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Show sEaB!OinaWBaaBHsaWan ihc A jjdat guncttau. Sad End of a Despondent JAto. The past year has bucn fruitful in suicides, but of all canes that come under the notice of the public, none excite such deep interest ur giv to the human henrt more of sympathy of youth and than the Roth-baa- s, of Kathi. beauty. The history a young woman apparently twenty years of age, might, if all were told, furnish some interesting facts for the moralist, but as it is we have nothing, aside from the incoherent lines written seemingly at the moment she made her spring into the waters of the Ohio, to lead to the cause of this Bad end of a despondent life. Last Wednesday Kathi. was working at th stocking manufactory of Stierie, No. 228 Walnut street, with nothing in manner or action during the day to indicate that she contemFrom the plated evening of that day until the next morning, her presence was missed, but no one suspected what the revelations of the day would tell. Her discovery aud whereabouts during the night were explained in the sad, sad phase, "found drowned." The body floated down to the foot of John St., where it was discovered by some persons on the bank. Where the act was committed, or at what time, we must wait for tho testimony on the inquest, for no papers wera found on the body aave the following letter : "My last thought my lad Jacob. The love for him I take with me. I am the fault of it, and could have alone helped myself; but from child-Boo- d on I never obeyed my father, nor step mother, nor guardian, and the good woman with whom 1 have been for the last four months has shown me nothing but the kindness and good example of a mother. May she forgive me. Oh, had I but followed her example! Those who find this paper pleaso tell her bo, and also kind Mrs. Ftierle of my misfortuno, as also my dear brother and all my relation. Oh, God ! do not condemn me, but take me up as Thy child. My Kathi. HoTiinAA8." name, The deceased was beautiful, having been endowed by nature with more titan ordinary charms. A Something to Think Aiiottt The pleas of and for the Utah niereenaries, that they are engaged in reforming the people of Utah, is as empty as the spectacle is ridiculous and absurd. It is a miserable fraud. For more than twenty years Published evnrv WKDNKSDAY and SATURDAY bv Ilia (junitx 1'miLiHiima I'ompixt. 0. W. PKSHOSB. Business Manager, to whom nil addressed. Buidm cumin nnicatiou should Skirls llcdragglcd text. Miserable Pretense. Pre- the government of the United States has recognized, and tacitly conceded the right of the people of Utah to prcaeh and practice the plurality wife system. It has, during all those ye irs, appropriated money for the support of the Territorial go and, for years, appointed and Yoono aa its Brioham paid the ablest and most honest which the Territory has ever had. The institutions of Utah, as a matter of fact, have flourished to a great extent because they were fostered and protected by all administrations, including that of President Lincoln. It is true, bankrupt for issues, a catch was made of Polygamy as tho "twin relic of barbarism" in a platform of the ruling party many years ago, but it was a mere catch as every body knows, and as has been clearly shown for many years by tho support it has received from all Congresses, and never more distinctly thau by the one which voted down the Ci:l-lubill, in which the issue was squarely made and met for tho first and only time iu tho history of this agitation. Tho performances in Salt Lake are nothing more nor less than apolitical raid for the purpose of bolstering a bankrupt administration at one end of the line, and of giving new life to a gang of Botany Bay political mercenaries at the other. 'Jhi is the whole matter in a Omaha Herald. vern-meu- t, Gov-eeno- r, m Seventy per cent, of the crime of the United States is directly traceable to alcohol. It is on evidence that eu.h is the fact, and evidently there is something to think about. Let us think of this matter : out of 1.000 convicts iu the State's prison, 700 are sent thero bv alcohol. Mani festly, it is not total dcDravitv that is th.i matter with mankind ; it isn't in- he ent moral impotency, or insanity ; it is whiskey. lhis is the kind of clement we ufc to invigorate our great Upas tree; this is the devil tht possesses society and persists in disturbing its order, as security, its regard lor right, llns is the incendiary, burglar, and homicide that shocks us with the tale of its crime. The most imuortaut and ing problem in our political ethics is foot-pa- far-reac- LOOK! A Confectionery, RESTORER! FIFTH STREET, is a sure cure for Baldness and prevents the Hair OGDEIST. falling off. per from alt Alcoholic Stimulants. They GREAT BLOOD PIRIFIEtt nnd A GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Rcbot. r1 for Utah. Sole Agent Mrs. Spencer, of the Washington Reform Club, is giving certain women reclaimed from the social evil, lessons in elocution, and otherwiso fitting them for the lecture field. Mrs. Spencer intends to send the girls about the country, in order that the people may understand all the ins and outs of the vile business thousands of wretched women are forced bysociety to follow for a living, a ;d so be to ni -a ply remedy. A HsWIsaaWHLnB Gn. At u, a.n Pranoljoo, CaU, and 32 and OmmZ ' mrm VI . nnnn ftf.AVM .1). v. nvuo v.bbbBD rnnev riki.t. Madeof Poor Hum. Whiskey, Proof and Refuse Liquors doctored, .Bleed and iwJj nemo piease mo lasts, cauca "Tonics,' "Ann ers," "Kctorcrs , 4c, that lead the tipple, drunkenness and min.bnt arc a trne Medicine aids from the Katlvo Roots and Herb, of Callfemi.' is producing hair on scvoral bald uji iui ouj uun;aLiuii iu wio puuui" It heads in Suit Lake City. mind. Society ponders over the dread fact that seventy per cent, of its crime ISottlc. $1.00 results Irom alcohol. The next question will be para Office nt CALDEIt BROTHERS, mount : "How shall we rid ourselves Repository of Music. of this devil of disorder?" St. Louh CHARLES W. STAYXER, Home Journal Price Cfj 78-3- FIOXEEK ,,w... THE WHITE PIKE LUMBER YARD XII a has been removed to One Block Eat of the Tithing Ofllee. n the Bench, Ogtlen. no equal. C- t-l aH PII WHITE LUMBER asS Diirestivo Orsans. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, " Trains and at the Yard from will leave Ogden dally at 8 a.m., and at Suit Lake City at 10 a.m. and sides were on fire, and the flames Leave Salt Lake Cit daily at 5 a.m. and i.Vi p.m. j were writhing over the decks of the Arrive at Ogden at 7 a.m. and 4.46 p.m. brigs in the river, and winding their fierco arms of flames around tho masts and through the rigging like a In aililition to the above, The monstrous, luminous devil-fish- . awful canopy of fire drew down and closed over Water street, as the WILL HU5 for multitude rushed tho shrieking tunnel, tho only avenuo of escape. DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, had already blown up, The at 5 a.m. ami 6 p.m. and thero was no light in any house, Leaving Ogden Cityami save the illumination which lighted Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 5.80. p.m. up only to destroy- But into the darkened cave rushd will plenae ptirehan their tickets at pellmell, from all directions, the fren- theraaMngeri office. Fifty cent additional will be charged zied crowd bankers, thieves, dray- wbeo the tare i collected on the tram. men, wives, children in every Haw of undress as they had leaped from For all Information eoneernlng Freight or Pasburning lodgings, a howlinir. cursing, sage, apply to their praying, wailing mob, making D. O.CALDKR, tieni Ticket and Freight Agent. desperate dive under tho river. It was as dark in the tunnel as it is iu MIXED TRAILS equivalent. POSTS for SaleCEDAR Wheat, Oats, Barley, etc tuLcu iu paymcait. Also FOR SKIN DISEASES,EmptiOns,Tettr,g!! ks- -i - P o FEW GOOD A LOGGING HANDS WANTED. Apply to WiNTiiuor Faui.ey, one bloc : hnst '.theTithing Ofiice (on the Bench), Ugflen. 4S-- LEVI WHEELER. f p gas-wor- The New York Standard dwells on tho demoralizing influence of long skirts. The editor has been on Broadway, and saw there beautiful women, with spiritual faces and refinement of manner, clothed with all the skill of tho modiste, drag after them their costly drapery, loaded with dirt and filth fully one foot from the hem. Indown spired by their examples, through all grades of society, working women, shop girls and servants, no matter what their occupation or income, from East Itiver to North, from the Battery to the city limits, collect the refuse and garbage of tho street and carry it about on their persons. We puiiled upon the Alexandria limp. We amused ourselves with suacy flings at the Grecian Bend. We have gazed with wonder at this latest and most successful imitation of the kangaroo, and we have enjoyed the grand combination us one does tho antics of the clown, or the pantomime- or the contortions of the man. But we are filled with disgust at the trailing filth. A woman should be neat even as she should be chaste. Untidiness shatters the fairest ideal. Neatness and cleanliness is demanded of her in the very fitness of things, were there not a thousand other reasons. India-rubb- or The inters Hit. detectives recently visited Derby Lino, Vt., and crossing iuto Canada purchased ?200 worth of silks', which they persuaded the clerk of tho Derby Line Hotel to bring over the line for them. When the clerk arrived with the goods they seized Vim, took the silks aud receipted bill for the property from him, aud then bud him held in $500 bonds to answer a charge of smuggling. But having procured bail, the clerk turned the tables on his accusers, whom he had arrested for obtaining goods under false pretences; and as they had no acquaintances on the spot to enter security for them, they soon found themselves in a worse predicament thau their late victiai. Two I clasped her tiny hand in mine, I olasped her beauteous form; I vowed to shield her from the wind, and from tho world's cold storm. She set her beauteous eyes on me, tho tears did wildly flow; and with her little lips she said, "Confound, you,! let me go." CS BEAR LAKE DIVIDE. S "fA3I ILY FAVORITE" D. JAMES & Co. Having removed their Mill to the White Pines on Ihe Bear Lnke Divide, are now prepared to fill bills for tho best SEWING Of FINISHING LUMBER, Hint. Tils being the direct rente, and 112 Mile shorter than the lower liae, riavet 6 Honrs in time, IS TIIH LATEST IMPK0VED, PKST' rpiHIR .1. niailn nml jphiet mnulng ."liuttle Marhinri. 'in nso. Kverv variety of Humming, Felling,. Curding, lir.ii.iin.', lutkiug, tjuilting, Ruffling,, etc., eiisily pci In tho next stump speech which Judge McKcan delivers from what is facetiously called "tho Bench" of Utah, wo hint to him tho propriety nd Insures connections with all Rut-eA Southern Railways, pase-eugeDuring choice f Routes East of Chicago. 1ACGAGE CHECKED TnCOUCH TO ALL EASTER5 CITIES. of explaining how it happened that, in all his efforts at reform during his Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches run life in Nsw York and in Congress, through to Chicago without change. he never once thought of picking the CIO. L. DUNLAP, Gen. Supt. incestuous pustule known as tho On- B. F. PATRICK, CvA. Pass. Chicago. eida Community ? The Judgo will Omaplease sit down and explain. ha Herald. Aa-t-., GEO. WHITEHEAD THE RED-TO- I Mater tonsil Passenner mi Fre. Route NIAGARA FALLS TO NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL POINTS TBI CtUJMUTlS EAST. "BLUB LINE!" For the needy transportation of all kinds of freight runs exclusive over the without Route Great Central lantern The only Line (rem Chicago runniug the magnificent Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars On Ha Passenger Trains. R. E. S ARC EST, G.i'l Cap't, K. Chic. Oenl Pass. Aft, Chicago. a WF.XTWORTH, THOS. UOOP3, deal Freight Agt, Chicago. can be obtained At all reasonable STRAIGHT NEEDLE NO COG WHEELS. For Circular and Sample of Sewing, address IKA TF0UTZ, Hours at tho golden gate chop house. Main Street, Ogden, ONE DOOR NORTH OF PIDCOCK'S STORE. OLD COUNTRY MADE TO ORDER. 'WATER-TIGHT- JOB HUNTING The Best in Town, always ready. CITY UCENSEST GIVE ME A CALL, n. The Office of the City Recorder is a the Office of the "Ogden Junction,'." corner of Main and Fourth streets. Cjfia Howtfrom 10 a. . tiii if-- . Tor Sale. Cash paid for Hides. iMy a. I. WHUEHJSAB. To all whom It may concern o kind, of Pay taken. Gall and gtva your order.. Leather In the finest style. TEAT NOTICE IS HER2B1 GIVEN, engaged in Business ir Ogden City, (fcr wnich the City Ordi nances provide that a license must be. obtained,) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of said City, and be subjected, to a Fiae. By order of the City Council. LESTER J. HEKRICK, Mayw. TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. Repair, neatly executed, on the shortest notie. AU OGDEN JUNCTION ICE CREAM, Boots and Shoes in every Style, THE Is supplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out crcry description of SHOP! i Agont, Salt Lake City. JOBPRIfflCOIICE BOOT AND SHOE n AiiiiiOAD EASTERN CONNECTIONS. TR A GOOD MEAL P ill al "Come here, my boy," said an attorney to a boy nine years old. The boy came and asked the attorney what was to be tried next. The lawyer answered : "A case between the people and the devil which do you think will be the most likely to gain the action ?" The boy replied : "I guess it will bo a pretty hard squeeze- - the hav the most money, but the Seople the most lawyers." 7RANK WHITEUBAD. MICHIGAN CENTRAL , siii:s. Silt Great Central Route. At a recent revival at Footville, Wis., a number of converts were baptized in a small lake near that village. A few hours after the pastor met one of them, a young man, and very properly asked him how he felt; it is needless to say that the good man wob rather taken down at the rather unspir-ituanswer which followed : "Well, I feel a good deal better since I got my wet clothes off." stitch alike ox iiotu Fourth Strt,Ogiltn, will receive prompt attsution Mr. Wm. PACL, Architect and Builder, will act as oar Agent in Suit Lake City. 3tf MACHINE. k RAILWAY. A WEED o Ciao UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. Kheum, Blotches Spots, rimples, Pnsttrles, Boll., Scald-HcnSoro Eyes, Irlilp. elas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration, of tho Stln, Unmon and Discnses of tho Skin, of whatever name or turn, aro literally Hag up and carried ont of the syitcm Is i .hort time by th nso of these Bitters. One bottle t such esses w ill convince tho Most lucredulon. of tseif curative effect. Cleanse tho itlatod Blood whenever ven nil Ih s Impurities bursting through the skin In Plriinles, or 8orcs. Heimsc It when you find it ohotrueini and sluirirlsli inthe veins: cleanse it n hen It i.fnni ..4 tell von wl'en. Keep the blood part your and the health of the system will follow. PIN, K'tTAPE, snrlMhrr WORMS, lurking t tk. ru innuy immit!(I!, nrn tneeXURIIV flfriroj. rbriH eaana rrinnven. ror tiul flirertler., red rsrenillr tlio cireulsr around rneh bottle, printed In four lw guages English, Ucruiun, i rencli and Spanish. .1. WALKER, Proprietor. R. IT. McDOXALD CO, Druggists and Gen. Afrents, San Francisco, Cl,id 82 ard S4 Commerce Street, Xew Tork, .D BY ALL DKUCCISTS ASD DEALEB9. O STEAM SAW MILL. tho centre of the earth, perhaps darkJOHN SHARP, er. Hundreds of the fugitives were 8CFERINTEN DENT. laden with furniture, household goods, at the Lowest Rates. utensils, loaves of bread and pieces (f almeat, and their rush through tho & Hortli-Weste- m Orders filled at the mill or delivered in most suffocating tunnel was fearful in Ogden City. the extreme. They knocked each other down, and tho strong trod on JBSF Tennis wanted to haul tho helpless. Nothing was hoard at The direct route from Omaha to Chicago and the East, Lumber on Shares from the the mouth of tho cavernous prison but a mufUed howl of rago and anguish. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. 91111 to Ogden. Several came forth with broken limbs and terrible bruises, as they scattered Two Daily TnaouQH Taiist leave the Mimocxi All Orders addrxmied to Bivn, opposite Omaha, upon the arrival and resumed their flight under tho of Trulni from the Went over the BARNARD WHITE, blaziug sky to the northward. tf v Keid. ache, Tain In tho Bhoulders, Coughs, Tightness of lbs Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Btomacb, Bad taste In tho Month, Bilious Attacks, Fslpltstioi of the Heart, Inflammation of the lungs,Pkln In U regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other palnni symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspcpsfa. They lnvlgorato the Btomach and .tlnralate th. torpid liver and bowels, which render tbentofnneqatlW efflency In cleansing tho blood of all ttnpT!tlei,ai Imparting new life and rigor to the wholes-ste- feet, 3IONDAY, JULY If, $30 to $40 per 1000 1H71, feet, in Cash or its OX AND AFTER For Inflammatory and Cbronle Itkeana. nna i.out, jjyspepsia er...Iadlneatu. . t e. . ton, iniermuieat mil uiiiunn, Fevers Discnses of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, thoso Bitters have been most tneecMnil. i ism 8ncU Diseases are caused by Vitiated Bios which it generally producod by derangement of th to LIK OF CTAN. $20 $2, per 1000 5.30 p.m. Arrive 7.30 p.m. ... Invlgorator of the Sy.tcm, carrying off all BeUm,,,. u iu a Deaitny coadlMon am, TOiomini " No porson can take these Bitter, according to dirw' Hons and remain long nnw.U, provided their k.- are not destroyed by mineral poison or other bum ,. n.1 th vital amiim V.juu 'no point of r. pair. They arc a Gentle Pnrsatlre as well Tonic, possessing also, the peculiar merit of aotlse .. ..Bv,... ... .v..wun vuuKenonorinllam' matloR of the Liver, and all the Visceral Omm. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. whether i. young or old, married or single, at the dawn 0f womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitten hare ... from Benr Lake Divide, near Mount Naab, for Sale at the Mill, from RAILROAD. Fearful Scene.. Tin A- THE BEST QUALITY OF UTAH CENTRAL ' l" r..n.l... GOLDEN GATE HAIR h A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERS "k4 MILLIONS Uear Teatlm r unKTsro-wiN- It COLUMN. Wonderful BOTTLE OF THE GKEAT J 1ST THY nut-shel- l. A correspondent at Chicago writes: One of tho most dramatic and impressive scenes of the fire, not yet recorded, was the flight through the La Salle street tunnel under the river, Sunday night. It was about two o'clock when this strange hegira began, and in ten minutes it became a furious rout. Tho bridges ou both KELSON'S o 1M JOHN KELSON, Rfth Street, Ogden.. |