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Show BUY IT IN YOUR HOME TOWN THIS YEAR The Coalville Rifle Club held another interesting shoot on their range in Dry Hollow Sunday afternoon, with Jacob Rees again eariy-in- g away the honors of the day. Follow, ng is the score of each member who shot five tlnui on the 3U0 yard range at an eight inch bulls-ey- e for a possible score of 25: Jacob Rees, 19; Arthur Allen, 18; Emmett spent a few days in Echo visiting Mr, ai.d Mrs. Peter Jacobson moher father, John Sullivan. tored to PI- asai.t Grove to attend Peter Jacobson is having ids store the funeral of Mrs. Rasmussen held reshlngled and putting on a new June 21st. coat of paint. Miss Ethel Richins is assisting Wo Have Moroni Richins in the post office. Mr. and Mrs. Sd Collins spent two Watcu the date on your label. Miss Violet Thomas, of Walls, is weeks at Cheyenne, Wyo., visiting with relatives. Mrs. Collins sister Su.mnit County Fair, Septembei Wright, 17; Elwin visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wright, 17; WalSid S. Smith. 1, 2 and 3. lace Salmon, 13; Wilford Shnlster accompanied them home. A surprise party was given In hoi, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilde, Mrs Mrs. LeVon Cromp is visiting at Sr., 13; Earl Salmon, 12; Ward Mor-bor Web Martin and Bryan Wilde spent the home of her of Laverna Dailey Saturday n!gh-aMany of us go to our dinner 11; Everett Boyden, 3; T. Morby, parents, Mr. and In Several Colors in Salt Lake City. the Dailey home. Tuesday Seth 3; Mrs. Wm. 3; Jack Blonquist, Bagnell. see over look Crompton, and It table, Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Robinson spent 0; C. L. Knudsen, 0. Mi's. Glenn Lee is visiting at the the week end visiting at the home nothing that tempts our of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Robinson in home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. We think were appetite. George Beard Provo. Gorden Lee is spending several Miss Marie Allen, of Salt Lake "Just not hungry. Perhaps week end at the weeks with his parents, Mr. and the Tlie double marriage of Miss Clara City, spent without realizing it, It realhome of her mother, Mrs. T. L, Mrs. Walter Lee. Mitchell, of Marlon to Mr. Robert Allen. ly is something green we Mr. Marvin Wilde is visiting at Corbett of Pleasant Grove, and Miss and Davis the home of his parents, Mr. and Rada Corbett of Pleasant Grove to Mrs. and Mr. Harry want, something crisp, with Mr. Eldon Atkinson are being anSunMrs. Joseph Hartley. family of Salt Lake City spent nounced by the parents of all conMrs, and Mr. of thte twang and perk of home the at day Miss Alice Taggart, of Salt Lake cerned. The newly weds are touring W. M. Boyden. Mr. and Mrs. Davis is summer in its taste. visiting at the home of her grand- California. returned Sunday evening leaving mother, Mrs. T. L. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Evans are honShirley and Dean to visit for several Mrs. J. E. Pettit and daughter, eymooning at their Washington days. Myrtle, are visiting at the home of Lake Service Station. Mrs. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Owen West of Rock Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Rees. was formally Miss Ruth Anderson. Springs, Wyo., who have been visitElaborate preparations are being of Chester Dalgadge, Salt Lake ing relatives in Coalville and Hoyts-villfor the celebration in Kamas made of at is home his the visiting returned to their home Sun- City, 4 and 5. Clyde Saxon, of 3, July Out of town telephone service has been so simplified day. Mrs. Ellis West and son, Boyd, grandfather, Mr. J. H. Couch. is furnishing some of the Coalville, Mrs. Lucy Richins and son, Harold returned with them and will reand costs so reduced in the last few years that you can rodeo horses. Ball games and band main for several weeks. Richins, of Henefer, were transact- concerts are Everybeing arranged. talk to friends and relatives or transact business in If your food desire answers Miss Emma Brown, daughter of ing business in Coalville Tuesday. body welcome to our celebration. this description, its veg, Mrs. J. J. Johnson and children Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown, of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Frantz are other cities as easily as right here in town. etables summer vegetables and Mr. Ralph Judd, popular of Morgan were visitors yesterday announcing the arrival of a baby Realthat youre craving. young couple of this vicinity, were at the home of Grandma Carruth. girl. They are living at Keetley. Telephoning is a round tup there and back at one izing this, put on your bonJack Wilson held the lucky numunited In marriage in the Salt Lake services were held ThursFuneral net and come to our store. cost. Its next best to being there in person. Some Temple, Wednesday, June 25. Their ber and won the electric waffle iron, day for Henry Giles, who died at We have a fresh vegetable was which Farnsthe given away by host of friends extend congratulaHeber Monday evening from the retypical low day rates when you wall talk with anyone and fruit department that tions and wish them much happi- worth Players at their closing night sults of wounds received when run beggars description. Everyat the tent theatre Saturday even- into by a car driven by Fay Duke at the other telephone: ness. thing within access is there ing. Mr. Giles of Heber. and Cummings The Georgia Minstrels, popular for your selection. Youll Axcil Blonquist and Floyd D was riding a saddle horse and leadSALT LAKE CITY 2jC colored musicans and showmen see just the items youre Williams represented the First Na- ing two horses. All three horses were at full to a house last night, played hungry for. Come to our PARK CITY 20c their tent on main street. This is tional Bank of Coalville at the Con- killed. Mr. Giles is survived by a store today, and leave with Assoof vention the Utah Bankers wife children. and eight Coalthe season for road shows and the makings in your shopFriMax, the small son of Mr. and MORGAN 20c ville has been visited by several al- ciation held in Salt Lake City ping bag for a meal like of and week. last Mrs. Era Padfield, underwent a day Saturday Stock week Last the Imperial ready. you havent had in months. OGDEN 33c Supt. and Mrs. Henry Pace, left minor operation Saturday at the And everything at saving Company presented six excellent He is getting along audiences and Saturday by motor for Berkeley Heber hospital. plays, enjoyed good prices. each night. California, where Dr. Pace wil) nicely. A number of Kamas citizens atabout ten days taking in a spend The Cost Is Small Wherever You Call Norman Richins, son of Mr. and PURE SPARKLING tended the fete at Park City put on course of relectures and doing in was kicked Mrs. the Richins Jared ICE by the soldiers from Fort Douglas. face by a horse Tuesday while out search work in the field of educaTourists from Chaplin, Mo., and for Refrigeration tion at the University there. herding sheep. His younger brother two girls from Nebraska, who were for Table Drinks A clinic for all who was with him at the time sumchildren beating their way, met with an acmoned aid and he was rushed into in the North Summit School district cident up Daniels canyon when antown and put under the care of Dr. will be held during the first week in other car crowded them off the Mountain French. Although his injuries were August. Dr. French and the school dugway. The mothers eye was from weak is will meetin he be nurse and of the quite painful charge knocked out, cuts and bruises on loss of blood, his condition is not ings which will probably be held in the father and son and the two & A Surety of Purity serious. We hope for his speedy and Henefer, Coalville, and Wanship. Heto the girls. They were rushed Parents with chiclren of complete recovery. ber hospital. age are urged to bring them. The Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoyt entertain exact dates will be announced later. ed at a shower at the Marion ward Coalville City has been asked to house Friday evening in honor of cooperate with the committee in Mr. and Mrs. Emery Lewis, newlycharge of preparations for the big weds. Mrs. Lewis was the former IN WARM SEA WATER A MILE HIGH celebration that will be held at the Miss Emma Hoyt of Marion. Many Bathing Every Day Until 10:00 P. M. completion of the Echo reservoir beautiful gifts were bestowed upon City officials, as well as the business the bride and groom. Dancing folSWIM IN NATURES men of Coalville, stand ready and lowed by a delicious luncheon were HEALTH GIVING WATER $ willing to do all in their power to features of the evening. The guests Prices: 15c and 25c including suits make this celebration, which marks numbered about 100. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Pack and the end of a long fight to obtain motored from Idaho Falls children on a Weber the storage big river, COALVILLE, UTAH Mr. Pack returned to success. The date of this event has Thursday. ; Idaho not been announced as yet. Watch Sunday but Mrs. Pack will remain for an extended visit with for further announcement. C. R. Jones informs the Bee that her parents. John ODricsoll, who underwent his future address in Salt Lake City Body by FUbar rupture operation at the Heber will be 268 No. State St., Apt. as he is moving to that address this hospital, is slowly on the improve. week. Mr. Jones, who was a former publisher of the Coalville Times ECHO NEWS and who is now furnishing this paCoalville the with per interesting Samuel Collins spent a week in News 30 Years Ago column, has been receiving considerable favor- Idaho on a fishing trip, Oldsmobile8 ease of handling and quick able comment on this feature, onej Mrs. Joseph Dearden of Henefer responsiveness make it a wonderful car In being a letter from C. A. Callis, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Dur traffic. Every control operates so smoothly president of the Southern States rant, during the week. Mrs. Gladys Carter, of Elko, Nev., Mission at Atlanta, Georgia. and and gear-shif- t, J Hungry for COALVILLE local Nevfis? Something f with Always y, t kamas notes EASY AS S GALLING A NEIGHBOR Vegetables e The Answer Hoyts-ville- pre-scho- The - States Telegraph Co. Telephone pre-scho- ol t iSwimming i i WEPCO PLUNGE t I . 12-- B, IN TRAFFIC effectively. Clutch, brakes, steering all work with delightful ease. A touch on the throttle, and the car flashes away as the signal light changes. And it pulls down to a smooth, silent stop immediately, when the signals against you. As for parking, just try it yourself. Pick a restricted space at the curb and see how easy it is to fit Oldsmobile into that space. Then, when youve tried these things, try Oldsmobile on the road. Its allround performance will tell you why OldsmtK bile is such a great car to own. Hotel Ogden FELLOWS! The Season is here now and theyre Biting ARE YOU READY? We can help you with your outfit The fellows who hook the big fish and land them are the ones who will tell you that our fishing tackle is the kind that has the necessary strength and quality. Before you go on your fishing trip call at our store and examine our showing of fishing supplies. UMM1T Furniture 4 Merc. Co. Located At St., Ogden, Is A First Class Hotel In Every Particular. Meeting The Needs And Demands Of The Most Fastiuous. The Home Of The Tourist And Local And Traveling Public. Owen S. Brown, the Manager, Experienced In Hotel Bushier Fur Many Years And Held In Highest Esteem By His Business Colleagues. 427-25- th It is doubtful if there is any ho- nearly such a disagreeable one. We tel in the entire west that has speak In this manner from our anything more to offer to the weary traveler than the accommodations and service as presented by the Hotel Ogden. The excellent, and courteous treatment they are giving to the local and traveling public is winning for them a large patronage of which they may be proud. If it is cold and uncomfortable or hot and sultry, th"v hove something that will put you right with the world, for this is hotel and serves its an kinds of weather. in all patrons During the winter months, this hotel is one of the' most popular social centers of the community, where the best of services is to be had. If there wrere more hotels like this one the task of traveling from place to place would not be up-to-d- personal knowledge for we have slept in their beds and what we have said we know to be true from actual facts. When the brain fag gets the best of people and their nerves are on edge they will find that a trip here is a panacea that will drive dull care away and bring back that freshness of temperment that leads to correct thinking and great achievement. Having gained a past reputation for their sound business methods, satisfactory service and the best of wholesome products, this enterprising hotel finds their services in great demand, and as a consequence their business is ever increasing and we feel that this review would not be complete without words spoken in their favor. TWO-DO- SEDAN V L o. b. Loafa. WdMen Sperm Tirm and Bumpmrt Eatra Pyrah & Wilde Motor Cc, COALVILLE, UTAH t |