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Show ; . ... t 1 S;;.,,,S?,'- SUNDAY HERALD - December Brings Romantic Tidings " 31 --- s-j - if V- l - - - i - - Planning a late December mar riage are Connie Lou Siggard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siggard of Brigham City, and Lt. Glenn C. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Carl G. Davis of Provo. Lt. Davis is in flight training at Lar- - .1 i , sas edo, Tex. They will recite vows Dec. 27 in the Logan LDS Temple. A wed ding breakfast will follow in Logan with the groom's parents as hosts, and a reception will be held X MKS. JOHN W. Diane Vincent, John W Armour Marry 'In Provo Church Ceremony Christmas setting provided the Salt Lake City performed the background Friday, Dec. 6, for the ceremony in the .'Sunset LDS Wapd tfc marriage of Diane Vincent, daugh- foyef . The bride: eat? ?4m father Vinnet of on the arm stairs ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis T, cent of Provo, and John W. Ar- and up .the aisle to meet hei mour, son of Mrs. William Ar- groom. Hie stairway awf aisle were decorated with red ribbons, mour, Salt Lake City. LDS from holly and greeqegy. with, yhitt bishop Eugene Larsen, -- DOROTHY DIX It Is Verv Unfair to Fool With a Girl's Affections By MURIEL NISSEN DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Will it break a girl's heart if she falls in love with me and finds that I will never marry her? , I am not in love with her. I am just being friendly to her. She doesn't have many boy friends and few attentions from those she has. I don't begrudge the hours spent with her, so am not hurting myself. Martin L. DEAR MARTIN L.: I commend you for considering the girl's side of the matter as well as your own Most of the men whose attentions are without intentions are concerned solely with their own, getaway and never give a thought to the harm they have done the girl. Of course, girls whose affections have been trifled with,, as the old phrase goes, do not die of broken hearts. But their faith in men has been shattered. The glamour of romance, the joy, the thrills of love are gone from them forever. It is a terrible thing for a man to rob a girl of these and to fill her heart so full of love for him that there will never be room it it for any other man. Plenty of girls who get over first loves marry, but they have only the cold ashes of affection to give their husbands. ' Consider, also, how unfair a deal you are giving a girl. You are spoiling her chances of making a good marriage when you do not "mean to marry her yourself. You know that if you take up all of her time and attention, if you are seen out with her everywhere, that you keep other men away from her because they naturally assume you are engaged to her. The only honorable thing for a man to do when he finds a girl is falling in love with him and he does not return her affection, is to keep away from her. Force her to realize that her case is hopeless. i DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm going steady with a boy from out of town, but think I might have a chance to go back with the fellow I dated last year. I like him better, but how can I tell my present boy friend that I'm break ing up with him? Nancy. home-lovin- g NANCY: DEAR A ' gSri doesn't bum all her bridges. Keep botH friendr, but ' cnt- - this steady dating angle. In simple language, tell the . boys, you rjren't interested in going steady, but would like to have mem both as friends. . DEAR DOROTHY DDC: Although considered attractive aad good company I've never; had many dates. Now I've met V boy bejls Mrs. Lawrence Clark play ed the organ for the procession, and: just before the ceremony be gan Mn. William Maxwell sang. The background was of a large basket of white mums and green ery flanked by two smaller baskets of. greenery with electric The bride wore a gown of chan- tiHy lace and net over white satin. The bodice featured long, pointed lace sleeves and a sabrina beaded neckline. The skirt back had tiers of lace from the waist to the floor, and the front had a lace apron effect. Her fingertip veil of illuision tapered in the back and fell from a crown of pearls similar to moth- of pearl shaped liwe flowers. Her bouquet was of red roses and white satin ribbon. Mrs. Douglas Scott, sister of the bride, was her matron of honor. Other .attendants were Marge Sal erno, Mrs. Paul Kitchen, Mrs. Ar- den Louder, Jean Hanson, Al Jean Allen and .Mrs. Edwin B.. Firm age. They wore red velvet sheath dresses' and carried red with white carnation on poin-aetti- I like very much, and lie's , asked streamers. me out. Trouble is he's very much Flower girls wer as Paula Scott interested in sports,., a' subject and Lesa Lyn Vincent dressed in about whh-'i- . know nothing: Bow white taffeta with lace embroider can I hold hlr interest? Missy ed flowers. They carried baskets DEAR MISSY: Learn! Read the of red carnations. Mrs. Vincent was in a gold sports pages of a. newspaper, ma books some metallic gown with a rust orchid articles, 'get on basketball from me library and corsage, and Mrs. Armour wore hockey (he season's sports), and pale blue over lace with a white learn to discuss them intelligently. orchid corsage. In no time at all youU find your ' Eugene Larsen Jr. was best self quite sold on ftpotts and man, and ushers were William even outdo the" boy iMeod. Maxwell, Stanley Mariger and Jer ry Homeins. Robert Armour, . DEAR DOROTHY DDL: Tbis brother of the groom, was also in summer I met and fell in love with the wedding party. (I think) a soldier stationed some A reception honored the couple distance away. He was very at after, the ceremony. Mrs. Paul tentive at the time; we kept up a. Ence was in charge of the guest steady and- increasingly fervent Cook. correspondent',' b. in whien be fre Vincent Scoft, Darwin Vincent quently nienfibned m a r r i a g e, and Susan Klenck brought the though I never pursued the topic. giffcs to Mrs. B. J. Vincent, Mrs. Now, it's 'been .over a month since Al Hanson and Mrs. Robert ArI've heard from him, , though I mour. write every day. Do you think I've Mrs. Donna Klenck presided over lost him? K so, how do I get him the serving, assisted by Gay Vinhack? Sophia cent. Friends of the bride serving DEAR SOPHIA: Write one last were Mrs. Jerry Walton, Mrs. LarAsay, Mrs. John Hulick, Toni letter, tell m boy youl assume he ry Williams, Jerolyn wants to drop the correspondence Madsen, Terry Dee Miller. Brown rand (what was your first bint), and The was white with cake wedding you've appreciated bis friendship. silver made of five tiers. Bebut since the. idea of a tween two of the tiers were white g binge isn't your Idea columns with swans, and on top of fun, you think K best to ter other swans held streamers atminate tms angle of your tached to a miniature bride and ciation. TeH him:' aWISit jBroom and bells. oe giaa 10 see ninr wnea ne Mrs. Clark played background home. Don't seal all loopholea music during the reception. '. just in case. The couple left for a honeymoon in San Francisco, Calif. The bride Send your prottem to DbROTHY wore a cashmere sheath dress of DDC. Be sure to enclose a stamped, red cherry with black accessories. ' envelope, and ad- On their return they will live in dress her cafe of' mis newspaper. Salt Lake City. ne mr . , -- r LDS Ward Relief Society. The groom-elec- t is a graduate of Provo High School where he was student body president. While attending BYU he belonged to Tau Sigma social unit, and after his graduation be obtained his mas- ters degree at the University LYDIA ULIBARRI Club Notes Lydiq Ulibarri Will Wed David Archuleta Dec. 28 ALPHA UNITESS MEGA Will meet today at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Connie Bailey, 544 E. 6th N. HOME ARTS Will meet Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the Women's Council Club house for Christmas partq. Mrs. Harry Walker will review "Small CONNIE LOU SIGGARD Kiwanis Set Party Monday Extensive preparations are being made to make the annual Christmas dinner-part- y of the Provo Kiwanis Club, Monday night at Club Radar, the outstanding social event of the year. It is expected Mrs. Jessie Ulibarri of Provo announces the engagethat over 160 members and their wives will attend the gala funcment and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Lydia tion which is a traditional event Ulibarri,. to David K. Archuleta, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Women." Special music has been to honor the outgoing and incomArchuleta of New Mexico. arranged, and light refreshments ing officers of the club. Hie party is scheduled to begin is a graduate of Provo High School will be served. The bride-ele- ct where she was a member of the Legislative Council, Span- Seventh Ward Schedules Bazaar Everyone is invited to attend the Provo Seventh LDS Ward Relief Society Bazaar Tuesday at the chapel, First East and Second South. The bazaar will begin at 11:30 a.m. and end at 15q)TUL 7:15 p.m. Chili and other food will be sold all day. Baked goods, hand sewing, quilt and gifts for Christmas will also be Whai poaTd be more delightful to ffive, or;;tiVirei for yourself!) than theie. home" shoes ! They're as festive Jookinar as tinsel on the tree with quite the most enchanting airs you've ever seen. A. Week velvet with a brilliant MARY'S BEAUTY timck veJvet with gold ...embroidery. A95 V jprmTlt PROUDLY PRESENTS Front-Hoo- k 'Confidential" Strapless No. 391. Elastic back band is low, comfortable . . . stays where you put d it! cup gives $16501 Pre-shape- W Now! Utilize Your Time Healthfully While Sitting Under The Dryer! You can look more attractive, more glamorous, more slender, more sparkling . . . You can lose inches and restore that youthful YOU . . . just try or extra beauty, extra, support. Wired underbust, 2 front adjustments. White embroidered cottoji and elastic, 32A to 38C it under the dryer here at Mary's Beauty Salon, then judge for yourself! ' COME IN DECEMBER 9, 10, 11, M, 13, 14 FOR A FREE TRIAL IN OUR SHOP The Life Technician will be in attendance for these ' six days. 1 NO DISROBING! , ' NO CONTRACTS! Beauty is a natural inheritance. Come into your inheritance through the. use of Life's Massage method at Mary's Beauty Salon. SOLON UniTersity, Provo H. Neil McKnight. SOLON MARY'S BEAUTY T2& Nee of "Scant-Hip- " tearos corsage 1 A95 XL Ercan-brac- k are the committee in charge of the party, assisted by President and Mrs. Erven J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Angus S. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. an regular dress sizes! ed JOYCE . . . for Xmas! ning. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling M. belong on your Christmas list! letter-writin- self-address- at 7 o'clock with a social hour. Dinner will be .served from 8 to 10. Dancing will conclude the eve- ish Club president, Phi Gamma Psi, Dramatic Art Club and Girl Organization captain. Following her graduation, she took nurses training and is now locally employed. Mr. Archuleta has served in the U. S. Air Force. He is attending St. Michaels College in Santa Fe, N. M. The wedding will take place Dec. 28 at St. Francis Church. Father Lionel Maroney, O.F.M., will officiate nuptial high mass. An evening reception will follow. The couple will live in Santa Fe where Mr. Archuleta will continue his studies. , ed of Illinois. He served an LDS mission in the East Central States. . one-sid- - j4 the same evening at the Brigham Fifth LDS Ward recreation hall hosted by the bride's parents. Miss Siggard is a graduate of Box Elder High School where she was a member of the Pep Club and Scholastic Club. She attended Utah State University and is J graduate of Brigham Young Uni versity where she majored in home economics. She was a member of the AFROTC Sponsor Corps at both uni vers ties. She has served as president of the BYU Stake Sixth AQUIMDiano Vincent) A Brigham Girl Sets Date With Provoan Now . . . Formnt'i famous "Scant.Hii" t I y dress sizes. Double power-panel- s over extra hips give control, extra emphasis to slim-lin- e fashions. Embroidered nylon taffeta front panel gives rt., easy-to-bu- a flattering front line. 3' waistband nips offinches. High cut front bottom means walking ease. Length increases with each regular misses dress size, 10 to 22. White patterned leno elastic No. 1599. Romance lira No. 577. NylcBrair' cups tor Jasting uplift. ' White cotton and lylonaheei 32A to 38C. xwc-uicn- 560 W. Main American Fork o Phono 1 37 -- 5 ea Open Monday, Friday and Saturday $50 Til 9 pjn. Romance" Strapless Longline Bra No. 375 for slimming, trimming midriff control under 6heath or fashions. high-wai"Cuddle-Stay! Exclusive fit. firm for . feature st "Nylo-Braid- circle-Stitche-d " cups for lasting uplift. Fine white cotton. 2Bto40C. 695 32Dto42D $750 M 1 f 1 |