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Show THE MARRYING SQUIRE." justice Geo. E. Law, of Brazil, Has Married 1400 Couples. Justice nd., Geo. E. Law, of Brazil, Ind., has fairly earned the title "The Marrying Squire," by whicha he is known itr anu wide, having already married some 1400 couples. Ten years ago he was m Deputy County Treasurer. "At that time," said Justice Law, "I was suffering from an annoying kidney trouble. My back ached, mv rpst was broken at night, and the passages of tiie kidney secretions were too frequent and contained sediment. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in 1897, and for the past nine years I have been free from kidney complaint and backache." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Foster-Milbur- n Rsmarkablfc Typewriting Feats. woman in a typewriting contest In Paris recently won a victory over more than 150 competitors by writing A man 16,500 words in four hours. wrote 17,000 words, but he made so many mistakes that he was ruled out An American woman has surpassed the French woman's record, for in the ordinary course of business she once wrote 10,500 words in two and a half hours, and made three copies aa ahe went along. Youth's Companion A English Ribbon Trade Flourishing. The English ribbon trade Is said ti be now in a more flourishing condi tion than it has been in many years owing to the huge demands the dress makers and milliners are making up en the output of the manufacturers. It is a pity to be ill! Take Garfield Tea the laxative exactly suited to the needs of men, women and children; it is mada wholly of herbs; it purifies the blood, eradicates disease, overcomes constipation, brings Good Health. It isn't the fault of the fair sex secret remains a secret. EVEN If if a DISCOURAGED DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR YOUR RHEUMATISM. TRY The Pills Have Cured the Disease In Almost Every Form and Even in Advanced Stages. Rheumatism is a painful inflammation of the muscles or of the ooverings of the joints and is sometimes accompanied by swelling. The pain is sharp and shooting and does not confine itself to any one part of the body, but after settling in one joint or muscle for a tne, leaves it and passes on to another. The most dangerous tendency of the disease is to attack the heart. External applications may gi e relief from pain for a' time but the sease cannot be .cured until the blood j purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills art) the best medicine for this purpose aa their action is directly on the blood, making it rich, red and healthy. When the blood is pure there can be no rheumatism. Mrs. Ellen A. Russell, of South Goff St., Auburn, Me., says: "I had been sick for fifteen years from impure blood, brought ou by overwork. My heart was weak and my hands colorless. I was troubled with indigestion and vomiting spells, which came on every few months. I had no appetite and used to have awful fainting spells, falling down when at my work. I frequently felt numb all over. My head ached continuously for five years. "About two years ago I began to feel rheumatism in my joints, which became so lame I could hardly walk. My joints were swollen and pained me terribly. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recommended to me by a friend, after I had failed to get well from the doctor's treatment. When I began taking the pills, the rheumatism was at its worst. I had taken only a few boxes, when the headaches stopped and not long afterward I felt the pain in my joints becoming less and less, until there was none at all. The stiffness was gone and I have never had any return of the rheumatism." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured Buh diseases as nervous and general debility, indigestion, nervous headache, neuralgia and even partial jwralysis and locomatoT ataxia. As a tonic for the blood and nerves they are unequalled. A paraplilet on " Diseases of the Blood " and a copy of our diet book will be sent frae osi request to anyone interested. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. NEWS SUMMARY "l MINES AND MINING Lynch law has been inaugurated by the Nationalists to put an end to the Socialist outrages at Lodz. The latest funds received at Shanghai for the Chinese famine sufferers will feed 50,000 additional persons. Swept over the falls, four men were drowned in Cape Fear river, at Buck-horfalls, 30 miles from Raleigh, S. C. Hundreds of men in China are being employed filling swamps and repairing roads, being paid from 5 to 10 cents per day. Woid comes from Cartagena that the plague is raging at that part and that 300 persons have been sent to the hospitals. Judge John Edmund Wentworth Addison, who was the prosecuting counsel in the famous Maybrick case, died in London last week. The new field gun with which the Japanese artillery is being armed has an effective range of about 8,500 yards. Each gun costs f5,000. Twelve persons were seriously Injured and a dozen or more were more or less badly hurt In the wreck of a passenger train near Blaisdell, N. D. May 1 dividend and interest disbursements in New York will aggregate $80,000,000, which la $23,000,000 over the corresponding date in May, 1905. By the capsizing of the schooner Eben in the Delaware river, Archibald McBride, George Edgar and Edward of were Murphy, Philadelphia, drowned. A resolution President asking Roosevelt to be a candidate for a second elective term as president was defated in the house of representatives in Pennsylvania. An automobile factory to employ 400 men and turn out 1,000 finished motor cars in the first year of its existence, will be erected in Los Angeles as soon as the work can be done. Miss Winnie Strong, daughter of a wealthy farmer, was shot and killed near Dresden, Tenn., by William Sawyers, because she refused to accept Sawyers' offer of marriage. Three young women, employed at the Wheaton glass factory in Millsville, N. J., were killed by the collapse of a smokestack, which crashed through a room in which they were working. Four children of Mr. Hodad, a Greek merchant, were cremated at Fulton, Ky., in a fire that destroyed their home. Mr. and Mrs-- Hodad were badly burned and the latter may not recover. The drouth is affecting the sugar plantations in Porto Rico. No rain has fallen in the southern districts for six months and the loss is estimated at 40 per cent of the values of the crops. The joint legislative committee of Minnesota on free passes has agreed to recommend a bill providing that all free privileges on railroads, telegraph and telephone lines be prohibited after December 31 next. The appeal of Count Boni de Castel-lan- e from the decision of the court diwhich, on November 14, granted a vorce to the Countess de Castellane, formerly Mi Anna Gould, of New York, has been listed for May 21. S. B. Owens, owner of a large alfalfa farm near Roswell, N. M., was killed at Allanreed, Texas, by B. S. Turbyfill iu a quarrel over a a Commission on a big land deal. Owens' son then killed Turbyfill. A band of armed Terrorists drove in Sabastopol, up to the postofBce hold officials up their hands made the under peealty of being shot, took es$5,000 of the postoffice funds andidentheir of no trace laving caped, tity. The Panama government declares there is no truth in the rumor that it has received an offer from the United States for the purchase of two strips of territory, each five miles wide and situated on either side of the canal n zone. The chief of the political prison at Odessa was killed by four Terrorists, whose indignation he had provoker" by alleged atrocities upon prisoners. suiOne of the Terrorists committed two and was captured another cide, at WET? You may he able to get along without a SUIT WATERPROOF OR SLICKER you afford to? d But can THESE GARMENTS ARE GUARANTEED WATERPROOF LIGHT i.i DO YOU DURABLE COMFORTABLE LOW PRICE IN SOLO BY ALL RELIABLE DEALERS . . YAturH tm llfliTON U "'TtP TOWtOCW CSN.O'SN CO TQwtJ i. BURN KEROSENE ? If o a t oni third nvre HI NO 01 ASS Hltlit with CONE LAMP BURNER. " The it Tlwysrs tUutt id fit common great Send your dealer aud25cfor I Of 2 lamp". name BIN0-- escaped. A detachment of Turkish troops and a band of Greek brigands had a sharp fight April 26, near Morihoven, in Macedonia. The Turks ultimately routed the raiders. The Greek chief, seven of his men and twenty Turks were killed. Minister Dawson, at San Domingo, cables that the treaty with the United to the States was favorably reported intrust-ewas senate. Its consideration to three senators, two of whom filed a report In its favor, and the third a report in opposition. The tobacco factory of W. R. Wilson, twelve miles west of Cadiz, Ky., was destroyed by fire at night, the torch being applied. It Is alleged, by mounted men, a party of twenty-fivwho fired several volleys. Wilson is an independent tobacco handler. Mrs. Sladek A warrant charging with murder of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mette, of Chicago, has been served. Mrs. Mette was proven to have been poisoned by and it Is believed that her husband's dath was similarly caused. No. X".i p.T'l. CO. BINC BURNER Minn. Dept. 42. Minneapolis, AND HOWARD E. BURTON, ASSAVEK CHEMIST. Stiiimi.n prleea oold. Sllier. Lead. 11; Uold, n- (jold.Sft-- : ZmoorCopoer ll. Cnn ie lint sent on anpi Baand full Mailiiige'iTelopet son. Com nl and (Impirp prfee Leorl work Rohriied. Illls, Colo, Batarance. Caroooat National llau. e THE DIFFERENCE TASTE. IN . Dogs Prized as Edible in China Ara Here Fashion's Pets. the The production of copper in United States in 1900 was 917,620,00" pounds. Another strike has been made in the City Rocks company's property, at Alta. The new camp of Regent, 35 mile Nevada, is eoutheast of Fairview, up mines and showing the booming well. Wonder and Fairview, Nevada, are both on the grow, fairview especially being unaffected by the present stock slump. Thomas Weir and N. J. Catrow, of Salt Lake, have purchased the Win-amuck mining property at Binghan for $50,000. The demand for good minora at Silver City, Idaho, exceeds the supply ly a comiVlerable number, at least 100 men being needed. The Nevada Engineerings works at Reno, Nevada, has been burned to the ground. Defective wiring is supposed to be the cause. Loss, $0,000; insured. Operations at the Western Nevada n Copper company's Dyer mines at are now being vigorously on pushed and with results bordering the sensational. L Cleaver, the present superintendent of the McKinley group, on the upper Salmon river, Idaho, has struck a five foot vein of the richest ere yet seen in the McKinley mine. mill of the Work on the Gold Valcalda Mining comSilver Peak and it is is rapidly, progressing pany calculated that it will be in operation by the first of June, says the Tonopah Miner. John Hays Hammond, the mining engineer of New York, receives a salary aggregating $800,000 a year, which is more money than any other man ever received for his personal services. The selling price of Uncle Sam Consolidated on the Salt Lake mining exchange was advanced $55,000 on the 2Gth. In other words the stock opened at 57 cents and sold up to 68 cents during the afternoon. The Bullock mine at Silver, Utah, Is reported to be showing up some very fine ore. A car is being loaded for Immediate shipment and the intention of the company i to make regular shipments from now on. Good progress is being nrtde in the construction of the copper smelter at San Bruno, just south of San Francisco. These works will be an important factor in making San Francisco a metallurgical center. The shaft on the Whitenob copper mine on Lost River, in Idaho, is now down 900 feet and large bodies of ore have been opened. A few years ago this mine was worked by John W. Mackey and others at a loss and Leasers got work was suspended. hold of the mine and are making it pay. Transportation conditions are improving and the mines of the Tintic district are now getting ready for the of heavy long summer's campaign production of which they are capable. During the past week 163 carloads of ore were sent out to the various smelting works with which the ship pers have contracts. The Cliff Mining company, which now owns and operates the famous old Buckthorn and a large number of adjoining p perties in the camp of down Ophir, south of Stockton, is now condito real business. Underground it is estimated tions are splendid, that there is now blocked out not less than i'ous years' reserves of ore. figuring the output at 100 tons a day. A new coal pronertv. which promises to develop into another good proin Coal ducer, is being developed county. Creek canyon. Washington Utah. A well driven tunnel has been sunk Into the side of the mountain, a distance of 160 feet, and a fine vein of coal has been encountered. It is reported that a railroad extension is to be made from Moapa, Nevada, to the intersection of the Grand Oiilch wagon road from the Grand Gulch mine in Arizona, which will prove a great boon to this mine. As a result of the settlement effected between the mine owners and the miners, the mines of Qoldfield were thrown open at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the 23rd and the lockout of the past seven weeks came to an end. State Auditor Bragaw, of Idaho, has incorporated a group of claims in th Coeur d'Aiene district which it is expected will become copper producer-Al- l the stock has been subscribed and work will be pushed as rapidly as pus n I "He Is the real thing in the way of chow," said she. "Father bought him for me ia Shanghai. Did you know they ate them there?" "I had hard that the Chinese ate Sojs, but I thought it was a fake, like the story of their eating rats." "No; it is the truth. They do eat iogs, but only the chow variety. 'Chow,' you know, means 'edible.' Ves, they eat chows. In every butcher hop you see chows' carcasses hung up, the same as we hang up the carcasses of pigs. The flesh is white." "White?" "Yes; like veal. The Chinese raise chows for food and feed them only soft, washy stuff, mashed vegetables and bread and milk. No meat whatever. Hence the white flesh. "Notice Wu's black tongue. Well, chow tongue is a Chinese delicacy. They make soup of it. But It is very expensive, like our turtle soup, and it Is only eaten by the rich. "Isn't it strange that a dog so fash ionable with us should be only an article of food in China?" BABY IN TERRIBLE STATE. Yer-lngto- ten-stam- p Awful Humor Eating Away Face Body a Mass of Sores Cuticura Cures "My little daughter broke out all Thera ! more Catarrh In this section of the country than alt utber diseases put tntcether. aud until the last few years was supposed to lie Incurable. t a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local .remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh lobe a constitutional disease and therefore requires c.Dslliullonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney A Co. .Toledo, Ohio. Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from lo drops to a leaspoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of ttte system. They offer oue bundled dollars for any case It falla to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, MS, Take Ban's Family l'tlls for constipation. Would Grow Tobacco In Ireland. An effort is being bade under direction of William Kedmond to repeal the law which prohibits the growing of tobacco in Ireland. It is held that soil and climatic conditions in Ireland are favorable to the production of a good quality of tobacco, and that its cultivation can be made profitable. Shake into Your Shoes Allen's It cure painful.swollen, Makes new shoes smarting, sweating feet. easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FKKE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Ie Roy, N. Y. SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S iTTLE IVER regulate the Bowels. SMALL PILL. by Positively cus-ethese Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and.Too Hearty A perfect rem Eating. eiy tor Dizziness, Foot-Eas- over her body with a humor, and we used everything recommended, but without results. I called in three doctors, but she continued to grow worse. Work of Cupid In Germany. Her body was a mass of sores, and her in the The number of marriages little face was being eaten away. Her German in 1905 was 485,906. empire ears looked as if they would drop off. Mrs. Wlnslov's Soothing Syrup. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura For children teething, softens the gums, reduces InSoap and Ointment, and before I had flammation, aiuys pain, curea wind coltu. 35c a bottle. used half of the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the sores had all healed, A really good complexion doesn't and my little one's face and body were come out in the wash. as clear as a new-borbabe's. I would not be without it again if it cost five cents. dollars, instead of seventy-fivMrs. George J. Steese, 701 Coburn St., Akron, O., Aug. 30, 1905." Nausea, Diowstness, Bad Taste la the Mouth, Coatd Tonfrue, Pain In the Bide. TORPID LIVER. They Purely Vegetable. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear CARTERS S IVER Signature le ITTLE 1 PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES "ssR2&32. Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 18, 1907. e Kite Control. Kite control within certain pre cribed limits has been accomplished in France by means of a "deviator," and this makes the kite available for life saving purposes. A severe test was given to the device some time ago at Royan, on the east coast of France, and wonderful things were accomplished. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIa. and rare remedy for infanta aud children, a and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. ' TUe K'"d You Have Always Bought. Awliaylight can be seen through very small holes, so little things will illustrate a person's character. Indeed, character consists in little acts well and honorably performed, daily life being the quarry from which we the habits build it up, and round-hewhich form it. Rukin. For more reasons than one, Garfield Tea the best choice when a laxative is needed: it is Pure, Pleasant to take, Mild and Potent. Guaranteed under the Food is and Drugs Law. A bad imitation the reel thing. is often better than MRS. CE. FINK HEALTH OF WOMEN In this nineteenth century to keep up with the march of progress every power of woman is strained to its utmost, and the tax upon her physical system is far greater than ever. In the god days of our grandmothers few drugs' were used in medicines. They relied upon roots and herbs to cure weaknesses and disease, and their knowledge of roots and herbs was far greater than that of women today. It was in this study of roots and herbs that Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass , discovered and gave to the women of the world a remedy more potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value. This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics or other harmful drills and today holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to its wonderful vahie. Mrs. C. K. Fink, of Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I wish every suffering woman would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sad write to you for adee. It has done me a world of good and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others." When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displacements, Ulceration, Inflammation, Hackache, Nervous Prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women form of female weakness are invited to from Women suffering any write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of experience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. , VvlueThe OF Personal Knowledge - 7, Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when of ample character it places its furtunate possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement highest excellence in any field of human effort. A of the A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowledge of Products are all of the utmos- value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California F ig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and of gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first who world, nrl of f.imilv laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known and has attained lo worldunder the name of Syrup of Figs wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained torn Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have -adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and as moie fully descriptive of the remedy, Elixir of Senna will it doubtlr but always be called for by the shorter u of Figs and to get its benefit ia name full the when purchasing effects, always note, California r ig Syrup name of the Company Co. printed on the front of every package, whether you call lor byrup of r igs or by the full name Syrup of of Elixir Senna. and Figi Parts i Bibly. The Big Baldy Mining & Milling property on Crooked creek, about LO miles southeast of Buffalo Hump, Ik to be thoroughly exploited during the corning season. The proposition con Blsts of 22 claims and 300 feet of tun nel work has been done. The production of refined lead i r 1906 was 415.656 short tons. This re port Is based upon returns received from all of the refiners, with the of one small concern, whose production Is estimated on the basin of its known receipts of ore. Two Weeks. in The Eternal Feminine. FADELESS PUTNAM DYI'S roior The sons of men rule the world, but more gi.ods, per package, than other, and the daughters of men govern It the colors are brighter and fautei through them. It is woman who founds The deepest sympathy man can society in its artificial aspects. It is show to man is to help him do hla woman who creates class distinctions duty. Mulock. and insists on maintaining them. It is woman who imbues man with desire to emulate, who instils into him social ambition that inevitably brings in its train the restless fever of acquisition, the madness of greed, the ambition for power through financial success. It is woman who is at once the social bulwark, the autocrat and the snob. Woman's Life. I SAN FRANCISCO, CALM lon do N3E ng l an d LOUISyiLL, KY. 'M'li ; v if, S m jarrs to ' S J |