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Show r Political Club's. 'Organized in San Veiv Co-j Co-j which i3 the i Banner eoiinty of thcicoples ! rarty. I Form for Constitulon and Uy Laws, Etv. On Saturday last Hon v. H Kinr of Provo.S: C A! Nielson, E-q.of Salt Lake, both members of the lxecuiive C0111-nr'tee C0111-nr'tee of the People's I'arty.came down to S in Peteto comniei e the Welegale Campaign in San PeteJfiie Canner county of the Peoples P.mv On Saturday evening they had a meeting meet-ing in Manti and oi Monday Mr. Niel son began a tour (he principal north-em north-em towni. Moiylay evening a meeting wa held in Kpliaim, Tuesday in Spring City, on Wednesday in Fairview; am) Thursday (t.Xlav) 111 Mt. Pleasant; and Fridav (to vfi irrow) evening in Moroni; Satutd.iVi'ii Fountain Green. I-OkM OF ORGANIZATION. The following is the form suggested Hrty the Executive Committee lor Constitution Consti-tution a'.d ily-Law for Peoples Party Clubs: CON'STITUTION. NAME. The name of this asoci;i!ion shall he the Peopi.k's Political Ci.I'b ok PKrvcii-LK... The ohiecis of this Club are as follows: Todiff rse political iniormation and a knowledge of the principles of government. govern-ment. To aid in preserving the Cons'.iution of the United S ates, to promote local self government and insure the freedom and purity of elections. To oppose class legislation. To reMt the imposition ol taxes be-yoni;the be-yoni;the necessity of government eccn-omicallv eccn-omicallv administered. To prom ite economy in all branches nl the public service. To maintain the fundamental principle prin-ciple of equality before Ihe law. To co-operative with the regular organizations or-ganizations of the People's Party in support sup-port of its men and measures. flKt'lCKRS. I The officers of 1I1.4 Club shall consist I i.f a President, a vice-President, a Secie-! tarv.a Treastner, and such other officers i as the Club may deem necessary, who shall be eleced annually bv a major tv v t- ol the members of the Club present at the election, anil shall hold their offices I r ore vear and until their suc-ceor9are suc-ceor9are elected. The duties of theso officers shall be those usual to the same, officers in similar organization elsewhere. M KM III RE Any member ol the People's Tarty, over sixteen years of age. may become a member of this Club by a three-fourths' three-fourths' vote of the members present at any regular meeting There shall he no test i f membership member-ship except belief in the essential principles prin-ciples of tiee iroverement as formulated by the Constitution nf the United Stales and as illustrated by ihe platform of the People's Party, and contained 111 the principles of die constitution ol this club AMt-NDMIiNTS , TW Constitution may l amended at any irgulrr uieeliii;,', ihree f.niiihsol the membeis present, concurring, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at a regular meetii g; at least one week previous. BY-LAWS. FUNDf, Funds fur necessaty purposes may be raised in such n. aimer as the Club may de'eimiiie. MliMIItRS. Anv memher may n. niinate a candidate candi-date for admission to the Club. PKOCEEDINC1S The proceedings shall consist of lect-I lect-I ures, essays, questions and answers and other exercises consistent wild the objects ob-jects of the Club The Club shall alsj assist in spreading spread-ing Ihe club svstem, shall distribute document, doc-ument, hold public meetings, seek to increase its membetship, assist the tegular teg-ular party organizations, and repoit frequently fre-quently to the Central Committee uf the People's Parly. RULES OF ORDFR The Parlimeiitary rules governing Ihe deliberations of the Club shall be ihose Contained in Robert's Rules of Order KLKCTIONS. The election of officers shall be by ballot at the fust regular meeting of the year in January. Kut at the first m etitig of the Club in 1890, officers shall oe elected to seive until the election in January 1891. A vacancy caused by death, lesigna-tion lesigna-tion or othetwise, may be filled bv a in.ijoiity vole at any regular meetuix CAPTAINS. j The President shall. .nimed:ately nf er 1 the geiieial election ol each year, up- : p lint Caji:.ij4' .1 each block of tliel distuct, o . shall pr.?r .mi such duties1 as ni.iy lu asM,;n.'.i h:m by the CIu'u. I he Captans, io,4jt!,ei with the genei-l a I ohcers, li-ll cn.stiuiH! ihe Execu-1 live Committee I the Club 1 I'kooravmi; Co;.imittek. j A Programme Co-uniiiiee, acting with;, the advice . I the leilar otliceis, shall be appoiuled by the President. Their duties ihi be to select exercises, a. id arrange for systematic courses ol leciuies. MEETINGS Ragular meetings sh .11 be held on the - . ol each month, at or at such time and place as the previous previ-ous meeting may designate. Special meetings may be held at any time by call troni the President. AMENDMENTS. These by-laws may be amended at any regular ineeliii! bv a two-thirds' vole of! the meniliers pieseut. j 1 |