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Show llEAK KIVEK VALLKV LfiADfcK was yours more than ours. oversight BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Editorial eyes are popularly FORD'S SON jft I Table Satisfaction I fc.AYED AT HOME DURING WAR TO HELP IN PLANT REFUSED FATHER WAS RESPONSIBLE Aiich. Henry Ford, during the last hour of bis seven days oil lne wi iiess bum, tooi occasion lo Ciaim full lepoiisib.liiy for his son, Eiisdi Ford's, claim for exemption from the selective uraU. "lie wanted to eiuiht," said .Mr. Ford, "but I told hiiu thai he could do inure good where he was. lie was offered several commissions which would have permitted him to wear a uniform ar.d stay right in the factory, but he wouldn't accept them." Having made their decision, it was shown, both Air. Ford and his son refused to camouflage it behind a swivel chair commission carrying boots and spars.' litis subject, the introduction of which has been awaited ever since the trial opened, did not deveiop along the lines which had been generally Mr. Fords inclination to , his stateshoulder fu.l rt ment that his son was absolutely essential to the war work being done In the factory and his revelation of the fact tha; Edsel Ford turned down several offers of a commission, disarm 'd criticism. Ihe charges, spread during a political campaign, and repealed on the floor of tha United States senate, to the effecl. that the young president of the Ford Jiotor company had shirked his du'y were so fully refuted that Tribune counsel did not pursue the point. It was the first time that a full explanation of the facts in connection with Edsel Ford's war work has been made pubiic and it was easily ih feature of the eleventh week of tha trial. Henry Ford spent seven days on the witness stand and of this time he gave less than two hours to his own lawyers. As long as counsel for Tho Tribune was hammering him Mr.. Ford Eat quietly in the. witness chair answering 'he constant fire of questions with great patience. But the instant his own lawyers took him in hand his changed. ' He became self, conscious and diffident. He would not accept the efforts of his counsel to provide him with an opportunity ta reveal the full extent of his patriotic work during the war, his humanitarian views, or his advanced ideas of the relations wircli should exist between capita! and labor. "It is all in the records," said Mr. Ford. ."It have told it all here once." He avoided, with care, anything that verged on boasting. He would not en describe the extent of the war work which hi- - fac cries did and when record breaking perfoi mances in tho production of munitions was mentioned he declared, "we did all we could, let it go at that. I want to forget all about It. feel just as he soldiers i' el. I don't want to talk about my war work." The witness did, however, after be. !'),' pressed, explain that his s0n: had bought out ihe mmori y stockholders of the Ford Motor company because these interests had Insisted on' Mr Ford squeezing the last dollar Out of ihe public, the government, 'ha work M's and Ihe product. He wanted to cut loose from his associates, he said, so that he cr.:h carry out his ideas of the distribution of proO's to. era. ployees through increased wages anl to the public through lower prices. It wis either buy or sell and Mr. Ford had considered selling and organizing a new company. His son. however, took up the task of buying out the m.nority s'ockholders and succeeded, despite the general belief in the flnan cial world that this stock could not lie ; purchased. One of the most Interesting development? of Mr. Ford's tes'imony cams cut when it. was testified that the oniv legislation he hs ever sought w:.s that for the protc'ion of birds. Other independent, aggressive newspaper, devoted to the social and inof the Bear dustrial development River Valley and Box Elder County. Published every Thursday at Tremonton, Utah. $ $ Our store is filled from front door to back with the best and frehest Groceries to be found in the markets. Entered as second class matter t March 10, 1914, at the postoffice of Act the under Tremonton, Utah, QUALITY IS NOT A FAD WITH USIT.'S A PRINCIPLE I Tremonton s SU8SCRIPI10N RATES One Vear Siv Months Go eking spon.-ib.lity- ft. The a r?aa era a TEST THE TRUTHF ILNES OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS Bring our ads to us. If every article in our stock is not exactly as represet-e- d in our ads we Will never again ask you to believe us. fas Bros. - To Know. $2 There are many people in this town $1 you ought to know, for your own sake. 60c Some of them you may not know, but l'hree Ylonfhs you should. You should know the banker. He is SUBSCBIPTION NOTICE. the one who supplies you with money If this space is marked with a when you need it, and cares for your Bed Circle it is a notice to you money when you have it. No town that your subscription has expircan conduct modern business without ed, and that you are invited to him. send in a renewal at once, in You should know each merchant. order not to miss any numbers. They have the goods you want, and if you know each one personally you also know something of the wares they If God,' for good, sees lit to deny sell." This enables you to buy judiciousus all else, may He as His best gift and saves you many a lost penny. ot all, grant us this to be of some ly You should know the mechanic. real, of some deep use, to our lellow-metime an improvement is made before we go hence and are no Everymust call him in. . If you know you more seen. them all you likewise know the one who is most likely to give you the best VuVA D. McQUIRE, Editor and Publisher service. You should know the school teacher. He is responsible to a great degree for Thursday, July 3I , IQ19 the moulding of the character of your children, for the lessons they learn under his care are not forgotten, while As Editor Sees It. even unto the brink of the grave. If you have a boy who is afraid to Know him, and help him. soil his hands, lead him out into the You should know the farmer. He garden and start him to digging. Stand holds the world in the hollow of his 0"ver"?iim. and' se that he keefcs on dig hand. To him we look for the produc-ging. Possibly the barn needs a good tion of the sustenance of life, and cleaning out. That will please nun without him we could not live. and add a little more to his musclar And, brother, you should know the development. It may soil his hgncis, sheriff. When the devil gets under but a little soap and water will uo hide the sheriff js a good man to wonders when properly applied. He your know. If you are inclined to Hick up may not be. ardently in love with his a little dust your knowledge of him jobs, but they will serve to beat a liteause you to pause before you may tle horse sense into his head and in kick. Yes, brother ,know the sheriff, time lo may become a fairly good citi- for while you are a good citizen he is zen. The high positions in the comand when you cease to be mercial world are not fUlud by meu your friend, he good puts you where you can be who were afraid to soil their hands in but good. nothing their youth. A dirty face is to ne censured, but soiled hands are moie Dispatches today state that the eeidv often an evidence of manly toil. serew skirt is the latest thing out in The i 0 Paris. Some times you walk into a store and a elerk jumps to be the first to wait upon you. He is there to sea goods and work never bothers He is willing to take down half the goods in the store in his efforts to please you. He makes sales and will rise in life. , But there is another class of clerks. They let you hunt them up when the boss is not around, show yuu as lew goods as possible, and are not at all bothered if you walk away without fiuding what you, want. They get their salaries just the same it is only the. boss who loses. They will always be clerks just clerks. to use IEssa la We have just received a car of Choice Bran and Shorts and a car of Steam Rolled Barley; You can't beat us on Flour and Feed. We have the best at the lowest prices. was a result of quti'. tions concerning Mr. Ford's list oi friends. He named Thomas Edison nnd John Burroughs, the naturalist, as hiq best Mends outside of his' Im p , 1 , Why not store your winter Coal NOW? V TREMTON COAL 0. ly money, 1, Was there something in connection with yourself or your family that in the should have been mentioned paper lust week? The fault of the p FOE SALE One Shetland pony, a good saddle, a 1500 pound team, and a Robert wide tired wagon, cheap. " Burge. c TAKEN UP A small pig. Owner may have same by paying cost of keep Inquire at this office. FOE SALE Good Work Louis I. Sorensen,' phone Horses. OPEN SHOOTING SEASON HAS BEEN CHANGED Deputy Game Warden J. W. Cottam is in receipt of the following information from the State game commission; er: ..i We have just been notified that under the terms of the Migratory Bird Act Treaty, the Federal open season on doves will extend from Sept. 1st to December 15th, and that state opes seasons must agree with or at least come wifhin the Federal season. For this season, therefore, we hereby rescind gijr grder declaring an open season On mourning doves from August 1st to August 31st, inclusive. And ift order that we may come within the limits prescribed 'by the gOVWhin'ent, we will declare an open season In Utah, except in Eich and Morgan counties, to extend from Sept.' 1st to Sept 30th, both dates inclusive. The bag limit will be 15 birds per person per day and nrjt more than, 30 birds per person for ; the season, The open season for Sage Hens, Blue Grouse and Willow Grouse will be from August 15th to August 31st, both dates inclusive, in all counties except Eich and Morgan, bag limit 8 birds per day, and not more than 16 birds to the person. Box Elder News. A ' Man wants little here bglgw, a pgefc comlire; there's only 0 ment to make that poet was a liar. If any American girl attempts sang with it her mother ought to stopper, o All the Latest Popular MEET svflusoe ' You are reading this paragraph now because you have learned to look for something of value in these columns. Here's something that is worth much to you. What stores have the best goods nnd at the most reasonable prices mi this town? How can you know which stores they are? Watch the ads in this paper, for they tell "tin story. The merchant who spends money in advertising his goods invaribly has goods thai are worth advertising, and his prices must of necessity be right or he could not afford to cull especial attention to them through the public print. Just glue your eye to the ads and you will save time, trouble and money especial- mile is expensive to maintain a team of When you notice how eager and horses, an outomobile or an affinity. anxious, and almost daffy, women are In fact we eft!! 't think of anything over bargain counter sales, you can worth having, just now, that is not figure out fjpw gome of us get grabbed up as husbands, People who "go the pace" usually arrive and stay. 0 one It Say, dad, don't tell your little girl she is too fussy about her clothes This is a fussy age, and the fussier the clothes are the more the little one will'' sjiiue. Every girl is fussy whose parents can afford to provide the fuss and to refuse to provide your girl witlt bright feathers is to confess yourself either broke or stingy. Let's hope you are neither the one nor the other. SHOTTS sibject Win. A. Fillmore, Corinne, south of Model Farm. People You Ought . chambct. Bead The Leader for the news. ' 0 men of millions, It w.s shown, ken,) lobbyists in ltu nalionai and stato capilol to urge and work for special privileges, but the one favor tha! M- -. Feud has ever asV;d from the law makers had nothing to do with his own interests. It was a curious bit of testimony and left a deep impression on ihe audience In the court ine1lat associates. Litigation In which Mr. Ford ban been Interested was another, subject of Interest. It was shown thai when the automobile business was In the first years of lis growth all manufacturers of motor cars were compelled to pay tribute to what was known a tho Seldcn patent on internal combiiH Hon engines. Mr. Ford fought this patent for seven years and won and by his victory freed the entire Indus' rj from Its shackles and made possible the wonderful growth which hs mark d the laat few years. c hi-ft- . "THE SATISFACTORY STORE" wa too . n m It Doesn't take the public long to decide as to the truth or falsity of any advertiser's claims. If he deals in "hot air" they take it for just If he deals in what it is worth. TRUTH they soon come to reljr implicitly upon what he says. 1 Eastern Bepresentative, American 39th West 225 Press Association, York. New Street, - D lea to Tb Advertising rates made known on ' application. Local advertising 8c per line per nsertion; classified advertising Sc per iine per insertion Keep your working power up to par by buying and and Meats from eating-Grocerie- Address all communications Leader, Tremonton, Utah. t -' March 3, 1879. Mt. Clemens, Thy UTAH STATE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Advertising under this heading cents a line each insertion. When yoi have anything to sell or trade, or wish what other ti buy something, use the " Classified tell people business is to takes place in this community and we Wants." want you to help us every time you have an opportunity. Tell us about It WANTED Contracts for plowing the next time. land. Address, American Plowing Association, 812 Walker Bank Bldg, Salt our see We like to dignified "eity Lake City, Utah. fathers" work. We like to see tnem LOST Between Garland and Trehustle around town looking' for an opto monton, a pair of glasses in a ease. portunity to improve something, make this a cleaner and more liveable Finder please leave at W. E. Getz town. It's what we elect them lor. Jewelry store in Tremonton, or bring There are plenty of opportunities for them to the Globe office in Garland and ; improvement which, have escaped their, be rewarded. need eagle eyes, which are sadly in TAKEN UP One bay horse, three of attention. Of course we can not exdo to everydads our years old, white strip on. face, one municipal pect thing at once, but we hope they will white hind foot, branded J J on right keep right on scouting around this thigh. Louis Hunsaker, Phone 65.A-2- . ' unburg until there is not a thing left can done, nothing of which anyone FOB SALE Some fine young pigs complain. at $4.50 and $5.00 while they last. OF THE ASSOCIATE An TO TAKE UNIFORM. Declares He Told Edsel That War Work in Factory Needed Him Would Not Accept Safety First Commission. ' XZrBZZ supposed to see everything, but the don't all. simply because we are human, after occurs kind the of Next time anything just tell us about it at once and you will find us thankful to get it. Our j Our stock is complete and kept up to date. We have made arrangements to secure all the latest hits as they are produced. Keep Us in Mind for SHEET mUSIC Tilemonlon Furniture Co. Where Price and Quality Meet. A. C. OLSON, Manager. PHONE NO. 12 |