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Show Cire feoSnhTscenic Cte-ABoo- South-- j n r'TiH. f 1 I on f C . Ho Scene, iwice j Site .TWENTY-NIN- E YEARS OF CONSTANT PUBLIC SERVICE TO BEAVER AND VICINITY ALL THE NEWS OF BEAVER COUNTY 9 f, 2 XXIV BEAVER COVXTY, BHA VI K, VTA II, FRIDAY, ions To Honor i, Lions Club Boaver .i noon wot1 met M cm- Hotel din nuiwci From President E. A. Mc lead of the table. Af r,i at the America tne meeting wu ;ngiug and me 1,1 to order L to devour the splendid plate V'j(.e room f ...u,i til piei'""-- Pearee. l)v- Mrs. ,..Hit M,.()iianie had I Ml during llle I i.. ea"y ,y a difficult ., j tha "rtP j ll Id ... -,..w.,rt fpnrtt , get any respuiino to all were busy for they mates rep- Petty, " n.,.,h "..iirnenter ' big. JUL" , muv-!,ltillg the American region the Lions Club sponsor the and that parade, lth of July be house represented .v business Ihe said parade. a floal in 3! Ladies JI NK 22, Prominent People Pass Away Why Not Get in the Swim? MKS. MAKY JAXM IPSOX' IHt WAYSIUt the Carltons I After kissing Martha Ellen, good-bat noon, Friday, June 8th, we started our eastern journey. Fanny Sainantha and Karl, the old m1 Essex hitting on all six, tires full of tweaver air aim a canteen full of .... t: 1, canyon water. And as I write here in kansas, we still have the air, hut the water was very acceptably consumed along the highway in northen Arizona, where the water was very, very bum. I don't wonder people voted for beer. COME v W ft! i at Mrs. R. K. Palmer of Cedar City is visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Robinson at Murdock. As we proceed we shall note only ma-- I houses to furnish the them. to build an(j the FEKA as be-- j lub was placed on record Mr. and Mrs., Newell Iverson re turned to their home at Kanosh after spending a few days the last of the week with Mrs. Ilatte Goodwin things and incidents which were noticeable. Cedar City is very proud of its new Federal building. However, back this jit has caused a heartache for favor and would Bohn promised thecal office building owners who have lost gooa casii renters. mrt of the r hiKA. a i'.ominiue furnished us' with Toquerville, sting of Taylor tarnsworm, jo aess sever-Theodo- some of the most delicious early peaches. ve The oftener we go over the Zion, rs for the parade. . it-a uiai ivit. t armei highway and through is being tne time oi year Lions club in the United States the tunnel, the more we are convinc - ed it is the most d elect officers, the club procedwonderful piece of mAvail woo If .t. ,i JIV mvTVv. highway engineering in the country. to tfle lint 111U1JL1C1, In our estimation it is far ahead seconded that the present that they have had such of the Columbia River highway of jrt term should ue neiu over, so which we hear so much. officers of the club still remain, Kanau, appears to be the excep Dr. E. tion so tar as irragation water is s. Carlton. Pros ident; 1st. Vice President, concerned. cQuarrie, They claim to have as -- ml Vice President, much or more water than last year Tattersol and and by the looks they have enough jam Firmage Secretary to get by with. surer. uu uie The Crand Canyon is still as big Bun i noinpsou repoi leu Ition of a gutter for two blocks and wonderful, twelve miles wide, fifty miles long and 4,000 feet deep. pain street. nt'odore Bohn and Warren Neil- - A woman from Rhode Island, re were brought up before the club marked to her husband as she lookand if ed into its depth, "John, isn't it forfrospects of persecution, withstand the treatment deserv tunate it is not located in Rhode Isof a till) will be accepted as full land". There would not be much left feed and roaring lions. of that state. tid hear romes the The highest lift in the world, with big surprise. howr does that sound out a booster pump, is at the Grand ,i'8 Night, from the roaring Lions. The ladies will be Canyon. Water is lifted suests of their husbands and Roaring Spring, near the bottom of siers. Monday night at the Beav-iotthe canyon, near liright Angel creek at 8 o'clock. There will be by plunger pumps up to the rim of lurt business meeting before the the canyon to supply the V. P. Systainment this will take the tem's camps and cottages, vertically cf the first meeting In July. 3.800 feet. So far as we can learn fee will be u the highest single lift in the world. ? time, and each Lion is expect- Saturday night we spent at Jacobs o be present and roar his stuff. lake, at Mr. Ilownian's camp. Mr. t forget Ladies night Monday Bowman is a nephew of our Jack liowman and he keeps a wonderful ramp in a wonderful location. One big draw hack, he must haul all his n milford Ivku water for the camp from Kanab 40 IN A 1:5 IXXIXO Tl'SSEL miles away. The road across the lluckskin Mt. down to and across the House-roc- k and luiday The f'.eaver team motored to the West, valley, just completed, was very end of the county bordered by grand and beau and fast angle with the dust eaters, in t turned out to be anybodys tiful scenery. The Vermillion Cliffs best. The Lee's Ferry bridge l'. In- tin. .... i..,i.r.. ,,,.ti ui ij tint nr Uta iiiv at their " Olc Moswell knocked a homer officially known as the Crand Canyon ,(,aver, hut, Milford was able to Bridge, was a great dissapointment. the base cleaner down for the It simply don't come up to its adverVer of the game. It was one of the. tising, hut the scenery along the it '"st fought that either million ('lifts before reaching games has ever nlavrl the I tan-idissapointment. nitcherl makes up for n'ire 1Z innings for Heaver and From the bridge to Flagstaff, the roads lyn and U(,. hi k tor Milford. The less said the belter, both as to and e some range good ended in the and scenery, 13th with a e Of interest in favor nf (lie rlirt nlinir but few cattle there, should n""6 the anu win. charge of all zione ,. Plans for 4th Nearing Completion offic-seei- hi-f- g, clash . v (1 4 the Yardley's. MYUUSBAMO aiut Tae , people's CHoa SAYS EM. , meS mime. just 1 ' Holhrook gateway to the Petrified Forrest, llfi degress, the hotbst bum watnight of the trip and such er. Petrified forrest early In the hot. morning, before it sot too with petristrewn miles ground for fied logs, some five feet in diameter in and fifty feet long, but mostly stand none short sections, absolutely colors ing on end, most georgeous a takes hardness, and of imiru wondermakes and beautiful poIiHh costs ful settings for Jewelrey, but Desert, Painted much to polish. The inanv colors and many shapes. the Indian Gallup. New Mexico, everyblankets Jewelry and Navajo where. most noted Laguma, one of the a" country, Indian villages in the streets. no and adobe buildings of the Rio Iselela, on the banks claim Grande, another Indian village, S. an L. the in ed to he the largest streets, no adobe with no system of and pappoos- vegetation, many goats with es, much fine nllver jewelry large and .riflPd wood settings of cheap Indian pottery quanta KU side-delive- ry fi el Mrs. Mary Jane lpson, 07, wife of P. Ipson, and a charter member of the Gold Star Mothers, died at the family residence in Salt Lake City Monday. For many years she had been active in the L. D. S. Relief Society, the Service Star Legion and the Amercian Legion Auxiliary, She was born In Beaver, November 26, 186", the daughter of Diavid and Aona Morris Powell, Her girlhood days were spent here. She married N. P. Ipson, October 16, 189 0 In the Mantl Temple. During their early married life a few years was spent at Frisco where Mr. Ipson was an employee of the Horn Silver Winning Company. They moved back to N. Beaver and remained here until to nuy or trade sneep or about twelve years ago when they milk cows, for rake, or moved to Salt Lake City. She was a work horses C. G. Haskell, Milford teacher in the Primary of the West Ward until she moved away. Mrs. Warren Thompson and little She is survived by her husband Mrs. daughter Helen spent the week end and the following children: with Mr. Thompson at Milford. Pauline MeQuarrie of Park City; Neil P. Ipson, Shirley H. Ipson, Don Mrs. L. S. Jackman of Lavan, la ald K. Ipson, David F. Ipson (mem two weeks with her parvisiting for ents Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson ber of the State Land Board) and Jenning B. Ipson all of Salt Lake, Mrs. Alice Day, Aptos California, visof Sackett is California Hugh iting this week at the home of Mr. Powell Ipson of Salt Lake; a sister Mrs. Charlotte Smyth of Milford and and Mrs. Frank Low. one brother David M. Powell of Long Mrs. Lawrence" White who was Beach, California. One sou Wallace rushed to the Milford hospital Thurs Ipson, member of the U. S, Marines day was operated on for appendici- was killed overseas during the World ' War. tis, is slowly Improving. Funeral services were held yesMiss Verla Peterson, a student of terday at 5:30 p.m. in the Capital Granite High in Salt Lake is vis Hill Ward in Salt Lake City. The Press regretls very much the iting this week with Miss Helen Haddock. aeatn or this beloved woman. VAii arrange . LOCAL The Behive' Girls of the Beaver East Ward returned home Thursday from the Beaver Canyon where they have been enjoying a week at the girls home. iuei - $2.00 Per Year In Advance 1031 spledid program of events is be- ing prepared for the coming eelebra- tion on the Fourth of July. Salute at Dawn, Parade, featuring the Band National Guard, American Legion, Red Cross. Floats representing the local business concerns, goddess of Liberty, Uncle Samuel. A program in the West Ward Chapel, Children s Dance and Children's sports in the afternoon, followed by a ball game between Elsinore and Heaver. And to top it all off there will be a big all night dance in the Legion hall the night or the 4th of July, not the third of July as heretofore. It is expected that there will be a record crowd in Heaver for this celebration and it is also expected that every body will have a good time. You are invited to come to our fair city and wittness one of the largest Fourth of July celebration that has ever been put over here. There will be a band concert and the City park before the parnde and during the arrangements of the procession. A FORD PRICES REDUCED j Detroit. Mich., June 20 Reductions of $10 to $15 in list priecs of 1934 Ford V-- 8 passenger cars and V-- 8 $10 to $20 in list prices of Ford commercial cars and trucks were announced last week by the Ford Motor Company effective Friday, June 15. Ford prices had remained unchanff ed since the introduction of the 1934 last December, the Ford Ford Motor Company not having partici o Mrs. Bernett Stoney was able to pated in the recent general automo CHARLES II. t).Y tivo mice increase. The reductions be moved from the hospital Tuesday announced are, therefore, a decrease and be brought to the home of her Charles R. Cox, 69, died Sunday in the original prices. parents at Adamsville. She will re- June 17th at the family residence main their until she gets stronger from, cancer of the bladder after beThe price reduction on the and de luxe Tudor Sedans, most then Bhe will come on to her home. ing bedfast for the past six months. popular individual models in point He was born in Beaver, September Fred Levi of Milford was In town of sales, is $15. Prices of other stan17, 1874, the son of William James dard and de luxe body types were re- on business Monday. and Josephine Willis Cox, and lived duced $10, except prices of the In Beaver his entire lifetime. Mrs. Mildred Heslington of MilRoadster, Pheaton and Cabriolet, In 1896 he was marled to Evanda de luxe types, which remain unchang ford is visiting this week with her Meadocroft, who died last August ed. Roth standard and de luxe pas- parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutch from cancer. He has been a promin 8 en- Ings. senger cars have the, same ent farmer and cattleman in this BASE BALL FKATVKH OF 4TH gine and 112 inch wheelbase chasF.LKlXORF. VS. IS HAYEK Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stones left coinunity. sis. Body types for both are identical He Is survived by three sons, John fur Paragonah Sunday evening. They except for the de luxei equipment. and Richard, one daughter Blaine will make their home at that place. Elsinore, one of the six teams that o Mrs. Josephine Herring all of Beav succeeded in defeating Beaver last LOCAL WOMAN SWAM-OWMr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and er, two sisters Mrs. Annie Hutchlngs season will again invade our terriPIT FROM APRKMVT Mrs. Angus Rosenburg and children and Mrs, Mary Robinson, a brother tory when they play here and the Cox all of Beaver, and a bro with Jack 4th of July. One of the strongest Mrs. Frank Low met with a very of Cedar City spent Sunday Cox of Oakland CalifornEzra ther teams of the Southern, Utah division painful accident Wednesday result- their daughter and sister Mrs. Em ia and fourteen grandchildren. and Ashworth the family. she is expected to again give ing from the swallowing of an apri Funeral services were held at the spectators something to talk about. cot pit. Mrs. Low was busy putting West Ward Chapel, Tuesday afterMrs. of Josle Ashworth Caliente, Dr. Petty says: "We are picking on up some fruit so that she and her 2 p.m. with 1st counselor C. noon at NevRda a few week this spent days Elsinore for this game because we husband could leave for Salt Lake of the ward bishopric Edwin Paice son with her and Mrs. mother Lloyd to show to attend the funeral of her aunt want another crack at her, in charge. Melissa Ashworth. if .she wet thinks is all her that she Mrs. N. P. Ipson and put the pit hi "Rock of Ages" was sang by a that she can make suckers out of us her mouth and it slipped down her Mr. and Mrs. Dick Coi and family quartett consisting of Hattie Ash more than once." throat. The local doctor was called were called home from Ploche Sunworth, Mary Goodwin, K. A. Shipp o and he thought it best to rush her day on account of the death of their and Frank Smith. AVXt'AL IOCRTII OF JI LY to the Cedar City hospital. She was father Mr. Charles Cox. Prayer was offered by Frank ALLXIGMT DAXCH XITF, OF llli rushed over and an operation was Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Low and In mist vears it has be the custom performed and the pit was removed. "Sometime We'll Understand" by on the The last word was that she was do- daughter Carol left for Salt Lake the to hold an allnight dance quartett. and would soon return City late Wednesday night to attend hut this ing nicely eve of the Fourth of July, were Patriarch George Speakers this home. the funeral of Mr. Ixw's aunt, Mrg. Palce, Elder Wallace Yardb-year due to various reasons, t and, N. P. Ipson. feature attraction will he held on A. Miller, Councilman William high PAXACA HERE FOR SVXDAY the night of the 4th. This will be a and C. Edwin Paice. Born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hattie Ashworth sang "Far, Far splendid way to top off one of the Panaca. (Caliente) will meet the Wm. Blackner, to Mr. and Mrs, Hen and entertaining local team here most successful afternoon at Away". Sunday a beautiful little black hair ry Hall, ever Benediction was given by E. A. Independence Day celebration 2:30. It Is expected that they will be ed daughter Friday, June 15th commitThe In this off city. plied Shipp. by a crowd of support- Mother and babe accompanied doing nicely and tees in charge of the program of the ers and maybe their families. This Is Interment was held at the Moun me are as proud as exgrandparents and hard they are working View Cemetery. tain will consist team day and a CCC camp peacocks. pect the wholehearted support from mostly of the players that represent DA X K. RARTOX every citizen in this and the surround ed Caliente here on the Fourth of Mrs. Aletha Bennett and children communities. Ing July last year. All baseball fans will returned from California the first of Dan K. Barton, 80 of Greenville get their moneys' worth at this game the week, where Mrs, Bennett has CLI II KHCOXn YEAR at the family residence Wednesdied ball base f of O the high lights Olio been spending her vacation. 20th. He has been III for June day club met at for Beaver. The second year weeks but not confined to ftjs, many Bernnett Swlndlehurst motored to o the home of their leader Mary Goodbed the last two days of hw until Salt Lake Wednesday night to take TAKEM MVSIC COVRSK win. Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. wife Illness. Ills preceeded him, In Mrs. Sarah Jennie Mrs, Wootsey, to organize their club for the sumMrs. Mae C. White, returned from a death but time ago. short Bushnell, Mr. Viola Paxton and Mrs mer's work. Salt Lake City Tuesday, where she Lottie Pearee to attend the funeral Funeral services will be held In were President has been the past ten days taking Officers elected Greenville Ward chapel Saturday at of Mm. N. P. Ipson. Z p. Donna Anderson. Vice president Lois the music course under Nobel Cain m., Abituaray will appear In the Helen Joseph, from Instructor Chicago. the Issue of the Press. next Patterson, great Coach Otto Romney, of the B. Yell This muslr is to be put over by the Song leader Vlrlglnia Combs, Y. V.. passed through Beaver with rLA.HH MEETS master Lenor Smith. Mutual's Relief Societies and Prlmar group of athletes who are entering The rest of the afternoon the y organizations this summer. club The Senior class of the a track meet In Los Angeles. The record books. o girls worked on their In the met afternnon for of consisted the Dale be Scofleld of will Wednesday A dance given free to party They will meet again Friday the East Ward Primary Bearer, Pete Wilson, George C.ourly East Ward Relief Society hall. Sewhand in their application cards and children of hall next Wednesday Cannon. They stopped enroute to see ing filled the afternoon. A literary to make assignments for nert weeks In the Legion 2 Mrs. Scofleld Wednesday JuBa 26 lesson will be taken uj next week. o'clock. at 27th June work. V-- S i V-- S 4-- H Sec-Tres- s. 4-- H H |