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Show NAT GOODWIN GETS ABSOLUTEDIVORCE I Marriage of Well-Known Actor and Maxine Elliott Dissolved by Court. ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT MAKE NO CONTEST AT ALL Decree Granted on Ground of Desertion; Goodwin's Story of His Troubles. RENO, Nov., Oct. 2. Nat C. Goodwin, Good-win, the noted actor, was granted an absolute divorce from his wife, Jessie Dermott Goodwin, known as Maxine Elliott, El-liott, by Judge Pike on the ground of desortion, today, There was no semblanco of a contest on iho part of tho attorneys represent--ing Mrs. Goodwin. Mrs. Goodwiu's attorneys, at-torneys, A. J. Shores of New York city and .fudge Parker of this place, did not even cross examine Goodwin or Georgo Wcedon, who were tho only witnesses. Neither did they offer any testimony ou tho part of tho fair defendant. Tho decree of divorce and findings of fact, had boon prepared and wore signed by Judge Piko before tho parties interested. inter-ested. left the courtroom, making ono of tho shortest divorce cases over heard in tho district court, the whole- proceeding occupying eleven minutes. Tolln of DoBortion, Goodwin gavo his testimony in a low voice. Ho told how his talented wife had deserted him and was unprompted bv his attorney, Judge Dodgo. lie told of having erected a hotol in New York city in 190(3. and ongaged in the hotel business. Ho prepared apartments for himself and wife, he said, but on Mrs. Goodwin's return from Europe in September Sep-tember she moved all the furniture she wanted to another hotel aud refused to sharo tho suite with him. Ho said ho went to her rooms and asked her if she intended living with him and she replied re-plied in the negative. Shortly after ho left for tho west, and built a homo at. Los Angeles nud hoped thnt his wife would share it with him. lie sent his manger, G. O. Wccdcn, to interview Mrs. Goodwin on this subject, but ho reported failure in his mission, and according ac-cording to him, Mrs. Goodwin said "that sho did uofc intend to go down thero, and Goodwin knew it." Goodwin stated ho had writton his wii'o soveral times, but never received anewors to his loters, except when he asked for his personal effects which would be sent immediately. In response to a question by Judgo Pike, Goodwin aaid he was 50 years old and that ho was tho senior of his wife thirteen years. |