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Show The Spanish Vol. j)R. SPANISH FORK. UTAH, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1902. No. 6. 1, ork r W. E. WARNER, three and a halt blocks north Office ami residence LOT OWNERS MEET. SCHOOL EVOLUTION. t COMPOSITIONS. First Town marshal, Later, mayor, Then hes sheriff, east part The lot owners of t of town, watering through the of Drug Store. Under this head The Press will print 3ench canal, met last Friday even. Utah, sueh Spanish Pork, articles, written by the pupils of in the First ward meeting the schools, as the teachers may be ing louse to consider the advisability pleased to hand in. Copy must be in )R. J. 11. SLATER, of no later than Monday night. punning tha city water down the county road, beginning at the up-iOffice and residence In Benjamin Isaac's (Wind is fair.) Legislature, Conies along; Then hes judge, Aud pulling strong! Very littlo Loft to toll; Safe in Congress; Faro you well! er 'Phone No. residence. 2. Utah, Spanish Fork, Pr. W. BUCHHOLDT. DENTIST. Oe vice Hours- -9 Over Spanish Fork Bank. a. m. till 5 p. in, Examina tion Free, Utah. Sppnisli Fork, Robertson & Argyle, A full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Arti "5 Jcles, Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Brushes. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Utah. Spanish Fork, .SAXEY, Attorney-at-La- w, Conveyancer and Notary Fublic. Robertson & Qffice Over s Store. Drug Argyle' Utah. Spanish Fork, r T. I JAMES, COXFECTIOSBII. One door south of Press Office. Utah, Spanish Fork, QQQPmm. James Fenimore Cooper was Torn iu Burlington, New Jersey, September 14, 1789, Ilia father owned a large estate at the head wators of the Susquehannali ltiver in New York. While James wa9 an infant the family moved there and built a mansion on Otsego ,ake. The home was named after he lake, and called Otsego Ilall. n this wilderness James passed his childhood, a hundred miles from civilization. At the age of thir ;een he was sent to Yale College, jut was too restless and adventur ous to devote himself diligently to study, and was disgracefully dismissed at the age of sixteen. For one year lie shipped before the mast as a common sailor and soon became midshipman in the U. S. Navy. He resigned his position as midshipman in 1811 and married Miss Pelancey, The first few years of hit married life were spent in quiet retirement. For a few months he resided at Westchester county and crossing, On motion of Thou, Jarvis R.W, ilcKell was elected chairman, apd on motion of It, Marshall Geo, II . Oh, St. Valentine, what a quant-tex was eleoted secretary. of rot is perpetrated in thy name. The chairman explained that his move was agreeable with the If you are fixed for life the incity council to allow it done, pro- surance companies will fix you for viding the consumers would do the death. work, them putting in the culverts, Girls, if yog are afraid to spend eto, an evening alone acoasionally dont John Beckstrum thought tho work of making and keeping it get married. cleaned, and stealing of water so At 30 a man is anxious for fame; ar away would overbalance the at 50 he is willing to accept money then removed to Cooperstown to take possession of th family sion, as his father was now dead 9 9 9 9 One day he was reading a BritWe Dont Keep ish novel, he looked up and laugh said to his wife, 1 coult We Sell Them, ingly write a better book than that my That's self. She encouraged him, anc he retired to the library, where he wrote a chapter which greatly pleased his wife, and he continue! FASHIONABLE it until in 1920 he published the man- lfqtfuison Liclelsoq ... headstones, All LORENZO THOMAS One block north of Bank, - Spanish Fork, Utah. ERDMAN & PARK, Fresh and Cured Staple and Fancy Groceries. Meats. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. phh 01 IN F.U.IOX, 1 big-heart- et Utah. Fork, mSJllTif. of work done in slioet metal. M.iniifactm er of Wash Boards. Head . quarters for ull kinds of sewing ma-eiiras Bring your old Bewing m.iclilne and I will make it uew. Fast side of Main Street, A a ri . t v Utah, Fork, Spani-.i- l B. H. BROWN, livery jSR-pQ- Sd Stable. all Hack Meets Trains 'ruoNE No. 12. Utah "punish Fork, book under the title Precaution. It met great suocess and he decidec to write another. lie wrote the story of The Spy in 1821. In 1825 he wrote The Pioneer ant In all Cooper wrote The Pilot. ten Bea stories. In 1822 he removet to New York, where he was one o the most popular men. Cooper was a man that won friends no matter where he went. He was and genius, a good companion, ant often got into tlie most heated dis cussions, which only made him more popular among those who knew him. In 1S20 he sailed for Europe and traveled around tha country for six years. lie lingeret in Italy most of the time. lie returned to America in 1833. He retired to his home in Cooperstown where he spent the remaining nine teen years of his life in quietness, He died on the 1 1th of September, 1S52, one day before his sixty-se- c ontl birthday. Though other fashions of writing have come and gone, and other noy elists hare a more finished art now them haye succeedet more completely in doing what he tried to do than did James Feni more Cooper. Feux Lewis, The Iioy Knew What It Was. Pa, what is a pessimist? A pessimist, my son, is a thing ; Oh, no; a pessimist is that a man that thinks he knows more than everybody else, and tries to force us all to believe as he does. Oh, I know what it is, it's man tlmt p esters everybody wit i his opinions. How do you spell it D' at. rs In General Merchandise, Pa? Flour, v and Well, my son, I believe they spell it with ttvo rs here intSpan ish Fork. Prop. Parasite. Grain Produce. Manufacturers of Harness, mid Boots Shoos. k JOHN JONES, Supt. muWh Folk l Uh. 4 Eggs for hatching from It.irre Plymouth Rock and S. C. Brow Leghorn, 75 cents a setting, Strong healthy stock and excellent layers, Pay so a Poultry Farm, Pay non Utah. $1.50 per Year, bankrupt y jenefits Wm.Creer didnt favor the move: City Walermaster J. J. Evans explained the dividing of water and the chances to increase the stream in times of scarcity of water providing this could be done. Thomas Jarvis favored the move, benefioial several explaining points. Sam Holt asked if farmers would be allowed to snter in or outside. A. I. Hansen thought the opera tion too great. Geo. H, Jex favored the move to appoint a committee of three to confer with the city council as to what they would do about getting right of way for the ditch from the land owners, and expense of making. Wm. B. Frost seconded Jexs motion. Carried unanimously. Committee, Geo. H. Jex. Thos. Jarvis and .Jos. Evans. Meeting adjourned. -- 4 Ivloast "be Ourt, ABIES AND substitute. as a Closed Many a women who knows how dress herself knows yery little about dressing a turkey. o It CHILDRENS reported that a Yale graduearning an honest living by Jacking boots in a New York hotel; yet there are people who sneer at a college education. ate is is Furnishings Notions. druggist in Missouri has made enought money in one year selling corn plasters to buy a newspaper, and hereafter it will bo Wein- A stead of It." man at Marioo, N. C,,' re- - j fused to bo yaccinated and the deputy sheriff shot him. This com-- 1 plicates, or perhaps simplifies the vaccination question. A Infants Ware a Specialty. In W. O, There is a kind of grass found in New Mexico, Texas and Siberia, known as the sleepy grass. It has a very injurious effect on horses and sheep. Having eaten a large Creers Building, Spanish Fork, Ut. Jex dumber Company, quanity of it they often sleep from to forty-eigtwenty-fou- r hours, in funerals the the One of without waking up. largest history of Salem was held in the All tho inmates of the Texas meeting houeo last Sunday over the remains of Ole Soren. Consoling State workhouse are to be set to farm next remarks were made by Bro, Eng work on a 25,000-acr- e beets. In other berg, Patriarch C. D. Evans, ant year, raising sugar to he put A. Saxey. The large congregation words, the dead beats are and the long line ot vehicles was to work raising live beat3. Phila-- 1 evidence of the great esteem in delphia Press. which he was held by the good ci The. A man named Graves the other tizens of Salem and surrounding lay married a woman named Gossip. country. It would be well if all Gossips went Ed. Taylor was all smiles over to their graves as this gossip did. the arrival of a baby girl at his Wt will not miss gossip now that house last Tuesday. Allconcernei she is Mrs. Graves. But woe to doing well. the man who takes a gossip to wife. Luther Daniels little three-yea- r We shall see Graves give up the old boy died Tuesday of rheumat ghost unless his gossip becomes ism of the heart, truly grave. It is to be feared that Graves js now a dead pne at least Idaho.-a-t 5:30 a gossip say9 he is. Died At Paris, m., February 10, 1902 of membrane Miss Nellie White of Wilkes-- 1 ous croup, daughter o: James II. and Elizabeth Todd YVal barrio, Pa., has started suit against She charges lis; born March 12, 1000. Deceaset Joseph Seigler. hard so that her with him hugging was a beautiful and lovable chil broken. were of ribs It her one and the evening before her death and doctor for cost her bills, $11.00 sat up as usual with her parents, to she asked her hugger to pay when supper, and afterwards playing BEST. to Is around. Funeral was held at the those charges ho tore the bill pieces and in no geutle manner reresidence on Monday, February 1 to pay, which appeared to fused 1902, at which Pres. Wm. Budge lacerate tho feelings of the young A. H. JOHN, Agent. delivered a comforting discourse Born To the same parents, a huggoe worse than the rupture of awarded her 11:50 p. ni. on the same day as tho her rib. The court w make the low ruic'E ox ns damages, STAPLE GOODS. funeral of their beloyed child, a $100, 11 beautiful daughter, pounds Somebody bus partly told, in tho is our motto, child born the thirteenth making what a country maimer following to them. and all our stock Is bought and editor is. An editor is one who James II. Wallis is well known sold upon honor. reads the newspapers, select misccl in Utah county, he started the aneous, writes articles on all kinds Our Stock of Morning Despatch at lroyo abou of Maple groceries, subjects, sets type, reads proof, eleven years ago. Dry Goods, works tho press, folds, packs and Hardware. , directs papers, prints jobs, runs on lotblinr and Gents Dont fail to be at the Post Office errands, Furnishing Goods chops wood, works in the on Saturday eveniurs to secure an iS full of gilOl garden, milks tho cow, takes care honest values. Evening News, price 5 cents. I of the baby while his wife goes to Is to shoes B. Robertson, news agent. Attention given Special tho club, talks to the patrons who and Fnnittnre. calls, patiently receives the blame Houses and lots for stile at rea for a thousand things that never Young Men's stumble prices. B. J. Johnson, rea can be done, and has scarcely time Consolidated Co-O- p, estate agent, Spanish Fork. Utuh. tp sat or sleep. SALEM NOTES. ht Bailed Hay & Produce BROOMS I Building Material. Spanish Fork, Utah isSStef Singer Sewing Lily-Bel- l, Machine the Quality C TIME CARD. Arrival and Departure of Trains from IUo Grande Western Depot; So. 7, for Springvillo, Provo, Bait Luke and all poiuts East and Wont, Ho. 29. for SpringvillPTProvo, Salt Lake and all points East and West, No. 8, for Eureka, Mammoth and Silver City, No. 28, for Eureka, Mammoth and Silver City, 8.05 a tn 8.43 p m 6:40 p m 6.15 am Connections made In Dgden Union Depot with All Trains of Southern 1'uelflc and Oregon Short Line. OFFERS CHOICE OK FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. AN I) Three Distinct Scenic Routes. Pulman Palace and Ordinary Bleeping Cars to Denver, Omahn, Kaunas City, Bt. I.ouU and Chicago wlthont change. Free Reclining Choir Cars. Personally Conducted Excnrsloui. A Perfect Dining Car Bervtce. For rates, folder, etc., Inquire of It. J. COOPER, ticket Agent, , or writo MO. IT. IIHNtZ, Aunt. General Pass'ger Agent, Bait lake llty. t |