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Show THE SALT LAKfc.TlUJBUNE, THURSDAY ilUKMMi, III. iCHflEFEfl LEiDS -- MAY 18, 1'JITJ. KSlEO'EEfiEXa. Domestics Attractively Priced ?or Todays Selling Champ Wins Block b Mar gin of 2, and Total Count 81 Ahead of Cochran. j ' There is pride in the possession of a linen chest , a feeling of satisfaction - that assures the readiness for emergency . Shrewd women will take advantage of these opportunities to supply their needs. well-appoint- ed CHICAGO, May IT. (By the Associated Preea.) "Touna Jake' Schaefer, (worWa 18.2 iralktln billiard. champion, tonight defeated Welker Cochran, 500 to 491 in chant the second block of thetr pionahip match. Schaefer leads the challenger, 1000 to 11. The final block a HI be played tomorrow night. Schaefer fan out In fourteen Innings pith an unfinished run of four. amass a Neither man seemed able to larger count earli , as they both kept the balls well apart at every mlsa. Cochran, honever, did get them together toward the end and gathered a high run of 100. Score of tonight's game: Schaefer, 506; Oouhran, 498. Average for night. Cochran, 5 Schaefer, S Average for both nights. Schaefer. 14 Cochran, 51 High run for night: Schaefer, II; Cochran, 150. When play resumed tonight Schaefer started on hi unf1n!rietl run, of 85 a here he left off "last night. He kept the balls closely grouped near the end rail and made sixteen before ml&slng 1500-poi- nt OLD BLEACH TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS ALL-LINE- Size 2x2 4; Regular. yards. Sale N .$19.95 $14-7- 5 $24.75 $18.50 $28.75 $21.50 $28.00 $21-0- 0 $31.00 $23.25 $31.75 $23.75 $41.50 $31.00 14-2- 9: Size 2x2 $25.00 Regular $18.75 Sale Napkins to Match. Regular, doz. $25.25 Sale $18.95 draw shot. yards. HOUSEHOLD HEEDS Cochran ran 4 and tripped up on an easy carom. Jake mlased a difficult draw and Cochran. tn hit second frame, ran at--41 TABLE CLOTHS i SCOTCH ALL-LINEand missed on a draw shot when he emoted to gather the .balls on a round AND NAPKINS the table drive. He had Just completed a beautiful masse on bis fortieth shot Bciacfer ran 10 In hla third inning n table cloths. Heavy weight and long wearing nnssing cn a rather easy draw shot. and He left them In a difficult position 69x68 for Size $7.50. $5.95 inches; regular Special missed. Cochran Schaefer then gathered the balls tothlrty-fourdh Napkins to match, regular $8.75 per doz., special, per gether nicely, but fnlecued 'on59his Cochto shot. He had made doz. . . . $6.93 ran s 45 thus far. and the score of the match at the end of the eighteenth in 559., 444; Schaefer, stood Cochran, ning Cochran got 64 In his fourth Inning, bringing applause for a pretty cushlon-firLINENS but missing shot on his on a draw and cushion shot. bis sKty-ftrDoilies, centers, scarfs, squares, luncheon cloths, dinner The champion settled down In his hslf and ran 79, bringing applause on the cloths in Madeira and cluny. Regularly priced at 75c to seventy ninth shot. lie left the balls scattered and Coch50c to $37.50 $50.00. Special at ran missed. Schaefer then ran 2 ljut missed a four-- i ushion try. n nature' Cochran tried a but fell shy bv sn Inch bchaefer ran 5. all open shots, and Cochran ran 1 and missed. gathafter taking fifteen shots before 74 In the ering the balls, Schaefer ran on a one-- t tered a line-u- p seventh Inning but tripped up n 100 and the bells were still la a favorasid missed his ushion carom trytng for his seventy-sevent- h. Cochran gathered 82 able position as he continued attempt. Cochran continued to keep the ball at on his twenty-sixt- h Inning and missed on Cochran put the hall In good order a draw his command and passed the 156 mark on the side rail. early and clicked off 75 before nrlsslng with the .Ivories still obeying him Schaefer reeled off 72 before missing tn a draw. shot Cochran missed a rushlon-flrs- t shot. The score at Schaefer ran 48 In his half of the eighth a hard 159. The champion ran out of the twenty-sixt- h Inning. after maklhgfour inning of the night, missing a short to-- i tne tnd 929; by making Cochran, 702. Schaefer, ushion shot The score of the second block b InCoc.irxn missed sin open table found the balls adds apart Coran follows In nings trails rolled posiand drive the ran 58, them missing and after gathering 4714 41 0; 60, 0 0. 1, 73. tion for the champion, who nursed them 28- Oochrsn: on a slow draw on the rail. 40, 12; ft, 58; 166919 delicately and ctKked off 58 In a few gchaefg then made 81. and brought the Schaefer 50016. 0. 10 8, !, 79, 2, 3, wore at the end of the ninth Inning of the minutes, leaving him but 12 to go. the balls wide apart and 76, 48, 81; 17; 62 , 9 . 41000. left Schaefer of match. twenty-fourt- h tha Inning light, Cochran was applauded when he made Schaefer, 150; Cochran. 630! WOMAN HURT BV FALL. 1 he champion mlased on a drive to the the shot, taking three cushions to do It. SFANISH FORK, May 17 Mrs Marv He then ran 58 before missing a cushion rail and baak to cuahion shot, trying for first shot and the champion ran only 8, J. Lew, sged about 63 veara is suffe--In- g shot. hi elghty-seeon- d fall from Injuries resulting from and leaving him four to go on the block. The Cochran ran 40 In hla twenty-fift- h 746 from the steps of the Third ward chapel missed on a hard masse, leaving th balls score then stood: 894 to ball turned She ankle when Bunded her the Cochran on together but the gathered rail, Schaefer grouped for many bruise. the champion, after running 17, encoun- - quickly and by delicate nursing reeled off For hand towels or kitchen COTTON TOWELING Regular 8 1 3e. Special, per yard at at HAND-DECORATE- 33t BLEACHED BEAMLEB8 SHEETS Regular Jl.oO. Special for BLEACHED D Regular h, st 40e, CASES Special at P1LLOAV bire Cg - Aery absorbent. HEAVY UNBLEACHED SHEETING 2 Regularly priced 65c. Special, per yard FINK AVHITE UNDERWEAR CAMBRIC Regular 35e, (Special, per sard all-line- fifty-nint- EX TOWELING Special, jirr sard N A uo. Regular')- priced jards JKg 81x90 inches. Oft heavy weight. . t Graduation day will dawn serenely for the girl whorhas selected her gown from this infinite variety of Presbyterians Hear That Bryan Is Likely to Make Real Fight for Moderator Honors , four-cushi- QBO Y our Opportunity is Here for a Safe and Conservative INVESTMENT : Arrive for Her Approval ? 1 v New Frocks (Q) 7(b $1.50 and $2.08 rhlcas Triton- - gait Iaie Tribune leaieii Wire. L'KS MOINES, Iowa, Mav 17 -- A near scare was experienced on the part ot many ommtesloners to the Preghj terlan general assemblv, which opens ilsIt 134th session here tomorrow, when hat William leaning Bryan was of gold speeding, hither with hi cross eloquence and armed with credentials as a commissioner, making possible his election as moderator While the general assembly never has hnd but one layman as moderator, John a sentiment which Willis Baer, there favors las men, and Mr Bryan has been t J For Graduation Oft Q three-cushio- three-cushio- i Ofi AMERICAN AND FRENCH RATINE All shade, in plain and fancy weaves. Checks, overeheeks and pia.n colors, Hpecial, per yard -- ? 7 itirVs U, , 36 inches wide. Hize 42x36; ??:-- k; v-- wide. sroken of at previous general assemblies as a Ilk eh candidate. On of the mort I would not said to the assemblmen. be at all surprised if Mr. Bryan should come In the assembly st the psychological moment and should get the floor, that he would stamped the assembly and be 4 ,, level-hen- Chiffons ;: Organdies and Silk Crepes elected moderator Mr. Bryan is due here tomorrow and is scneduled as the speaker at the big rally at the Coliseum In the Interest of the board of ministerial relief and sug tentatlon. Unless the unexpected may happen, however, Mr Bryan may .be considered eliminated from the contest because of the arrival from Lake Worth, Fla. oi R. H Busaler, who holds the credentials Mr. Bryen if of Commissioner White. Mr Bussler'e temporarf his alternate. Illness gave ilr Bryan hla boom. Others who are candidates In their own name, or are being advocated by friends, are the following, The Rev. C C. Haves, D t)., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Johnstown. Pa ; the Rev John B. Laird, D D., pastor of Frankford church, Philadelphia;D the Kev. W Beatty Jennings, I). Germantown, Pa ; the Rev. W R. Taylor, D D , pastor of the Brlek Presbyterian church, Rochester, N. Y., and W. O. Thompson. LL. D , president of the Ohio State university, Columbus. Owing to Pennsylvania furnishing four of the candidates. It was reported that a caucus was held today at which the to commissioners agreed Pennsylvania concede on Dr. Hayes. It was said that Dr Thompson would dllne e.ecuon and would nominate Dr. Hayea. The election of moderator will take place tomorrow afternoon. s - 6 A White, if you prefer hut pastel colorings, too, may. be found in the collec-tio- n. - Priced for the occasion at $1975 to in an essential local a business with unlimited opportunity for contin- and uous growth achievement. industVy i Utah 7 Powder & Light Go. . Cumulative Preferred Stock t CeitUaed M Ps. II Union Pacific System Oao While the to the Industry, resolution is particularly uddreeed to the department of Justice and the federal trade commission, the latter body having already moved to comply with the requirements under tho resolution, there was a possibility that the president rrdvht eee fit to go into the subject with the men directly concerned. Judge Elbert H Gory, chairman of the board of directors of the United States Steel corporation, It was said today, called on Mr Harding some- - time ago, and 4t wo thought that-Ura situation resulting In the invitations to the dinner conferwas ence discumed then. In relation Subjects Are Outlined. Standard Line ' NEW YORK, May 17 Freight rata reductions, the tariff, elimination ttf the twelve-hou- r day in thp Bieoi Industry and steel mergers were among the subject steelddrclea her unofficially mentioned lodsv as probable topics for discussion at President Hardings dinner to steel men In the W hlte House" tomorrow night. Y. hlle none of those Invited would comment on the Invltatlod on the ground thst such action would be discourteous to the president. It te pfiown that e oral conference Sn which the dinner was discussed was held ty steel men during the day. Elbert If Gar,, cnawman of the United States Kteel corporation, who was subpoenaed to appear before the Lockwood to bo emulative committee tomorro qifSkUoned concerning pending steel mera wee until date excused later by gers Samuel Untcrmyer. committee oounsel. In order to permit him to attend the dinner. Mr. Gary and James A Farrell, president of the corporatitmr together with STlumrj' expected ber of other steel executives, oreon. special to leave here tomorrow morning car atta died to regular trains M of the chairman bchwab, Charles Bethlehem Steel corporation, was out of was announced at Ms town tedav, but It office that he exported to pioceed to Washington tomorrow. - I ml AT ALL TIMES Dividend Paid Every Three Months We are in a rising investment market. Above price subject to change without notice. a Month it will bring yeu an llluetrated boeklflt and tell yen how te buy thle stock for 10 a month BM4 In thia Mupen 1 Utah- - Power & (Without Light obligation) Co., ' Kearns Bldg, Salt. Lake City, Utah. Please end me booklet, Th'e Storyofsm Opportunity at Home, containing: (1) More Information about your preferred stock; (2) Details of plan; (3) How to judge an Investment Kami' L...'. Address Each share if thia stock represents an investment in actual property suck as large, modern power plants, substations, transmission lines, etk, which can ha seen every day in, tha year. free from state taxes. Dir paid and rnlly 1 dends free from normal federal Inooma tax. Become a part owner in a business founded on a nent necessity for Its service. Buy this stock at any of our offices or thro tmr employees they are our salesmen. le UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Efficient Public Service. ' Children In Spring Tima Mrs. C Osborn. 7812 Hillside Rd . Cleveland. Ohio, writes: "My granddaughter was troubled with a cough for nearly two veers She took Foley's Honey and Tar 4s now gone. It loosened and her cough the phlegm so she could raise It easily." Foley s honey and Tar la just what children should have for feverish coida and. tight, wheeey coughs, -- snuffles sure to get Foley a It breathing Beand whooping cough, too. checks croup Schramm-JoluisoDrugs. Five (6) Good btoraa Adv.) n, A the West Shortest and quickest route, Low rates east and west, dhote Popular priced table i meals in diners, Unexcelled service. r 1 llOO Snce $95 of 1 F f 4 c Summer , excursion ' fares have not been so attractive for many years. . t Plan your trip now Excursions ; West daily, beginning May 15 Excursions East daily, beginning May 25 Consolidated Ticket Office, Hotel Utah x ' Phone Wasatch 6S0. Depot "Ticket Office, Phonc Was. 203. ? f - D. 8. SPENCER, , General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. ' : , |