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Show FIST FIGHT IN THE SENATE. THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. dispatch from Barcelona, Spain, Issued ordering all private individuals A fierce battle has been fought to surrender any weapons they may BLOWS. between the troops aud the rioters in possess under pain of severe penalSPANISH FORK. UTAH. the suburb of Barcelona known at ties. The sale of arms has also been For the First Tima In the History of the Before the engagement the prohibited.' Sano. Senate a Itoogh and Tnutble Fight and infantry had been posted la Indulged cavalry ParForty workmen's associations bave the UTAH STATE NEWS, in the most dangerous points and a been dissolved and the members of ticipants are in Contempt. field battery had been located ou the their committees arrested. The dwellwas plaza, from which vantage point the ings of the strike leaders and of ansignalWashington's birthday Sprlngville la engaged In a cruaada ized in the United States senate by a guna could sweep the surrounding archists are being registered and put against Illicit whiskey selling. UDder guard. fist The two senators from streets. Beaver has more business at this Southfight. final clash When with the The battleship Pelayo has been orthe Carolina troops were the active particiterm of court than any preceding term occurred the artillery was brought into dered to Barcelona. in the affray. pants since statehood. The military engineers have assumed Mr. Tillman in the course of a speech action and raked street after street. It is said work on the new federal upon the Philippine tariff bill made The rioters engaged the batteries at control of the street car service and a building at Salt Lake will begin nol serious reflections upon the honor of close range, but were fioally driven few curs, half filled with soldiers, are later than June 1st. his colleague, Mr. McLaurln. In brief, off. running. Even the funeral coaches The heavy rain which fell during have to be protected by the soldiers. Last weekieggs sold at SO cents s he charged that his vote in support of have been delivered in dozen In the Salt Lake market, but the ratification of the treaty of Parla the day helped to disperse the rioters No letters in three days, and In some disthe and are authorities had been cast through the exercise of the price has now fallen to 35 cents. taking severe tant parts of the town business is commeasures. A proclamation has been pletely paralyzed. John Watson, a Salt Lake drayman, improper influences, Mr. McLaurin was not In the chamis dead as the result of bursting s blood vessel while lifting a heavy ber at the time, being engaged in com- THE PRESIDENT REGARDS SCHLEY CASE AS CLOSED mittee work, but he was sent for, and weight Secretary Long has received the folSecretary Long, referring to the A new cavalry troop has been mus- appeared just as Mr, Tillman concluded from the White presidents statements upon the appeal note personal lowing tered Into the service of the Utah his speech. announcing the presidents of Admiral Schley, said: Pale as ashes, Mr. McLaurin arose House, action in the case of Admiral Schley: National Quard, forty men having I have no comment to make on the to address the senate, speaking to a White nouse, ( Mr. Washington, Feb. 19, '02. a Michigan Republican, enalready enlisted. president's ruling upon the appeal of livenedHamilton, of personal privilege. He reDear question The My the proceedings with an entertaining Secretary: president Admiral Experiment Not SuocNifil On the 22nd the old folks of Provo viewed Mr. Tillman's charges briefly requests me to state that after full Schley except to express my Speech on trusts. The other speakers were It is related of King Charles IX. of ! were entertained at the opera house. Mr. Little or Arkansas, who discussed conand then denounced the statement and most careful consideration of the appreciation of its thorough, France that, having suspected one ot There are over 500 residents of Provo made appeal of Admiral Schley and of the straightforward character. It ditions in the Indian Territory; Mr. Corliss of his cooks of stealing two silver spoons, by his colleagua as a wilful, ma- answer submitted thereto by the navy who on over 00 years of age. the Pacino cable; Mr. Michigan, spoke of licious aud deliberate lie. department, through you, he has made is, course, gratifying that the navy Stephens of Texas, on statehood for Oklahoma; he resolved to try the effect of bezoar, The poatofllce boxes have been Inis on inclosed The decision memorandum the sustained. the case, department Mr. Sulzer of New on Increased pay for which at that time wa highly reconi- - f Scarcely had the words fallen from which he directs shall be filed there- will be read as no other document letter carriers: Mr. York, stalled at Provo and the free delivery his lips when Mr. mended as an antidote to poisons. So, of New York, on a Fitzgerald Tillman, sitting and the case trested as closed. would and collection system is now in few seats from him, with Mr. Teller of with, be, and I believe will direct tbe education of the Indians; Mr. Jackson of thinking a good opportunity had ar- - ' Very truly yours, Kansas, on the election of senators by tbe peorived for testing Its properties, hit i Colorado between them, sprang at Mr. working order. public opinion and tend to close the Georgs B. Cortelyod, ple, and Mr. Newlands ot Nevada on theblll to majesty administered to the unfortu-whole to matter. the The retail clerks of Provo have McLaurin, who had turued toward Mr, President. Secretary redeem sliver dollars In gold. Sinatr Tbe senate continued the consid- nate cook first a large dose of corroorganized Into a union. ' They intend Tillman and met him half way., and in at once to petition their employers to an instant these two senators, having THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES eration of the Philippine tariff bill, the main sirs sublimate and then a dose of the reputed antidote; but the unlucky man ; speeches being made by Mr. Burrows of Michiswept Mr, Teller asslde, were engaged grant them shorter hours. la a rough and tumble fight. Mr. Mcconeus bureau, In a report on cent in value. Livestock on farms In gan, for the bill, and Mr. Money of Mississippi, fell a victim to the experiment and j The J. B. Evans, tax agent for the Laurin received a heavy blow on the domestic against it died in great agony in seven hours, in animals, fowls aud bees in the United States follows: Calves, A resolution offered by Mr. Tillman was Oregon Short Line, Is engaged in the forehead, while Mr. Tillman Jot a ot other efforts to save him. spite steers, 13,253,182; bulls, adopted directing the civil service commission on the nose which brought the United States on June l, 1900, anvicinity of Tooele In securing right of unch nounces that all the domestic animals 1,315,566; heifers, 7,182,014; cows kept to transmit to the senate a statement showing Advice Thai Mac Nut Wanted. lood. I way for the Leamington the apportionment of the employees la tbe will I never be released!" Assistant Sergeant-at-Arm- s in United have a the "Ah, States for 11,583,353; probable Taylor colts, 1,313,476; various milk, The San Pedro, Los Angeles A Salt sprang over desks to reach and sepadepartments of the government from railed the imprisoned heroine, beating value of at least 83,200,000,000. Of horses, 16,952,661; mules, 3,271,647; the several states and the District of Columbia, Lake road has filed its third map for a rate the combatants and himself re- this her fair white hands wildly against the value of amount the the animals ashes and burrows, 95,603: sheep, together with the percentage of employees In twenty-mi- le section. This is for the ceived several blows, lie got between on farms and bars of her window, while from behind the 93 over constitute them finally, and by main strength departments. ranges swine, 62,876,108; goats, 1,871,-25line from Fairfield into Salt Lake. the scenes could be heard the hoarse wrenched them apart, Seuatora Warper cent. The total value of all doihuckle ot the villain. Many in the 90. The irrigators' convention te be held ren February Wyoming and Scott of West mestic animals on farms and ranges Since 1890 the number of sheep detwo of audience were seen to apply their most the Virginia, Housi. The house In Salt Lake on tne 2Qth, will probably powerful was 82,091,054,115, against 83,208,758,-81- 3 creased spent the day working men in the everywhere except in the weet oa the Indian appropriation bill. leaped to his assistof handkerchiefs to their eyes. Her pray-it- s continue for three days, as interest in ance and senate, in 1890. There was a gain in all The increase there was more than suf- the o caught the armsof the belligpages were disposed of. for release rose again upon tbs the convention seems to be growing. Mr. Sherman of New York, chairman of the erents, forcing them to their seat. parts of the country, except in the ficient to balance the loss elsewhere, still air and lost themselves in the f Intense excitement prevailed in the North Atlantia States, where there and made the number of wool Indian committee, who was la charge of Elizabeth Roxburg, aged 12, of Salt Either git a ! bearing tho measure, echoing Alee above. senate and in the which was a decrease in explained that the blU carried and horses, Lake, is dead from lockjaw, resulting were thronged with galleries, 11 for sheep the nation cent sheep shouted a habbyu per corpus, who teddy, had 18,441,50, more H,3tT,tS4 than the estibeing wine, making a total decrease of 3 per greater than in 1890. from falling upon a piece of rusty been attracted by the people mate, but 11.297,195 leu than the amount car- friend from the gallery, er walk out spirited debate. Not a Twenty Persons Klllsd la a New York Hotel ried by the current law. over de footlights. And the curtain stovepipe, inflicting a out upon her Everybody was on his feet. Ignorant German Discovers Blob Gold word, however, was spoken. Senator Mr. Bell of Colorado offered an amendment came down with a whizz. knee. Firm Mini In Idnlio which i Companion stood about the chamber for the moto appropriate US, 000 for the Indian school at RofuHcd to Locnto Mark Wing, an aged Chinaman, sui- ment quite helpless and pale to the The Tweuty-flre- t regiment armory, Grand Junction, Colo. It was adopted. Death Asks (or n Birth Cert floats. A special to the Salt Lake Uerald a magnificent structure, and one of the cided In Salt Lake last week by hang- lips. A man of the name of Jean Baptiste Senate. With the exception of a few minFinally order was restored partially, finest in the city of New York was de- says: Representative Black of Wash- utes given to routine business, the senate de- Fabre, 87 years old, presented himself ing himself. The man had been dead and iu the midst of the intense excitefour or five days before his body was ment the senate went into secret leg- stroyed by fire Saturday morning. The ington county has returned from voted Its entire session to the Philippine ques- the other day to the mayor of to obtain at last a discovered. islative session. For two hours it dis- car barns for the Metropolitan Street Tbumler mountain. He is tn exper- tion. Mr. Patterson of Colorado, one of the minority members of the ut--. spoke birth certificate. Scarcely had The cattlemen of the state will meet cussed the event behind closed doors. railway, on an adjoining corner, were ienced miuing man, and says the dis- at some length, while Mr. committee, Nelson of Min. tered his request when he sank down When the doors were opened it was the Rand rivals in trict richness. C threatened with destrucnesota and Mr. McCumber of North Dakota In 8alt Lake about April 4, for the made known that both of the South momentarily believes it will be the richest gold supported the administration's polioy la the without a cry. Men rushed to help purpose of organizing an association Carolina senators, by uuauimous vote, tion, but for hours the good work of him. but without avail; he was dead He says Hugh island. camp in the world. Similar to the organization now In ex- had been declared to be in contempt of the firemen saved them. with a sudden stroke ot apoplexy. senate. the of the Idaho penThe fire was discovered in a window Fulton, Fabranry SL istence In Montana, Colorado, WyomParis Journal. They were permitted, by a vote of of the armory on the Thirty-fourtHorse. The house passed the Indian approitentiary, and a friend were attracted ing and Texas. the seuate, to make apologies to the Whan McKinley Via a Captain. No bill. of amendments priation Importance street aide, sod by the time the fire- to a ledge laid bare by a aaowslide. were Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. Hulbut, pio- senate. Their statements were listened attached to U today. The latter part of Thomas Breen of Michigan, Judge men arrived the flame had completely Fulton ridiculed the idea of any values the lesson was devoted to the consideration ol to by both the senators and the people neer residents of Missouri, California, in who served during the civil war, has the in the the and with interand declined to breathless galleries enveloped building appeared great mass, join private claims bills, a number of which were fust received his discharge papers after Colorado and Wyoming and early set- est. Senator Tillman left the Capitol the roof. Shortly afterward in a location. His frieud, an Ignorant passed. tlers In Utah, celebrated the d when adjournment was takeu for the through being lost In the archives of the naexSinatx. For more than six hours the sen- tional and inexperienced German, on breaksesssion. Mr. McLaurin was the cartridges and ammunition capltol for many years. What anniversary of thoir wedding in oight's had the Philippine tariff bill under discusin the chamber about 8 o'clock but left ploded. ing down the crest of the ledge, which ate Balt Lake one day last week. sion. Mr. Bate (Dem.) of Tennessee delivered makes the document particularly InNilher senator, when seen, Later a thousand pounds,, of powder stuck out of the ground twelve feet, a early. carefully speech in opposition to teresting Is the fact that it bears the Lincoln Thompson, an electrician, would make a statement. In the cellar exploded and the walls ran into a streak lousy with gold. In the pendingprepared measure. slgnaur of "William McKinley, Jr., The atatus of Senator Tillman and were thrown was found In a dying condition in his less Ilian a day he pounded out in He was followed by Mr. Spooner (Rep.) in a captain and acting assistant outward. McLaurin is conadjutant that they are still in room in a Salt Lake lodging bouse, The Park avenue hotel caught fire hand mortar and panned 8700. The brilliant defense of the Republican attitude general." of the senate, and only by a tempt Tuesday night of last week, he being vote of the senate can either be recog- aud waa burned. A number of per- ore in the streak will assay from 810, toward the Philippine Islands. Mr. Tillman (Dem.) of South Carolina began discovered too late to save his life. He nized either to speak of to vote on any sona are known to be dead, the num- 000 to 8125,000 a ton. A WESTERN CANADA FARMER. characteristic arraignment of the being variously placed at from 1 The senate la ber had taken an overdose of opium. question whatever. - iMilng spent tn Ysltowstons Park. huuinilto tn four the policy had but Philippines, twenty. clause a SEVEN under of YEARS AGO HAD section 5, HE BUT 824; Gustave Blumenthal, a resident of privileged article 1, of the constitution, which re- Arisons. New Mexico and Oklahoma to bo Many thousands of dollars are being not concluded when the Senate adjournod. NOW HE HAS SEVENTY HEAD OF Provo, while engaged In placing a cites: Admitted. spent by the United States government CATTLE. Each house may determine the rules February ft. galvanized cornice on a building at la the Yellowstone National Park. house ou The committee territories f its proceedings, punish members Sixatb In accordance with This I What a Con pin at Eastern out that place, was killed by the cornice for hereto-fortom on Washington's Birthday, the farewell and with the has unanimously voted to report bills Roads are being improved aud behavior, disorderly Farmer Lnarnsfl Whan oa a Racsnt a live wire. Six other concurrence of striking against inaccessible places high in that address of Washington was red In the s expel a for the admission of the territories of ent men who were helping him received member, Trip to Canada Bplsndid Words Abont wonderland are being placed within Immediately after the convening of that body New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma. Saskatoon, Boathorn and Hagan Dissevere shocka II o'olock. Mr. Burrows of Michigan read t t A lie reach of la tourist. la The vote was taken upon a motion roadway MISS STONE IS FREE. the Immortal trict Wbcro They Will Loeato. document. At the conclusion ol Twenty-thre- e made by Mr. Mood of Tennessee, de- course of construction to the lowsf the liens, aggregating reading at 11:50 Mr. Lodge presented a meAmerican Last Fraed at Bar Messrs. J. E. Blum and J. Crumper Missionary by 1,800.07 were filed in the ofllce of the claring it to be the sense of the com- portions of the Grand canyon, high morial from the Massachusetts legislature of Captors, of Manchester, Washtenaw County, a recorder of Salt Lake one day last amendment to the Constitution as mittee that the three territories were bridges beging necessary to span the ueh Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American would place It In the power of congress toeniet Michigan, paid a visit to Alberta last week against Frank C. Andrews, the is chasms. the It intention subto entitled to statehood and that deep laws regarding the hours of labor In the various summer and saw there a Mr. Sbantz, of Detroit, and missionary who, with Mme. Tsllka, committees be appointed to prepare s pi ml $51)0,000, and it is possible that states. alleged The one of the good old Pennsylvania encounter takwho was largely Interested la Utah was captured by brigands in the disthe bills. may ing place soon after, but little other business appropriation tock, who had come recently some trict of Salonika Sept, 30 last, has been were appointed. exceed that amount. A The was transacted. mlotog properties. even yean ago from Ontario with released and is at Slrumitza, Macetravel is predicted for this season, Work on tbs P. 1. la IVyumlng. It Is probable that Oreste Pagnlnt, donia. in bis pocket. He has certainly 824 Denver Man Acquitted of Murder Charge, hundreds of tourists already bavin Nobody was at Strimltza to alias King, under sentence of death as he now bae over seventy The Union Pacific ha awarded a engaged transportation. prospered, W. F. Flanders, who has been on head of cattle, has a good loghouss for the murder of Colonel Prowse, of contract to Mahooey Brother for a trial at Denver for the murder of Mr. framed over; also a good barn, and In Montana IrUlmirn to Organist, Balt Lake, will not be executed, a conio the ricioity of Lookout, forty f Nellie Ilardlfer, has been acquitted by ail respects looks a A to the Miner Butte from vict in the Colorado penitentiary special thrifty and g miles west of Laramie. The price to of the court. The charge was order He had some good farmer. made a confession in which he be paid for the Job le 864,000. The Helena says that in obedience ton that the two had decided to die to- crop of oats and barley. After spenddeclares that King Is Innocent. will be 3.04 mile In length, call from President John II. Fiunerty f and that Flanders adminis- ing some days In Calgary and Edof of United the Irish Chicago, and while it will reduce the distance League gether, An attempt to boycott a monton they returned to Regina, tered the poison to the woman and restaurant by a union waiter, in Salt ouly.31mlle.it will do away with a of America, prominent and looked around the coun of Montana will to or- himself. The court decided that the number of sharp curve and heavy Lake oae day last week, resulted In to Lumsden and Balgonle, north try evidence was insufilcieut. The woman ganise a to a iii'U of the league In this where the crops appeared very promthe waiter being arrested and congrade. died but Hard!-foFlanders lived. r Mr. Work to be commenced just us state. Much enthusiasm is expressed victed of unlawfully distributing hand ising and heavy; continuing up the waa the wife of a Denver cona and to moveadherence the la soon strong of a tbe Regina and Long Lake road they came frost out the on bills the street. The bills stated ground. tractor. ment is predicted. to Saskatoon on tho crossing of the that the restaurant was "unfair." fliBty of Land fur llomvssskrr. In Kingston, Jamaica, the political South Saskatchewan River. ' Of this Secretary l ong l III Itotlgn. By order of Dr. Beatty of the State Senator Clark of Montana has retroubles have been revived by the district they say: Now that the Schley matter has Board of Health, the town of Walls-bur"The eountry hero pleased ua better ported favorably from the committee withdrawal of the people's representain Wasatch county, Is under on Indian affairs hla bill ratifying the been sett led otlieiaily, it is understood than any wo have seen. Wo drove out tive from the legislative council 'in Strict quarantine for diphtheria. The eighteen miles In a northwesterly diagreement with the Crow Indiaus for that Secretary Long feels that he Is at disease has been raging there for rection through the Smith settlement the opening of the Crow reservation liberty to carry out the project cher- consequence of the threat of the to carry the budget, notwith- This is a wonderful ished by him to retire to private life. several weeks and a number of deaths In Montana. This lies along the district; tho have occurred recently. line. The kill pro- However, this Is not expected to ensue standing any opposition whlsh may be growth was splendid; all kinds of offered. grains and roots were perfection. Tbe vides for the opening of over l.ooo.noo at once, for there le no certain knowlMISS ELLEN M. STONE. George Everetts of Sprlngvllle drove older settlers had good building! of The of what of follow General ia edge scree to may partisans congress, Into Frovo last week with five wild Matos, the all kinds and public settlement at a cost to looked very prosperous; Mlsa Slone, ns the liriganda bad meet loader of the present revolution egalnst the government of about 8l,loo,ooo. notwithstanding a belief by the adeats, seven wolves sod four mountain In fact, we cam to the conclusion that no indication where they progiven President ministration Castro Is of Venezuela, who we had that the ense now setThe lauds Include about 20,00i lions, which he trapped and shot in found what wo were Hobble creek canyon, twelve miles posed to release the prisoner. acre along the valleys of the lilg Horn tled beyond revival. Therefore it is under the comnnd of Generals Rlera for, a good country. While tho looking nature Mme. Tsllka and her baby were also from Provo. The largest liou measand Yellowstone rivers susceptible of understood that the change In the and I'enaloza, lately landed on the of the soil changes and is in some ured eight feet five inches. Mr. Ev- released at the tame time. They are Venezuelan cabinet circle will not take place beconst near Velnd Coro, parts light In others stony, and again Irrigation and cultivation, the remaineretts came In to collect bounty on hie all 'well. Mitt Stone fore the adjournment of the present were defeated by the immediately ing being chiefly grazing laud. government heavy, generally speaking It teoves game. made herself known to the authorities. session. troops February 17th, nothing to be desired. Hay and water A process has been discovered Crack of llrltlib Rostra Rrglmsul by by are also in abundance and wood can Mint lirnl by Her Laser, Miss Kate While Krt Hurra. Bennett Mardered From and Miss Margaret which crayons can be manufactured Church, anting Confined to her bed with a badly in- C. Bennett, who were Injured in the be found along the river elopes and A detachment of the Scot Greys out of the hydrocarbons of the reservaRichard 42111 iam, a young man, was the result of a fall last Tark avenue hotel fire, New York, are islands. We have decided to locate tion country at small coat. For the assaulted while returning from church (Second dragoon,) one of Great Brit- jured ankle, there and shall certainly advise our Utah crayons It la claimed that they by two men, one using a beer bottle ain's crack dragoon regiments, has week, Miss Gertrude (iocthic, aged 21 employees of the Denver Dry Goode friends to do likewise. We also trust was eliot dead by her lover, company, and were are cleaner and mark clearly and more end the other firing a revolver at his been cut up by the Boers at Kl)padm, year, buying goods In that this report may have the effect of George Sutton, aged 19, who, with his New York for the store in Colorado W. M. C. him and Feilden than drawing the attention of Innd seeker head, killing permanently any other variety. Instantly, Ilenry Major Captain mother, had com to the young woman's capital. to this district and enn honostly adSlate Superintendent of schools A, Stuart, George Hatfield and Albert Fussher were severely wounded, two home tn West to a Philadelphia pay O. Nelson has received the donation The Southern Athletic club will at- vise all such to locate there. They Young were arrested, cnnrged with men were killed, tlx were wounded visit. Still standing beside the bed, will find a good thing. As farmers end The the assault forty-sifrom thirteen of the twenty-seveserins to have killing. captured. The nowe button sent a tempt to arrange a fight between ourselves, from a good district In Id bullet hie own breast, counties of the state to the McKinley been wholly unprovoked. Stuart U was received Thursday morning from and Young Corbett In , Michigan, we have come to the conhla but to life end Lord Kite own in a life attempt monument fund. The aggregate of said to have used the beer bottle and liner, dispatch dated Ky., on Derby night, May 2nd. clusion that properly farmed, western we defeated by hla physician, who the donations Is 1817.98 The remain-lo- Hatfield the revolver. The three men Pretoria, Wedesday, Feb. 19. 'the It Is intended to have the match take Canada will grow almost auytli'ng. Scot tireye formed part of General fourteen couuttee have not yet y he will recover. The crime wee arrested lied been drinking, It te laid, place in the Auditorium, where 15,000 Ask for Infonnation from any agent column. the result of a lover' fjuarrcl, at a blind tiger. of the Carndian government people cn be seated, AXDBEW JENSEN, 4 'M : Small Men In Congress. "f Mr. Leesler, the man who defejtJ Berry Belmont for Congress, u ; ' five feet tall, weighs about quite February 18, seta pounds and wears boys jw! House. The senate amendments to the ty-fcensus bill were disagreed to and the hill wm He is a brainy chap, however, Z' cent to conference. philosophically remarks: Alexande ; The speech of Mr. Wheeler of Kentucky In 8tsphens was the smallest man iu the house last Friday, when he bitterly grass and one of the greatest. Then' Secretary Hay and Lord Pauncefote and is hope for me." Congressman eritlotsed the official preparations for the reof South Carolina is also quite smiuj In ception of Prince Heury, had a sequel the house today during the debate on the Indian A new doorkeeper announced his la. I appropriation bill. Mr. Glllett of Massachu-Bett- s, tentlon to put out that kid" of th In a 's speech, declared that the house one morning, but was informal 1 Intemperance of Mr. Wheeler's language carried that the 'kid wag tho honorable gea. its own condemnation. Nevertheless he (Gll- tleman f from South Carolina. lett) grievously deplored such an affront to a foreign country. King K1 ward's First Speech. Ssxats. ft was agreed by the senate that a first speech ever made by King The final vote on the Philippine tariff bill and the Eld ward was delivered when he was u next taken amendments should be pending years of ago, and was visiting New.!' Monday afternoon at 4 oclock. Senator Wellington spoke In opposition to the pending bill, castle with hie mother. A member ot and Senator Stewart of Nevada, In support of the city corporation, from which body i the measure. Queen Victoria was receiving an A bill was passed to reimburse certain perdress, presented Albert Edward with sons who expended moneys and furnished sera handsome paper cutter, and at t ! vices and supplies In repelling Invasions and hint from the queen the prince faced ! suppressing Indian hostilities within the terthe municipal wise men and delivered I ritorial limits of the state ot Nevada. a speech of thank3, which was not re-- I corded. His first official speech u ; February 19. Hotrsa. Again today the general debate on prince of Wales was made as he wai t the Indian appropriation bill was devoted alsetting out, a youth of 18, on his tour most entirely to extraneous topics. In this country. WEEK IN CONGRESS. BATTLE BETWEEN SPANISH TROOPS AND STRIKERS SENATORS Publl.h.r, TILLMAN AND A McLAURIN says: T Tb las c rice lv tfem It 7 for s' Lt! 1 t t r 4 J with true ach lead! fifty ' true half-hour- Bar-celon- o a In rellai consi tie ' a T1 : j way fum enol 1- -I i ? f . .ii i ' ; eonsci--entio- i first-cla- It Tel i I I 3 i P eai id m tals J give disc us, ss 1 ! - cut-of- i ' I i t i ? f. 7. i Forty-tw- o slxty-tw- wo I t i i i i i h t i l sixty-thir- e i 1 . M 1 ? admin-iseratlon- 's r along-tlm- s e X two-third- 4 t - - bank-wreck- er McLaurln-Tllltnn- n i record-breaki- t f . i i ng cut-of- r well-to-d- hav-lo- i i eut-of- j non-unio- n Irlsh-Atnerl-ca- i take-step- s ft 1 Sa i g, i ut 1 s i i I i P tel i 9. Ua M ii x n rn Louis-Tills- u; g GUbert-UamUto- V I |