit an last east 1 india the formula 0 a i y vegetable egil table rame remedy y for the tweedy and nd po permanent r cure ol of Com consumption bronchitis Bronch llla catarrh and an ata broat and lung also a costive slid and radical cure for or nervous and all faints having tested its 13 won gerful cur allro powers in thousands of full folt it ll it known to 1 aih follows fellows Actu actuated atod by athla mol mollye 1 V rod and R desire to re relieve llevis human stif foring I 1 will tend end free ol oi to all a ii who desire it this recipe I 1 in ID german french or english wit t ii lull full direct directions ious for preparing and using baal by all dy addressing with wilh stamp this athla pit pa per par W A VOTER NOTES lowers i rochester IV NY Y SPECIAL NOTICES reward A adif be bd paid fur for the at ar rest rent of each eonni ot or the following follow ing prisoners who wha escaped from the utah county jaila jail prove brovo city on the evening of joiy J illy 1887 description frank razors ago age 30 to SS 85 years yearB height 5 fret feet 8 inches com plex ion light lif flit eyia eya blue light brown hair sandy gandy beard pounds light ight I 1 bat light pants dark bottle green khurt new naw toed bools frauk frank mcdonald allan frank ellis ago age 35 yetra years height 5 6 feet ay W loch escom plex lon ion medium blue eyes dark brown hair weight pounds we wera re a new white while bat bal new naw black back anck coat light brown shirt tal ped abila I 1 ban n U mareli kg affa 20 20 gears height 5 feet 10 IOU inches mii complexion dirk brown hair weight coundi roi indi right arni ani olt liff below of elbow bow william billany age 22 heI 5 feet 8 inches lon rud I 1 unit m bro arrn to eyes brown hair light moustache wea 14 I 1 IGO pounds 1 I JOUN JOHN iv TulI NEli Sheril ft utah county Loi july found fead A bay horse boreo brands banded it K 0 am o binel 1 bottom side bide up on right thigh to for r further particulate enquire anure of A KiNs court bouge i IV vo ay jy W ath H gray Oray Tco co have the sale gale of the famous forest city baking Poh powder hohder der A hand soine sonne piece of crockery given way away with every box purchased ties sea the array r r y of crockery in their show window full I 1 una line of crockery ery books book lea groceries to baccon cigars etc the linning Llin sing rocky Moun lala wagon tho the bout beat and lead ing wagon wagin now DOW tn lathe the market burkeye and crown reapers readers and mowers farming machinery etc elways on band sit their wagon shape f mile file the store lore jy op 15 tt tf collins coffins I 1 have the agency for fordos JOB fos V L taylors biome made coiling coffins and caskets marm manu of the best and most durelle material and of 0 rosewood and fir french 0 n c 11 I 1 burl trimmings to suit orders ordera by mail or telegraph vt vi ill receive prompt attention 0 it I 1 block north of oe depot provo ir 0 wastel wanted d to bellor for or farm awl oily city piu pie perty V erly lit in ut rutih th county 4 ivell improved I 1 arm of IM acres good title plenty of water with nil all tile latest improved iiii mir chinery balul situated on iziver ottom in S ban luia milo mile from rom ell ill 1 a in I n four bailles tailles from for 0 r particulars address addres if 11 K chaky ephraim Epli rali lovejo i co colo real estate those thoe to 0 o pur purchase purel chale niu or olt sell all he haa I 1 estate con for with B UY I 1 ya I 1 1 4 a I 1 d 0 bart biank k Ill brolo molave yo 1 ina lave J yme orde pd KO arpina latt licini n s dij an 1 elk oily p property r for list il a as 1 I I 1 1 I iii I 1 feta I 1 A HOTEL hatel FOR RENT ali the building that portion rented for foi a furniture store located on the tha corner of 0 f centre centra and I 1 streets lo in lbs h boet 11 or of provo city can be ba rented ranted oa ca reasonable rion bla I 1 I 1 i borrus the part offered for ernnt reat loa on slats ofa large basement 23 bad room slid dil S J famili mg doe parlor 1 I have leive used simmons laver apply to for many years yean having S 11 it D made it m my 7 only medicine my M yr mother nother before 11 I 1 0 box bo 77 provo me ile was IM V very t w tolt to it it US 1 n safe amp good and raf rel reliable i able mu ine for any it disorder of the tha I 1 i Vt eln annl A 4 if use I 1 in time in SPANISH FORK a 1 rt wr of f 1 tick I nw ii I A often eti recommend it to my frien mendi 10 lo 80 di and shall to OPERATIVE cooperative CO 0 P E R A T I 1 V E james H X rollins torM institution TIME AND DOCTORS BILLS SAVED AVID hu by lith irtis keeping Sim maiss litnor IN it the hiiop 1 I anye found ww UP ammi it gelator the best family medi li ine I 1 ever used fur for anything tant chatman in may happen hap and llen 0 calli found ah have au JHan it used to A haa re it fa FLOUR 0 U it I 1 gium T it A I 1 N bileve aner eat AND nr loa a himi tv supper if on to lied IWI I 1 take a to funn URE E all I 1 never fibel abel the effect of tile the upper supper paten eat III av ovin I 1 D 0 olp of kit I 1 N mayor macon Q 00 1 aak at aress MSs 60 iroku ONLY GENUINE lill t ilas our Z stamp on oa front of wrapper 0 koots r botn f atilid JI J H coilin co sold sola hion arice 1 I aioo PA x x x x JOUIN JOHN smirk avi item tares III d H L U vr lr 5 11 A Tre a alt i I 1 LY LT FLOUR ALWAYS ON 0 HAND 0 noritta ron I 1 oil A S fla it it a io N 11 IS 11 CAI merchandise flour or grain 0 4 14 it N 1 11 all ON SHOUT NOTICE OTIC 1 s sa a illy ty I 1 P 0 box it JOHN JONES supt bupt sioux S IOU giff i mm ROERT ROBERT BEE in it IN U AND SEED COMPANY G it auy 1 ll 11 0 O 01 i I 1 a 1 aa AR tEte 3 I 1 IT 81 iC fl IS FINDINGS FIN DINGS azou TX x ait oit sr I 1 XO 0 vr WA J G A ammunition capital seck l TACKLE all kinds of A I 1 FULL LINI J OF STOCK at CASH PRICKS PRICES PAID EVeryl lillig vilt to tile I 1 11 for burp fur no manx bank CENTRE STREET south side |