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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM. UTAH ' UTAH BUDGET EIGHT ID OF Two full herds of Tamworth swino will be exhibited at the Utah state fair ills year from the findsley Red Stock :!arm at Charleston, 111., according to advices to the state fair office. Sampling mill No. 4 of the Ameri- - tears misery E. Pinkhami jcd Lydia I Vegetable Compound f and Recovered. : HUERTA GOVERNMENT DETER. MINED TO PUT DOWN REBELLION. doctor Baid I treated me and trouble V 811 organic for several weeks. Cantu Orders Communication BeAt times I could not tween Capital and Territorial all and I walk at Cut. Vice to Regime suffered with my Be Ended. back and limbs so 1 often bad to stay in bed. I suffered off El Tex. Mexican federal and on for eight forces Taso, several thousand numbering I Finally heard that Lydia E. men are being mobilized and moved Pinkhams Vegetagainst Lower California to down able Compound was the rebellion against federalputauthora good medicine and of Governor Esteban Cantu, it was tried it with splen-- ity announced house-iorby Geueral P. Elias Calles, k Edeffect I can now do my Mexican recommminister of war and marine, have I and my washing. ended your Vegetable Compound and who is here en route to Torreon, Dutour Blood Medicine and three of my rango, to confer with Francisco Villa, friends are taking them to advantage, the bandit, concerning the latters suryou can use my name for a testimonial. render. 75 Burnett tjirs. Theresa Coventry, Cantu never has accepted the auN. J. Newark, jt., thority of the Mexican central government neither now nor under the late jfou are invited to write for free advice President Carranza, General Calles I No other medicine has been so successful in relieving womans suffering said. He attempted to run tlie state as separate from the balance of MexBs has Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free ico and for his personal ends, the and helpful advice by writing the Lydia war secretary added. orCantu was Mass. Medicine Co., Pinknam E Lynn, to dered close of answered and received vice and are gambling Such letters ty women only and held in strict the worst kind, which has operated un"'confidence. der his protection, said General Calles. He refused to do so, continThe Meaning. to flaunt to the world a disgraceI Why does a bride carry a shower uing ful condition that works against Mexto show she Thats easy; bouquet? ico as a whole. 'intends to reign. The federal government is determined to end vice as quickly as can I SAY DIAMOND DYES be in every possible place. Baja Calii Dont streak or ruin your material in a fornia, is a tetrritory, not a state, of I poor dye. Insist on Diamond Dyes. and the governor must be subMexico, I Easy directions in package. servient to the wishes of the national government. There has been much agitation in California against the vice in the neighboring state of Mexico and we know the women of California will praise us for attempting to clean up Lift Right Off Without Pain these pest holes. Highways in the United States leading to Mexican cities, in Lower California have signs reading: This road to liel. These signs tell the truth. The federal government of Mexico has. funds. arranged to carry out several big irrigation projects in Chihuahua and Sonora .according to General Calles. v.trark N. J.-- The years. . "CORNS" can Smelting & Refining companys plant at Murray burned to the ground early Tuesday morning. The fire started supposedly fron a cigaret. Miss Johanna Smith ? Salt Lake has the distinction of being the first violinist and possibly the first musician to render a selection on the rim of Bryce canyon, which was rendered last week. F. B. Terriberry, state bee inspec-- 1 tor, has returned from a trip through After Ten Years Eatonic Proves the Best SQUEEZED TO DEATH I say, God bless eatonic, writes Mrs. Delia M. Doyen. I can truthfully say, after suffering with stomach trouble for ton long years, that I hava - When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking never had anything do me so much g0? ns ,tllst,oue box of atonic." grateful words from 11 is tlear so t iat 6uffcrs whc,.e nifly j)ave jlope an(j jlttle faith just enough to give eatonic a trial. Why, folks, last year over half a million people used eatonic and fourtd relief. This is the secret: Eatonic simply takes up the excess acids, poisons and gases, and carries them right out of the body. Of course, when the ca"se removed, the sufferer gets well. Stomach trouble causes about diseases, so, If seventy you nre suffering any kind of misery, not feeling well, go right to your druggist today and obtain a big box of eatonic; cost Is a trifle. Use It and find quick, sure relief. Make this test you will see, and then, if you are not satisfied, your druggist will hand your money back, Lie does not want one penny unless eatonic pleases you. Adv. ' GOLD MEDAL Th worlds standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all Guaranteed as represented. druggists. Look for the name Gold Modal on every boa and accept no imitation There are now 500 Heber valley. colonies of bees in the valley, he said, md those colonies will produce at least 50,000 pounds of honey worth $10,000. Wireless telephone conversations from Catalina Island to Los Angeles have been heard over a wireless receiving set on two occasions by Everett Seely, 540 Ninth East street, Salt Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c. Lake City, secretary of the Utah Radio association. POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. Barry' Freckle Ointment Your dmltor by FRECKLES flue. Free book. Dr. C. H. Horry moil, men would Fewer protest against Warrants have been issued by UnitCo 297SMichiganAvenue, Chicago ed States Commissioner Henry V. Van drinking soda water if it werent for W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Pelt for the arrest of directors of the the name of the shift. o Sugar company to face charges of profiteering under the amended complaint filed by the United States district attorney of Idaho. Avoid Its Dangerous Stage. be cured by sprays, inhalers, jellies Sixty-fiv- e Boy Scouts and sixteen There is a more serious stage of and other local applications. adult executives left Ogden for a trip S. S. S. has proven a most satisthan the annoyance caused Catarrh through Yellowstone National park, p air the stopped-upassages, factory remedy for Catarrh beby where they will lake a two weeks and the hawking and spitting and cause it goes direct to its source, hike. The party will be in charge of and tends to remove the germs of other distasteful features. Scout Executive G. A. Gbates and the from the disease from the blood. Get a comes The real danger Scoutmasters D. B. Foulger and G. A. tendency of the disease to continue bottle from your druggist today, its course downward until the and begin the only logical treatBergstrom. lunes become affected, and then ment that gives real results. For Enthusiastic support was manifestdreaded consumption is on your free medical advice write to Medied at a mass meeting held at Bountipath. Your own experience has cal Director, 104 Swift Laboratory, ful of the proposal to issue $000,000 taught you that the disease cannot Atlanta, Ga. in bonds on the Bonneville irrigation district for the purpose of installing HE HAD MISSED SOMETHING SOMETHING NEW TO MOTHER an irrigation system which would place water on 4861 acres embraced Mr. Gap Johnson Brought to a Realiza- Dear Old Lady Had a Good Deal to Learn About the Latest Idea tion of His Ignorance of His in the district. in Silk Stockings. Surroundings. The High Line Canal company of Vernal recently filed articles of incor It must be wonderful to live all Styles may come and styles may go, poration with the secretary of state, an mother like lmt of the life midst in the. long showing an authorized capital stock your to keep be cant Babs a Million of the where Land expected Smiles, Batof $300,000 in $20 shtireij, M. M. She the creations. witli latest abreast the waters and and plash ty is president; J. B. Eaton, vice pres- silvery frolic purl the welfare is after the all looking always day! prattled nymphs ident, and George A. S'augh, addione member of a party of city motor- of the family, whether it is preparing tional director. The Vernal Irrigation fathers choice dish or skimping her ists who bad invaded the Ozarks. company is represented as owning 10,' To live in tlie ptu! which? sur- own needs so that Johnny or P.ab mny 000 of the shares of the new company. prisingly returned Gap Johnson of keep up appearances with tlie twentiHonor was paid the pioneers of Utah Rumpus Ridge. eth century younger set. in story and song at 4he Pioneer day Mother recently was going over tlie dells of Here among the hills-ancelebration held In the Tabernacle at The Playground of America. Look at weeks washing, putting a patch here, Salt Lake. Several thousand persons, the advertisement in the newspaper catching a button there and seeing to it that tlie stockings were care-- , including hundreds of Sunday school and of the wards fifteen the I from be fully mended. She came across a Well, Ill pupils ptu (logged Pioneer stake of the L. D. S. church, never would a blieved it in the living pair of stockings that Bali had purchased the week before. They were filled the main floor of the historic world if I hadnt seed it in tlie paper the choir loft. as a was well Ileck lived since as Ive pup, the latest tiling dictated hy fashion, yur building, the lisle stocking with lace designs on these like I nuthin knowed never econand to endeavor Salt Lake countys much resembles which omize in cost of road construction yur ladies nimps, I blieve you called tlie sides, run. very the lowly on rocks be to em setting through use of its own equipment and And bless you, mother sewed up force as far as might be, was shown and skylarking around with nutlin In one of them, giggled Bab to every and on but undershirts pertickler by a comparison of figures to be rea few days later, and lliqy a friend, this has smiles. how yur long Say, sulting in a considerable saving. The a pair, too. me cost $8 business been going on, anypurpose of the plan, which was ap- ptu! Star. Kansas City how? proved by the advisory committee on School Lunches. road building, was to make the avail Scientific tests have shown that the able funds reach as far on the county Naturally. What do you think ought to be hot lunch served In the schools is a highways as possible, very big factor In developing the the typical summer flower? John S. Earley, executive secretary child. The Ice plant. of the Utah Manufacturers association, has been advised by the manage ment of Lagoon that the manufacturers are invited to make a display of their products for the week prior to their annual outing. The manage ment of the resort has agreed to furnish space and a caretaker free of charge. Organization of a new bank to take the place of the Roosevelt Banking company of Roosevelt, Utah, which 0 last week suspended payment at the indigesrequest of the state bank commis effected be will T. N. Porter, sioner, tion, billiousness within a few days, according to an announcement made by a prominent Salt Lake banker. The county board of equalization of Carbon county will be reconvened by the state board of equalization and coffee if . among other things will be invited to coffee reconsider its assessment of farm lands. There may be nothing in the formal order reconvening the county board to indicate it, but it is the tacit agreement that the county board is to find a way to reduce the assessment on farm lands. coffeeAdjudication of apparently conflictdelicious Dening claims of Price city and the coffee like flavor, ver & Rio Grande in the waters of was its soon Colton springs, in Carbon county, to announced by tlie state engineer last so economy week realizes. one The sugar plant branch of the United States department of agriculture is endeavoring to curb the ravis ages of the uematoda worm, which In of parts damaging the beet crop Utah. Threats that his Made by Co., Inc.'' daughter, Allan, would be w kidnaped Battle Creek, Michigan unless he sent $3,000 to the riter ars the sent through contained in a letter mails to George Castle of Salt Lake. non-organ- Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion 32-19- 20. Utah-Idah- , Don't Let Catarrh Drag You into Consumption d KILLS FRENCHS FRIEND. Irish Insurgents Assassinate Adviser of Lord Lieutenant at Dublin, Ireland. Dublin. Frank Brooke, one- of the Doesnt hurt a bit! Drop a little men and in most Ireland prominent Freezone on an aching corn, instantly Viscount of friend closest the French, that corn stops hurting, then shortly was assassinated you lift it right off with fingers. Truly ! the lord lieutenant, Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of by three men at noon Friday in the & SouthFreezone for a few cents, sufficient to directors room of the Dublin row. Westland in eastern railway remove every hard corn, soft corn, or Mr. Brooke was talking with one of corn between the toes, and the calluses, the directors, a Mr. Cotton, when the without soreness or irritation. assassins entered the room and fired eight shots polntblank. Three of the Waste. shots hit and killed Mr. Brooke and Samson pulled down the temple. three Heavens, man, we cried, dont just missed Dr. Cotton. The you know how scarce buildings are? escaped. A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate fascinating Influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin. Adv. Riches formerly had wings, they have but now wheels. Given Life Sentence. Oregon City. George Moore, confessed murderer of Harry Dubinsky, e car driver, who was Portland killed and his body thrown from the suspension bridge here June 13, was sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of his life. for-hir- HOWARD T. APPLEGATE ! ! this-a-wa- y When Something Is Wrong With Your Comfort when nervousness, or some other upset makes you think you are not eating or drinking the right thing drinker, cut youre a ten days and use out - 6 Bell-an- s Hot water Sure Relief Postum Cereal LL-AE FOR INDIGESTION MS Kill All DAISY "SES Flies! FLY KILLER attracts and This 'iW.ywhere, Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and nllflAA- f .. of metal, ... or tip over; oil or Injur Guaranteed. value 1ST ILLER at your dealer or lASOLD SBQR3.Pirm'uebtAM..BiklTn. . that N. Y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandru L There's a Reason Restores Color and Gray and Faded Hair too. and $t.oo at drureiata. i Beauty to L wHMeoiChemjJtaatchoguejijr C 1 1 N 8 Remore Corn. Cal Inn Ilf TT ' 0al feet, mi i, Evervr rmere Sel1 Pain, ensures comfort to the Corn Crib Fixtures. Write huge profits. Friend, Box 346, San Diego, Callt Rat-Pro- drink with its drinkers. Its suits health shows, and is. apparent under use quickly three-year-ol- Howard T. Applegate, who had members of a college fraternity arretted for giving him a coat of tar and feathers during an Initiation. Dp. d Postum Cereal |